Holy Prison

Chapter 1479: Big fish, treasures for sale

"Yang Tao, do you want to start?" In Gods City, not too far from one of the five quasi-sage-level powerhouses dispatched by Chu Feng, a young man spoke.

"Wait, Chu Feng doesn't know what the **** is going on. Five quasi-sage-level powerhouses are sent out. This may be a trap!" Another humane, this person frowned slightly.

"Yang Tao, the rest of the team will be settled by then. If we don’t get it done, we will not be able to pass the message from the Shenchu ​​trading market. Chu Feng and some strong people in Shenchu ​​City will not move at all. These five people It's also acting secretly. We just need to be careful and we can kill him in an instant! The two of us, a fifth-tier quasi-saint level, and a sixth-tier quasi-saint level, can't we kill an ordinary quasi-saint level? Is it a holy powerhouse?"

"Look again, the shot is certain, but we have to find a suitable time to take the shot! If it is not a hit, it is better not to shoot!"

The two quasi-sage-level powerhouses were discussing, the art experts were bold, and they slowly approached a quasi-sage-level powerhouse that Chu Feng had sent to the side of Gods City.

Shenchu ​​trading market.

Miao Xian'er's voice suddenly rang in Chu Feng's mind: "Chu Feng, I have found it. On the side of Gods City, two big fish are close to the bait, one weighs five catties and the other weighs six catties!"


Chu Feng said in his mind, Miao Xian'er instantly showed some images near the target on the side of Gods City in Chu Feng's mind. "Write down the names of the two people." Chu Feng said, separated far away, just sensing the screen, but it is okay to find out the basic situation on the other side, but this requires additional consumption of some kindness. "One is Yang Tao and the other is Han Lubu. Chu Feng, which side are you going to?" Miao Xian'er said.

"The sky's eyes have a limited sensing distance. If I go to the other side, at least two of the other four directions can't sense clearly. Besides, the two big fishes on the other side and the side I used must have gone early. Just write down their information. Yes, with clear information, I will not be afraid of finding no one at that time!"

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, in this case, all five of them are somewhat dangerous." "It's okay, it's just a little dangerous. They are all people who are afraid of death, not so easy to die." Chu Feng said, those five people He always asked Mu Bai to give them something. If you were careful, the possibility of their death was still not high.

"Anyway, none of them are good things. Even if they are really dead, I don't sympathize with them." Miao Xian'er said, "Hey, there are fish close to the bait, three fish, one four catties, two Five catties are all heavier, Chu Feng, it seems that there is a big influence on Shenchu ​​City."

"They will pay the price!" Chu Feng said coldly. Compared with the assassination, who could compare to him? Hundreds of terrifyingly powerful Tianwei shots, even the tenth rank quasi-saint-level powerhouse would have to die instantly or be captured into the city of God!

Kos city.

The one who was sent to Gods City was a quasi-saint-level strong man named Qian Dan. Qian Dan’s eyes scanned the surroundings. He felt a little bit. It seemed that there was a strong man watching him, but he didn’t let out his spirit. Find the goal.

"Damn it, didn't you want to pick up things? Why did I get here, no one brought me anything at all." Qian Dan said in a low voice, a small sword exuding a faint energy aura appeared in his hand.

The energy aura from the small sword is very weak, but Yang Tao and Han Lubu are shocked when they feel the faint energy aura from the small sword. The small sword is an offensive weapon. Judging from the light but extremely pure energy aura, the use of this small sword is estimated to be able to kill the seventh-order quasi-saint power!

"Withdraw, nothing can be done, let's immediately notify the rest of the people to withdraw, it's a trap! This guy is too timid, if you are more courageous, we have to confess one or two of them here today." Yang Tao said in a voice.

"Yang Tao, it's just an attacking treasure. If we make a move, it is estimated that he can be destroyed in an instant, and then we can still get a powerful attacking treasure!" Han Lububu said.

Yang Tao's face sank: "Stupid, there is such an offensive treasure, how can there be no defensive treasure? If there are more of us, then we will do it immediately, only the two of us, it is estimated that he will not be able to kill him instantly! He is also a Quasi-Holy Grade The strong man, the reaction must be extremely fast, as long as he cannot be killed instantly, then with the power of that treasure, the two of us will have to die!"

"It's a little weird, why would Chu Feng let such a guy who is afraid of death come out and send some people who are not afraid of death, wouldn't it be better?" Hanlu preached. "The defensive treasures are more difficult to use than the attacking treasures. It is estimated that only he has a few more powerful defensive treasures. Okay, the probability of death is high, look for the next chance." Yang Tao said and retreated immediately, Han Lu Although Bu wanted to get that attacking treasure, Yang Tao retreated now, he could only retreat!

