Holy Prison

Chapter 1485: Strength speak

The three-day Shenchu ​​Fair finally came to an end in the expectation of countless people. At the Shenchu ​​Fair, many people got what they wanted, but none of them left, even Some people who had left before rushed over later, and some strong men who hadn't been to the Shenchu ​​Fair also ran to this side!

"Shenchucheng didn't know how to deal with this time, but three hundred quasi-sage-level powerhouses who had trouble finding Godchu-cheng had come here, and many of them had cultivation bases that exceeded the general quasi-sage-level powerhouses!"

"There are two quasi-sage-level powerhouses of the eighth rank, and five quasi-sage-level powers of the seventh-order, we, the emperor, there are really a lot of powerful characters, alas, I am only a quasi-sage-level of the first order, when? Only by reaching that level of strength! With such a level of strength today, if you overcome the catastrophe, you really have no confidence!"

"Last time in the city of Shenchu, Lord Yilian showed the strength of the tenth quasi-sage level, but apart from Master Yilian and Lord Mubai, there seems to be no high-level quasi-sage-level powerhouse in Shenchu ​​city now. Chucheng is afraid that there will be no small trouble!"

"More than three hundred Quasi-Sage level powerhouses, and more than one hundred have reached the fourth-tier Quasi-Sage level strength. They are too strong. It depends on how God Chucheng responded this time."

Countless people inside and outside the Shenchu ​​trading market are talking about it. Of course, more people are communicating with each other through voice transmission and directly talking about some strong people. Many people do not have the guts!

"City Lord Chu! It's time to give us an explanation!" A deep voice rang, and the voice spread throughout the Shenchu ​​trading market. Hearing this voice, many people were cheered up. The good show is expected to be imminent. Staged!

"What kind of explanation do you want me to give?" Chu Feng said indifferently, his figure appeared on a small square where the more than three hundred quasi-sage-level powerhouses were located, in the three hundred quasi-sage-level There are some of their juniors beside the strong. Although those guys saw Chu Feng appear and glared at them one by one, they didn't give Chu Feng a good expression.

"City Lord Chu, I have said that my grandfather is a sixth-order quasi-saint-level powerhouse, and you are actually not giving me any face. In the end, you were still in danger of killing us. You are totally unreasonable!"

"Yes, is Shenchu ​​City great? The broken place of Shenchu ​​trading market has not allowed us to enter, grandma, you have to call me the shots. If I reacted a little bit slowly at the time, I might have been caught by the people of Shenchu ​​City. Killed, the people in Shenchu ​​City are really overbearing, and I gave your grandma your token, but I didn't let me enter!"

"City Lord Chu, can you give us an explanation? Otherwise, today we are going to tear down this first trading market and threaten us. Little master, I have never been threatened like that!"

"Apologize, Chu Feng, you have to apologize to all of us, in addition to apologizing, you have to pay us compensation, otherwise this time the matter will not be over!"

The adults hadn't spoken yet, each of the "little guys" had spoken first, and the three hundred people who spoke to Chu Feng and Shen Chu City gave a severe criticism!

Chu Feng smiled and watched. After the three hundred "little guys" were a little safe and quiet, he looked at the two quasi-sage-level powerhouses headed by them. The strength of the eighth-level quasi-saint level, one male and one female, the male is the middle-aged man in the golden robe that arrived before, and the female looks in her thirties, not too tender.

"Daoist Chen Jin, Daoist Beth, you want me to give an explanation, I actually want you to give me an explanation! Children are not sensible, are you not sensible? My first trading market can only accommodate 200 million people It’s too much to hold. The people in God Chucheng explained that for a long time, I personally apologized to them for not being able to enter, and personally promised them that they could get discount cards, but they still didn’t listen, and they were still making trouble there. Taoist Chen Jin, Beth Fellow Daoists, and you guys, you don't realize that you should give a solution. It's not me, but you yourself?" Chu Feng was originally smiling, but suddenly turned his face coldly.

Chen Jin and Bess had three hundred quasi-sage-level powerhouses whose faces changed, and many of the "little guys" who had made troubles and then invited their parents were flushed with anger.

Children who are not sensible, Chu Feng actually used the child to be ignorant to describe them! You know, each of them has the lowest cultivation level and is also at the King God level. Even the youngest is several thousand years old. It is really impossible to get too close to the three words "child"!

"What a Chu Feng, what a God City, it's really overbearing!" One of the three hundred quasi-sage-level powerhouses said yin and yang strangely, "Threatening our juniors, they actually want us to confess, Chu Feng, Chu City Lord , Are you sure your head is still normal right now? Fellow Daoists, we can't allow such behavior in Shenchucheng!"

