Holy Prison

Chapter 1502: Ecstatic Chu Long

Demon, the city of innocence.

"Bang!" A crisp voice sounded, and a fine white jade porcelain cup was severely thrown to the ground by Chu Long. "Too much deception, it's too much deception!" Chu Long said angrily.

"Brother Long, don't be angry, there is no value in being angry with such a person. It is not good to be angry with your own body." Shi Yan held Chu Long's hand to comfort him.

Chu Long looked at Shi Yan and took a deep breath to suppress the anger in his heart. "Yuan Hong, old miscellaneous hair, he'd better pray that he won't fall into my hands in the future, otherwise I won't kill him!" Chu Long said solemnly, "Plus he came here once, this is the sixth time. Now! He is more and more obvious now!"

"Brother Long, we should think of a way. The strength of the Fa Tianzong is constantly growing, and the strength of our Innocence City has been reduced because of the faint suppression of the Fa Tianzong. If this continues, then we will be innocent. When the strength of the city drops to a certain level, Fa Tianzong may directly tear through the disguise to be hard!" Shi Yan said.

Chu Long said and sat down with Shi Yan in his arms, "Yan'er, I'm sorry... Mother died. I didn't expect you to follow me in fear now!"

"Brother Long, what am I talking about, we are old husband and wife, and they said that my life and your life are one, mother's hatred, we will avenge it sooner or later." Shi Yan's face changed slightly, her mother died, and her heart was natural She was very sad, but Shi Yan was very well-behaved. She never cried about this in front of Chu Long, and didn't urge him to take revenge.

"I promise, you can get revenge!" Chu Long said, "I don't know when you can communicate with the Emperor. If you are connected, there will be brothers to help you, and revenge should be no problem."

Shi Yan frowned slightly and said: "Brother Long, although your brother is powerful, the strength of the City of God and the City of Innocence are combined, I am afraid that it is not the opponent of the Fa Tianzong. Now the Fa Tianzong has three thousand. There are many quasi-saint-level powerhouses, the strength is too terrifying." Chu Long showed a slight smile on his face: "Yan'er, you still don't know me well, judging from the treasures I can give me, you think he has no hidden strength Huh? I'm sure that the strength of Shenchu ​​City is definitely stronger than it seems."

"Brother can give us those treasures, it shows that Shenchucheng has the ability to expand, but it has not expanded. He should just want to increase the strength of himself and Mingge Wen."

"Now seven or eight hundred years have passed. According to my estimation, Brother Ming and his cultivation base should have reached the god-exalted level like me. They can borrow power, and after borrowing power, they should have a level five or six quasi-saint level. Brother’s strength should be stronger than them. Shenchu ​​City’s strength should be improved in a short period of time. If you don’t improve, you will lag behind others. Brother won’t be blind to this point." Long chuckled authentically.

Shi Yanjiao smiled: "You, when you talk about your brother, you have a confident smile on your face." "Hehe, I can have today, my family can have today, I can be with you, and all Brother is inseparable, even if it is a saint and brother, I will trust him more!" Chu Long smiled.

"Well, of course, if it weren't for your brother, I would have died a long time ago. It would be impossible for me to reach the level of god-exalable cultivation like you." Shi Yan snuggled into Chu Long's arms and said.

At this moment, a voice rang in Chu Long's mind. Chu Long's eyes lit up and patted Shi Yan's head and said, "Yan'er, get up quickly, Qing Mu is back. This kid, he is back quickly. It seems that he has not deviated too far from the 66th star field!"

"Let's go take a look together." Shi Yan said.

Chu Long and Shi Yan quickly appeared in front of Qing Mu Jian, "Qing Mu, is it going well this time?" Chu Long smiled authentically. "I went smoothly. When I came back, I got to the No. 7 Boundary Lake and was almost killed. Fortunately, Master Chu Feng gave me a token." Qing Mu Jian said a little afraid.

"Boundary Lake No. 7!" Chu Long's expression changed slightly. The Boundary Lake No. 7 is controlled by an evil and powerful force. Even a force like the City of Innocence often doesn't give face. It is common to detract from others. It's not a strange thing to kill anyone on the other side who is unhappy.

"What token, let me see." Chu Long said. Qing Mu Jian took out the token that Chu Feng gave, and Chu Long looked at the token and was shocked. From the token, he felt a terrifying aura, as if there was a terrifying ancient in the token. Fierce beast. "This is the strength of the tenth order?" Although Chu Long does not have a quasi-sage level cultivation base, he still has good eyesight. He knew the aura above this token, he knew that the strength of the strong who left the aura is estimated to be no better than that. Yuan Hong is weak.

