Holy Prison

Chapter 1480: Tang Ming Zhou Wen wakes up

"Deputy leader, this time the God’s First Trade Fair, shall we participate in the past?" The question was a sixth-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouse. His tone was more respectful, although he had the strength of the sixth-tier quasi-sage-level. The deputy team leader looks soft and weak, but in fact he is an eighth-level quasi-saint-level powerhouse!

The purple-clothed woman didn't immediately answer and thought about it a little bit before saying: "Those who want to pass can pass. This time there will definitely be a lot of quasi-sage-level powerhouses coming over. Even in the past, it should not be conspicuous."

"Vice team leader wise!" Someone immediately smiled and flattered. The general trade fair is not very attractive to them at all, but the Shenchu ​​Fair is very attractive to them. Shenchu ​​City will take out Some top treasures will come, and some strong players from the rest of the forces will also come up with many treasures to trade!

"Stop flattering, you won't get into trouble at that time, if it happens, even if I spare you, the team leader can't spare you!" the purple-clothed woman said coldly.

As time passes by day by day, the number of powerhouses among the ten thousand races will increase a lot every day. Chu Feng has been circling around ten thousand demons these days, and every larger city can basically be found. There are naturally more saint-level powerhouses, as for the deity-level powerhouses! Chu Feng really wanted to desperately let the holy prison catch enough people and then upgrade... It was just that he could only stay at the level of thinking. If he did that, he estimated that he would immediately become the enemy of the entire God Realm!

With the gathering of strong people in Shenchu ​​City and more and more strong people from the ten thousand races, more than half a month passed slowly in Shenchu ​​City and no new strong people died.

In the Shenchu ​​trading market, Chu Feng was drinking tea quietly, and a housekeeper arranged by Mu Bai to take care of Chu Feng's life rushed to a place not far from Chu Feng.

"What's the matter?" Chu Feng smiled lightly. Although the steward was in a hurry, he didn't look nervous. Chu Feng knew that it should not be bad news.

"City Lord, Message from Shenchu ​​City, Team Leader Tang and Team Leader Zhou have sensed their own god-exalted ranks, and the two of them are probably crossing the gods in these few days!

Chu Feng's eyes lit up. It has been seven or eight hundred years for Tang Ming and the others to serve the treasure. With their talents, it is now time to reach the god-level cultivation base!

Regardless of whether Hongjun and the others are parasitic or not, Tang Ming and the others can now borrow power. When the emperor **** was at a junior level, they could borrow power to reach the strength of the general quasi-sage level in a short time. After they borrowed their power, there shouldn't be many problems with reaching the fifth and sixth quasi-saint level strength.

There are a lot of things that Shenchucheng needs to deal with now, if Tang Ming and the others reach the strength of the god-exalted level, it can greatly reduce the pressure on Chu Feng!

"Okay, I see, let's go on." Chu Feng waved his hand to let the housekeeper leave. There is still half a month before the start of the trade fair. Zhou Wen and the others must pass through the catastrophe. Chu Feng thought about it and wanted to inform Mu Bai made a sound and then hurried towards Infinity.

There are many sea passages between Infinite and Ten Thousand Races. Because the two areas are controlled by Shenchu ​​City, the road is unblocked. However, because of the danger of the sea, it takes a few days for ordinary people to pass through the sea, but for Chu Feng It doesn't need to be. With the spirit dragon, Chu Feng doesn't take much time on the sea. Starting from the backwater basin, Chu Feng has already returned to Shenchu ​​City in about an hour.

"Fatty, Mingzi! You two really enjoy it!"

Chu Feng's voice sounded in Zhou Wen and Tang Ming's mind, and his figure appeared next to Zhou Wen and Tang Ming in the next moment.

"Boss!" Chu Feng appeared. Tang Ming and Zhou Wen both stood up with a little excitement, and then hammered at Chu Feng's chest with one old fist.

The two voices sounded almost at the same time. Both Tang Ming and Zhou Wen's fists fell on Chu Feng's chest, but Chu Feng was fine. Tang Ming and Zhou Wen screamed in pain, and Chu Feng's two palms were separated at this time. I photographed them on their shoulders!

"Boss, you want to murder!" Zhou Wen patted Chu Feng's palm and rubbed his shoulder. "Damn, you two guys, the effort is not small!" Chu Feng smiled, "It's not bad, it's earlier than the estimated thousand years, but the foundation is quite solid, you should reach the god-excellent level cultivation base There is no problem!"

Chu Feng added a pot of wine himself, and then took out a few side dishes from the Saint Prison Canteen. Tang Ming and Zhou Wen's eyes lit up when they saw the few side dishes. With the current level of the Saint Prison, the canteen The top-notch things made in it tasted very good, even in the God Realm, it was not easy to eat that kind of delicacy.

