Holy Prison

Chapter 1466: Give baby

"Look at it, don't you know?" Chu Feng said with a light smile. The top-notch items sold in the holy prison store can kill the quasi-sage eighth-order powerhouse, and the value of such an item is basically about five thousand. One trillion catties of the best spar is very expensive, but Chu Feng doesn't have much pressure to bear. Five trillion catties of the best spar is equivalent to five thousand catties of void stone!

Five thousand catties of Void Stone... In that gambling game, Chu Feng won 50 billion catties of Void Stone, which is equivalent to 50 billion catties of Void Stone. Five thousand catties of Void Stone is nothing, and now the Shenchu ​​trading market, Basically, you can earn 5,000 catties of Void Stone in two or three days!

Today, such top treasures do not put much pressure on Chu Feng, but there is not much in that space ring. There is no way. If you buy more top treasures, the price will increase immediately, and then you can’t buy them now. Such a treasure will only reappear after the holy prison is upgraded!

"Ah" Chu Long exclaimed. He penetrated into the space ring and discovered that there were more than 300 powerful treasures and some things that could improve his cultivation. Of those powerful treasures, dozens of them are very likely to take the life of an eighth-level quasi-saint-level powerhouse if you use one at random!

For the rest, the weak ones can also kill the normal quasi-sage-level strong, such are relatively few, and the general ones can kill the third and fourth-tier quasi-sage-level strong!

Three hundred pieces, the value is actually equivalent to 10 billion billion catties of the best spar, which is nothing to Chu Feng. This is a relatively safe amount that Chu Feng can take out. If there are more, then Chu If the memory of the dragon is learned by others, it will certainly arouse many people's suspicion, if it reaches the ears of those who know the holy prison.

"Brother, this is too precious, I can't ask for so much." Chu Long said quickly. He thought it was just a few treasures at most a dozen treasures. He didn't expect that there were three hundred treasures inside, and each of them was powerful. Is very powerful!

Feng Bingning smiled lightly: "Chu Long, since your brother gave it to you, then you can put it away... Your brother is a rich man. He broke into some places, but he has got a lot of treasures!"

Shi Yan was curious. At this time, her divine consciousness also penetrated into the spatial ring. She also secretly took a breath. With these treasures, Wu Kun is really nothing. You can let him die outside the City of Innocence, so that no one will blame Chu Long's head.

Or, if Chu Long sent someone directly to kill the Zerg powerhouse, Wu Kun's momentum would be greatly damaged, and Chu Long, the city lord, would greatly increase its power!

Chu Zhen and their divine consciousness also penetrated into the spatial ring, and they were determined to see the treasures in the spatial ring and the detailed descriptions of the treasures!

Chu Han felt a little itchy at this moment, but neither he nor Feng Bingning used their spiritual sense to check. Chu Feng gave something, and they used spiritual sense to check it was not very good. Naturally, Chu Feng was more satisfied. He didn't want Chu Han to check it out. If Chu Han knew, then the saint who conspired against Chu Han and the others would definitely know too!

"Brother, there is no need for so many, even one-third is enough for us to solve a lot of troubles." Chu Long said, one-third is one hundred, that is the one who can kill one hundred quasi-sage-level experts. Dong, as long as you don't use it often, it can take a lot of time to use it occasionally to save an emergency!

"Take it away." Chu Feng said solemnly, "You can't just lower the realm at will. If I don't get to your side, the next time you lower the realm will be ten thousand years later, how can you make it if you don't have a few more items?

"If the number of treasures is not enough, you can send someone you can trust to the earth. On this side of the earth, Godchu City is stationed all the year round, and things can be passed to the gods immediately!"

Chu Long hesitated for a while and nodded slightly and put away the space ring. My brother, there is no need to care too much. If he insists on Chu Feng, this won’t work, and Chu Feng doesn’t owe him, but Chu Feng It is not good for him to postpone the things given by this brother too much. If he postpones it any more, he guesses that Chu Feng's burst of chestnut will be on his head.

"This is just like talking." Chu Feng smiled slightly, "Save a little, these things should be enough for you to use some time." "Brother, it should be a long time, but occasionally shock some people need to use it." Chu Long smiled Dao, his cultivation is only at the Emperor God level, but he will not run around casually, even if he goes out, he will be followed by the Black King, and there is generally no need to use such a treasure!

"I will give you two more life-saving gadgets. When it is not a last resort, you should not use these things." Chu Feng said that two seemingly ordinary things appeared in his hands, one of which was a black handle. The small sword, and the other is a light blue longan-sized bead, not particularly beautiful, nor too special.

"what is this?"

Chu Long touched the small black sword, and a smile appeared on Chu Feng's face. Chu Long would suffer a small loss if he touched it like this. Sure enough, a scream immediately sounded in the next moment!

