Holy Prison

Chapter 1495: Shenchu ​​City Expansion (2)

"Sure enough." Hearing that Chu Feng recruited people directly, many experts secretly said in their hearts that the three tenth-tier quasi-sage-level experts in Shenchu ​​City had come forward before, and then Chu Feng made another move, not taking advantage of this opportunity. Recruiting talent is a weird thing!

"Damn you guys, why are you running over to find trouble!"

"Come here to make trouble for Shenchu ​​City. As a result, Shenchu ​​City earned 200 billion catties of Void Stone, and the power of Shenchu ​​City can be greatly improved, grass!"

Since the city of Shenchu ​​grows, it is natural to be happy to be friends of the city of Shenchu, such as the Dragon Clan, but many forces are not happy. Chen Jin and others who are strong are being scolded by many people. If they don't come over If you make trouble, Shenchu ​​City will not assume such a strong posture even if it shows some strength. In that case, the development of Shenchu ​​City will naturally be slower.

Today, there are three rank ten quasi-sage-level powerhouses, and Chu Feng, the city lord, is also extremely powerful. He has just received two rank 7 quasi-sage-level powerhouses who have burst out to exert his ninth-level strength. There are also strong men like Mu Bai, even these strong men on the bright side are beyond the reach of many forces, and there must be a hole card in the secret. Such strength is very attractive to many strong men!

Chu Feng's words fell, and a quasi-sage-level powerhouse with strength up to the seventh rank suddenly laughed and said: "City Lord Chu, I don't know if I can join God Chu City"

Chu Feng and countless people all looked at the strong man who made a sound. "The strength of the seventh-tier quasi-sage level." Many people were shocked, and Chu Feng had just finished speaking. Unexpectedly, a seventh-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouse proposed to join God Chu City!

"It turns out to be Daoyou Lu. If Daoyou Lu wants to join Shenchu ​​City, I am naturally very welcome!" Chu Feng smiled. He is not the person who is known from the data. As long as the seventh-tier quasi-saint-level powerhouse is not practicing in seclusion, basically They are relatively well-known, and Chu Feng knows that the information of such a strong person is normal.

"But Fellow Lu, I don't specialize in Shenchu ​​City. If you want to join Shenchu ​​City, you have to check at that time, and you must have no malicious intent towards Shenchu ​​City." Chu Feng said.

The strong surnamed Lu flew to the vicinity of Chu Feng and smiled: "There is no problem. Such testing is necessary. It is responsible for the people who joined Shenchu ​​City. I have been alone for a long time, and I have always wanted to find a force to join. , I had considered Chu City Lord your God Chu City before, but, to be honest, I looked down on City Lord Chu’s strength at that time... Now, I don’t have the right to look down on City Lord Chu’s strength!"

"City Lord Chu, joining Shenchu ​​City is mainly because I still have juniors. Their strength is not very strong. At that time, if I fail to cross the Holy Tribulation, and if I live, then I will follow your orders from the City Lord Chu and try my best to help Shenchu Cheng, if something happens to me unfortunately, I hope God Chucheng will also prevent my juniors from being persecuted!"

Chu Feng solemnly said: "Brother Lu, rest assured, with your cultivation level, you can move some of your juniors directly to Shenchu ​​City. Regardless of whether Lu Bu is alive or dead, they can be well taken care of in Shenchu ​​City. ! But I have to say that the shame is ahead. If they violate God's original law, then just like others, they will be punished according to God's original law!"

"Yes! There is no problem at all. I have seen God Chulu. It is very good." The strong surname Lu laughed, "City Lord, Na Lu Qiu will settle in Shenchu ​​City by then!"


Both Chu Feng and Lu Qiu laughed. For Lu Qiu, this is pretty good. With the power of God Chucheng overshadowing, his younger generation will be better protected, and it is also very good for Chu Feng. Lu Qiu The strength is not low, if you use the canonization amulet for him, it will definitely not rise in ten thousand years!

Seeing Lu Qiu join the Shenchu ​​City, many strong people suddenly spoke. Many of them are in the same situation as Lu Qiu. They are strong, but their family is not particularly strong. In this way, if they cross If the Holy Tribulation fails, the family may be devastated if there is no cover!

If Shenchu ​​City did not show such a powerful strength, then many strong men would not decide to join Shenchu ​​City. Now that the God Realm is turbulent, joining Shenchu ​​City may be even more dangerous! But now, with the terrifying strength of Shenchu ​​City, the danger of joining Shenchu ​​City has been greatly reduced!

Since ancient times, there have been many icing on the cotton and few charcoal in the snow. Shenchu ​​City is now strong. Naturally, many people want to join Shenchu ​​City. The more people who join Shenchu ​​City, the stronger Shenchu ​​City, and then, more People want to join God Chucheng.

Chu Feng and Tang Ming both laughed happily at this time. Shenchu ​​City has now entered a virtuous circle. It is estimated that it will not take much time. The strength of Shenchu ​​City will have to be increased many times on the original basis!

"It's over, Human Sovereign, it is very likely that it is the world of God's First City!" Many powerhouses smiled bitterly in their hearts, they wanted to stop, but at this time there was no way to stop!

