Holy Prison

Chapter 1477: Magical Use of Time Ability

"City Lord, for now, not yet." Mu Bai said.

Chu Feng gently tapped his fingers on the armrest of the chair and thought. This situation is not easy to handle now. If you can determine which force is better, you can't determine which force is troublesome.

Some treasures can locate a person's information, but the opponent can kill the King of Darkness, and the strength must be very high. For such a powerful person, it is extremely difficult to locate information, and there is basically no hope of success!

At this moment, Mu Bai's expression changed, "City Lord, just received the message that another strong man has fallen on this side of my God Chucheng, the first-order quasi-sage!"

"Unreasonable!" Chu Feng's eyes flashed coldly, and the quasi-sage-level powerhouse would not fall casually. In just two days, two quasi-sage-level powerhouses fell. This is obviously a force against the gods. Chucheng shot!

Duguyu frowned and said: "City Lord, this seems to be directed at you...Such things haven't happened in hundreds of years. You have appeared, and this happened immediately."

Chu Feng nodded slightly, Du Guyu thought of this, and he naturally thought of this. Such a thing may be a coincidence, but the chance of a coincidence is too low and too low and will not exceed one percent!

"For me... the law enforcement team killed some people a few days ago. Could it be that? It shouldn't be too possible. If it's because of that, it would be better to kill people on the infinite side. It seems that there are spies on the other side. Tell me about me, or what the **** is the saint in the sky doing!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

"Mu Bai, where was the accident?" Chu Feng asked. "South of Ten Thousand Races, Costa Rica, a medium-sized city with a population of 30 million." Mu Bai said.

Chu Feng got up: "You guys guard this place well, don't let any problems arise here. Mobilize the forces of God's Beginning City, and make every effort to check the trace of the other party. I will go to Gods City to take a look!"

Mu Bai and Lonely Yu answered their orders, and Chu Feng disappeared in front of them in the blink of an eye. After half an hour, Chu Feng's figure had already appeared in the southern city of Gods.

There was a little chaos in Gods City at this time. The corpse of the quasi-holy powerhouse in God Chu City was thrown at the head of Gods City. The body is still there at this time. God City belongs to God Chu City. Some strong men carefully surrounded the place to prevent damage to the scene.

"Miao Xian'er, have you scanned anyone with a high level of strength?" Chu Feng hurriedly said when he first arrived in Gods City. "No, the person with the highest strength in Gods City is only a junior." Miao Xianer said.

The possibility of a person with a low-level **** to kill a quasi-sage-level powerhouse is extremely small, and the murderer is definitely no longer in Gods City, but Chu Feng estimated that the murderer might leave someone to pay attention to this side.

"Miao Xian'er, the scanning continues, monitoring everyone in Gods City!" In his mind, Chu Feng ordered to go to the head of Gods City to examine the corpse, and maybe find something.

Chu Feng approached. At first, the strong people in Shenchu ​​City surrounding the corpse were quite nervous. After Chu Feng changed into his original appearance and revealed his own aura, those people breathed a sigh of relief.

Dozens of powerhouses belonging to Shenchu ​​City hurriedly saluted, Chu Feng nodded slightly and walked to the quasi-sage-level powerhouse who had died in Shenchu ​​City.

This is a strong female with a pretty good appearance. Except for a small hole in the center of his head, there is no harm to the body, and there is no sign of other violations.

"City Lord, the deceased is Lord Vasu, a first-order quasi-sage with strength." A strong man from Shenchu ​​City next to Chu Feng respectfully said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, his consciousness penetrated into the small hole on Vasu's forehead, and soon Chu Feng knew that Vasu was killed by this blow. The murderer only launched an attack and the attack entered Vasu's mind. Destroy Vasu's soul in an instant!

"Miao Xian'er, let the ice congeal." Chu Feng said in his mind, there are very few people with time ability, and there are fewer people with very high cultivation base, and Feng Bingning has time ability. The talent is very high, and now the primary cultivation base of the gods can also borrow the power of the domain tower, which is already very powerful in terms of time ability.

The corpse didn't have any breath left, and the murderer handled it well, but through the ability of time, perhaps Chu Feng could learn something.

In the holy prison space, Feng Bingning quickly woke up and appeared in front of Chu Feng. "She is from our Shenchu ​​City?" Feng Bingning saw the corpse and immediately guessed the purpose of Chu Feng calling her out.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, "The King of Darkness is dead. This is the second quasi-saint powerhouse to die. The murderer must be caught, otherwise there may be a third and a fourth!"

"Let me try!"

Feng Bingning said that he stretched out his right hand and pressed it on top of Vasu's head. Although Vasu was dead, it looked the same as when he was alive. There was no major trauma to the corpse. In this case, it would be nothing to press the top of Vasu's head. .

