Holy Prison

Chapter 1486: Gambling reappears

"Small gamble" When Pan Ping said so, Tang Ming and Zhou Wen both frowned secretly. They naturally knew more about the situation in Shenchu ​​City than outsiders.

However, they also know that Yilian has the strength of the tenth quasi-sage level, Miao Feiying has the strength of the tenth quasi-sage level, and Mu Bai has the strength of the eighth quasi-sage level. As for others, they are not sure who has it. The strength of the seventh-order quasi-saint level... they guessed that Chu Feng should have it, but it was just a guess!

In seven games, if there are only three wins, it will definitely be defeated. Therefore, they are not too cold for Pan Ping's proposal of a small bet. In the presence of so many strong men, and Pan Ping is a seventh-order quasi-sage. The level-powered man suggested that there are three hundred quasi-sage level-powered people behind.

"A small bet, okay, let's bet 10,000 catties of the best spar." Chu Feng said coldly. "City Lord Chu is joking. This is too small. Let's be a little bigger. Last time, City Master Chu won the Tianyuanzong 50 billion catties of void stone. Shenchu ​​City should have no problem with 100 billion catties of void stone. So how about we bet 100 billion catties of Void Stone? All of us are not as rich as City Lord Chu, but if we put together, 100 billion catties of Void Stone is still not a problem." Pan Ping said with a smile. Million catties of Void Stone, if it is obtained, even if it is divided, it is a huge wealth!

"Daoist Chen Jin, is this the meaning of Daoist Pan Ping or all of you?" Chu Feng frowned. Chen Jin faintly said with a smile: "We all know that City Master Chu has such a hobby. You can take a small bet with City Master Chu. There is no problem. This is not what we all meant, but I have no opinion."

"Neither did I, please have fun with City Lord Chu." Beth said with a smile.

"Hey, this is fun, I have no opinion!"

The three hundred quasi-sage-level powerhouses expressed their opinions one by one, but there was no one who had any opinions. They had come over aggressively to find trouble, and they knew that the seven people they could produce all had the strength of the seventh-tier quasi-sage level. , The winning side is very big, in such a situation, how would they refuse to weaken their momentum?

Chu Feng snorted coldly: "If you want to bet, 200 billion catties of Void Stone, otherwise we simply don't bet! It's a direct comparison of winning or losing. If you lose, you will apologize when you lose. This matter will be the past."

Two hundred billion catties of void stone, if it were more than 700 years ago, Chu Feng would not be able to take it out, but now, there is not much pressure to take it out.

After winning Tian Yuanzong, Chu Feng's Void Stone exceeded 100 billion catties, but it didn't exceed that at that time. Later, the Shenchu ​​trading market has made a lot of money in more than 700 years. Shenchu ​​City has acquired a lot of void stones. In addition, Chu Feng has captured tens of thousands of quasi-sage-level powerhouses and hundreds of thousands of god-levels over the years. Powerful, tens of millions of Emperor God level powerhouses!

Most of these people don’t have many void stones, but their cultivation is good, and some have some. Naturally, the void stones of these people are in the hands of Chu Feng. The number is not particularly large, but there are more than 300 billion catties. In addition to his previous and other ways to obtain it, Chu Feng's void stone is about 500 billion catties!

If there are not too serious consequences, if these people are willing to bet 500 billion catties, Chu Feng would really have a winning bet of 500 billion catties of void stone with them.

But just think about it. He really proposed to bet on 500 billion catties of void stone. These guys would definitely not bet. They would not be able to take out 500 billion catties of void stone. Chu Feng estimated that 200 billion catties of void stone. Stone is their limit, maybe they have to borrow some void stones to reach 200 billion catties.

On the other hand, he really bet 500 billion catties, and many people must doubt where he came from the 500 billion catties void stone. If people know that the disappearance of many quasi-sage-level powerhouses is related to him, then this is a big trouble. Up! If it is 200 billion catties, others will not be too surprised. After all, hundreds of billion catties have been shown before, and in the past seven hundred years, others also know that Godchu City must have a lot of income!

"Two hundred billion catties!"

