Holy Prison

Chapter 1481: Church

Two or three days passed quickly, and Tang Ming and Zhou Wen’s place of crossing the robbery was arranged in the holy prison space. There is no outsider to disturb in the holy prison space. With the abilities of the two of them, it is natural to respect the gods safely and securely. The robbery level crossed the past and reached the primary strength of the gods. Because the Thunder Tribulation that the two of them encountered was not particularly powerful, their strength was only the same as when ordinary people reached the primary level of the gods, unlike Chu Feng, who would soon reach the intermediate level of the gods after crossing the tribulation!

"Haha! This kind of power is much cooler than before!"

Zhou Wen clenched his fist and felt the powerful force in his body and laughed. Tang Ming had gone through the tribulation of the gods yesterday, and he just passed the tribulation of the gods! "Fatty, congratulations!" Chu Feng and Tang Ming both smiled and said congratulations. From the Emperor God level to the Desun God level, this is not a small improvement!

"Tongxi, the same, you two have reached the strength of the god-exalted level before me!" Zhou Wen laughed. "Go out, you guys feel what kind of strength can be achieved after the strength of the god-exalable level is now borrowed." Chu Feng said.

Zhou Wen and Tang Ming nodded, and the three of them instantly appeared outside Chu Mansion.

"Boss, let me just borrow my strength and try it!" Tang Ming said. After borrowing the power, he couldn’t borrow it again for a while. Chu Feng nodded his head after thinking about it. For the time being, Tang Ming and the others are not needed. They can use the power to test it, so as to avoid problems in real battles. .

"Okay, you can test the fat man!" Chu Feng said.

The three realms were separated, and the power that Tang Ming, Zhouwen and the rest of the entire God Realm could use was somewhat affected, but the influence was not particularly large.

Two powerful forces instantly appeared on Tang Ming and Zhou Wen. Because they didn’t control their power at once, they made a huge roar in the surrounding space, but the people in Chu Mansion could feel it. At some point, outside the Chu Mansion, they couldn't sense their powerful aura.

Both of them sighed deeply to strengthen their control, and the powerful aura that burst out immediately was greatly suppressed. "Very good, sixth-order quasi-sage level, see how long you can last!" Chu Feng said, if there is no influence of the separation of the three realms, then it is estimated that it can reach the eighth-order quasi-sage level by borrowing power at this time, but it can reach the sixth The strength of the quasi-sage level is also very good!

"Fatty, you are a golden man!" Tang Ming smiled.

"You are still laughing at me, a rainbow is growing out of your head," Zhou Wenle said.

Chu Feng looked at Zhou Wen and looked at Tang Ming. There was a smile in his eyes. At this time, every piece of Zhou Wen's muscles appeared pale gold. This is a manifestation of his body power that is not well controlled. If you can control it well, there will be no abnormalities in your body, and Tang Ming, the rainbow on his head is formed by small spots of light, one spot of light, one world, and those small spots of light are his practice. The worlds formed can't completely control the power, and the world power of training has appeared!

"Let's get acquainted with the power of the sixth quasi-sage level." Chu Feng smiled. "Boss, are you interested in playing a few games? Hehehehe." Zhou Wen laughed strangely. At this time, he reached the level of the sixth quasi-sage level. He was full of confidence in himself. Although Chu Feng could leapfrog and play, he didn't believe it. Chu Feng's strength has surpassed the sixth-order quasi-sage.

"Practicing?" Chu Feng said with a smile, more than 700 years ago, when he just reached the peak of the gods, the small world of the law combined with the different dimension space seal can reach the level of destroying the fifth-order quasi-sage-level powerhouse. Over the past seven hundred years, his strength has increased a lot, and Feng Bingning's fit with the domain tower has improved. Yilian is a quasi-sage-level tenth level cultivation base. If Chu Feng borrows Yilian’s power, it will be straightforward. You can reach the sixth-order quasi-saint level cultivation base.

After borrowing Yilian’s power, you can’t use your natal skills, but the different-dimensional space seal can still be used. Because it is a borrowed power, there is no need to use the different-dimensional space seal to kill when you do not borrow the power. It’s definitely not a problem to destroy the quasi-sage-level powerhouses of the eighth-tier quasi-sage level. If you add the power of the law of space, the quasi-sage-level powers of the ninth-tier may not be able to get from Chu Feng. Escape in your hands!