Chu Long let out a painful cry, and his finger touched the small sword as if it was struck by lightning. Although his soul was not injured, it was greatly shocked. "Brother, what the **** is this?" Chu Long exclaimed.

"Ghosts? They are sacred artifacts, and they are the sacred artifacts that you can use after refining!" Chu Feng stared, "Now that the world is divided, their power is naturally impossible to reach the strongest, but if they match yours If the degree of fit is relatively high, it can eliminate the attack of a Tier 10 Quasi-Saint-level powerhouse, or defend against a Tier 10 Quasi-Saint-level powerhouse attack for some time!"

"This small sword is an attacking holy weapon, and this bead is a defensive holy weapon. You can only fuse one such holy weapon. Xiaolong, you fuse this sword, Shi Yan, you fuse that bead. !"

Chu Long looked at the two things in shock, "Brother, are they really sacred artifacts?" Chu Long said in a strange way, "What kind of ancient relics did you enter? You got such sacred artifacts!"

"Naturally yes, you slowly merge this thing. Remember, Xiaolong, your sword can only attack once, and it will be destroyed after one. If this bead is capable, it can withstand three attacks. It can be three times, and after three times it will be destroyed regardless of whether there is energy or not!" Chu Feng confessed.

"Brother, this thing" Chu Long said hesitantly.

Chu Han hesitated and said with a smile: "Uncle, I think you want to practice with your father." "Your kid... brother, then we will accept it." Chu Long chuckled.

Chu Feng smiled and nodded. With those treasures and these two holy artifacts, Chu Long's safety should be basically guaranteed. "Drip blood, you can put them into your body after dripping blood, but it will take a long time to refine them." Chu Feng said.

"Brother Chu, thank you!"

Shi Yan thanked him, and then both Chu Long and her dropped the two sacred artifacts. "Xiaolong, your cultivation base is lower. After you go back, you should practice well. In addition, remember one point. If you can't beat it, you can run. If you can't run, you can find a way to save your life first. As long as your life is there, you will always be rescued. Time!" Chu Feng smiled.

"Brother, you know, you and your sister-in-laws will have to be more careful when the time comes." Chu Long said and looked at Chu Zhen and them, "Parents, we can't stay long, many guys in the City of Innocence"

"No matter how urgent you are, stay with your parents for a few days. If the emperor and the earth demon cannot communicate within ten thousand years, the next time you see your parents will be ten thousand years later. In a few days, I believe in the city of innocence. There won't be any major problems there," Chu Feng said solemnly.

Although Chu Long was a little worried about the City of Innocence, it was true that if the two could not communicate with each other as soon as possible, it would be ten thousand years before they met. For many practitioners, ten thousand years would not be long, but for Chu Feng and others, They are only over a thousand years old, ten thousand years old, which is a long time for them!

"Brother, listen to you." Chu Long nodded.

Several days passed in a blink of an eye, and the worry in Chu Long Shiyan's eyes, who had received a lot of treasures, was relieved and disappeared. Within a few days, Chu Feng and his family had a good time to relax. Many places are left behind them to play.


Both Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu looked at the sky and Chu Zhen sighed slightly. Just now, Chu Long and Shi Yan had already left the earth and returned to the Earth Demon. Under the constraints of the rules of heaven and earth, the next meeting might be Thousands of years later, they began to miss it now, but when the eagle grew up, he wanted to fly by himself. Chu Long had his own family and his own career.

"Dad, don't worry, Xiaolong and the others will take care of themselves. They are now the emperor **** level cultivation base, and they have given them something to improve their cultivation base. Within a thousand years, they can reach the primary cultivation base of the gods. Take care of those babies, they shouldn't have much problem." Chu Feng smiled.

"Feng'er, did you give most of your treasures to Xiaolong?" Chu Zhen said. Chu Feng shook his head and chuckled, "Dad, do you think I am such a generous person?"

"All the holy artifacts have been given out, what do you think?" Chu Zhen said, "Little dragons, I am more worried, but you have to be more careful. Although the human emperor has fewer zergs, in many cases, people are more dangerous than zergs. "Dad, know, don’t worry, we won’t have anything to do... Dad, mother, we have to go back to the realm of the gods, and practice in retreat. If there’s nothing wrong, the next time we come back, we will probably be separated. A little longer." Chu Feng said.

"Well, it's convenient for you to come back. Let's go. Just come back if you have time. You don't need to worry too much about Mortal Realm, the situation is okay." Chu Zhen said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and thought with a move to bring Feng Bingning and the others into the sacred prison space. Then, in the blink of an eye, Chu Feng disappeared in front of Chu Zhen and them.

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