Chen Jin and the three hundred quasi-sage-level powerhouses all frowned slightly. Many of them are leaders of the same power. It is not too difficult to get 100 billion catties of void stones in total, but 200 billion catties. Void Stone, there are some difficulties. It doesn’t matter much with Chu Feng’s estimation. They quickly discussed it, and the powers added up to only 180 billion catties. If they gamble, they have to borrow it. Only 20 billion catties of Void Stone can be made!

With their strength, there is no problem with borrowing 20 billion catties, and the problem is not too big. However, after all, it is beyond the acceptable range, and some of their more than 300 people hesitated for a while.

"Boss, are you sure?" Tang Ming said, he has just transmitted sound here, and Zhou Wen is also transmitting sound. "I'm not sure, scare them away." Chu Feng said through voice.

Hearing Chu Feng's voice transmission, Tang Ming and Zhou Wen's eyes flashed with surprise, but they controlled it well, and their expressions did not change.

"Everyone, Chu Feng must scare us away. This is a good opportunity to make a fortune... Just now I noticed that Tang Ming and Zhou Wen passed the sound to Chu Feng, and there was a fright in their eyes!" Pan Ping smiled. He knew that Tang Ming and the others should be able to transmit the sound to Chu Feng, so he paid close attention to Tang Ming and the others. It really made him aware of the flash in Tang Ming's eyes. The shock of death.

"We are here with two eighth-rank quasi-sage-level powerhouses, and five seventh-rank quasi-sage-level powerhouses here. We have proposed them. If we are still scared by Chu Feng to make a bet, then we are a bit shameless Even if we lose and split evenly, our loss is not particularly large. If Shenchu ​​City loses, then 200 billion catties of Void Stone will be enough for Chu Feng’s pain for a long, long time! For us in Shenchu ​​City They all know better, there are masters in Shenchu ​​City, but they can't produce so many!"

Three hundred quasi-saint-level powerhouses discussed it, and after a minute, Chu Feng said indifferently: "Everyone, don't discuss it, forget it, let's not gamble."

"City Master Chu, it is meaningless not to bet. Since City Master Chu looks down on the previous 100 billion and wants to bet 200 billion catties of Void Stone, then let's accompany City Master Chu once, haha!" Pan Ping laughed authentically, for a minute. They have already negotiated, and they bet on this round. Such an opportunity is really rare. When they have a big win, they are scared off. What's the matter!

Chu Feng frowned and said, "Taoist Pan Ping, 200 billion catties is not a small sum. If you can't take out the 200 billion catties of void stone first, then I won't bet."

"City Lord Chu, we know your rules. Before gambling, prepare the bet first. Give us three minutes and we will be ready. City Lord Chu, you must also be prepared. 200 billion catties of void stone, one catty. It can’t be less!” Pan Ping smiled. Three minutes is enough for them to borrow some void stones and prepare 200 billion catties of void stones!

"Don't worry, as long as you are ready, I will definitely be ready, Daoist Chen Jin, Daoist Beth, you are still in a hurry to regret it now." Chu Feng said solemnly.

The 200 billion catties of Void Stone is less than half of the Void Stone owned by Chu Feng. Chu Feng took it out very easily, but if so many Void Stones were really lost, it would indeed be what Pan Ping and the other Quasi-Sage level experts said, The pain of Chu Summit was a long, long time.

However, how could Chu Feng lose such a bet?

Chen Jin said with a faint smile: "Let’s play with Daoist Chu Feng, and give the Daoists here a fun. It’s not easy for everyone to come here."

"City Lord Chu, some void stones, nothing else, nothing to play with." Beth smiled authentically.

"Boss, do you have two hundred billion catties of void stones? If not, I still have some here." Tang Ming said, after he finished transmitting the sound here, Chu Feng received the sound transmission of the strong people in Shenchu ​​City. In addition, some other powers, such as some strong men of the Dragon Race, also expressed the same meaning through voice transmission. They knew that if Chu Feng could not produce 200 billion catties of Void Stone, it would be shameful.

After receiving so many voices from people, Chu Feng was moved in his heart, thinking of rejecting it, but after a little consideration, he did not refuse to accept some people's help.

Favor is often not good for others, but sometimes, owing a little favor to others can bring the relationship closer.

At this time, those who are willing to lend the Void Stone to Chu Feng are naturally friends. Chu Feng is happy that they will share some of his income at that time. Compared with the 200 billion catties of Void Stone, they can share very little.

