Holy Prison

Chapter 1476: Death of the Dark Lord

"I just don't want my own daughter to be born, and there will be no father's love at that time." Facing Yin Qianqian's angry expression, Chu Feng said with a chuckle, "Yin Qianqian, the little guy is your daughter when he is born, you mother, At that time, do you really think she can't be without fatherly love? It's just a play when facing her, don't you agree?"

"Although your father is now... but you must have enjoyed his father's love before, right."

Yin Qianqian was stunned for a while, and she recalled many scenes in her mind. Although Yin Xiao was parasitized and did not care about her, before, Yin Xiao loved her very much. If there is no fatherly love of Yin Xiao, I am afraid She will never live so happy since she was a child!

"I'll think about it." Yin Qianqian said with hesitation in her heart. If she really agrees, although it's just acting, there will definitely be some more intimate actions at that time. Yin Qianqian doesn't really want Chu Feng to touch her again. "There is no need to think about such things for too long, you think about it for a minute, that's enough." Chu Feng said, admiring the scenery next to him. The scenery here is very good.

Yin Qianqian thought quickly in her heart. One minute is not long, but for a person like her, one thing is really good, and one minute is enough.

"Chu Feng, I agreed...but you can't overdo it at that time, otherwise I can't spare you!" Yin Qianqian said coldly. Chu Feng said indifferently: "Excessive, what's the point? Can I still do what I love to do with you in front of my daughter? At most, it's just holding hands and hugging occasionally!"

"Chu Feng, don't talk to me about the previous things again!" Yin Qianqian said with shame. In these years, some scenes with Chu Feng circled and crossed the scenes that often disturbed her mind. When she thought of being caught by Chu at that time Feng gave it to that, Yin Qianqian felt a little annoyed, but it seemed that he was more comfortable back then.

Chu Feng shrugged his shoulders and a cucumber appeared in his hand, "Yin Qianqian, when you are lonely, let this cucumber accompany you." Chu Feng disappeared instantly after he finished speaking, and the cucumber arrived at Yin Qianqian. before.

"Cucumber...what do you mean?" Yin Qianqian frowned. As soon as Chu Feng disappeared, her mood stabilized. There was a strange color in Miao Xian'er's eyes. This cucumber is suitable for certain things depending on its shape.

Yin Qianqian looked at Miao Xian'er and knew that Miao Xian'er must know what Chu Feng meant. "Miao Xian'er, what does Chu Feng mean?" Yin Qianqian asked directly. Her tone was much better at this time, as long as it wasn't Facing Chu Feng, Yin Qianqian's strength could still control his emotions relatively easily.

"Well...Yin Qianqian, you still don't know it." Miao Xian'er coughed lightly. "Miao Xian'er, can you just talk about it? This cucumber seems to be eaten. Eat cucumbers when you are lonely?" Yin Qianqian frowned. What is it about? Can eating cucumber cure loneliness when you are lonely?

"Yin Qianqian, it is indeed to eat... However, it is not the little mouth above you, but below you" Miao Xian'er flashed in an instant after she finished speaking, she was angry, Chu Feng was too courageous, and actually started Yin Qianqian made such a joke.

After Miao Xian'er finished talking, Yin Qianqian didn't react immediately, but it took only three seconds for Yin Qianqian to react to what Miao Xian'er said.

"Ah, Chu Feng, I'm going to kill you!!" Yin Qianqian said angrily, her voice shook the surrounding space constantly trembling!

Chu Feng appeared directly outside, and Miao Xian'er could not appear outside, but her voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, and it was also a nuisance to Chu Feng.

"Okay, Miao Xian'er, do your best to control it, don't let Yin Qianqian collapse the holy prison space. Yin Qianqian will get angry when I see me getting angry. It's more'cute' than the indifferent appearance. "Chu Feng said in his mind, no matter how Yin Qianqian had a relationship with him, she could barely be regarded as his woman, he was really upset with Yin Qianqian's indifferent appearance, so in the end it was like that. Joke.

"Yin Qianqian is mad by you. The next time you see her, she won't give you a severe lesson. I don't even bother to say it. Anyway, it's not me who will suffer by then." Miao Xianer said, "I I’m resting, don’t bother if I’m fine."

Chu Feng continued to bask in the sun before, and his surface was calm, but at this time, his heart was not as calm as the surface. He really did not expect Yin Qianqian to be pregnant with his child!

"I have already been pregnant with my child, and I still have to treat Yin Qianqian better in the future." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, he thought of the joke he had just made, perhaps he already had such an idea in his subconscious mind. To get closer to Yin Qianqian, the first step is to break Yin Qianqian's indifference.

