Holy Prison

Chapter 1447: Immortal power

"Catch people to overcome evil and gain benefits... Is it because the cultivation base is rapidly improved because of the excessive evil? Or, this is a secret technique, related to resurrection?" In the distance, Caroluo heard what Chu Feng just said. Secretly said, "A treasure, coupled with secret skills, or in this way can I revive myself again and again!"

"Forcing him to tell the secret skills is not so easy, if he can willingly tell his secret skills, it is the best!"

Carollo thought about planning quickly in his heart. In just a short time, a plan began to slowly take shape in his mind. A few minutes later, the plan in Carolo's mind was already more perfect. .

"Little guy, let you obediently spit out what I want to know sooner or later!" There was a smug smile on Carlolo's face. As a lower saint, he was more confident in handling Chu Feng.

On the side of Chu Feng's teleportation formation, Xu Qiang's wife asked Chu Feng to take care of her man Xu Qiang and left immediately. "Brother Chu, save their sins. This is a great merit. I didn't expect we misunderstood Brother Chu!" Tao Yi said with emotion.

"I want to accept some of you, don't resist! For those who resist, I will kill them directly." Chu Feng said indifferently, more than a thousand people gathered here, and hundreds of them felt a suction in an instant. Some of them had the intention to resist the suction, but they were not sure how many people resisted at this time, and they were afraid of Chu Feng's strength, so they could only be sucked away by the suction!

Since they have not been taken away, many of those people secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, a small half of them are criminals who have reached the standard for entering the jail, but their crime value has not reached three times the value of goodness. This time, Chu Feng If they did not receive them, if the income was too much, it would cause great panic, it would affect the completion of his follow-up tasks!

"All the people I take away, ranging from a few hundred years to the longest, will all come back in the coming year. How much time they need is related to how much evil they do, they do less evil, and they exceed what they need. The time is short and the time is long, indicating that they have done more evil things!" Chu Feng said indifferently, "I am not purely for good deeds, but also for myself. If someone deliberately hides some people for me, If you are in trouble, then don't blame me for being polite!"

"My lord, the person who was arrested by you can really come back then?" A worried expression appeared in the eyes of a woman with Emperor God level strength. Chu Feng nodded slightly: "About this, I can guarantee with my soul that as long as their sin is eliminated, they can come back!"

"Thank you, sir!"

The woman’s heart loosened. Not many people would joke about the soul casually, especially those with a higher cultivation level would not joke about the soul casually. Since Chu Feng guaranteed by the soul, then almost all of those people can Come back!

"No need!"

Chu Feng appeared in the teleportation array instantly, and the teleportation array flashed, and in the blink of an eye, Chu Feng disappeared in front of the thousands of powerful people who gathered here and more people with lower cultivation bases.

One day, two days, three days.

Time passed by, and the obstacles to arresting people were cleared before, and the next actions were much more convenient. Chu Feng arrested people in cities, and no one besieged him.

Every day passes, the task completion degree can be improved a bit. After half a month, the task completion degree which reached more than 60% before has increased to more than 80%, and it has reached 8%. Eighteen!

The task of arresting people is considered to be completed when it reaches 90%. The task completion degree reaches 88%, which is only a little bit away from 90%. As long as that little bit is reached, there will be tens of millions of merits. One hundred thousand domain tower value can't run away, and the maximum power multiplier that Yilian can borrow can reach twelve!

"Every larger city has basically arrived. The next step is to go to small villages and towns. The task completion rate will not be as fast as before. However, the task completion rate will reach 9% within ten days. Ten shouldn't be a big problem." Chu Feng secretly revealed a faint smile on his face, because after accepting the task, his strength improved quickly, and the completion of this B-level task was fairly easy.

A voice rang in Chu Feng's ear, and the next moment Carlo Luo appeared next to Chu Feng. "Friend Carlo." Chu Feng frowned lightly.