Seeing Chu Feng's smile, Zhou Wen's smile stiffened: "Ahem, this...Xiao Mingzi, you go first, boss, we will play again later."

"Timid guy, can't the boss kill you?" Tang Ming despised. "Xiao Mingzi, then you go." Zhou Wen said. "I last fart, the boss is 3,000 meters away, and the spiritual power is immense. I was so conquered by him!" Tang Ming said.

"Although the sacred soil is vast, the boss's cultivation base is relatively low now, and the mental power is simply not available. Xiao Mingzi, you have the hope of winning the boss." Zhou Wen urged.

"We can use our power to improve our cultivation. Boss, don't you think you can't use the power of Yilian's sister-in-law before, but now Yilian's sister-in-law is at the tenth quasi-sage level." Tang Ming said in an angry manner. Don’t drag me into the water!"

Zhou Wen laughed and said: "Boss, we have to stipulate that you can't borrow the power of Yilian's sister-in-law, nor can you borrow the power of Feiying's sister-in-law. If you can borrow it. Just rely on your own strength, then I will try with you!"

"Alright, let's talk about it next time if you have time. You probably won't be able to hold on for long this time." Chu Feng smiled lightly. Even if he doesn't borrow the power of Yilian and others to win Zhou Wen, Chu Feng is confident. The law of space The force plus the space seal of the different dimension, plus the chaotic scarlet gold armor plus the wind spirit orb, there is not much pressure to win Zhou Wen. After all, Zhou Wen is a borrowed force and cannot last too long!

"I can't hold on anymore." Tang Ming frowned slightly, his voice fell, and the huge force disappeared from them in just a few seconds, "Two minutes and three seconds!"

The power that Tang Ming borrowed here disappears, but in the past two seconds, the power that Zhou Wen borrowed has also disappeared from his body. Compared with Tang Wen, he borrowed two more seconds.

"Two minutes is usually enough!" Chu Feng said with a chuckle, and two minutes is enough to solve the opponent if he encounters someone with a lower strength. If he can't beat the opponent, two minutes is usually enough. Escape!


Tang Mingyi sat down, and the use of power in this way would consume a lot of their bodies. They continued to use the power until the power disappeared. At this time, they felt almost collapsed!

"The strength of the sixth-tier quasi-saint-level and the strength of the elementary gods are too different." Zhou Wen was a little depressed, and the huge power disappeared, he really felt a little uncomfortable.

Chu Feng smiled and said, "You can feel it and see how long the power can be borrowed again."

"Yeah." Tang Ming and Zhou Wen felt it right away. About a minute later, Tang Ming said, "Boss, it will take five days to borrow again.

"I'm the same." Zhou Wen said, "I can borrow such power once in five days, but it's fine. If the borrowed power is less, the persistence time can be much longer."

"Five days... Then you can catch up with the Shenchu ​​Fair. Since your strength will recover at that time, let's go and take a look!" Chu Feng said.

Tang Ming frowned slightly and said, "Boss, did you really take out some treasures for auction? Top treasures, you still think too much? What do you think about this?"

There are enchantments around, Chu Feng doesn't worry about being heard by others. "If you don't have a good bait, you can't hang a big fish." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

"It's for those who took action against our Shenchucheng?" Zhou Wen said in a deep voice. He and Tang Ming were very angry when he heard the news. Shenchucheng really rarely suffered such a loss.

"Well! You have just reached the cultivation base of the Exalted God level, and you have borrowed your strength, first go to my treasure space to recover and consolidate your strength." Chu Feng said.

Zhou Wen and the others nodded, and Chu Feng immediately sent Tang Ming and Zhou Wen into the holy prison space.

Several days passed in a blink of an eye, and Chu Feng naturally reached the ten thousand races, and the Shenchu ​​Fair was near. Tang Ming and Zhou Wen could already borrow their power again, but in order to consolidate their cultivation, they did not immediately. Come out of Chu Feng's treasure space.

