Holy Prison

Chapter 1467: Treasure of the Last Days

Returning to the God Realm, Chu Feng was about to enter the domain tower to look for each of the tower gates, Miao Xian'er, and told him that there was another problem with Qin Ying. "The cross, what the **** is it!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart, frowning secretly to get Qin Ying's place.

"Ah hurts"

Qin Ying was holding her head, with a cold sweat on her forehead. This time her problem was more serious than before, and she came in a hurry, reaching this level in a short time.

"Qin Ying, Qin Ying!" Chu Feng's expression changed slightly, and the voices of the Dao Merit Sutra fully rang out in Qin Ying's mind. "Big Brother Chu" Qin Ying's face was slightly better, but she still hugged her head in pain, to see if the pain she suffered now was not light, but the doctor still didn't detect anything.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to you!" Chu Feng comforted a sacred flame of merit and entered Qin Ying's body. The sacred flame of merit destroys all things and makes all things. At this time, it is natural not to use its destructive power but to use its good fortune power!

The power of merit entered the body, and Qin Ying's pain weakened a lot, "Brother Chu, I...I seem to have a little connection with this thing." Qin Ying said forcefully with pain.

"Try to sense it carefully and see if you can sense any information." Chu Feng said, as he said strands of merit and holy flames continuously penetrate into Qin Ying's body.

With the support of Chu Feng's sufficient merit and holy flame, Qin Ying's pain gradually eased, and the connection with the cross gradually became clear. A little bit of mysterious and difficult information slowly appeared in Qin Ying's mind.

Time passed every second, about three minutes, Qin Ying said: "Brother Chu, the contact is still there, some messages appeared in my mind."

Chu Feng stopped the infusion of the holy flame of merit, and the painful color on Qin Ying's face increased a little, but the painful color soon weakened.

"What information?" Chu Feng asked.

Qin Yingxiu frowned: "Brother Chu, I don't know. Those information is mysterious and difficult to understand. I seem to be able to analyze them, but it will take a lot of time."

"Qin Ying, you can give me the information to try, and I will analyze it." Chu Feng said, his own analysis ability is average, but he has a holy prison. This analysis of some information should not be understood.

Qin Ying immediately packaged the received information and sent it to Chu Feng. "Miao Xian'er, can you get it done?" Chu Feng asked in his mind. He felt the information, but faced with the information, he was completely helpless. It was like a modern man encountering an oracle. It's there obviously, but you don't know what it means!

"Give me ten minutes!" Miao Xian'er said with excitement, "This can be regarded as a secret, some information encrypted by the world, it will take a while to crack!"

There was a hint of joy in Chu Feng's eyes, and it would be good if Miao Xianer could crack it. Ten minutes was not long.

"Qin Ying, are you okay, do you want me to transmit some power to you?" Chu Feng sat down on the sofa opposite Qin Ying and asked, Qin Ying is now lying on the sofa, too painful Did not go to bed. "Brother Chu, I have nothing more to do, thank you." Qin Ying said gratefully. He knew that if Chu Feng had just lost some power to her, he didn't know what the pain would be like.

Chu Feng chuckled and said: "It's okay, I don't have a sister, but when you are my sister, you have to be fine." "Brother Chu, you are younger than me." Qin Ying's pain subsided. The strands of hair sticking to his forehead smiled softly.

Chu Feng smiled and said, "Then you still call me Big Brother Chu?"

"It's better to be a younger sister. Those who are younger sisters and younger brothers are generally taken care of." Qin Ying said with a smile, "Brother Chu, what about the information, can you decipher it?"

"Yes, wait a few minutes. You just said that you have a connection with the cross. How does the cross feel?" Chu Feng asked.

Qin Ying recalled the feeling just now: "Deep death, but it seems that there is vitality behind death." "Vitality of death?" Chu Feng pondered.

Chatting with Qin Ying, Miao Xian'er's voice finally rang in Chu Feng's mind after ten minutes passed: "Chu Feng, it's done!"

"What are you talking about?" Chu Feng said hurriedly. The thing is so mysterious. Chu Feng is more curious about the information given in it. Of course, besides curiosity, there are some worries. Qin Ying just said she felt strong Death, this thing will bring death and it is possible.

Miao Xian'er smiled and said: "Chu Feng, you absolutely can't think of what it said!"