"Little brother, you don't seem to be very happy about my arrival." Carolo said with a light smile. Chu Feng shook his head: "There is nothing to be happy or unhappy. You are neither my friend nor my enemy! What can you do if you find me? If you want to find my treasure, I advise you not to do that! "

Carolo chuckled and said: "I have also heard about you. I didn't expect you to have such a treasure, resurrected. To be honest, this is indeed a temptation to me, little brother, I want to buy you another drink. !"

Chu Feng raised his brows, he looked at Carlo Luo, and he showed sincere eyes in Carlo Luo's eyes. At least, in the eyes of outsiders, such eyes are sincere!

"Dao Fellow Carlos, you are more honest. It's no problem to have a drink, but my ugly words are ahead. You can't get my treasure." Chu Feng said indifferently.

"Hehe, please! I've been to this city too, with a good restaurant." Carolo laughed.

Soon, Chu Feng and Carolo got to a restaurant, which is better than the place where they had a drink last time. The restaurant is located on a small lake. There are boats on the lake. Guests Drinking is to get on top of the boats.

Carolo smiled and sat down: "Little brother, it's okay here, enjoying the lake and mountains, tasting the wine and delicacies, and listening to the sounds of silk and bamboo, it is really a joy in life!"

"Not bad, Fellow Daoist Carlo will enjoy it." Chu Feng smiled and said, the scenery here is really good, and the wine is not bad, and the sound of music from a huge painting boat in the distance is also very pleasant. "Friend Carlo, you didn't just ask me out for a drink today. Let's talk about business. I am tight on time."

Carolo nodded slightly and said sincerely: "Little brother, I still can't do this to grab your things, but I am really interested in your ability. Little brother, can you tell me in detail? If there is really no way to get that kind of ability, I will have a problem."

"Of course, you can't let the little brother be in vain. I'm also a saint anyway. I seem to be the only saint in this world. More or less, I should be able to help you little brother."

Chu Feng shook his head slightly and said, "Friend Carlo, you don't need to have the ability to resurrect." "Little brother, what do you say?" Carlo Luo frowned slightly.

Chu Feng said indifferently, "Didn't Fellow Daoist Carlo discover that this world is separated from other worlds, and people in this world cannot go to other worlds, nor can the strong in other worlds? Come in this world! Fellow Daoist Carlo, you are the only saint-level powerhouse in this world. Is it necessary to have the ability to resurrect?"

"Little brother, how do you know that the strong in other worlds can't come to this world?" Carlo Luo said in surprise. "Because I am here." Chu Feng said lightly.

Carolo nodded clearly: "So that's it, I know, this should be made by your master, right? The power of the indestructible saint-level powerhouse is really amazing!"

"Friend Carlo, there is only you a saint-level powerhouse in this world. You are not bad. I hope we can live together peacefully." Chu Feng said solemnly. Carolo nodded: "This is natural. Little brother, have we always been in this world and can't get out? The strong outsiders really must not come in?"

Chu Feng took a sip of wine and said indifferently: "If someone in this world reaches the strength of a high-ranking saint, they can leave at any time. Outside, if you want to enter this world from the outside, you are an indestructible saint-level powerhouse. It also needs to pay a lot of price...Yes, there won't be any indestructible saint-level powerhouse entering this."

"Little brother, I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, listen to you, it is still possible for the strong outside to get here!" Carloluo said, "little brother, you just said that I don't need the ability to resurrect. , I don’t want to be trapped in this level of the world forever. I must leave at that time. Brother, is it really impossible for me to get the ability to resurrect?

"Little brother, you have the infinite resurrection ability. As long as the strong outside does not invade, you are absolutely safe in this world. Just tell the truth to me and don't lie to me?"

Chu Feng was silent. After drinking a glass of wine, Chu Feng said softly: "Master is an indestructible powerhouse, and his immortal power is passed on to me, so I can resurrect again and again, the immortal power, I can pass it on to others, but fellow Dao Carlo, don’t think about it. I will only pass it on to the people closest to me! In this world, I have no relatives yet, but there will be some, I only I will pass some of the indestructible power to my wife and children!"

"Huh, so, little brother, I envy you very much, you have a good master." Carlo Luo said, his face is relatively calm, but his heart is full of laughter. In this situation, he has the ability to resurrect. The possibility is much higher!

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