Holy Prison

Chapter 1498: Detection (1)

"Uh, boss, your requirements are really not low!" Zhou Wen said in a daze, "Anything else, to meet your requirements, many places in this city can only use top-notch materials, just the walls. I don’t know how much it will cost! Ordinary materials will certainly not be able to withstand too powerful attacks even if they are deployed in formation!"

Chu Feng chuckled: "If we build a super city, it will be more worthwhile to ensure our safety in the God Realm! If such a city is established, it will be difficult for other forces to destroy our God Beginning City. As for the materials, as long as they can afford the price, the God Realm is so big, don’t you still find the materials?"

"Void Stones are extremely precious. For such a city, when our Godchu City will take out a trillion catties of void stones, I believe it will be no problem to establish it!"

"I can't get a trillion catties of Void Stone by myself, but there are so many strong people in Godchu City now that there will be more strong people by then, and it should be possible to raise a trillion catties of Void Stone by then!"

Zhou Wen and Tang Ming looked at Chu Feng in surprise, "Boss, really? Trillion catties of void stone, this is too scary? Nowadays, the value of void stone has increased, and one catty of void stone is equivalent to 300 billion catties of elite spar. It’s a trillion catties of void stone, that’s equivalent to three trillion catties of the best spar, this number is really scary! I think we worked hard back then to get a little bit of the best spar!"

"That's not equivalent to three quadrillion billion catties of the best spar, it's equivalent to 100 million billion catties of the best spar." Chu Feng secretly said, now that the value of the void stone has increased, it is still in the stage of being underestimated. Unfortunately, I was afraid of being discovered by the saints of the upper realm. Otherwise, Chu Feng would use Void Stones in the Saint Prison Shop to exchange for the best spar and then to more Void Stones!

"Really!" Chu Feng nodded.

Tang Ming took a deep breath: "Boss, if such a city is built, it will be some super battle city, and it will be no better than our city in the God Realm!"

"Hehe, if any super battle city is comparable, then what else do we build? Just go ahead and grab a super battle city." Chu Feng smiled.

"Okay, let's go out, first check the strong people who joined our Shenchu ​​City." Chu Feng said.

The Shenchu ​​trading market has been re-established, but the strong people who have joined the Shenchu ​​city today are not in the Shenchu ​​trading market but on the periphery of the Shenchu ​​trading market. This periphery was deserted before. After the initial trading market was established on this side, the environment improved.

Nowadays, the green trees on the periphery of the Shenchu ​​trading market are overcast, and many strong men gather in piles to chat. They used to belong to each power, but now they belong to the Shenchu ​​city, and there will be no less time to deal with them in the future.

"Everyone, now we will start to test whether you are malicious towards my Godchucheng. The location of the test is in my treasure space. Every time 100,000 people are tested, everyone who passes the test is truly a member of my Godchucheng. If it is detected that you are malicious towards my Shenchucheng, then I am embarrassed. Therefore, if you are malicious towards my Shenchucheng, it is best to leave now. I will not cause trouble if I leave now!" Chu Feng flew into the sky Shen said.

"City Lord, how do you test it? How long does it take to test 100,000 people each time?" A quasi-sage-level expert said. Chu Feng said: "On average, a group of people can be tested in about 30 minutes. Now that all the people who have joined our Shenchu ​​City are tested, it will take about a month!"

"So short!"

Many people were surprised. They thought it would take a long time, but they didn't expect to be able to test them all in one month.

"Such a test, is it reliable?" Many people have such a question mark in their hearts, but now they have initially joined Shenchu ​​City, they will not come out to question Chu Feng, the city lord at this time, anyway, whether it is reliable or not. It can be known.

"Okay, start the testing of the first batch of people. If you are drawn by a suction, don't resist. If you resist so many people, I can't put you in the treasure space." Chu Feng smiled.

A torrent of suction appeared, and 100,000 people disappeared in the blink of an eye. If Gish and the others did not resist, the Holy Prison could earn more people at a time. There is no big problem even if all the people are taken in. There are so many powerful people who have entered, and many of them must have mixed into the city of God’s Beginning. If they attack and want to come out of the sacred prison space at that time, Chu Feng’s sacred prison space may not be able to withstand the many powerful ones. The pressure to attack together.

If there are only 100,000 people, there is no such worry. Even if some of the 100,000 people are malicious towards Shenchu ​​City, they will not be too much. They can't beat the storm in the holy prison space!

