Holy Prison

Chapter 1499: Detection (2)

After saluting in unison, the entire Shenchu ​​Square immediately became quiet. Chu Feng glanced at the crowds of people on the Shenchu ​​Square and said in a low voice: "Everyone, the first batch of test results have come out. Most people have passed the test and can join our Godchu City, but there are some people who have not Passed the test."

"Now, anyone with a shining light coming out of the crowd to reach the platform below me, I hope you will cooperate, otherwise the law enforcement team of Shenchu ​​City will directly carry out the termination law enforcement!"

The so-called end of law enforcement is to directly kill and end lives!

Chu Feng's words fell, and suddenly a blood-red light flashed from about a thousand of the 200 million people. Those thousand people naturally discovered the light that appeared on their bodies, and their expressions changed drastically!

"City Lord, I have been wronged, I sincerely joined Shenchu ​​City, I have no ill will towards Shenchu ​​City!" a god-level powerhouse said loudly.

Chu Feng said indifferently: "Repeat it again, all the people with shining light on their bodies will immediately take the stage, and after five seconds, the law enforcement team will terminate the law enforcement!"

Many of the thousand people still wanted to argue, but when they heard what Chu Feng said, all of them quickly reached the platform under the high platform where Chu Feng was.

"Do any of you want to confess? If you confess, you can be lenient. Don't be lucky. You look down below to see how many strong people are here. Since you are on this stage, if I want to know your exact situation, even if You can't hide your quasi-saint-level strength!" Chu Feng said quietly.

"By the way, don't think about suicide. I already have the information of each of you. If you commit suicide, I will directly look for the forces behind you!"

"It's over now. So many people are actually detected. If God Chucheng finds trouble at that time... this news will be sent back soon!"

"Master He was discovered unexpectedly. He is a quasi-sage-level strength. I am afraid this God Chucheng will use this as an excuse to use the strength of the God Chucheng."


There were quite a few spies in the Shenchu ​​City at this time, and those spies quickly spread some news at this time. They must let the forces behind them know that there is probably a big trouble!

Glancing at the thousand people, Chu Feng moved a chair and appeared behind him. He sat down leisurely and a cup of hot tea appeared in his hand.

"I'll give you one minute to think about it. After a minute, I'm willing to raise my hand frankly. If you don't want to frankly, I will deal with it slowly later. I'm not very busy today." Chu Feng drank the tea indifferently.

The Shenchu ​​Square was quiet, no one spoke, but the invisible pressure was on those thousand people. It took more than ten seconds to find that some of them were already sweating, half Minutes passed, sweat beads appeared on the heads of more than half of the thousand people.

After one minute, only a few beings who were born not to sweat did not sweat under that pressure, but they were a little panicked one by one, even the quasi-sage-level powerhouses, in the top two or three hundred million. It is also difficult to maintain peace of mind under the gaze of the viewer!

"City Lord Chu, I'll confess." A powerhouse with the strength of the Emperor God level gritted his teeth and raised his hand. "I'm confessed too." Someone started, and others raised their hands. In just a short time, seven or eight hundred of the thousand people raised their hands!

Chu Feng nodded slightly and pointed to the first person who raised his hand: "You, your name is Ma Qing, I am not mistaken. Ma Qing, if you want to say anything, just say it. It's better not to hide anything. , Otherwise, no one can save you!"

"Chu, City Lord Chu, yes, I'm Ma Qing. I come from Tianhe League, I joined Shenchu ​​City to monitor some of Shenchu ​​City's movements, and I have no other malice towards Shenchu ​​City. City Lord Chu, I say something. If it is true, I hope that City Lord Chu will be kind and spare me a life!" Ma Qing knelt to the ground and said.

Chu Feng said indifferently: "Tianhe League... is actually a neighbor of my God Chu City. Observing the neighbor's movements is nothing wrong with it. Get up and stand aside first. Then I will check if you still have something to hide. If not, you can leave and bring a message to your leader at that time. I don’t want to have a second time like this in the future. If there is a second time, I will make Tianhe League a part of my God Chu City!"

"Yes, yes, thank you, City Lord Chu!" Ma Qing said joyfully. He really didn't expect Chu Feng to be so easy to talk, but he let it go after he said such a lightly and indifferently.

When Ma Qing was speaking, the people who wanted to confess were lined up. Seeing Ma Qing standing aside, Chu Feng looked over. The first one in the line was a powerful person at the Venerable God level quickly and respectfully said: "City Lord Chu, I am The Heavenly Demon Palace, Balori, has mixed into the Shenchu ​​City. Like Ma Qing, he just wants to know some trends in the Shenchu ​​City."