"Miao Xian'er" Chu Feng was dissatisfied in his mind. Didn't he see that he was anxious here? Miao Xian'er was so appetite of him, it was really not critical.

"All right, don't worry, tell you." Miao Xian'er said with a serious voice, "Chu Feng, it contains a lot of information. This cross does come from other worlds, and it comes from the abyss. !"

"As expected!"

Chu Feng was not too surprised when he said in his mind. For this cross, his biggest guess was that it came from the abyss. "Chu Feng, it is a treasure of the last days!" Miao Xian'er said solemnly.

"The Treasure of the Last Days?" Chu Feng was puzzled right now, the Treasure of the Last Days, he had never heard of this thing! Miao Xian'er said: "Yes, it is a treasure of the last days."

"You have heard of the innate treasure, but you have not heard of the apocalyptic treasure. There are more people who have obtained the innate treasure, but it is rare to hear that someone gets the apocalyptic treasure. When the apocalypse comes, people will die soon, and there is no such treasure. What's the use! The Innate Treasure was formed when a universe was born, and possesses a very wonderful power. Like the jade disc of good fortune owned by Hongjun, it is a Innate Treasure!"

"The treasure of the last days is formed when the universe is about to be destroyed. A universe is destroyed. In this universe, all the saints will fall. This is the true power of the great power. The law and understanding of the saints are generally just trails. , Even the power of the Saint-sovereign level can’t compete with this true power of the Great Dao! Time and space, these two law powers are the powers closest to the Great Dao, but these two powers are also the most difficult powers to improve.”

Chu Feng said: "These are obtained by deciphering the information?" "Some are, some are not. After deciphering those information, the Holy Prison has also unblocked some information." Miao Xian'er smiled, "Don't interrupt, I haven't said yet. It's over."

"The Treasure of the Last Days contains destructive power. It hurts the soul before. Your great merits can offset it. Later, the destructive power is stronger, and it hurts her body, but it happens that you have the merits of the Holy Flame, and she can touch it. To you, it is her great luck, otherwise such a treasure of the last days will make her temperament changed greatly even if she didn't let her die!" Miao Xian'er said.

Chu Feng's face changed slightly and interjected again: "Miao Xian'er, how many pieces are there in this doomsday treasure? The temperament of the people who get it will change greatly? If this is the case, it is not good news.

"Dizzy, how many pieces, this who knows the person who got it, if the soul and the body are enough, then the temperament will not change greatly, if the soul and the body are very bad, I am afraid that it is not the person who controls the treasure, but the treasure controls the person. !" Miao Xian'er said with a dignified tone, "Chu Feng, if a doomsday treasure that controls people is a disaster for the world, then it is very bad news!"

"But don't worry, the number of treasures of the last days should not exceed nine. By the time the universe is obtained, there may only be this one, and the rest of the treasures of the last days may all be in the original one of the abyss. In the world, judging from the information just received, that world has not been completely destroyed. If it is completely destroyed, the treasures of the last days that were born will also be destroyed!!" Miao Xian'er said.

"Without complete destruction, can the people of this universe still reach that universe? Or, will those eschatological treasures fly into this universe by themselves? How did Qin Ying's cross reach this universe? One world?" Chu Feng asked several questions in a row.

At this time, Miao Xian'er answered patiently one by one: "People in this universe can naturally reach that universe through some methods. In the future, they will be able to pass through Qinying's cross, but not now! And, Your strength is too low. If you go to that side, you will easily die! The possibility that the treasure of the last days will fly by itself is extremely low. As for how Qinying’s cross came, it’s not clear. The master of the hall also knows something about her dead father."

Chu Feng thought quickly, this news is not simple, perhaps because such news can cause a huge shock to the entire world, who doesn't want the innate treasure? But the innate treasures now have their own masters. If there are some masterless treasures of the last days, it will be weird that they will not attract the attention of some powerful people!

"Miao Xian'er, in terms of power, which of the innate and the last days is stronger?" Chu Feng asked, if the power of the last days is not very powerful, the attractiveness will be smaller, if it is extremely strong, then the attractiveness It will be great!

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, this depends. The same is that the innate treasure is also divided into strengths and weaknesses. Naturally the same is true for the apocalyptic treasures. Generally speaking, the apocalyptic treasures may be more lethal, and the innate treasures are more magical. The power of Qin Ying’s apocalyptic treasure, the power is temporarily unknown!"

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