"In just a few minutes, the number of quasi-sage-level powerhouses who joined Shenchu ​​City unexpectedly exceeded three thousand people. This time, the strength of Shenchu ​​City was at least ten times that of the previous foundation, no, twenty times!"

"Another Tianyuanzong was born, but I want to destroy Shenchu ​​City, I am afraid it will be much more difficult than destroying Tianyuanzong before! Tianyuanzong had more than 10,000 quasi-sage-level powerhouses, Shenchu ​​city...quasi-sage-level powerhouses It is estimated that it will surpass the Tianyuanzong, and the overall strength is definitely much stronger than the previous Tianyuanzong!"

The strong people secretly said in their hearts, watching Shenchu ​​City accept a large number of people, they have envy, jealousy and hatred in their hearts, but there is no way to envy, jealousy, and hate. There are not many powers of the tenth rank quasi-sage-level powerhouse, and it can The three tenth-tier quasi-saint-level powerhouses are even rarer! And even if it can be taken out, the momentum of the rise of Shenchu ​​City is already formed at this time, and it is simply not possible for any force to stop it!

This time at the God’s Beginning Fair, there were more than 100,000 Quasi-Sage-level powerhouses, millions of God-level powerhouses, tens of millions of Emperor God-level powerhouses, and even more Emperor God-level powerhouses.

Time goes by constantly.

One hour later, there were as many as 8,000 quasi-sage-level powerhouses newly added to Shenchu ​​City, over 700,000 god-level powerhouses newly joined Shenchu ​​City, and more than five million emperor-level powerhouses. Over 20 million Emperor God level powerhouses! Due to time constraints, these people have not yet been tested, but most of them pass the test without any problems.

Joining Shenchu ​​City is a big event, so many strong people need to consider more time. After an hour, some strong people will continue to join Shenchu ​​City.

In the past five hours, more than 10,000 quasi-sage-level powerhouses have newly joined God’s Chu City, over a million god-level powerhouses, and emperor-level powerhouses close to 10 million. As for emperor-level powerhouses, new There are more than 30 million people who have joined Shenchu ​​City, below the Emperor God level. Shenchu ​​City currently does not accept people, but those with particularly high talents can apply at that time. As long as the talent is high and there is no hostility to Shenchu ​​City, There is absolutely no problem in joining Shenchu ​​City.

The time went back a few hours ago.

Ten thousand people, far from the seaside of Shenchu ​​City, some people were relaxing in the sun, and suddenly one of them sat up with a bullet.

"Deputy team leader, the big thing is not good!" The face of the strong man who was sitting up was ugly and authentic.

"Wang Yu, what's so alarming? It's a Tier 5 Quasi-Holy level anyway, so you can't calm down?" Ling Yue opened her eyes and frowned slightly, "It's the news from the Shenchu ​​City side again?"

Wang Yu smiled bitterly: "Yes, deputy team leader, deputy team leader. We previously estimated that many people would join Shenchu ​​City, but the number of people who joined Shenchu ​​City exceeded our expectations!"

"I just received the news. In just ten minutes, the number of quasi-sage-level powerhouses who have joined Shenchu ​​City has reached four thousand, and the number of quasi-sage-level powerhouses is even more!"

There were still many people lying on the beach at this time, and they all sat up in shock when they heard Wang Yu's words. "Brother Wang, did you make a mistake? More than four thousand quasi-Saint-level experts joined, and it only took ten minutes?" Yang Hao said incredulously.

"I also hope it's false news, but it's true. The four thousand quasi-sage-level powerhouses, plus the original more than five hundred in Shenchu ​​City, are already over four thousand and five hundred, and it's only ten minutes. There are many strong people in our temple, but this number is already more than the number of strong people in our temple." Wang Yu said.

"Ten minutes, ten minutes... We have ignored the mentality of many strong people to follow the crowd. The more strong people who join Shenchu ​​City, the stronger the attraction of Shenchu ​​City!" Ling Yue took a deep breath and said, "Really. Oops, this matter needs to be reported to the master as soon as possible, but the group leader is not here at this time, I can't get in touch."

Yang Hao said helplessly, "Deputy team leader, I'm afraid that it's useless to contact. Shenchu ​​City's momentum is already established. At this time, even if the Lord is here, it is impossible to interrupt the rise of Shenchu ​​City!"

"Deputy team leader, the latest news. There are more than 10,000 quasi-sage-level powerhouses who have newly joined Shenchu ​​City. Do you think we will leave the Ten Thousand Clan soon? The current strength of Shenchu ​​City greatly exceeds the strength of our temple! "Wang Yu said with a wry smile. In the past few hours, the news they received was shocked time and time again!

Ling Yue thought for a while and shook her head slightly: "No, we need to wait for further orders from the team leader and the leader. Now the team leader and the leader should know about the problems on the Shenchu ​​trading market. It will not take long. The time master’s order will come down. Although Shenchu ​​City has grown in strength, it shouldn’t be casually attacking us!"

"It's more than 10,000, grass, the rise of God's First City is crazy. It was originally only 500 quasi-sage-level powerhouses, but in just a few hours, the strength of 10,000 quasi-sage-level powerhouses has increased by 20 times! In our sanctuary, the quasi-sage-level powerhouse is now only more than three thousand people and less than 4,000. The first city of God has become the most powerful force of the human emperor!" A fourth-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouse Some helpless and authentic.

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