In five places, Chu Feng sent out five quasi-sage-level powerhouses, of which four quasi-sage-level powerhouses returned safely, and another quasi-sage-level powerhouse was "eaten", the one he used to There were several fish on one side, and some of them weighed several catties. Those fish ate the bait without hesitation!

"Chu Feng, what should I do next? They probably all left where they were. Although they know their names, they are so big that it is not easy to find them." Miao Xianer said.

"If you can't find them, let them come and find me!" Chu Feng said indifferently in his mind, but he lost a quasi-sage-level powerhouse and got the names of more than 20 quasi-sage-level powerhouses. Chu Feng still Quite satisfactory.

The quasi-sage-level powerhouses are all very strong. If they can be killed or controlled, then the quasi-sage-level powerhouse can be considered dead.

"Mu Bai!"

Chu Feng called, Mu Bai quickly entered the room. "City Lord, what's the order?" Mu Bai respectfully said.

"The order goes on. One month later, there will be a batch of treasures coming out of the Shenchu ​​trading market. They are definitely satisfying treasures. Among them are things that can kill the sixth and seventh rank quasi-saint-level powerhouses, and there are top-notch wines! Welcome all The powerful come to buy, and all the powerful are welcome to bring some treasures to trade!" Chu Feng said lightly.

Mu Bai said in shock: "City Lord, if such a treasure falls into the hands of the hostile forces, it will be used on our own at that time."

"Let's take our own measures and order to go down. The Shenchu ​​trading market has been affected these days, and it needs a little stimulus." Chu Feng said.

"Yes, City Lord."

Mu Bai didn't say any more and went to work quickly. As Tianwei, he naturally knew some of Chu Feng's strength, and he was not too worried at the moment.

In the God Realm, except for babies who do not know anything, except for fools, everyone knows the importance of strength, and powerful treasures are naturally part of strength.

Today there are many auction houses in the God Realm, some of which are very large, and there are occasional auctions in the treasures that can kill the general quasi-sage-level experts, but they can kill the sixth and seventh-order quasi-sage-level experts. Basically, the items of the author will not appear in such auction houses, and there are not many people in the entire God Realm who would be willing to sell such treasures!

Therefore, the news that the Shenchu ​​trading market will sell some top treasures immediately shocked the entire human emperor. In the entire God Realm, I want to find a person who can kill the treasure of the sixth and seventh rank quasi-sage level powerhouse. I don't know how many, such a thing, even if it is not used, it is enough to scare many people!

"I can kill the treasure of the sixth and seventh rank quasi-sage level powerhouse, this thing, I must get it. If I get it, it will be easy to kill the black flame!"

"What the **** is Shenchu ​​City doing? Are there too many babies like this? It seems that you have to visit Shenchu ​​trading market again!"

"The top wine, Jie Jie, has appeared again. This is a good market for the first time! You have to be prepared this time and get more!"

"Let's pass the order down, and everyone in the faction will gather the void stones for me. I have great use!"

The whole human emperor was greatly shaken, and this time it caused a bigger shock than the last time. The last time was more urgent, and the treasures were more attractive than the strong ones. Shenchu ​​trading market, Shenchu ​​city’s The name is there, no one would think that this is just a teasing of Shenchucheng!

As the news spread, some quasi-saint-level powerhouses of the Ten Thousand Demons quickly gathered together. "Deputy team leader, what the **** is Shenchucheng? I inexplicably sent out five people before, and this time they made such a big move." Yang Tao frowned.

"I think it is to ease the pressure inside and outside Shenchu ​​City. Several quasi-sage-level powerhouses died in Shenchu ​​City. Some people doubted the safety of the Shenchu ​​trading market, so some were reluctant to come over here. , And the inside of Shenchu ​​City is somewhat dissatisfied with this situation."

A purple-clothed woman playing with a bead in her hand said faintly: "No matter what is going on in Shenchu ​​City, no matter what Chu Feng thinks, let's be careful and do our job well. This time we are done. , The Lord can get a lot of void stones, and our rewards will be indispensable."

"Deputy leader, I don't know what the Lord needs so many void stones for?" a Quasi-Saint-level expert asked.

The cold light in the purple-clothed woman's eyes made the quasi-sage-level expert who asked the question chills: "Ouyang, what do you want the Void Stone to do, is this something you can control?"

"Deputy leader, I was wrong." The quasi-saint-level powerhouse quickly said. "The curse comes from the mouth, remember this, let's execute the Lord's order!" The purple-clothed woman said quietly.

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