Holy Prison

Chapter 1482: caveat

"It's very likely that these people are from the temple, but Qin Ying's business may not be... If it is Qin Ying's business, then maybe it is not just a deputy team leader coming here." Chu Feng said.

Hearing what Yang Tao said, the purple-clothed woman nodded slightly: "Since everything is normal, then you should go and take a look at that time. If you can get some good things, it's not bad. But don't cause anything. If it is because of private affairs that affect the task assigned by the Lord, you know the consequences!"

"Yes, deputy team leader." Yang Tao and others responded.

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng's face was solemn, and the two words "deputy leader" and "main" appeared. The probability that this group of people are members of the sacred church is as high as 95% or more!

"Husband, they should be members of the temple, what should we do?" Yilian frowned. There are many powerful people in the temple. More than 700 years ago, there were 2,000 quasi-saint-level powerful people. Will be less! Moreover, the temple is hidden in the dark, and there is no fixed headquarters. If such forces get in trouble, it will be very troublesome!

Chu Feng frowned. If he weren't from the sanctuary, then it would be fine to let the entourage go directly and capture or kill them, but they were the sanctuary, it was really difficult to do!

Although the tens of thousands of races are now in chaos, if these people die, the sanctuary may not be sure that it was the hands of God Chucheng, but the sanctuary does not need to be determined at all. It only needs to be suspicious, doubt God Chucheng, and then If you directly attack Shenchucheng, Shenchucheng will be very troublesome by then!

Twenty or so quasi-sage-level powerhouses have caused a lot of casualties in Shenchu ​​City. If there are two hundred or two thousand, then Shenchu ​​City may be destroyed!

"Husband, isn't it impossible to let them go? If they are allowed to let go, they might still attack Shenchu ​​City at that time!" Miao Feiying said.

"I think about it." Chu Feng said solemnly.

Leaning back on the sofa, Chu Feng quickly thought about it. The people outside were talking about it. It didn't take long for Chu Feng to completely determine that those people were the people of the temple!

"Miao Xian'er, let the follower approach the target." Chu Feng said in a deep voice. Now the most important thing is to lock the people who can be locked among their twenty-something people. After locking, the time comes. It is at least impossible for them to run away!

Miao Xian'er responded. The god-level powerhouse outside quickly approached the sanctuary. There were more than twenty quasi-Saint-level powerhouses. After the god-level powerhouse got closer, Yang Tao and the others discovered I missed that god-level powerhouse but didn't pay much attention. There are too many powerhouses among the ten thousand races. It is not a strange thing for a god-level powerhouse to appear on their side!

"The distance is reached, you can lock it!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded, and Chu Feng immediately checked the information of those people. The first person to check was naturally the cultivation base of the purple-clothed woman. She was the deputy of this team. Leader!

"Ling Yue."

Chu Feng murmured in his heart, this Lingyue's strength is really not weak, her cultivation level is eighth quasi-sage, and her strength evaluation is 1 star+, even if she faces a ninth-tier quasi-sage, the strength of this woman will not be much weaker. !

"Husband, if they didn't come for Qinying's business, then what did they come for? We, Shenchu ​​City, obviously didn't get into the sanctuary, right?" Yilian said with some doubts.

Chu Feng shook his head. How could he know if those guys didn't mention it? "Deputy team leader, Tian Yuanzong has already produced 50 billion catties of void stones last time. Can you still hand over such void stones this time?" Chu Feng and the others raised their ears, and Ling Yue and others outside were already talking about this. topic of.

"Which power would dare to owe my sanctuary's account? If it owes it, after the death of some people in Tian Yuanzong, I think Tian Yuanzong will hand over things obediently." Ling Yue said flatly.

"There is 40 billion catties in Tianyuanzong, 60 billion catties in Shenchu ​​City should not be back to the question, adding up to 100 billion catties, we can just complete the task the Lord gave us!" Ling Yue said quietly, " The Fair will officially begin after the day after tomorrow. If you pass, you must be more careful!"

In the sacred prison space, both Chu Feng and Miao Feiying frowned, "It turns out that the master of the sacred temple needs a void stone! It is estimated that Tianyuanzong wants to deal with our Shenchu ​​city, and then contacted the sacred church. Let's There are a lot of void stones in Shenchu ​​City. With this move, the temple will receive the benefits of Tian Yuanzong and rob our Shenchu ​​City, killing two birds with one stone!" Miao Feiying said.

"Void Stone"

Chu Feng muttered, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "The master of the temple wants to get a lot of void stones, is it to open the passage between the holy world and the gods?"

The Holy Realm and the God Realm have not yet communicated, and the people of the Holy Realm cannot descend to the realm. The Void Stone has spatial abilities. It is used to open the passage between the Holy Realm and the God Realm. This is really possible!

