Holy Prison

Chapter 1501: News from Chu Long

"I have brought it, I have brought it twice." Chu Zhen frowned slightly, "The first time he brought a message and said that the previous problem was solved, the second time, a new problem appeared. Ask the emperor. How is the progress of the journey to the Demon? He told us not to worry. There is no major problem for the time being, but I guess there may be a big problem on his side!"

"By the way, he brought a piece of jade slip. We cannot read the information in the jade slip. Only you can read the information." Chu Zhen said a piece of jade slip appeared in his hands.

Chu Feng's face sank slightly: "Dad, when were these two transmissions?" "The first time was more than 600 years ago, and the second time was more than 100 years ago." Chu Zhen said.

After receiving the jade slip, Chu Feng immediately felt a familiar feeling. This jade slip must be made by Chu Long himself, and only Chu Feng can find it if it is sealed. If someone forcibly opens it, the information inside will be Will be lost.

After piercing his finger, Chu Feng dropped a drop of blood on the jade slip and was absorbed by the jade slip. Without letting Chu Feng use his spiritual thoughts, a piece of information instantly flowed into Chu Feng's mind.

An image of Chu Long appeared in Chu Feng's mind. Chu Long sat lazily on the sofa, looking like nothing was going on, but Chu Feng could see that there was worry in his eyes.

"Brother, I didn't want to send this message to bother you and my sister-in-law, and they still worried my father and them, but this time something really went wrong." Chu Long said lazily and disappeared.

"Brother, father-in-law and mother-in-law are also in the City of Innocence... Father-in-law has nothing to do, but mother-in-law, she died, not at the hands of the Zerg, but assassinated. It has been since I sent this thing. Three months have passed, and I haven't found the murderer yet, and in the City of Innocence, several people close to us have been killed."

"The previous matter was solved, but it has caused a bigger problem. A powerful force has taken a fancy to the City of Innocence. I naturally cannot hand over the City of Innocence. The result is a little unpleasant. The leader did not say anything at the time. The assassination occurred more than ten years later. I suspect that it was the hand of that force, but there is no evidence. That force is stronger than our City of Innocence. It is not good if there is no evidence. Deal with."

"Brother, that power is really strong. There are tenth-tier quasi-saint-level powerhouses, and there are two to three thousand quasi-saint-level powerhouses, which is really tricky. Brother, if your old man can be there quickly If you get the Demon, hurry up, otherwise you can only come over and collect the body for your brother."

"Brother, every hundred years, I will send someone to the side of the earth to bring you the latest news. If... I mean, if your brother is dead, my dad will give it to you! By the way, brother, don't let Dad and the others know this information, it only increases their worry, they can't help much."

There is no information here. Chu Feng frowned slightly. Judging from Chu Long’s information, the trouble he encountered this time is really not small. Chu Long doesn’t have a holy prison like him, although his training speed is fast, But at this time, it is estimated that it is only the cultivation base of the god-exalted level. At this time, the black king is estimated to be the cultivation base of the sixth-order quasi-sage level. Such a cultivation level is facing great pressure from the tenth-order quasi-sage-level strong, and That force still has such a strong strength.

"Feng'er, is the problem serious?" Chu Zhen asked. Chu Feng smiled slightly: "If it was before, it was very serious, but now it is not so serious!"

"What?" Chu Zhen said, both father and son sat down. "Dad, you haven't received information from Shenchu ​​City for a while... Shenchu ​​City's strength has improved a bit." Chu Feng said, "The little dragon is in the Earth Demon. You can exchange some information through the mortal world. It won’t be long before we know the strength of our God Chucheng has improved, and one of the forces that dealt with Xiaolong should be able to converge.”

"How much has the strength of Shenchu ​​City improved?" Chu Zhen said in astonishment. If he hadn't improved a lot, he estimated that the strength of Shenchu ​​City would not be able to frighten the demons!

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "Shenchu ​​City now has 16,000 Quasi-Saint-level powerhouses, and there are more than 2 million God-level powerhouses, and their strength has improved a lot from the previous foundation."

"How many?"

Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu, who heard Chu Feng's words, were shocked, "Feng'er, what did you just say about 16,000 quasi-sage-level powerhouses?" Mo Xiu said incredulously. How come a hundred quasi-saint-level powerhouses have doubled so many times at once? Over thirty times!"

"That's it" Chu Feng said briefly to Chu Zhen and the others. "Master Chu, someone is looking for you, he said he is from the Earth Demon!" Chu Feng just finished speaking here, a loud voice came into Chu Feng's ears.

"Earth Demon?"

Both Chu Feng and Chu Zhen's eyes lit up. Since they came from the Earth Demon, it must have come from Chu Long, and no one else in the Earth Demon would give them information.

"Hurry up and let someone come over!" Chu Zhen's voice suddenly spread, and if Chu Long's information comes, they can know Chu Long's relatively new news.

Soon a seemingly ordinary youth appeared in front of Chu Feng and the others.

"Old man, old lady!" The young man respectfully bowed to Chu Zhen and the others. He didn't seem to recognize Chu Feng so he didn't salute Chu Feng and the others, but Chu Feng didn't care about it. He was more casual. People.

"You don’t need to be polite, Xiaolong sent you here? What's the situation on the side of the City of Innocence?" Chu Zhen hurriedly said, that is, two sons. He is very concerned about Chu Feng, the eldest son, and Chu Long, the younger one. The son was also very concerned, and because Chu Feng made him and Mo Xiu more at ease, Chu Zhen and the others were more concerned about Chu Long.

"Boss, I heard that the demons are coming."

The voices of Tang Ming and Zhou Wen rang. They went out before, and now they returned to the villa. "Ah, you are Master Chu Feng, then you are Master Tang Ming, Master Zhou Wen." The young man said in surprise, and Chu Feng and the others nodded. The young man quickly saluted Chu Feng and the others, and even more. Be respectful.

"Quickly answer the question." Chu Feng said. "Master Chu Feng, the city lord has a piece of jade slip for you. The statement is clearer. After reading it, please ask me if you have any questions." The young man said a piece of jade slip appeared in his hand.

Chu Feng took the jade slip. This jade slip was similar to the previous one. Chu Feng dropped a drop of blood, and soon another piece of information appeared in Chu Feng's mind.

"Brother, the situation is worse with some cups! Sect Master Fa Tianzong talked to me again. He still didn't make a clear threat, but the secret meaning was clearer. Some things were done by them. If I didn't If Sin City does not submit, then the killing will continue!"

"An old miscellaneous hair, if it really annoys me, then I will use a lot of treasures to kill him. The big deal is to take Yan'er and some people out to wander, alas, some can't let go of the City of Innocence, otherwise I would have If I did it like that, he was mad at him. On the surface, he was kind, and he said that the Void Stone was used to buy the City of Innocence. The hypocrisy made me want to vomit!"

"We have stayed in the City of Innocence for a hundred years and haven't been anywhere, so there is nothing wrong with Yan'er and some people close to me. However, many people in the City of Innocence have died inexplicably. Some people in the City of Innocence are more alarmed. There will be no problems in a short time. After a long time, some guys are expected to leave the City of Innocence. If there are fewer people in the city, then the defense power may be in big trouble. ."

"Okay, brother, let’s just say so much. There are some troubles, but for the time being, I can hold on. On your side, if you can break through to the demons, you will try to break through. If you can’t break through, don’t worry. The sea is too dangerous. On one side, many people wanted to open up the sea passage to the gods and the emperor. As a result, I don’t know how many people died in the sea! By the way, I almost forgot a very important thing. Brother, I found a merit Zhu, is in the hands of a concubine, the old Miscellaneous Mao, the lord of Fa Tianzong."

"I just said so much, and I have to say a few more words. The old miscellaneous hair of Fa Tianzong is a tenth-order quasi-saint-level powerhouse, and the little concubine who spoiled him is overwhelming. The old miscellaneous hair of Fa Tianzong gave it to her, and she was inlaid on a crown. If there is a chance, I will get it for you."

