Holy Prison

Chapter 1448: To De Tianyin

Carlolu laughed inwardly, Chu Feng also smiled secretly, but on the surface of the two of them, nothing was revealed. Both of them lived a long time, and it was not too difficult for them to control their expressions. !

"I respect her... she is indeed a very, very good person." Chu Feng sighed softly. He felt that Nuwa was kind to Feiye, but Carlos misunderstood him and thought Chu Feng was emotional. Your master is kind to yourself!

"Little brother, by the way!" Carlo Luo patted Chu Feng on the shoulder and said, "Little brother...you seem to have an enemy. With your strength alone, can you get revenge by then?"

Chu Feng said indifferently: "Daoist Carlo, this is not about you. Brother, I don't think you will be too willing to take part in revenge for your own wife and children? Listen to me, you I need a friend, a friend who is sincere and willing to help you!" Carlo Luo said solemnly.

"Friend? Are you?" Chu Feng said mockingly.

Carollo nodded slightly: "Little brother... I will call you Brother Chu. Brother Chu, there is only me and a saint at this level. My talent is not bad, and my cultivation level is also relatively fast. I think you need me. Such a friend! Brother Chu, let me tell you straight, I want to get the ability to resurrect. If you can give me the ability to resurrect, I swear by my soul that I will be your most loyal friend by then. I feel that we are more congenial. , If we can become friends, that would be a very good thing."

"Friend Carlo, this, it's impossible." Chu Feng shook his head and said, "My immortal power is not much. If I distribute a part of it to you, I will be less by then, sorry. I don't need any friends. , And you become my friend, that is to make you trouble yourself. You are not like me. I don’t have any relatives and no friends on this level! You have relatives and friends. If you get immortal power, there will be If the strong can reach this level of the world, it will be okay for you to have immortal power, what about your relatives and friends?"

"Furthermore, even if I want to give you the power of immortality, you may not really dare to receive it. Therefore, you have never heard of the power of immortality!"

Carlo Luo smiled bitterly: "Brother Chu, you need a friend, and I also need a friend. You don't have any relatives or friends on this level, so why am I not like this?"

"In the past, I only knew how to practice and practice, and later I reached the strength of a saint. I slowly realized that I was missing a lot of things, no lover, no friends, and naturally no children. I also thought about finding love, but so Long-term loneliness seems to be a habit, and seems to have lost the ability to love!"

"As a result, I have been searching for a long time, but I haven't found my lover! And friends, with my current cultivation base, ordinary people know my identity and are under a lot of pressure. They are respectful and respectful to me, and become a subordinate relationship. What kind of friend is there! I am more loyal to be your friend because, after you know my identity, you don’t have any pressure!"

In these words, Carlos said half-truth, friend, he really didn't have one, but his lover, he used to have one, but was later killed by him!

"Brother Chu, you and I can be said to be the same kind of people. We are both special. Now this level has been sealed, then you, like me, can’t find any other friends in this level. The other party knows who you are, and it is estimated that there is not much courage to look directly at you equally." Carolo sighed authentically.

"Brother Chu, you just said that even if you want to give me immortal power, I don't necessarily have the courage to accept it, why?"

Chu Feng quietly listened to the sound of the music coming from the huge painting boat in front of him, until the end of the song, he said: "Friend Carlos, do you know that things must be reversed?"

Carolo secretly nodded with a sigh of relief in his heart: "Naturally knows, Brother Chu, is this related to indestructible power?" "Well...there is only one kind of person who can accept indestructible power, dead man!" Chu Feng faintly. Authentic, "And it cannot be a person who has been killed. Only a person who commits suicide can accept the indestructible power!"

"Within ten seconds after death, if you accept the power of immortality, then the dead can be resurrected and have the ability to resurrect, and if you do not accept the power of immortality within ten seconds, then you are truly dead. !"

Carloluo showed a look of shock on his face, "Brother Chu, is this really the case? Only the dead can receive the indestructible power?" Carlolo's eyes were a little complicated.

"Yes, if you are a living person, then the power of immortality is transmitted to your body, and you will die immediately! For example, if you are fellow Taoist Carlos, if the power of immortality is transmitted to you, even if you are a lower saint, you will definitely die. "Chu Feng said indifferently, "However, don't worry, Brother Carlos, I can't bear to waste the power of immortality."

"Life to death, death to life, it is really a magical power." Carlo Luo said with emotion. "Haha, it is indeed quite magical. Fellow Daoist Carlo, I have made it clear to you, you must not pester me for any immortal powers in the future, right? We are like now, being ordinary friends, occasionally gathering together, it is good "Chu Feng said with a faint smile.

"That is, that is." Carolo was drinking and listening to the music, thinking about it in his heart at this moment. "Dao Fellow Carlos, come here today, and have time to drink later!" Chu Feng stood up and said.

"So urgent?" Carolo said.

A hint of apology appeared on Chu Feng's face: "Daoist Carlo, I'm sorry, I must hurry up to practice... By the way, Daoist Carlo, I hope that I will not let others know about what I said to you today. Although I am not afraid of any trouble. , But I don’t want to get in trouble!"

"No problem." Carolo nodded.


When Chu Feng finished speaking, he disappeared in front of Carlo Luo and left the city where Carlo Luo was in a short time. "Indestructible power... To obtain indestructible power, does it really need to be like that to get indestructible power when you die? Chu Feng, the little guy, didn't want to kill me?" Carlo Luo changed the wine to blood wine Gently shaking the cup thinking.

"No, I should have no hatred with him. Judging from his look, he really is not afraid of me. Since he is not afraid of me, there is no reason to get rid of me!"

"I contacted him. At the beginning, he probably didn't know that there was a person like me, and even now there is no meaning to really give me immortal power!"