"Boss, you said that we will enjoy it. You will enjoy it wherever we have it. You run around and pack a lot of delicious foods!" Tang Ming smiled, and Chu Feng sat down. He and Zhou Wen were also sitting at this time. under.

"That's you guys who are lazy, just thinking of me eating here." Chu Feng smiled and scolded, "Let's have a drink first. We haven't seen each other for more than 700 years. Time flies!"

"Drink one drink one!"

The three brothers toasted, and then all drank them all at once. "Boss, I have heard about the law enforcement team. It is the responsibility of my team leader." Zhou Wen said in a deep voice.

"There is no need to talk about the previous things. It is normal for you to retreat and practice. It is normal for you to ignore this. You should not need to retreat for some time. Take care of the law enforcement team. Although I have dealt with it, there are still no The few problems need to be dealt with by you as the team leader." Chu Feng said, "Xiao Mingzi, your intelligence team, it is estimated that you also need to take care of it."

"Yeah." Tang Ming and Zhou Wen both nodded. "Boss, on the side of the Ten Thousand Clan, I wonder if there is any problem?" Tang Ming said.

Chu Feng frowned slightly and said: "Our God Chu City killed six quasi-sage-level powerhouses, the problem is naturally problematic, but you don’t care about it for the time being. The most important thing for you now is to overcome the catastrophe and reach the gods. Level strength!"

"Well, let's not discuss those annoying things now, what is your specific time to cross the catastrophe?" Chu Feng said.

Tang Ming smiled and said: "I am two days later, fat man is three days later, fat man, the fact is obvious, you are the fate of the third child, accept your fate, Sao Nian!"

"Damn!" Zhou Wen's face was full of helplessness. If he wants to drive a little after a long time, it will be one day away. This is too cheating!

"Boss, sister-in-law and others? Have they reached the god-exalable level?" Zhou Wendao, Feng Bingning and their cultivation bases were similar to them before, Zhou Wen wanted to find some comfort, but his comfort was in the wrong place.

Chu Feng smiled lightly: "They...Bing Ning, Wen'er, and Song Ye have all reached the god-level cultivation level long ago." "Uh" Zhou Wen almost choked with a sip of wine.

"Boss, isn't it? Have all three of them reached the god-exalted level? That's a lot faster than me and Xiao Mingzi, this is too abnormal!" Zhou Wen said in a strange way, he knew Feng Bingning and the others. The treasures used are no better than the treasures they use, but they actually reached the god-exalted level before them!

Chu Feng smiled secretly in his heart, fortunately Zhou Wen and the others didn't know that Feng Bingning and the others had reached the god-level cultivation base two or three hundred years ago. If they knew it, they would have vomited blood!

"Boss, sister-in-law, do they have your nourishment, so they practice faster?" Tang Ming laughed. If the relationship is not particularly good, Tang Ming and they must think that Chu Feng has hidden his privates and has not been better. Give them things, but they clearly know that Chu Feng will not do that.

"It's only possible, the boss is too abnormal, the sister-in-law and the others are moisturized by the boss's rain dew, this, hehehe!" Zhou Wen laughed strangely.

Chu Feng drank the wine and smiled and said: "You said, I will tell you a few sister-in-laws at that time. Yilian's tenth quasi-sage level, Feiying also has the strength of the tenth quasi-sage level, plus Bing Ning and the others. Three."

"Boss, don't do your elders. A few sister-in-laws, Bing Ning's sister-in-law, Lan Wen's sister-in-law, and Song Ye's sister-in-law's sister-in-law, can be more talkative. Tao, thinking of some of the "interesting" little poisons of Miao Feiying, Zhou Wen and Tang Ming both felt their bodies tremble, but they had "enjoyed" many times.

"Boss, you can't be enough brothers." Tang Ming also hurriedly said. He doesn't want to be caught by Yilian as a sandbag. Although Yilian is kind, she has a big interest in improving Tang Ming's anti-strike ability. Once Tang Ming and Zhou Wen made a full shot, but in the end they were beaten into pigs.

"I said you two, it's useless, do you have to be so afraid of Yilian and Feiying?" Chu Feng smiled.

"Boss, you don't hurt your back when you stand and talk. The two of them are quasi-saint-level powerhouses of the tenth rank, let alone us, even if you are the boss, you can only be abused by them if you don't use some foreign objects! "Zhou Wen said helplessly, "Boss, in the past few hundred years, Feiying's sister-in-law hasn't researched any new poisons, right? Don't use me to test the poisons after the research has come out. Although it is good for my body strength, it is too painful."

"How could it not be studied? It is conservatively estimated that at least a thousand species have been developed for hundreds of years." Chu Feng said with a light smile. "Boss, I can't tell my sister-in-law what I said just now, please, come, boss, I will offer you a glass of old man, your old man has a lot, let us go!" Zhou Wen's wine glass was raised.

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