Holy Prison

Chapter 1444: resurrection


"It's really dead... This, is there any mistake? This kid looks like he is not afraid of fear, why he died like this, it is really strange!"

"This little thing is lucky if he is dead, otherwise I will spit on him!"

The quasi-sage-level powerhouses were discussing one by one, and the fourth-order quasi-sage-level powerhouse fell to the ground with a pale face. Chu Feng died, and part of his spiritual power finally returned, but most of the spiritual power followed Chu Feng died and perished, his mental power was consumed a lot, his soul was damaged, and he was already hit hard at this moment!

"What about the space items? Why did he die and didn't explode any space items." Tao Yi frowned. As soon as Tao Yi said this, the expressions of many of the Quasi-Holy Powers who were talking loudly changed. . "There is no space item? Impossible, how could there be no space item." Hada, the quasi-saint-level expert who spits casually without civilization, has an ugly expression on his face.

"Really not!"

"There is no room for items to be left here!"

Immediately, a number of Quasi-Saint-level experts scanned and carefully inspected the divine consciousness. There were no spatial objects, and naturally they would not find anything.

"Seniors... that guy seems to be a powerful person in space. He may open a different space of his own, and his death, his different space," a god-level powerhouse said.

This god-level powerhouse's voice fell, and many quasi-holy-level powerhouses had very gloomy faces. If this is the case, then their juniors are probably dead right now!

"Is it that simple?" In another city, Carlo Luo frowned slightly. He had seen all the things that just happened. He was rationally told that Chu Feng had really died, but deep down, Carollo has a hunch that things are not so simple, it seems that Chu Feng is not dead!

"No, it's a bit weird, everyone should be quiet." Tao Yidao frowned, "There are many doubts about this matter. Chu Feng is not like a death beggar, everyone should see this! Doubt one, one Can people who don’t want to die, in that situation, be so peaceful? If I don’t want to die, I cannot accept death so peacefully."

"Suspicious point two, he seems to have his own alien space. Some of us have relatives and friends in his alien space. Why didn't he threaten us with those people?"

"Suspicious point three, in the end he was pierced with a knife and calmly said,'You are dead.' Is this normal?"

Tao Yi raised three doubts. Many people at the scene fell silent. After a long time, a low voice said: "On these three doubts, unless he knows that he will not die and can come back to life, if death comes to him Said it does not exist, then it can explain these three doubts."

"Infinite resurrection, is this possible?" A quasi-saint-level strong man shook his head. Many strong men also shook their heads secretly. This can indeed explain the three above, but the infinite resurrection is better than the above. The three articles are unbelievable and outrageous!

"Everyone, are you talking about me?"

A faint voice sounded, and the eyes of the strong men condensed. At the place where Chu Feng had just died, Chu Feng's figure actually appeared there!

Silence, deathly silence, Chu Feng's voice fell, although there were hundreds of people around here, no one made any noise!

"How is it possible, how is it possible!" The strong people asked themselves in their hearts, but naturally they couldn't ask any answers! Some of these people know that people can come back to life from the dead, but they also know that the conditions for resurrection are extremely harsh, and it is basically impossible to resurrect like this easily.

Obviously knowing that it is impossible, but what do you see in front of you? In front of him is Chu Feng, who is no different from before he died!

"Resurrection" in another city in the distance, Carlo Luo was also a little stunned at this time. He had this kind of thought in his heart before, but his reason made him think that Chu Feng would never be resurrected, but now Chu Feng is perfectly Standing in front of him is not only resurrected, but also resurrected in situ in full condition!

"The treasure his master gave him can bring him back to life!" Karolo's eyes flashed quickly, and his heart was beating faster. If he could get that treasure, he could be resurrected by then. if.

"No wonder Chu Feng is not afraid of me at all, no wonder he is not afraid of their siege at all, no wonder he can be so calm in the face of death, dare this kid to be resurrected so easily, in such a situation, what is there to be afraid of" Ka Luo Luo frowned gradually thinking about it. If Chu Feng was fearless, then it would not be easy to get Chu Feng's treasure!

"Fortunately, I didn't directly attack him before. Otherwise, it's basically impossible to ask anything. If the treasure can't be snatched, then this kid, can't offend it!"

Caroluo thought quickly. He decided to find a time to have a good chat with Chu Feng. No matter what, he had to figure out some details of Chu Feng.

