Holy Prison

Chapter 1449: Powerful subordinates

"Friends, please sit down." The housekeeper stepped back, and Su Bo smiled quietly. Although he could see that Chu Feng was only the cultivation base of the peak of the gods, the aura seemed to be something that an ordinary peak-level power of the gods could have. .

Chu Feng smiled slightly and sat down opposite Su Bo without being very polite. "Friend, it seems that you are not from Tianyin." Subo smiled softly.

"Brother Su has good eyesight. I am really not a Tianyin person. When I arrive in Tianyin, I am only entrusted by others to come and do something." Chu Feng said.

Su Bo's heart moved: "Ou's matter?"

There was a hint of surprise in Chu Feng's eyes, and he didn't expect that Subo would have guessed it all at once.

"Hehe, don't be surprised, my friend, I haven't done anything recently, but I just went to Asola City. Now that you have found it, it is more likely to be Ou's affairs." Subo finished his brow slightly. I wrinkled and said, "Friend, you shouldn’t interfere with Ou’s affairs. It’s not something ordinary people can do! I met Owen, a very good person, so I called a few friends to go together. Yes, but I really can’t help with Ou’s affairs!”

Chu Feng said, "Brother Su, what the **** is Ou's family, can you tell me in detail?" "I don't know this. I just went around and don't know much." Su Bo said.

"If you can, please tell Brother Su, please."

Subo nodded slightly: "Just to tell me, this is not a problem. On the day we arrived in Asola City, we saw Owen and his wife's body hanging there. We were about to put their bodies down. As a result, Two extremely fierce auras have locked us in! I have the strength of the fifth-order quasi-saint level, which is not weak, but I can feel that the masters of those two auras are stronger than me, and should be stronger. Less, it won’t be the strength of Quasi-Saint Sixth-level, at least Quasi-Saint Seventh-level!"

"We went to a total of five people that day. In addition to me, there was a second-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouse and three ordinary quasi-sages. If the opponent is just one person, then we dare to fight, but the other two people , The strength is at least the quasi-sage seventh rank, this, we have no way after the fierce aura appeared, a somewhat cold voice rang in our minds so that we can not be nosy, otherwise we die!" Subo said here There is no more to say, and Chu Feng can guess the next thing. Under such a threat, Subo and the others must have withdrawn.

"Brother Su, are they just two people?" Chu Feng asked.

Subo nodded: "There were only two people there at the time. I don't know how many people they were now. Friends, the water there is too deep, you still don't want to go there. I feel that there are people behind them, they are not like leaders. The characters are like someone's subordinates. If this is the case, the strength behind them must be even more amazing!"

"The seventh-order quasi-saint-level powerhouse is a subordinate!" Chu Feng's eyes flashed, if this is the case, then the strength of this force is very abnormal!

The sixth-order quasi-sage-level powerhouses like Duguyu and others are enough to become the overlord of one party. The seventh-order quasi-sage-level powerhouses are basically everyone who stomped and shakes. How can such a person be so easy to convince people? of? Although Chu Feng has many eighth-tier quasi-sage-level heaven guards, it is because he has a holy prison!

In addition to Tianwei, as far as his subordinates are concerned, there are now two Chu Feng subordinates with the strength of the seventh-order quasi-saint level, one is Yang Tian and the other is Manking! Both of these are still strong enough to become his subordinates. The loyalty of Manking is still high. Yang Tian's words, if not controlled by his life essence, he will definitely rebel immediately!

"Friend, you are entrusted by Owen’s daughter Qinying. Although you don’t know who you are, you can come to this day because of her entrustment. It’s not bad. Don’t give up your life in vain. Go back. , Go back to your original place, if possible, send Qin Ying to a safe place!" Subo said.

"Haha, Brother Su, thank you for your persuasion, but I still need to go to the Ou family if you are entrusted by others." Chu Feng said, standing up, "Brother Su, goodbye."

"Be careful! I'll send my friend out of the house." Subo stood up and said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, and was sent out by Subo quickly. "Brother Su, goodbye." Chu Feng arched his hands and disappeared in front of Su Bo instantly.

In Lorasvi, Chu Feng returned in just a few minutes. Knowing some of the conditions on the side of Asola City, Chu Feng was more cautious and entered the Holy Prison space so that a less powerful entourage took the Holy Spirit. The prison headed towards the city of Asola.

Asola City is indeed not far from Lorrasvi City, even if Chu Feng uses only an entourage of Emperor God level strength, it only takes a minute to get from Lorrasvi City to the vicinity of Asola City.