Soon, a faint white light appeared on Feng Bingning's hand, and the white light enveloped Vasu's head, and then a faint white light flashed above Vasu's body.

The ability in terms of time allows Feng Bingning to see some things that have just happened in Vasu, a pair of scenes constantly flashing in Feng Bingning’s mind, and soon there is Vasu’s quilt in Feng Bingning’s mind. In the scene of the killing, the murderer appeared in the scene, but the figure of the murderer was extremely unclear!

"Domain Tower power, borrow it!"

Feng Bingning didn’t borrow the power of the domain tower just now. At this moment, she borrowed the power of the domain tower with a move of her mind. She is now close to the domain tower, which means she can borrow up to two points a few times. the power of.

As soon as the domain tower power was borrowed, Feng Bingning immediately felt that the picture he was viewing was much clearer, and the figure of the murderer in the picture was naturally clearer.

Feng Bingning snorted softly, and she tried her best to make the murderer's face and the scene when she was doing her hands clearer. This was extremely labor intensive. In a short time, fine beads of perspiration appeared on her forehead.

"Bing Ning, if you are not clear about it, don't force it." Chu Feng quickly said after the big drops of sweat appeared on Feng Bingning's forehead. "I'll hold on again." Feng Bingning said in a low voice. She felt that the picture was slowly becoming clearer. At this time, if you support it, the clarity of the picture will be higher.

Soon after more than ten seconds passed, Feng Bingning already felt that the picture was no longer clear no matter how she tossed it, which showed that the clarity of the picture had reached the limit that her current cultivation base could achieve!

Feng Bingning let out a sigh of relief and stopped using his time ability, and his divine consciousness returned. Feng Bingning's thoughts made all the sweat bead of body disappear.

"How is it?" Chu Feng asked.

Feng Bingning shook her head helplessly: "I saw a figure, but my cultivation level is still a bit low, and the picture is too unclear. I guess it's useless."

"Husband, I saw something, I will talk later." Feng Bingning said through a voice transmission.

The news here is likely to spread, and Chu Feng sighed lightly: "It's fine if you don't see it. Maybe the other party uses a fake face, and it doesn't matter if you see it."

"Does Vasu have a family?" Chu Feng asked. "City Lord, yes, someone from her family has already notified her. If the time has passed, it may take some time to arrive." Someone beside Chu Feng immediately replied.

"Since Vasu still has family members, I won't take her body away. I apologize to her family for me. Then, Vasu's body can be taken away by her family." Chu Feng said.

Soon Chu Feng left Gods City. Vasu did not die in Gods City. Feng Bingning used the time ability to find out where Vasu died. Chu Feng and Feng Bingning arrived soon. Got Vasu the Land of Death.

The place where Vasu died was a bamboo sea, where there are countless bamboos. "The peak is here. Vasu was playing the piano at the time. The murderer came from the front. When Vasu raised her head, a ray of light shot into her mind and immediately destroyed her soul and killed her!" Feng Bing condensed.

"Look, there are still a few stamps here, pressed out of the Vasu stool." Feng Bingning pointed to the stamps on the ground and said. "Miao Xian'er, have you collected some breath?" Chu Feng said in his mind.

"A little bit... the murderer condensed his breath, but he still leaked a little breath at the moment he started it. We came faster, and those breaths still haven't dissipated a little bit." Miao Xian'er said.

"Feng, this is what the person looked like, and the scene when that person started hands. I have tried my best to make the picture clear, but now my strength is still lower, and the final picture is still relatively fuzzy." Feng Bingning said directly. Some pictures reached Chu Feng's mind.

In the picture, the person doing the hands-on is a man who looks in his thirties and has an ordinary appearance. Chu Feng estimated that it is very likely that the hands-on person did not use his own appearance when he did it.

In all likelihood, his appearance is not true, but there is one thing that is more difficult to change. After all, Vasu is a quasi-sage-level powerhouse. The murderer used a weapon with his hand. It was an awl. The light that killed Vasu was That awl shot out!

"Bing Ning, doing a good job, I can roughly recognize that weapon is already good!" Chu Feng said. Feng Bingning smiled slightly: "It's useful, but fortunately, you come faster. If you come back a little bit slower, the picture I made will be more blurred. In that case, you may not be able to recognize anything."

"Go back, every strong person's information will be recorded in more detail, Mu Bai and the others may have more detailed information." Chu Feng said.

Without bringing Feng Bingning into the sacred prison space, the two of Chu Feng quickly arrived at Mu Bai's residence in the Shenchu ​​trading market.

"City Lord! Madam!"

Mu Bai saluted respectfully, Du Guyu was not here at the moment. "Mu Bai, I want the information of all people who use such awls as weapons." Chu Feng immediately showed an awl image in front of him when he moved his mind.

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