Chu Long said that the image disappeared and did not continue. "The merit pearl, there is actually a merit pearl." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that his eyes light up. Now he has got six merit pearls, and there should be only the last merit pearl. Chu Long has not seen it. He should not be mistaken for the merit orb. If he gets the last merit orb, the natal weapons of Song Ye will be complete, and she will definitely be able to display a stronger strength by then!

Nowadays, Song Ye is the primary cultivation base of the gods. If the burst of power is the same as Tang Ming and the others, it can reach the level of sixth-order quasi-sage level. If the last merit orb is also integrated, then it is estimated that Song Ye can burst out of the seventh or eighth rank. The quasi-sage-level strengths are also natal weapons. The combination of the merit pearls and the flail leaves is much higher than that of the Hongjun ring and the bricks and the Tang Ming and Zhouwen. Therefore, when Song Ye and Tang Ming have the same cultivation level , Feiye's strength is naturally stronger.

"Feng'er, isn't there any problem?" Chu Zhen said. Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Dad, don't worry, there shouldn't be any big problems on Xiaolong's side, what is your name?"

In the end, what Chu Feng said was to that young man, and that young man quickly and respectfully said: "Master Chu Feng, junior Aoki Li." "Call you Aoki. It's hard to come here." Chu Feng said a space ring. Appeared in his hand, "There are a few gadgets inside. Refining and using them at that time."

"Thank you, sir." Qing Mu Jian said a little excitedly. He didn't know what Chu Feng looked like, but he knew that Chu Long's older brother was even more powerful than Chu Long, so the things given at this time would naturally not be bad.

"Feiying, Feiye, you first enter my treasure space." Chu Feng said that Miao Feiying and Yilian were included in the sacred prison space.

Miao Feiying and the others entered the sacred prison space, and it didn’t take long for Tang Ming’s gaze to come out, and in Chu Feng’s hand there appeared a piece of paper one and a half meters long and a half meters wide, and it was written on it. With three characters.

God, early, city!

The three characters were written by Yilian, Miao Feiying and Qin Jian respectively. The three characters seem to be ordinary on the first day of the first year, but when you look closely, the three characters contain the power of terror. These three characters are Yilian. They wrote down when the three tenth-rank quasi-saint-level powerhouses burst out with all their strength, and each of the three words implies an extremely fierce momentum.

"What is this, puff!" Zhou Wen said in surprise and looked at the painting carefully, but he immediately retreated a few steps like a ghost and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

"Um" Tang Ming frowned slightly, he also felt a great shock, a small bit of blood poured into his throat but he swallowed it.

Chu Feng looked at Tang Ming and the others with a smirk. Chu Zhen and the others had already reminded him, so there was nothing wrong with Tang Ming and the others.

"Boss, fuck, you guy wants to kill us." Zhou Wen carefully glanced at those three words with some fear. At this time, he knew that his mind was controlled so much, so he didn't spray blood like before, but three words The pressure on him is also great, and Tang Ming, the same is true.

"Boss, these three words were written by Yilian's sister-in-law, Feiying's sister-in-law, and Qin Jian's brother, right? It's terrifying!" Tang Ming is a little afraid of being authentic. Died!

Chu Feng smiled and nodded: "Yes, these three words were written by Yilian and the others." Chu Feng said that a spatial ring appeared in his hand and installed the paper with the three words on it.

"Qingmu, you take this spatial ring, immediately return to the earth demon, and hand this spatial ring to Xiaolong. There is also a jade slip in the spatial ring, let him be careful when reading the words." Chu Feng said. "Yes, Master Chu Feng, I will definitely hand this thing into the hands of the city lord!" Qing Mu said.

"You return from here to the Earth Demon and then to the City of Innocence, is it safe?" Chu Feng said. "Master Chu Feng, it is safer. Leaving the mortal world, I will appear directly at the Earth Demon. No matter which boundary lake I am from, it will not take half an hour to return to the City of Innocence if it goes smoothly." Qing Mu said.

"It's safer...that is, there may be trouble." Chu Feng said that with a move of his mind, a token appeared in his hand, and there was only one order on it. "Take this thing, if you don't encounter trouble. Don't show it up, if you have trouble, light up this token, and no one should trouble you again!"

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