"Tian Demon Temple, haha, this one is not a neighbor. I sent someone into my God’s Beginning City so far away. The Lord of the Heaven Demon Hall is so interested! Stand aside, if you haven’t lied, you can leave at that time, Bring a message to the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Hall, saying that I want to invite him to God Chu City to have a drink and chat!" Chu Feng said indifferently.

Baloli's face changed slightly. Chu Feng asked the Lord of the Heavenly Devil to come to God Chu City, fearing that there was nothing good to drink, drink, and chat. Maybe that was the case, but the talk was probably a little scary.

Regardless of the time, it was temporarily over, Barori saluted respectfully and then stepped aside. "City Lord Chu, I, I'm from the Tianyuanzong." The person behind Balloli said with an ugly face. There is a conflict between Tianyuanzong and Shenchucheng. This is something everyone present knows. As Tianyuanzong's Spy, he expressed a lot of pressure.

"Tian Yuanzong." Chu Feng faintly looked at the strong man who opened his mouth. This man is a quasi-sage-level strong man, but at this time, Chu Feng watched the sweat constantly popping out on his forehead. Poor, he didn't dare to use his strength to eliminate the sweat that appeared on his forehead.

"Wu Yu, am I right?" Chu Feng said.

The quasi-sage-level powerhouse nodded quickly and said, "City Lord Chu's eyes are like a dangle, and it is Wu Yu below."

Wu Yu was shocked at this time. He seldom used Wu Yu's name, and very few people knew his real name, but Chu Feng called out his name as soon as he spoke!

"Wu Yu, you can leave now, and bring a message to your Sect Master, prepare more Void Stones for a visit to My God Chu City in a month, or prepare to go to war with my God Chu City!" Chu Feng said indifferently.

"Yes, thank you Chu City Lord for your mercy!" Wu Yu said as he quickly left Shenchu ​​Square, he took a few deep breaths to calm the panic in his heart until he left Shenchu ​​City far away. "It's really scary, I'm also a quasi-saint-level powerhouse at any rate, and I'm actually under such pressure when facing Chu Feng!" Wu Yu secretly said in his heart.

Time passed by, and more and more people confessed. For some of them, Chu Feng did not embarrass the forces behind them, but there were also many forces Chu Feng sent out "invites" to the leaders of the forces. Let them come to Shenchu ​​City for a drink and chat.

Of the thousand people, at first there were only seven or eight hundred people who raised their hands to confess, but in the end, only about thirty people did not confess. The rest of them all confessed in front of the many powerful men, one by one, Chu Feng didn't wrong them to let them get on this stage.

"You guys, let's talk too." Chu Feng looked at the 30 or so people who didn't speak in the end and said indifferently. "Say, okay, let me say! Chu Feng, the reason why I joined Shenchu ​​City is to find a chance to kill you!! You **** lustful bastard, you raped and killed my wife, and I can't wait to eat your meat , Drink up your blood!" A man in his thirties said viciously. He is a powerhouse of the gods, not particularly strong, but not particularly weak.

"God has no eyes, I actually let you detect it, but I believe that good is good for evil and evil is for evil. You will be rewarded after all, and you will be rewarded!" The man roared and his eyes were full of pain. .


There was a lot of sound in the entire Shenchu ​​Square, and the voices of the people who made the sound were extremely weak, but there were too many people here, even if many extremely weak sounds were gathered together, it would be relatively loud.


Many people, including Tang Ming and Yilian, showed shocked expressions in their eyes, but the expressions of surprise faded in a flash, they didn't believe that Chu Feng did something like that.

"What about you, do you have such a situation?" Chu Feng's face sank and looked at the others who hadn't spoken yet. "Chu Feng, you are also a person with status. I really don't want to believe that you did something like that. But that time, I clearly saw that you raped and killed my daughter. How did you succeed? Only sixteen years old, I finally had a daughter like her!" A god-respecting powerhouse said with grief and indignation.

"My daughter too!"

"Chu Feng, you must not die! My wife passed on your appearance and breath to me before dying. The appearance may be disguised by others, but the soul breath cannot be wrong. I remember that breath clearly. , That is, Chu Feng, your soul will not be fake!"

There are more than 30 people, but more than 20 people questioned Chu Feng. They are absolutely impossible to pretend that their grieving and angry looks can be seen by Chu Feng, and every strong person present can also see it. come out.

"Grass, what kind of guy who had no children actually framed the boss like this!" Zhou Wen couldn't help but angrily said, "As the boss, do you need to do such a dishonest thing?"

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