There are still some friends in Shenchu ​​City. The void stones collected by some powerful people in Shenchu ​​City and the void stones from some friends in Shenchu ​​City have collected 10 billion without Chu Feng. If Chu Feng said, there should be no problem with borrowing thirty to four billion, but he doesn't need it.

"City Lord Chu, friends, please check, there are two hundred billion catties of void stone inside!" Chen Jin said with a light smile. He has a space ring in his hand at this time, and the space ring is not sealed. His words fall, one by one in an instant. The strong spirit penetrated into that spatial ring.

"Yes, it's 200 billion catties!"

"It's so much, this small bet is too'small'!"

Quite a few powerful people argued that the void stone in the Chen Jin space ring was naturally determined immediately, and it was indeed 200 billion catties, not more than a catty, not a lot!

"City Lord Chu, please!" Pan Ping smiled happily. From Chu Feng, he wanted to borrow the Void Stone itself, but he didn't have 200 billion catties of Void Stone but shouted so much. He estimated that Chu Feng must be bluffing to scare them away. "Two hundred billion catties...Jie Jie, your bowels will turn blue when you regret it!" Pan Ping smiled strangely in his heart.

"Inside, two hundred billion catties." Chu Feng took out a space ring indifferently, countless people checked, the number of void stones in the natural Chu Feng space ring is also sufficient, "It is not easy to duel in other places, since Fellow Daoist Chen Jin, if you have this interest, then it's better to be in the backwater basin."

"That's the best!" Chen Jin nodded and smiled lightly. Many other strong men also showed satisfied smiles. If fighting in the stagnant basin, everyone here can see it, that is, those with lower cultivation bases. Don’t worry about the attacking energy rushing to wipe them out!

The Shenchu ​​trading market is located in the backwater basin and around the backwater basin, but it doesn't matter much. Chu Feng activated his magical powers and it didn't take long for the Shenchu ​​trading market to collect all the buildings and plants. Once in the sacred prison space, as long as it is released when the time comes, the Shenchu ​​Trading Market can return to its original state in a short time.

"Shenchu ​​City this time, it is estimated to be defeated!"

"Well, look at the faces of some strong people in God Chu City, but they don't look very good!"

"Two eighth-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouses, five seventh-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouses, Shenchu ​​City, namely Master Yilian and Master Mubai, are more powerful, and it’s not bad to win two games... Actually, I think. , Shenchucheng did nothing wrong this time, Shenchucheng had persuaded them for so long before, and City Lord Chu could not do it!"

"What's the use? In this world, the big fist is the boss. If the fist is not as good as others, then you will only suffer!"

One by one the powerhouses argued that tens of billions of people have enclosed the stagnant basin. The innermost person has a higher cultivation level and a lower flying rate. The more outsiders, the higher the flight. This can ensure that everyone is out of sight. Being blocked can clearly see the battle in the backwater basin. The Shenchu ​​trading market is forbidden to fly high. At this moment, the Shenchu ​​trading market has been demolished, so naturally it is no longer forbidden!

"City Lord Chu, how about the two of us taking turns to leave the people first? In the first game, let us leave the people first. City Lord Chu, do you have any objections?" Pan Ping laughed, as his voice sounded, the stagnant basin is here. All the onlookers gradually calmed down.

There were seven people from both sides, and the order of them had a great impact. Tian Ji raced horses. Although they hadn't heard of Pan Ping, they didn't understand this truth.

"No!" Chu Feng said with a faint smile. Tang Ming and Zhou Wen also had smiles on their faces at this time. The bet was already set, and they naturally received Chu Feng's voice transmission to relieve them.

"City Lord Chu, the first game is mine, so let me learn about your wife Yilian's brilliant tricks?" Beth smiled and said, she was naturally in the stagnant basin by now.

Chu Feng looked at Yilian, and Yilian nodded slightly: "Husband, leave this first game to me, I will defeat her in the shortest time!"

"Be careful, the strength of the eighth-tier Quasi-Saint-level powerhouse is not weak. If she has a powerful treasure, even if you have the strength of the tenth-quasi-Saint-level, it may be dangerous to fight with her!" Chu Feng voiced his instructions. Tao.

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