Chen Jin said indifferently: "City Lord Chu, it's useless to say more, let's talk about it! If the strength of Shenchu ​​City is tyrannical, then our younger generations are unreasonable, they actually ran to Shenchu ​​City to go wild; if the strength of Shenchu ​​City cannot let us Everyone is convinced, then God Chucheng does not give us old guys a little bit of face!"

"Brother Chen is right, everything, we still have to speak with strength! City Lord Chu, it's useless to put effort into her mouth." Beth smiled softly. There was no smile on her face. At this time, the smile showed off and the surrounding strength was low. Some quasi-saint-level powerhouses have been affected, and Mei Gong is really profound!

Chu Feng's expression replied indifferently. The world in the God Realm is so simple in many cases. Sometimes I still need to talk about the truth, but when the truth is not clear, I can see the truth under his hand.

If you are strong, you are not justified; if you are weak, you are not justified! "Strength speaks, there is no problem, but what is the strength to speak? People from my God Chucheng, have a melee with you?" Chu Feng said indifferently.

"Of course not." Chen Jin shook his head quickly. If this is the case, then it must be their tens of thousands of races but the city of God's Beginning that is at a loss. Although they all have a strong power behind them, they are within the power right now. Many of the strong people did not follow them to this side.

"City Lord Chu, we have already discussed a plan. Our two sides, each with seven people, fight for seven games. One win will get one point. No points will be counted for a tie. After seven games, more points will win!" Chen Jin said. "If there is a tie, add another match, what do you think of City Lord Chu?"

Chen Jin, the one who said quite a lot, shook his head secretly. These guys are too shameless. Among their more than three hundred quasi-sage-level experts, there are two eighth-level quasi-sage-level experts and seven-level quasi-sage-level experts. There are five people, and this adds up to exactly seven. If there are seven games, it must be these seven quasi-saint-level powerhouses.

On the side of Shenchu ​​City, those who have reached the seventh-level quasi-sage level strength on the bright side are the hundreds of Yilian and Mu Bai. The Shenchu ​​city has a quasi-sage eighth-level sky guard guarding it, but for hundreds of years Relatively peaceful, that one Tianwei has not shown the strength of the eighth-level quasi-saint level at all!

As for Chu Feng, he is still only the cultivation base of the peak of the gods, but no one believes that he has the strength of the seventh quasi-sage level. According to Miao Feiying, some people know that she has a poison pill and know that her strength will not be weak, but Things like Poison Pills are extremely special. No one outsiders knows that she already has the strength of the tenth quasi-sage level, no one believes that she can deal with the seventh-order quasi-sage level powerhouse in a duel. After all, the other party can Prepare a powerful detoxification elixir in advance!

In addition to Chu Feng and the others, there are many strong people in Shenchu ​​City, but the highest is Duguyu, a sixth-order quasi-sage-level strong. If he takes action, he will naturally lose against a seventh-order quasi-sage-level strong. More win less!

"Chen Jindao's friendly plan." Chu Feng said indifferently, "but it's too troublesome. How do we compare directly to one person?" "City Lord Chu, a few more people can show the strength of a power, but it's better than a few. This is not so good!" Chen Jin said with a light smile.

"City Lord Chu, only seven games, Nuo is a great God Chucheng, don't seven people come out?" said the strong man who made a strange sound of Yin and Yang before, this guy is a seventh-order quasi-sage-level strong, Chu Feng squinted his eyes and snorted in his heart. He didn't have the slightest affection for this guy!

"Hello everyone, seven games, okay?" The guy actually called out loudly at this time. As soon as his voice fell, a thunderous voice broke out.

"Good!" "Good!" "Good!"

The Shenchu ​​Fair has ended, don't those who are still here just want to watch the excitement? For them, the more fights, the better. In this way, they will be more addicted to watching, and they will naturally cheer when they hear the strange noises! However, many people watched calmly and did not join in the cheers. Some of them still said objections, but in the huge cheers, the objections were really hard to hear!

"Everyone stay quiet. City Lord Chu, you see, this is the voice of everyone. Everyone thinks that more than a few games are fair and reasonable!"

Chu Feng said indifferently: "Seven games, it's not impossible. Let's start now?" "Slow down, City Master Chu, how we lost and how we won, let's make it clear first." That dark voice The strong man who made a strange noise said, "If there is no benefit if you win, and there is no penalty if you lose, what is it than?"

"Friend Pan Ping, how are you doing?" Chu Feng said coldly. Pan Ping chuckled and said, "We know that City Lord Chu likes a small gamble, so how about we also take a small gamble? It's just an apology, it really doesn't make much sense!"

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