The entire human emperor, conservatively estimated that half a million quasi-sage-level powerhouses, this time the Shenchu ​​fair, naturally not all quasi-sage-level powerhouses will come to the side of Shenchu ​​city, but to the side of the Deshenchu ​​fair The number of quasi-saint-level powerhouses also reached one hundred thousand. Some quasi-saint-level powerhouses actually don't want to come too much, but if you don't come, your enemy may come, if the enemy also bought top-notch treasures on this side.

"Chu Feng, I found a fish weighing two catties, but it can't be locked!" Miao Xian'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, the eyes of Chu Feng chatting with Yilian and Miao Feiying in the holy prison space It suddenly lit up.

"Husband, eyes are shining, is there a happy event?" Miao Feiying noticed the change in Chu Feng's eyes and smiled. "Well, a fish has swam over. It is estimated that it came here to try the water." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Miao Xian'er, don't act rashly, let it swim, and catch more fish in one net!"

"You know." Miao Xianer's voice sounded.

"Deputy team leader, I have passed. There is no response on the side of Shenchu ​​City. There are already four to five thousand quasi-sage-level experts on the other side. Many people hide their identities. It is impossible for Shenchu ​​City. Knowing that we were the one who did it before!" A young man respectfully said in a place far away from the Shenchu ​​trading market.

"Well, Yang Tao, you can take a few people over and try again. If there are no problems, then just go over if you want."

"Yes, deputy leader!"

Yang Tao quickly pointed out the names of several people, and then came together toward the Shenchu ​​trading market. Needless to say, they were discovered as soon as they approached the Shenchu ​​trading market.

"Chu Feng, a few more fish have come here. They weigh five or six catties. They went to the restaurant." Miao Xian'er reminded again. "Monitor their conversations. In addition, can anyone among them lock in? If so, lock in." Chu Feng said, as long as those guys are not communicating with each other, Chu Feng believes they can clearly know what they say. Even if they don't say anything, they are locked up at this time, after they leave, they will not still transmit like this.

"Yes! Five people, three of them can be locked, already locked!"

Miao Xian'er responded to Chu Feng to put her heart down, as long as they were locked in, then it was worthwhile to bring out some treasures from the Shenchu ​​Fair this time!

"I want to see, which force is causing the ghost!" Chu Feng snorted in his heart. Inside the restaurant, Yang Tao and the others were chatting, Tianyan could monitor their words, but they didn't even say what Chu Feng wanted to know. , I’m just talking about wine, women, and what kind of treasures will appear at the Shenchu ​​Fair this time!

After more than an hour passed, Yang Tao and the other four quasi-sage-level experts left with enough food and drink. In a short time, they left the stagnant basin for a long distance.

At the beginning of the gods trading market, a god-level powerhouse also left two minutes after they left. He followed Yang Tao and the others a long way away. Nowadays, there are many god-level powerhouses in the ten thousand races, which one is the god-level powerhouse. The strong were stalked far away, and they were not even noticed by Yang Tao.

Yang Tao and the others were more cautious. They used voice transmission for chat along the way. After going around a few times, they returned to the base area after half an hour.

"Good guy, there are more than twenty quasi-sage-level powerhouses, and there are eight-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouses, and the Dark King is not wronged!" Chu Feng said solemnly in the holy prison space, and he waved in front of him. A ball of light appeared, which showed some conditions near Yang Hao and them.

"Husband, there are big beauties." Yilian pointed to a purple-clothed woman in the ball of light and smiled. Those purple-clothed women have really good looks, not worse than Yilian and others. "She seems to be the leader, that is Does she have an eighth-level quasi-sage level cultivation base?"

Chu Feng nodded slightly. At this time, the purple-clothed woman outside said faintly, "Yang Tao, what's the situation?" "Deputy team leader, there is nothing unusual. There are more powerful people on the side of Shenchu ​​City. There are many. People have already started some transactions, and some good things have emerged." Yang Taohui reported.

"Deputy Team Leader" Chu Feng's eyes were shocked. There are not a few powers in the entire God Realm, but there are not many deputy team leaders with the strength of the eighth quasi-saint level. Chu Feng is also the deputy leader of the temple. Most of them are the strength of the eighth-level quasi-saint level!

Yilian and Miao Feiying also knew about the sanctuary, and at this time their eyes were full of solemnity. "Husband, are these people from the temple? The temple knows about Qinying," Yilian frowned.

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