Holy Prison

Chapter 1500: Framed

"Interesting, someone does such a thing in my name." Chu Feng said indifferently, "You are young, don't get excited, there is no wonder in the world."

"Tengjian, you said I will send your wife... when is the time? When is the location?" Chu Feng asked, he was also annoyed at this time, but on the surface he was still very calm.

Teng Jian in Chu Feng's mouth was the first person to speak. He had already spoken at this time, and he also gave up and said coldly: "Thirty-two years ago, March, Wula."

Chu Feng looked at the other person, who said solemnly: "You raped and killed your daughter in February 121 years ago, in Tangming, Huojing City."

"It was in Yunxian in January 233 years ago."

"September 354 years ago, trolls!"

More than 20 people said one by one, and it didn't take long for everyone to report it. "City Lord Chu, in terms of time, it is completely too late. There may be many people who chose to swallow their breath and did not enter the Shenchu ​​City at this time, but I think many of them will definitely not let you go!" Teng Jian sneered.

"Tengjian, calm down." Chu Feng frowned slightly, "I feel sympathy for your experience, but your relatives are persecuted, and there are others!"

"My God Churu is clearly stated. Such behavior is a felony. As the city lord of God Chucheng, how can I take the lead in violating this? I haven't done this before. I don't need to explain anything to you, but since you In front of so many people, I will talk a little bit today."

"Think about it yourself, if it was me, could so many of you be sure that the murderer was me? You are very courageous and have very deep feelings for your relatives. As Tengjian said, there must be a lot of people. Choose to swallow. If one or two, you can think that I am brave and not careful enough to let you find out, but with so many of you, this can't be explained by my being careful enough?" Chu Feng said quietly.

Teng Jian showed hesitation on their faces. When so many people were speaking out, they actually felt a little bit wrong. Chu Feng was so idle that he couldn't run like this one by one? Moreover, many people have discovered that it is indeed impossible for so many people to discover with Chu Feng's cultivation base.

"Since it provokes me, I will investigate this matter. I will see what is going on!" Chu Feng snorted coldly, "You can stay in Shenchu ​​City for a while, and the matter will be investigated. After coming out, I will give you an explanation. At that time, you will decide whether you choose to join Shenchu ​​City. If you choose to join me, it is still welcome. You can stand up for your wife, daughter, and granddaughter. I value this!"

"Master Ming, arrange a place for them in the city.

Tang Ming nodded: "Okay boss, go down first, don't feel resentful, this thing can't be done by the boss 100%. To say something you might not like to hear, how stunning are the sister-in-laws, God There may be many people in the world who look no less than them, but if you say that your victimized relatives look like a few sister-in-laws, I won’t believe it, and it’s not just you, and there’s no way out. !"

"Yes, Team Leader Tang." Teng Jian and the others replied and stepped back from the platform. When they came up, they were 100% sure that it was Chu Feng. They wanted to expose Chu Feng in front of everyone in Shenchu ​​City, but now , They are not more than half sure that Chu Feng really did it!

Chu Feng looked at the last few people: "What about you, what do you want to say?" "There is nothing to say, joining Shenchu ​​City, I want to avenge my father! Since I have discovered me, just kill me. "One of the few remaining people said coldly.

"Who is your father?"

"The original Cardinal Carlton of the God Sect of Light, he died in your hands, don't tell me he didn't die in your hands!"

Chu Feng said indifferently: "It turns out that it is him. The relationship between Guangming Divine Sect and my God Chucheng is well known in the world. Since it is an enemy, it is really normal for me to kill him. You should be thankful that I did not rush to kill him. Since I am here, Go to my treasure space first, all Carlton's remnants, I will deal with them together!"

Hearing what Chu Feng said, the faces of the remaining few changed slightly, and two of them immediately wanted to blew themselves up, but at this time, where could they be allowed to blew up? Yilian shot, and instantly suppressed the self-destruction of those few people!

"You all come to my treasure space and tell me about it!" Chu Feng's thoughts moved all the remaining people into the holy prison space.

Chu Feng's eyes swept towards the many powerful newcomers who had not been to the Holy Prison Space yet, who had newly joined God's Beginning City: "Attention all those who have not been to my Treasure Space for testing, one hundred thousand people at a time, there is suction. Don’t resist! Attention everyone, if anyone around you wants to blew up, stop me immediately!"