On the side of the teleportation formation, Chu Feng looked at the powerhouses in front of him blankly. Although this was planned, he had just been killed and deducted five hundred combat points, which made him feel a little unhappy.

"My friend, did the stabbing just now feel good? Let's try another one here." Chu Feng looked at the quasi-saint-level powerhouse who had just shot and pointed to the other side of his chest indifferently. "You pretend to be a god, and die to me!" The face of the quasi-sage-level expert changed in an instant.

In the next moment, it was not Chu Feng who died, but the quasi-saint-level powerhouse who was trapped in the small world of Law!

Trapped in the small world of the law, the sharp sword of the quasi-saint-level powerhouse is only ten centimeters away from Chu Feng’s chest. Such a small distance is not a distance at all if it is not in the small world of the law, but in the small world of the law In the world, this little distance is insurmountable!


"Brother Chu, be merciful!"

A number of strong men made their voices, but none of them really made a move. Chu Feng's different-dimensional space seal appeared in his hand, and the flashing shining light of the different-dimensional space seal was printed on the forehead of the quasi-sage-level strong man. , The quasi-saint-level powerhouse disappeared in front of everyone in an instant!

"And you."

Chu Feng's eyes swept towards the quasi-saint-level powerhouse who spitted at him before. This old man who didn't talk about civilization didn't even run away at this time.

"This... Brother Chu, I was wrong just now. I apologize to you." Hada quickly said, "My dear grandson was arrested by you. I was also angry for a while. I hope that Brother Chu can forgive me. If Brother Chu If you can let my grandson let me go, all the treasures I have obtained over the years can be given to you!"

The world is only this big, Hada knew clearly that it was useless to escape with his cultivation base, so he chose to bow his head wisely now.

"You are very good to your grandson. Your grandson has today and is inseparable from your spoiling." Chu Feng said lightly, as soon as his mind moved, the small world included this old man.

"Brother Chu, I have already apologized, this, let Brother Hada go this time."

"Yes, Brother Chu, you have to be forgiving and forgiving!"

Several Quasi-Sage-level powerhouses spoke, and a cold light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes and instantly a different-dimensional space seal appeared in his hand. "I said before, he will die!" Chu Feng's voice fell, and the other-dimensional space seal was instantly imprinted on Hada's forehead. Hada's figure disappeared, and the next moment he was locked in the holy prison space. Inside the jail!

Hada and the previous quasi-sage-level powerhouse did not die, but Tao Yi and the others didn’t know this. In their opinion, Chu Feng killed two quasi-sage-level powerhouses in a short time, and they were still present. Their faces, which makes them all look bad!

"Tao Yi, many of you have also shot at me. You didn't. Basically, you don't just come here to watch the excitement. Tell me, what should I do to you?" Chu Feng smiled but didn't. typical.

"Brother Tao, if we imprison him and continue torturing him without killing him, we may be able to get the secret of resurrection. If that happens," the voice of a quasi-sage-level expert sounded in Tao Yi's mind, "I I have already talked to the nine brothers, and they agree to do it. How about you?"

Tao Yi's heart shook slightly and said: "Do you know the consequences of doing this? It is possible that at that time, you will not get the secret of resurrection, but will go to the endless abyss! Moreover, the so-called secret of resurrection is very likely to be something Treasures, such treasures, it is estimated that only one person can own it."

"Brother Tao, there shouldn't be any trouble. I don't believe that he can really be resurrected infinitely. If there is really no way, it will be no problem to kill him by knocking out his resurrection times."

"Brother Ruan, you are too crazy to be resurrected, how can his back be simple? Kill him, then it may not be the end but just the beginning of destruction. At that time, maybe none of you will survive!" Tao Yi said. Said, "Listen to my advice, don't do it."

"Brother Tao, we have considered very clearly, since you don't want to make a move, then don't stop us, thank you!"

Tao Yi sighed secretly. He also had a lot of contacts with the sound transmission person on weekdays. They were ordinary friends. He really didn't want him to provoke Chu Feng, but the relationship was average, so he could only persuade him to do so. .

"Brother Chu, you arrested our people and we besieged you. It shouldn't be a **** big mistake, right? We held a banquet in this city, and you should pay Brother Chu!" Tao Yi said solemnly.

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