"Husband, we don't care about that, even if it is, it shouldn't be able to get through it all at once, let's take care of the immediate matter first." Yilian said.

"Now our God Chu City is not suitable for direct confrontation with the Holy Church. For the time being, I can only give a warning." Chu Feng said in a deep voice. Miao Xian'er had caught tens of thousands of quasi-sage-level powerhouses before. If that strength can For Chu Feng, the power is extremely powerful, but even if Chu Feng's mental power is extremely abnormal, now it is the limit to control hundreds of thousands of general quasi-sage-level powerhouses. Such strength still cannot match the temple. , And now the city of Shenchu ​​is bright, and the church is dark!

"Warning?" Miao Feiying frowned.

With Chu Feng's thoughts, Qin Jian appeared in front of him, "Master." Qin Jian hurriedly bowed respectfully when he saw Chu Feng. Chu Feng nodded slightly and a thought instantly passed into Qin Jian's mind.

"Miao Xian'er, let the entourage outside leave." Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er gave the order, and the entourage of the gods who was not too far away from Ling Yue and the others left soon, "Qin Jian, give this jade slip to Ling Yue." Chu Feng said a piece of jade slip flew to Ling Yue. Qin Jian, he has already burned some information in that jade slip.

Qin Jian received the message, and Chu Feng waved his hand and immediately appeared outside. "Husband, will this be a little horrible?" Miao Feiying said.

Chu Feng sighed slightly: "There is no way, now we have to stun the snake. If the temple still doesn't let go, then it can only be hard to come to the temple. But I believe the temple will let go. At this time, the temple probably doesn’t think so much, if it’s true, it’s not bad!"

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng and the others were chatting. Outside, Qin Jian swiftly walked towards the place where Ling Yue and the others gathered. At his speed, he had reached a place not too far away from Ling Yue and them in a short time.

Ling Yue stood up suddenly and looked in one direction. She felt a faint aura coming from that direction quickly towards the place where they were.

"Deputy leader, what?"

It was seen that Ling Yue stood up suddenly, and some of the other Quasi-Saint-level experts also stood up quickly. They were slower than Ling Yue, but the ones with higher cultivation base quickly sensed the faint aura. near.

"Be prepared for battle." Ling Yue said solemnly. The opponent came quickly, and she felt that even if she escaped at this time, she might not be able to escape.

The sound of thunder sounded, and the distance was very close. Qin Jian did not hide his aura anymore. The aura of the tenth-tier quasi-sage-level expert burst out, and even Lingyue, the eighth-tier quasi-sage-level expert, also felt relatively strong pressure. As for those with a lower cultivation base, it is natural to feel a little bored.

"Your Excellency, I don't know what to come here, but what can I do?" Ling Yue arched his hands in a more polite manner. The other party is a tenth-tier quasi-saint-level strong, and such a strong must give the necessary respect.

Qin Jian landed a hundred meters away from Ling Yue and the others, "Qin Jian, the City of God. Deputy Leader Ling, welcome to the Ten Thousand Clan." Qin Jian said with a flat smile.

Hearing Qin Jian’s words, Ling Yue and the twenty or so quasi-sage-level experts in the temple all had their complexions changed in an instant, especially Ling Yue, her complexion suddenly became ugly, that is, some of the companions around. Few people who knew her real name, Qin Jian who appeared out of her knew it, and this Qin Jian was from Shenchu ​​City!

Ling Yue deserves to be an eighth-level quasi-sage-level strong, she quickly reacted and said with a chuckle: "Thank you, City Lord Chu, for your kindness, I didn't expect that there is a strong like Brother Qin in Shenchu ​​City!"

"Deputy Team Leader Ling, the city lord has a piece of jade to give you briefly, and then!" Qin Jian waved his hand, and a piece of jade slip appeared in his hand, and the jade slip flew towards Ling Yue quickly.

As soon as Ling Yue stretched out her hand, the jade slip that was flying quickly fell into her slender jade hand. "Brother Qin, please thank City Lord Chu for not killing us!" Ling Yue said quietly.

"No problem." Qin Jian said, tapping his toes to reach the sky, and in the blink of an eye he quickly disappeared into Lingyue and the others.

"Deputy head!"

Several Quasi-Saint-level experts said in a deep voice. "Deputy leader, should we just keep his life? He is a tenth-level quasi-saint-level powerhouse!” said a fifth-tier quasi-saint-level powerhouse.

Ling Yue shook her head slightly: "If that happens, it is estimated that we will die by then. Since Chu Feng let him come, we are naturally prepared! This is the site of Shenchu ​​City. We are only twenty people. Let Shenchucheng discover us, what else is there to say" Ling Yue said and looked at the jade slip in her hand, and then she penetrated into it.

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