In the sacred prison space, Yin Qianqian became angry for a while and tossed the surroundings so badly, and then returned to the Nine Dragon Ice Palace. In the Nine Dragon Ice Palace, she smashed a tea savagely again. The anger in her heart was only slightly. The ground dropped a little.

"Damn fellow, I will make you look good next time I meet!" Yin Qianqian secretly said in his heart to start practicing, but for a long time, he could not enter the state of training.

Outside the sacred prison space, Chu Feng closed his eyes and rested at this moment. In recent years, there has been rarely such a leisurely time basking in the sun. However, his leisure did not last long, only half an hour later Fan Jiang appeared It's not very far from him.

"Come here." Chu Feng said lightly.


Fan Jiang came over and saluted respectfully. "What's the matter?" Chu Feng asked directly, there should be something more important, otherwise Fan Jiang would have left when he saw him resting here.

"Master, the news that I just got, the Dark Lord is dead." Fan Jiang said. Chu Feng sat up all of a sudden, "When did the king of darkness die?"

Chu Feng did not have the Dark King Soul Jade Jane, so he didn't know the news of the Dark King's death. "Two days ago, it took two days for the information to be sent here." Fan Jiangdao.

"Who killed it?" Chu Feng said in a deep voice. The Dark King is a sixth-tier quasi-sage level strength. It is not easy to kill him. If he wants to escape, he is a seventh-to-eighth quasi-sage level powerhouse. It is also difficult to leave his life. "Master, this is still unclear, but he was killed in the Ten Thousand Clan." Fan Jiang said.

Chu Feng stood up and walked around. Under such circumstances, it was obvious that a powerful force was secretly attacking Shenchu ​​City, "Fan Jiang, I will go to the Ten Thousand Clan, and the mansion will be handed over to you." Chu Feng said and disappeared into Fan instantly. Before Jiang.

Before Tianwei put it away, Chu Feng left Alpha in the city of Shenchu ​​to guard it. Now the domain gates have been established in the four directions of the sea near the sea. Chu Feng quickly reached the sea through the domain gate. With the help of Linglong, it only took him a little time to set foot on the land of ten thousand races.

A domain gate was also established on the seaside of the Ten Thousand Clan, and a domain gate was also established on the side of the Shenchu ​​trading market. Through the domain gate, Chu Feng soon appeared on the side of the Shenchu ​​trading market.

Everything was normal, and there was no problem on the surface of the Shenchu ​​trading market, but Tianyan scanned Chu Feng and found that Duguyu and the other Tianweimubai felt a little uneasy and angry!

Duguyu's relationship with the Lord of Darkness was not very good in the past, but the relationship has improved a lot over the years. Now that the Lord of Darkness has died, he is naturally more angry. As for anxiety... the strength of the Lord of Darkness will not compare to He is low, if the opponent can kill the King of Darkness, it is also possible to kill him!

Chu Feng's space jump appeared directly in front of Duguyu and Mu Bai. After Duguyu and Mu Bai were slightly taken aback, they all got up quickly and saluted.

"Mu Bai, tell me the details. Du Guyu, you make a piece of soul jade slip and give it to me! Mu Bai, some important members here, all need to make a piece of soul jade slip and send it to Shenchu ​​City. Don't delay this matter. "Chu Feng said, if there is a soul jade slip, then I will know it earlier.

"Yes, City Lord." Mu Bai and Du Guyu both responded. If Du Guyu hadn't been too willing to hand over his soul jade slip to Chu Feng before, but now that the Lord of Darkness is dead, he has no resistance to this. , If something really happened, if the soul jade slip was in Chu Feng's hands and Chu Feng knew it for the first time, maybe he could avenge him.

"sit down."

Chu Feng sat down and said quietly. The anxiety of Mu Bai and Duguyu disappeared, and Duguyu felt strange to this. Now he seems to be very confident of Chu Feng's strength, but in fact, Chu Feng is still the same as before, only the cultivation level of the peak of the gods. , Du Guyu could tell that Chu Feng hadn't broken through yet!

"City Lord Xie!" Mu Bai and Du Guyu said and sat down beside Chu Feng. "City Lord, the Lord of Darkness has the habit of looking for women. He goes out once every other time. He went out two days ago. Duguyu has his soul jade slip. He found that the king of darkness soul jade slip was broken and immediately ranked first. Time tells me to know." Mu Bai said.

"There is no other clue? Didn't the other party show up these days?" Chu Feng asked with a slight frown. This matter may be big or small, and the Dark King may provoke a top powerhouse and be killed. , If this is the case, it is not bad.

It is also possible that some forces are weakening the strength of God Chucheng. If it is the latter, then the trouble is not small. The Dark King is the first, but it will not be the last. There will definitely be many casualties in Chucheng!

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