Holy Prison

Chapter 1445: Power

After Tao Yi finished speaking, in a short period of time, he still had most of the people immediately withdrew hundreds of meters, and there were only ten quasi-saint-level powerhouses and 20 or so god-level powerhouses who remained unchanged in place!


Over thirty people shouted in unison, and instantly a light cage appeared around Chu Feng, and the light cage firmly imprisoned Chu Feng in it!

Chu Feng stared coldly at those hands-on people. These people are relatively pitiful. Even if there is really any treasure that can resurrect people, if Carlos secretly watched it, it would still be their turn?

"Chu Feng, take a trip with us obediently!" One of the 30 or so people who started hands-on, the quasi-sage-level expert, chuckled and said. With his strength, he was extremely excited when he thought that he might be able to obtain the treasures or secrets of infinite resurrection by then, but on the surface he was quite calm.

"Things that do not know whether they live or die." Chu Feng sneered, "given you a chance to survive, you didn't catch it, and when you die, you can only blame yourself!"

With the sound of the explosion, Chu Feng's body instantly turned into nothingness in the ugly eyes of those thirty or so strong men!

"Don't worry, everyone, he is resurrected, it should also be resurrected in the light cage, we only need to control this, not afraid that he will not be obedient by then!" The third-tier quasi-sage-level expert took a deep breath.

"Brother Feng, I hope so."

"Brother Feng, if I catch him, I will teach him a lesson at that time, so many of us who are strong are actually made like this by a little guy who respects the pinnacle of God!"

"He won't release my son, I'm never finished with him!"

Every quasi-sage-level powerhouse was talking about it. After a while, Chu Feng didn't show up at all. At this moment, Chu Feng stayed in the holy prison space and drank wine leisurely.

"Chu Feng, what exactly did you plan to do? If you are like this, you can kill Carolo by then? Don't lose a lot of merit points, but the mission is not completed at all." Miao Xian'er sat beside Chu Feng and said .

Chu Feng hugged Miao Xian'er and reached out into her clothes to play with the pair of small white rabbits, "Carolo is a powerful saint, how can I be absolutely sure that I can kill Carlo by then? Luo? However, there are indeed some possibilities to kill him. If it fails, then it is time to kill him!" Chu Feng said.

"It's easy to touch?" Miao Xian'er smiled badly, and the next moment she became Yin Qianqian's appearance. She had already secretly collected Yin Qianqian's information, and the body that she became now, from the inside out. It is no different from Yin Qianqian. Chu Feng froze a little and didn't pull it out. Miao Xian'er became Yin Qianqian, and the two little white rabbits felt better.

"In the future, let Yin Qianqian know that she won't blame you for death." Chu Feng smiled. Miao Xian'er snorted softly: "Then I don't know who will blame it, I just became her, but you hum!"

"Chu Feng, tell me about your plan. I'll help you advise you." Miao Xian'er said coquettishly in Yin Qianqian's voice. Chu Feng's heart was slightly shaken. Yin Qianqian's charm is great. It's not really Yin Qianqian, but Miao Xian'er still feels a little unbearable to be so coquettish. "Miao Xian'er, be more serious, otherwise I will rectify you on the spot." Chu Feng said with a smile.

"Who is afraid of you?" Miao Xian'er said with a charming smile.

Chu Feng frowned slightly and said, "Let's change into something else, just touch it. I don't want to have a relationship with the Yin Qianqian you have become...Let's become 58648."

Miao Xian'er stores more than one billion information about various beauties. Chu Feng knows exactly what those beauties look like. Each of them has a number. If you report the number, Miao Xian'er will naturally become The look of that beauty!

"Really... I change a bit and waste some energy too... Yin Qianqian, in fact, I think it's pretty good. It's not that you haven't had a relationship with her, you are not serious." Miao Xian'er said still. She immediately became the beauty of No. 58648. This was an elf woman, her soft and lovely appearance was very lovely.

In the sacred prison space, a fierce war of intestines unfolded quickly, and the elven woman Miao Xian'er had turned into was soft and beautiful, but she was quite enthusiastic on the bed!

The tenth floor of the No.7 domain tower is natural.