On Tianyin, Asola City is one of the fifth-tier cities, and because it is located in a mountainous area, there are no resources around and the scenery is not very good. The population is only 200,000, and it is the smallest and smallest on Tianyin. A city, if it is small, it is not a city, it can only be regarded as a larger village!

Qin Ying’s parents are kind of low-key people, so before their accident, not many people in the small town knew that they had such a strong ability. Now they naturally know. Although it has been several months, Qin Ying’s parents The corpse was still hanging on the tree in front of my house, and the whole town was panicked by some people!

Because of fear, most of the few people in the small town were lost, and now only a small number of 60,000 to 70,000 people have not left their homes, which seems very desolate!

In such a small town, the arrival of Chu Feng's entourage naturally attracted the attention of many people. The two silver-clothed strong men in Qin Ying's family also discovered the arrival of Chu Feng's entourage, but they paid no more attention after a little attention. God-level little guys, they can kill him in one breath!

"Miao Xian'er, Sky Eye Scan!"

Knowing that the entourage outside has arrived in the small city, Chu Cheng said in a deep voice in the holy prison space. Miao Xian'er responded, and the Sky Eye immediately activated, and some information was naturally scanned by the Sky Eye and then appeared in Chu Feng's mind.

"So bold," Chu Feng said in a deep voice. The scan results of Sky Eye appeared in his mind, and Chu Feng naturally discovered the two silver-robed men in Qin Ying's house!

"These two bastards." Miao Xian'er snorted, she was also a little angry. The two silver-robed men killed and hung the bodies, and they even occupied the victim's house!

"Yin, eighth-level quasi-saint-level strength"

"Capepa, the seventh-order quasi-saint-level strength."

Chu Feng quickly checked the information of the two silver-clothed powerhouses, and the strength of both of them was indeed the seventh-order quasi-sage level, and one of them had reached the eighth-tier quasi-sage level!

A seventh-order quasi-sage, an eighth-order quasi-sage, such a combination is really powerful, even if a tenth-order quasi-sage-level powerhouse is here, it is difficult for them to take advantage of much.

"Chu Feng, the two of them really don't seem to be leaders. They are just executing other people's orders. Be careful with this!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Miao Xian'er, they want to watch, but don't just watch them. The eyes of the sky pay attention to the surroundings to see if there are any suspicious people! I will enter the domain tower first, if those two guys have Tell me about the change. By the way, if Qin Ying is anxious, you will become like me and show up for a little comfort!"

"Okay, you step up to complete your mission. If you can complete the S-level mission, then it will be fine!" Miao Xianer said.

Now the holy prison is at level twelve, and the holy prison will be upgraded from the twelfth level to the thirteenth level. Chu Feng has known that there are four conditions. First, the battle points reach 100 million; second, the five domain towers will reach the 20th floor. , One of the domain towers reached the 25th floor!

If you can complete that S-level mission, then needless to say, there must be 100 million combat points. The first condition is fulfilled. If the second condition is to be found, it is easy to find each tower gate and have enough domain value. Completed; the fourth condition has been fulfilled by Chu Feng, and the third condition is not easy to catch so many people, but if all other conditions are fulfilled, if there is only that condition, it will not be the same to catch people with all your strength. Something too difficult!

It’s pretty awesome to upgrade the Holy Prison from Level 11 to Level 12. Chu Feng is a little excited about it if he can upgrade to Level 13. When he reaches Level 13, the Heaven Prison of the Holy Prison is estimated to be able to imprison the lower saints!

The holy prison, the name of the treasure is called the holy prison, but now that there is no saint in the sky prison except in the domain tower, it is a bit of a misnomer. If the saint can be captured at that time, we can live up to the holy prison. name!

Caroluo, who was practicing quietly, suddenly opened his eyes. His sacred consciousness had been paying attention to the place where Chu Feng disappeared. At this moment, he discovered that Chu Feng happened to appear in the place where he disappeared.

"With this kid's cultivation base, I don't have much space to sense that he must have entered the space treasure rather than the dimensional space he created. I can't even find it. This space treasure seems to be a top-notch. Things, it’s really good to have a strong master.” Carlo Luo sighed in his heart.

Chu Feng knew that Caroluo was scanning his side with holy thoughts at the moment, and he did not show that the mission was unusual and continued to start the B-level mission.

Compared with the S-level task, the reward of the B-level task is relatively small, but no matter how small the mosquito is, the reward is not only a little bit of the mosquito meat.

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