In the sacred prison space, one hundred thousand powerful people entered it and appeared in a square. The square was one thousand meters long and wide, and it was relatively easy to accommodate one hundred thousand people.

"Everyone, we will start testing right away!"

Chu Feng's figure appeared in the sky above the square, and the 100,000 people were talking quietly at this time, and they quickly became quiet when they heard Chu Feng's voice.

"The test is very simple, you can answer a few questions. Note that when my question comes out, everyone must open the mouth to answer the question. The question is very simple, as long as you answer yes or no! In this, I can know everyone The truth or not. It takes three seconds to answer the questions. I believe that three seconds is enough time for everyone to answer every question!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"Question one, do you sincerely join Shenchu ​​City?" Chu Feng asked.

A hundred thousand people answered neatly. Such a question is really very simple. At this moment, everyone basically has only one answer, and is it possible that everyone has answered it.

"Question two, are you malicious towards my God Chu City or me as a city lord?"


"Question three, are you willing to abide by God's first laws?"

Chu Feng asked the three questions in a short time, and the 100,000 strong people answered them all in a short time. All the people answered neatly, and it didn’t take three seconds at all, Chu Feng’s voice Falling, immediately the strong ones answered in unison.

"Okay, the question has been asked, but it will take some time for the results to come out. Let everyone go out now, and the results of the test will be announced at that time!" Chu Feng said. He said that with a wave of his hand, the 100,000 people appeared there. outside.

Seeing that those people are very honest, Chu Feng said in his mind: "Miao Xian'er, as long as they don't tell them the result for the time being, they are actually very honest, can they put all those outside into the holy prison space at once? Just ask the question again?"

Miao Xian'er's voice sounded: "If they are honest, then there is no problem, but are you willing to take that risk? If the holy prison space collapses, all your treasures in the holy prison space will be involved in the different space. In the holy prison space, there will be no problems with the towers, sky prisons, and torture rooms, but hope will no longer exist. Guard the elves, all those who live on hope after sins will die! In the holy prison Chu Han in the space will also die!"

"Furthermore, it will take at least one hundred thousand years for the holy prison space to stabilize again. If you are willing to take that risk, it doesn't matter to me."

"Uh, forget it, let me ask again and again. One hundred thousand at a time, one thousand times is one hundred million people, that is, a little more than one hundred million people, and the question is over a thousand times!" Chu Feng said quickly, holy prison Space problems, the consequences are too serious, but he can't afford it!

It’s just three short questions. On average, it can’t take Chu Feng a minute to ask a group of people. As the day goes on, all those who initially joined Shenchu ​​City went into the holy prison space and were asked the same three. The problem.

"Everyone, take a one-month break, and I will announce the results of this test in a month!" Chu Feng said solemnly. "Yes, City Lord!" Many people responded, and Chu Feng nodded slightly and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Time flies quickly. In a blink of an eye, a month has passed. As expected by Chu Feng, in this month, many strong people rushed to join the city of God’s Beginning infinitely, among which the quasi-sage level was strong. There are about 5,000 people, 700,000 people at the Exalted God level, and 8 million people at the Emperor God level!

With the addition of these people, the quasi-sage-level powerhouses in the first city of the gods reached 16,000, the god-exalted level powerhouses reached around 2.2 million, and the emperor god-level powerhouses reached the terrifying more than 23 million. , I think they can only look up to any Emperor God-level powerhouse Chu Feng back then. Now for Shenchu ​​City, without the strength of Quasi-Holy Level, he is not a master in Shenchu ​​City. Any brick can be dropped. The powerhouse that might hit the Emperor God level.

In Shenchu ​​Square, many powerful people who newly joined Shenchu ​​City all gathered on Shenchu ​​Square. These people were divided into two parts. One of them had entered the holy prison space, and the other had not entered after joining.

Chu Feng's faint voice sounded, and as his voice sounded, his figure appeared on the high platform above Shenchu ​​Square.

So many people in Shenchu ​​Square were originally noisy. When they heard Chu Feng’s voice, all those who were talking were immediately quiet. Even the high-ranking quasi-sage-level experts did not dare to talk and laugh at this time. Chu Feng’s strength is terrifying on one hand, and more importantly, Chu Feng’s identity. Now that Shenchu ​​City is so powerful, Chu Feng, as the master of Shenchu ​​City, puts a lot of pressure on everyone even if his strength is very low. !

After stopping the discussion and calming down, all the strong people on the square spoke in unison, and the terrifying sound seemed to shake the entire Shenchu ​​City!

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