Time passed by, and the faces of the ten quasi-saint-level powerhouses and twenty or so god-level powerhouses who maintained the light cage gradually became gloomy. It is not easy to maintain this light cage. Each one of them felt tired.

These powerhouses don’t know that when they are working hard to maintain the light cage, Chu Feng is currently engaged in an implantation battle with the beautiful woman. If they know, they will not be able to get up all at once. Then go!

Thirty or so strong men who maintain the light cage have worked hard to maintain it. In the distance, at this time, there are thousands of people paying attention to the situation on this side, and Carlos is also paying attention to this side, but Chu Feng is late. Did not show up late!

"That kid, won't he be able to resurrect only once, he is really dead now."

"How is it possible, he exploded himself, if he could only be resurrected once, how could he do that!"

"Can he control the time of resurrection at will? Or, he can freely control the place of resurrection. Maybe he has been resurrected elsewhere by now."

"It would be great if it was a secret technique... But if it does exist, such a secret technique is too bad!"

Everyone was talking in a low voice, and one of the thirty or so strong men who maintained the light cage said solemnly: "Brother Feng Fan, let's eliminate the light cage, just surround this side. Chu Feng appears, we will get the light cage out as soon as possible, otherwise, our strength will be exhausted, and we may not be able to beat him by then!"

"The light cage is still maintained... it is better to reduce the intensity of the light cage. As long as the strength of the light cage is reduced, our recovery speed can keep up with the consumption speed." The third-order quasi-sage level expert is Feng Fandao. .

"Well, then everyone will slowly lower the intensity of the light cage together!"

The defense of the light cage quickly came down. One minute, two minutes, one hour, two hours, and soon after five or six hours, Chu Feng's figure still did not appear, although maintaining the light cage did not let power Consume it, but Feng Fan is not in a good state of mind when he waits for thirty or so strong people!

Contrary to Feng Fan and the others, in the sacred prison space, Chu Feng's several imperial daughters were in good spirits. "Chu Feng, you are comfortable, just tell me how do you want to kill Carlo Luo." Miao Xian'er asked Chu Feng softly.

"Miao Xian'er, do you think Carlos will commit suicide?" Chu Feng chuckled while drinking tea. "Suicide? How could it be possible that he would not commit suicide if he took the wrong medicine!" Miao Xianer said.

"I want him to commit suicide, but I don't know if he will be obedient! Okay, what Carollo will do, and how I will develop later, I don’t know, so don’t ask anymore. Right, If I plan to let him commit suicide, this should be regarded as my task completion, right?" Chu Feng said. Miao Xian'er nodded: "This is natural, but I think you want him to commit suicide, it is basically impossible!"

"Don't try it, who knows?" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Well, it's been six or seven hours. I have to go in. Don't you let me resurrect in place, it must be a distance from the place. A distance of hundreds of kilometers."


Naturally, after waiting for six or seven hours, Chu Feng hasn't appeared yet. Some people gathered here are already a little impatient. Many of them came here to see how Chu Feng's resurrection method is. It has been so long on this side that even Chu Feng's shadow has not been discovered.

A hundred kilometers away from the city, a figure suddenly appeared. This figure looked nothing like that of Chu Feng. With its aura reduced, ordinary people would not recognize that this was Chu Feng, but the sacred consciousness covered a large area. Carlo Luo discovered Chu Feng.

"It's not the resurrection in situ. The cage of light has not been removed, but it can be resurrected from a hundred kilometers away. If it is farther, I am afraid it can be done!" Carlolo said softly and frowned secretly. In such a situation, it would be much more difficult to force Chu Feng to tell the secret to hand over the treasure! "What a miraculous ability, if I can control such an ability, I am a high-ranking saint, and I am not afraid!"

Chu Feng appeared, and then quickly got into the city. Like him, many people teleported out of the city and then flew into the city, so no one paid attention to him at all!

"what happened!"

Feng Fan was shocked. Just now, he felt something was wrong, and he seemed to be imprisoned in a certain space. "Attention everyone, Chu Feng!" Feng Fan roared.


