Holy Prison

Chapter 1496: Change of attitude

"Group leader!"

Ling Yue also had seven groups of quasi-sage-level powerhouses saluting respectfully. "Yeah." Bresgdel nodded slightly and sat down on the first seat, "Sit down, Ling Yue, tell me about the latest information from Shenchu ​​City!"

"Yes, group leader!" Ling Yue secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing Bresgdel's appearance, it seemed that the master didn't blame too much. "Team leader, the latest information, there are 10,486 quasi-sage-level powerhouses who have newly joined Shenchu ​​City, of which thirty-two are quasi-sage-level powerhouses who have reached the seventh-tier, and one of them There are 683 saint-level powerhouses, and the rest are all quasi-sage-level powerhouses below Tier 4. Together with the original quasi-sage-level powerhouses in Shenchu ​​City, there are 11 thousand quasi-sage-level powerhouses in Shenchu ​​City. There are five rank ten quasi-saints on the bright surface, including Chu Feng."

"There are more than 1.3 million newly added god-level powerhouses in Shenchu ​​City, plus the original god-level powerhouses in Shenchu ​​City, and there are as many as 1.5 million god-level powerhouses in Shenchu ​​City!"

"Emperor God-level powerhouses plus the original God Chucheng has Emperor God-level powerhouses, Shenchu ​​City already has 15 million god-level powerhouses, below the Emperor God level, there are too many, and now there is no detailed information. But the number is huge!"

Ling Yuebao was secretly frightened as she counted. Shenchu ​​City didn’t put it too much in her eyes before, but now this strength is too terrifying. There are 11 thousand god-level powerhouses, this is the holy hall. Three times as strong as the Saint-level powerhouse, and coupled with the powerhouses below the Quasi-Saint-level level, the power of Shenchu ​​City is now several times stronger than that of the temple!

What’s more frightening is that only six hours have passed. Although God Chucheng’s rate of absorbing the strong has been slower, there are still many people in the entire Human Emperor who have not received the news. If they receive the news, they must be A lot of people will join God Chu City. If six days pass, six months pass, six years pass.

It is foreseeable that in the next few years, if there are no problems in Shenchu ​​City, the growth rate will not be slow. If there is a problem like Tianyuanzong, then the development momentum will naturally stop, and some of them will join Shenchu ​​City. People may also choose to withdraw from Shenchu ​​City.

"Formidable forces!" Bresgdel said, he already knew some information about Shenchu ​​City, but at this time, he heard the latest information from Ling Yuebao and was still deeply moved.

"Lingyue, the master already knows about the matter this time. The master is more dissatisfied with your failure to complete the task, but now you have a chance to make meritorious service!" Bresgdel said.

Ling Yue's eyes lit up slightly: "Team leader, please say that we will do our best to complete the task assigned by the Lord!" "Well... This time Shenchu ​​City won 200 billion catties of void stone, plus the original Yes, Shenchu ​​City has at least 400 billion catties of void stones. Now that Godchu City has expanded so much, Shenchu ​​City has more void stones! Your task is to negotiate with Godchu City to obtain at least 200 billion catties. Void Stone, of course, if you can get more Void Stones, that would be the best!" Bresgdel said.

"You are the deputy leader of my church. This task was not suitable for you, but you already have it, so it is more appropriate for you to come forward. The task time is best controlled within 300 years, and 200 billion catties are basic. If the task is completed, then the previous sins will be cancelled and there will be a little reward. If you get more than 200 billion catties, you will be rewarded as appropriate. If it is less than 200 billion catties, there will be punishment!"

Ling Yue said in astonishment, "Leader, it's so easy? The Lord is a powerful saint. As long as he brings a message to Chu Feng and promises a small profit, it should be relatively easy for him to give us 200 billion catties of void stone. After all, although Shenchucheng is strong, in front of the saints, what is Shenchucheng?"

Bresgeder said solemnly: "Chu Feng is not that easy to obedient. Wasn’t there a sacred metaphor? Some forces encircled and suppressed Shenchu ​​City, but the forces that encircled and suppressed Shenchu ​​City perished. On the contrary, the three realms are separated. Even if a saint can descend to the realm, it can only be done once in ten thousand years, and only a hundred years at a time. With the current power of the city of God, unless many saints lower the realm at the same time, it will shake the beginning The city is not easy!"

"Be smarter. Now, the attitude towards God Chucheng has changed. The Lord said that we will try our best to win in God Chucheng. If there is a conflict with God Chucheng, then our temple is very likely. , If it comes out, it will not necessarily be the opponent of God Chucheng!" Bresgdel said.