"Death...If you can really get the power of immortality and have the ability to resurrect, that would be good, but it's not safe, this is too insecure, **** it, why do you need to die first to get the power of immortality"

Carolo also disappeared quickly. He approached Chu Feng's side. He didn't give up on the immortal power. If he secretly monitored Chu Feng and could be 100% sure of safety at that time, he might choose Accept the power of immortality!

"Huh?" After following ten minutes, Carlo Luo frowned, Chu Feng disappeared in place, his holy thoughts scanned there, but no trace of Chu Feng was found at all.

"This kid...Where did you go?" Carlo Luo secretly said in his heart, his holy thoughts spread and scanned a wider area, but still did not find the existence of Chu Feng.

After not finding it for a while, Carlo Luo found a place and sat down quietly. He estimated that Chu Feng might have entered his treasure space. As long as he waited, Chu Feng should appear again.

Carlo Luo was waiting there. Chu Feng would have appeared in the holy prison space. Miao Xian'er had just transmitted the sound to him, and a follower had arrived at Tianyin, and the natural holy prison was also brought to Tianyin.

It took 20 days to go from Infinity to Tianyin. This is relatively fast. Without the help of Linglong, it will take longer!

"Girl Qinying!"

Chu Feng's voice entered Qin Ying's ears, and as his voice sounded, his figure also appeared in front of Qin Ying. "City Lord Chu!" Qin Ying saluted quickly, the expression on her face was rather nervous!

"You don't need to be polite." Chu Feng waved his hand and said, "I have already arrived at Tianyin. You don't know if I can find it in my own hometown, but it is more convenient for you to tell me directly."

A light of surprise flashed in Qin Ying’s eyes. She did not expect that Chu Feng would have reached Tianyin in just twenty days. "City Lord Chu, my hometown is in the east of Tianyin. You can get to Naga first. City, and then from Naga City to Rollaville City. My hometown is not too far from Rollaville City. Although I haven’t teleported to that small city, you can get from Rolla City in just a short time based on your cultivation skills. Siwei City to my hometown Asola Mountain City." Qin Ying said quickly.

"Go to Naga City first, I'll take it down. Don't be too sad, you will know your parents and their situation soon." Chu Feng said and disappeared in front of Qin Ying.

"Thank you, thank you!" Qin Ying said secretly in her heart, her tears flowed down somewhat unconvincingly. Although she is an emperor-level powerhouse, she can easily kill a powerful enemy that can kill her parents. Feeling deep helplessness, now Chu Feng made a move, and it was only when Tianyin had really reached her that she felt a little more in her heart.

Naga City, Rollaville City, Chu Feng arrived in Naga City and then transferred to Rollaville City in a short time. Although a lot of time has passed, Chu Feng still can't hear it when he goes to Rollaville City. Few people talked about Qinying's parents.

"Poor, Lord Owen is a very nice person, even if he died, the body is still hanging on the tree!"

"I really don't know who killed them. Master Su waited for some quasi-holy seniors to go there, only to turn around in Asola City and return!"

"The people who killed them must be extremely powerful. Otherwise, with the strength of Master Su's fifth-order quasi-sage level, they should not be shocked to hear that Lord Owen and their daughter have escaped. God treats them well!"

"Master Owen's daughter is called Qin Ying. I heard that the long one is very beautiful. Hey, it's a pity that such a thing happens now, no matter how beautiful, no one has the guts to marry her."

Everyone who talked about Qin Ying and their parents set up a barrier to talk, but with a heavenly eye, Chu Feng could hear many of them clearly.

"Master Su's fifth-tier quasi-sage level strength is not weak, I was actually scared away!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, this thing is really not easy, a fifth-tier quasi-sage-level strong plus several The quasi-sage with a lower strength is definitely not weak, and he was scared away when he arrived in Asola City after only a round.

"Chu Feng, do you really want to intervene in this matter?" Miao Xian'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, "You have a lot of trouble, are you really in trouble again?"

Chu Feng frowned slightly and said in his mind: "Miao Xian'er, even if you don’t encounter something like this, if you do, Qin Ying begged me, and she also sent me merit beads to me. How can I care if you have grace? This is just a matter in the God Realm. With my current strength, there shouldn't be many things that I can't control, right?"

"It's up to you, but you have to be careful. By the way, you might as well go to find the quasi-saint powerhouse surnamed Su to find out. Since he had ideas before, he should be a good person. Maybe you can start from He knows something in his mouth." Miao Xian'er said.


The sound of the sky is very big, and it is extremely difficult to find an ordinary person on such a huge piece, but it is relatively easy to find a fifth-order quasi-saint-level powerhouse who has not deliberately hid.

With Chu Feng's ability, he had reached the vicinity of a large manor in just ten minutes. "This friend, who are you looking for?" Chu Feng approached and was politely stopped by a manor guard.

Chu Feng nodded secretly in his heart. From the gatekeeper of a manor, he could roughly tell what the owner of this manor was like. The guard who stopped him was more polite. The owner of this manor should also be a good person.

"I'm looking for Subo, please inform me." Chu Feng chuckled. The guards were all taken aback by Chu Feng. They really hadn't met a few who dared to call their master's name directly!

"You don't need to inform... this guest friend, my master has a request." An old man who appeared to be in his 50s and 60s hurriedly walked out of the manor and saluted Chu Feng slightly.

"Yeah." Chu Feng nodded, following the old man, Chu Feng quickly entered the manor, walked through the manor relatively quickly, and in more than a minute Chu Feng was led into a bamboo forest. , There are bamboo tables and bamboo chairs in the bamboo forest. At this moment, a middle-aged man who looks thirty or forty years old sits on the bamboo chair.

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