This group of people was less than the previous ones, and it took just over half a day. Those people who had not yet been tested by the newly joined God Chu City all went to the holy prison space.

"Before the test results come out, please rest on this square. The test will take about 20 days. Yilian, you stay here for twenty days. If anyone blew up, stop immediately." Chu Feng looked at Yilian. .

Yilian nodded slightly, and Chu Feng swept his eyes to the faces of those who have passed the test with a smile: "Everyone, congratulations, you have officially joined Shenchu ​​City through the test! From now on, everyone is in the same boat. If you have any difficulties, you can report. If I, the city lord, has done a bad job, you can also bring it up. If your opinions are pertinent, I will definitely accept it!"

"In addition, I want to say one thing. Some of you didn’t think about observing God’s first law. I won’t name them here, but then I will pay more attention to those of you. If something violates God’s first law In the event of a situation, all punishments shall be imposed according to the rules of God's original law, without exception!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

Chu Feng lay down his hands, and the earth-shaking voice immediately quieted down: "You don't want to move your loved ones to Shenchu ​​City for the time being. There will be other arrangements at that time! Try not to leave Infinity in the next one or two months. At that time I have more important news to announce! Those who have officially joined Shenchu ​​City are disbanded, and the rest are resting in Shenchu ​​Square! Everyone has joined Shenchu ​​City, and it happens to be familiar with each other during this time!"

After Chu Feng said that the figure disappeared, the originally quiet Shenchu ​​Square suddenly became lively and extraordinary!

"Chu big **** demon, have you found anything? Hehe!" Zhou Wen smirked. Chu Feng gave Zhou Wen a white look: "It has been verified that those people of them did not lie. They were very sure before that it was me. The breath is indeed my soul breath, and even I can't tell it."

"Boss, which force do you think is doing the ghost? Many of them are hundreds of years ago. At that time, our Shenchu ​​City was not as strong as it is now." Tang Ming said.

Chu Feng frowned slightly and said: "Our God Chucheng has also provoked a lot of forces, and also provoked a lot of powerful people. Although this method has been done some, but if it is not this time, it is discovered that this If some people join our Shenchu ​​City, it may cause our Shenchu ​​City to collapse from within!"

"Well, the embankment of a thousand miles was collapsed in an ant's nest! Many powerful forces collapsed from within!" Tang Ming said, "We must find out whoever makes the move! Boss, I am in charge of intelligence, this One thing, leave it to me. With the current strength of our God Chucheng, it may not be particularly difficult to find out."

Chu Feng considered it for a moment and nodded slightly: "Okay, but it hasn't been long before you reach the venerable **** level, don't delay the stability of your cultivation base!"

"It's okay, just take some time a day to be stable!" Tang Ming smiled. "Boss, I have a task but nothing? If not, I'll do this with Xiao Mingzi. I'm idle and idle." Zhou Wen said.

"Your task is not light!" Chu Feng thought, a piece of jade slip appeared in his hand, "The people inside are not ready to abide by the original laws of God, you should talk to them one by one, before giving them some face under the public. In private, it must be beaten, otherwise they are more likely to violate God's original laws!"

"Okay, I'll go talk." Zhou Wen nodded and said. He is the leader of the law enforcement team. Naturally, he is responsible for beating those people.

Chu Feng said: "Let's put these two things aside first. Let's do another thing first. Let's go to the Mortal Realm first. They have not been to the Mortal Realm for more than 700 years. Moms and Dads don't know in their hearts. How many times have you scolded us"

"Boss, you are miserable this time." Zhou Wen and Tang Ming both laughed. They have not returned for more than 700 years, and they can imagine Chu Feng being smashed.

"Let's go!" Classmate Chu Feng was a little nervous in his heart. This time it was really too long. For the cultivator, hundreds of years are not long, but it really hasn't been in the realm for so long.

Three minutes later.

On the earth, the majestic classmate Chu Feng in Shenchu ​​City really had been ruined for several minutes. If it weren’t for the face of Lan Wen and their pregnant daughter-in-laws, Chu Zhen, they would definitely have been ruining him for longer. Although the last time they left, they said that the next time the lower realm would be longer, Chu Zhen and the others did not expect that it would take more than seven hundred years for Chu Feng to fall to the lower realm.

"Dad, calm down, calm down, what's the situation on Xiaolong's side, did he ask the lower realm to bring you news?" Chu Feng changed the subject and asked.

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