"The Void Stone is very important to the Lord. Other groups are also trying their best to get the Void Stone, but the speed is relatively slow. If you can open the hole in the Godchu City, you can get a lot of Void Stone." Speaking of Blaise here. Goldton had a meal, "Ling Yue stays, the rest of you go out first, and you will be called in later."

"Yes, group leader!"

Except for Ling Yue, the others were more afraid of Bresgeder. At this moment, they were anxious to leave. Hearing Bresgeder's words, they quickly got up and left the room.

"Lingyue, Chu Feng likes beautiful women. You are definitely not weaker than his wives. The Lord said, if necessary, you will give your own body. You are still a virgin now, if Chu Feng really wants it. Your body, some of your requirements, he will consider more." Bresgdel said solemnly. Ling Yue's expression changed: "Team leader, how can this be done. Team leader, the master is a powerful saint, I still need that...what is this like? If it is passed out, there will be no glory on the master!"

Bresgeder's face sank: "Lingyue, you have to pay attention to your identity! Lingyue, the saints in the holy world are not monolithic, Shenchu ​​City has now developed rapidly, as long as Chu Feng doesn't behave. As for the matter, some saints in the holy realm who want to deal with Chu Feng will not provoke him casually now. They have really gotten into the city of the gods. When the time comes, the saints will be in the lower realm, and the trouble may not be small."

"Except for our temple, do you think that some other saints in the holy world don't want to win over Chu Feng? If Chu Feng falls to the other saints' side, then the Lord will suffer, and then we will not be better! You don’t have to sacrifice your body. If you don’t get the Void Stone, then it’s the best."

Ling Yue frowned slightly and said, "Team leader, Void Stone, is it really that important?" "Naturally! This shouldn't have been told to you, but you should do this task, so I will tell you, Saint The lower realm is not as easy as the people of the gods to reach the mortal realm. It requires a lot of void stones to open the passage, and every time the lower realm needs a lot of void stones to support! Opening a passage requires a huge amount of void stones, although our temple has A lot has been gained, but there is still a big gap." Bresgdel said.

"It's Chu Feng that makes the saint's lower realm trouble?" Ling Yue said.

Bresgeder shook his head and said: "This is the best if you can ask from Chu Feng. I don't know, even the master doesn't know it. It should be, but now Human Emperor God Chucheng is already At this level, even if it is, some saints will not care about it for the time being."

Far away from Bresgdel and the others, Chu Feng frowned secretly and said: "Strange, the three realms were separated and the rules were set. I didn't set such a rule!"

If he had the ability, Chu Feng must have set some rules in detail at the beginning, but if he did that, he would definitely fail, so Chu Feng just set the rules roughly.

"Difficult to say, Tiandi automatically adjusted some rules?"

Chu Feng thought of the situation of the quasi-sage-level powerhouses in the God Realm. At that time, the three realms were separated. He stipulated that the highest strength in the God Realm would be the Great Perfection, but in the end the highest strength in the God Realm was not the Great Perfection. , Chu Feng previously estimated that if all the saints are no longer asleep, then all the quasi-sage-level powerhouses in the gods will overcome the calamity, and then the highest strength in the gods is the great perfection of the gods.

But now it seems that it may not be the case. He has set the rules of the Three Realms, but Heaven and Earth seems to have automatically adjusted some of the rules he set. Even if all the saints are awakened, perhaps, all the quasi-sages in the gods are strong. The sages will not all usher in the holy robbery immediately, the Quasi-Holy Grade seems to have become a relatively independent grade above the God Realm Sovereign God Grade!

"Team leader, Chu Feng's void stone is hundreds of billions. If you can kill Chu Feng, you can get his hundreds of billions of jins of void stone. Then Shenchu ​​City will have problems and decline a lot! In that case, we The temple may become the most powerful force in the human emperor, and even the most powerful force in the entire God Realm." Ling Yue said.

Bresgeder said solemnly: "Lingyue, before the Lord has ordered, don't take actions to kill Chu Feng privately, understand? Two ninth-level quasi-saint-level powerhouses can't kill Chu Feng. Do you think How easy is it to kill Chu Feng? We have received a lot of rewards from the Lord, but he has more treasures than us!"

"Killing Chu Feng, assassinating the people of God Chucheng, this will be done by some forces. We don't need to risk doing such a thing, just watch!"

"Remember, now the Lord’s command is to try our best to win over Chu Feng. Our sanctuary is not suitable to act on the bright side. With the strength of God’s First City now in the God Realm, if we can win God’s First City, we can get Greater benefits!" Bresgdel said.

Ling Yue hesitated slightly and said, "Group leader, no. I will try my best to complete this task!"

"Take this." Bresgdel said that a cyan jade slip appeared in his hand. "If there is the most urgent thing, you can break the jade slip and connect it to the Lord. This thing is very difficult to make. You only have one piece. Don't waste it. !"

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