Chu Feng’s faint voice rang, and the different-dimensional space seal appeared in the small world of the law and instantly imprinted on Feng Fan. Although Feng Fan had the strength of the third-order quasi-sage level, in the small world of the law, Chu Feng's different-dimensional space seal was able to deal with the fourth- and fifth-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouses, and there was naturally not much suspense in dealing with him, a third-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouse.

The defensive treasure on Feng Fan burst into light, but the light flashed away. The defensive treasure couldn't resist the sealing power of another dimension!

Many people exclaimed. They were all paying attention to the light cage. They did not expect that Chu Feng would actually appear at this moment, and as soon as he appeared, he would establish the killer general Feng Fan, a third-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouse. block!

Feng Fan is not there, one missing light cage before Feng Fan dissipates, and the second light cage cannot appear instantaneously. Those quasi-sage-level powerhouses and god-level powerhouses who previously imprisoned Chu Feng didn’t even think about it. I was imprisoning Chu Feng, just thinking of killing Chu Feng immediately!

Chu Feng's cold snort sounded, and Tianshou appeared. In a very short period of time, most of the twenty or so god-excellent-level powerhouses were admitted to the holy prison cell, and every quasi-sage-level powerhouse returned The attack of a god-level powerhouse protects Chu Feng’s small world of law from destruction under their attack. After destroying the small world of law, there is still some power, but those powers bombarded Chu Feng without bringing Chu Feng. For any damage, the Chaos Scarlet Armor merged with his skin at this time. With the Chaos Scarlet Armor's defense, it would naturally not be a problem to block the remaining attack energy.

Chu Feng used the power of the second space law, and the small world formed by the power of the space law will instantly join Feng Fan’s nine quasi-sage-level powerhouses. There are also a few good values ​​higher than sin values. The god-excellent powerhouses who have not been captured by the heavenly hands are included!

There were nine quasi-sage-level powerhouses and five god-level powerhouses. Chu Feng knew that the small world would not last long, so he immediately arrested those god-level powerhouses into the holy prison. Because they are not criminals in the space, Tianshou is not so easy to catch them. They were not able to catch them into the holy prison space before. Now they are included in the small world of Chu Feng's law, naturally it is much easier to catch them!

Chu Feng's eyes were surprised. He didn't expect that one of the nine quasi-sage-level powerhouses who was included in the small world of the law actually had the power of the law, and the force of the law formed a sharp sword aura that matched the nine quasi-sages. The attack of the first-class powerhouse directly tore the small world of Chu Feng's law!


Chu Feng's voice sounded, and the joy of the nine quasi-sage-level powerhouses hadn't been shown yet, and another ray of law power formed the small world of law that enveloped them!

The quasi-sage-level powerhouse who had previously released the power of the law whispered secretly. He has three strands of the power of the law, but looking at Chu Feng like this, Chu Feng definitely has more than three strands!

Having used a strand, that quasi-sage-level powerhouse had to immediately use another strand of law to break the small world of Chu Feng’s law. If it doesn’t break, he knows Chu Feng’s different-dimensional space seal. Absolutely the first to fall on his forehead!

The small world of the law was broken again. This time Chu Feng was prepared, and the nine quasi-sage-level powerhouses were also prepared. At the moment when the small world of the law was broken, the small world of Chu Feng used the five standards The saint-level powerhouses were shrouded in it, and the remaining four simply used forbidden techniques. When the small world of the rule was broken, they left a long distance to escape the fate of being imprisoned by the small world of the rule again.

The five quasi-sage-level powerhouses do not include the quasi-sage-level powerhouse that uses the power of the law. With their five abilities, it takes a little time to break through the small world of the law, but how could Chu Feng give them? That little time?

Chu Feng let out a deep sigh. He made a different-dimensional space seal with all his strength. The flashing precious light on this different-dimensional space seal was obviously brighter than before, and the lines on it were clearer and clearer. complex!

"Feng!" Chu Feng waved his hand, and the different-dimensional space seal entered the small world of the rule. Once entering the small world of the rule, the different-dimensional space seal became countless times larger and the side length of the seal reached thirty or forty meters!

Under the gaze of many powerful people, Chu Feng's different-dimensional space seals smashed on the five quasi-saint-level powerhouses, and they all disappeared the moment their bodies and the different-dimensional space seals collided!

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