"City Lord, it should be." Qing Mu Jian smiled, and he knew Chu Long very well. In front of Chu Feng, he was not restrained in front of Chu Feng. "City Lord, you don't know, as soon as this token came out, many people on the side of Lake No. 7 were shocked and quickly apologized and then obediently let me leave!"

Chu Long smiled and said: "Those guys are bullying and fearing hardship one by one. How can they be able to provoke the tenth-level quasi-saint level powerhouse? This is normal. You got this thing, did you meet my brother?"

"The city lord's magical calculation is hey." Qing Mu Jian said two spatial rings appeared in his hands, "City Lord, in this spatial ring there are things that the old man and old lady gave to the city lord; this one is what Mr. Chu Feng gave you to the city lord. , There is a jade slip in it, and a piece of paper. Master Chu Feng asked you to look at the jade slip first. That piece of paper is very powerful. Master Tang Ming and Master Zhou Wen looked at it, and Master Zhou Wen vomited blood. Master Tang Ming, I Seeing his blood also reached his mouth but was swallowed."

"City Lord, Master Chu Feng gave me some treasures."

Chu Long chuckled and said, "Brother Ming and the others should have been tricked by Brother. You should keep the things that Brother gave you... I have to take this token back. When someone is in the realm, hold this token. It’s safer to go down! What else do they have to say?"

"Yes, City Lord! No more, everything that Master Chu Feng wants to say should be in the jade slip."

Chu Long nodded: "Okay, let's go down first. It's not easy for you to go back and forth. I will give you a long vacation and take a good rest to improve your strength!"

Aoki left happily. Among the things that Chu Feng gave him were treasures that could boost his strength. If you use the treasures, you can increase your strength to a level in a relatively short time!

"Shi Yan, I have a hunch that Brother will definitely give us a surprise this time." Chu Long chuckled as he returned to the room. "Don't be happy, hurry up and check it out." Shi Yan said.

Chu Long nodded and cut through his fingers. A drop of blood flowed out and was absorbed by the jade slip. Suddenly, a burst of information flowed into his mind. The image of Chu Feng appeared in his mind.

"If you can receive my message, it means that you are still alive, not bad." Chu Feng said with his legs up. The black line flashed across Chu Long's forehead, this opening remark.

"You kid, didn't you tell the truth? I guess the situation on your side is more serious than what you said. Listen, tell me the truth in the future, otherwise it won't help me make a judgment. Just say it as serious. How serious is it, don’t exaggerate, and don’t shrink me!"

"Human Sovereign arrived at the Earth Demon, now it is the same as on your side. The forces have lost a lot of people without much progress. The depths of the sea are too dangerous! It is estimated that it will take a lot of time to implement intercommunication. Yours On the one hand, take revenge slowly, so that Fa Tianzong no longer troubles you, it should be possible."

"Shenchucheng has some improvement in strength now. There are 16,000 quasi-sage-level powerhouses, and more than two million god-level powerhouses. Your sister-in-law, Yilian’s sister-in-law, Feiying, are all ten-tier quasi-sage level Strength, in addition, Shenchu ​​City has two tenth-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouses. I burst out, and I can show that strength. Human Sovereign, Shenchu ​​City should be the most powerful force now."

"I gave you a piece of paper. It was written by your sister-in-law, Feiying, and Qin Jian, another tenth-level quasi-saint-level strongman in Shenchu ​​City. You can invite Sect Master Fatian to appreciate the calligraphy. How to do it, you can figure it out. If you can’t protect yourself in this way, don’t say it’s my brother, it’s shameful."

Chu Long curled his lips, but his face was full of smiles. He really didn't expect that Shenchu ​​City had already reached such a level! There are 16,000 quasi-sage-level powerhouses, more than two million god-level powerhouses, and five tenth-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouses. With such strength, Fa Tianzong is a bird! The strength of Fa Tianzong is only less than a quarter of such strength!

"Brother Long, good thing? Hurry up and talk about it, don't be happy alone!" Shi Yan used the nine-yin white bone claw on the soft flesh of Chu Long's waist! "My wife is forgiving, let's confess!" Chu Long said quickly.

"My wife, we don’t need to be afraid of Fa Tianzong in the future! Although Fa Tianzong is powerful, it is a scum compared to today’s Shenchu ​​City! You know, Shenchu ​​City has about 16,000 Quasi-Holy Levels Powerful, more than two million god-level powerhouses, brother can display the strength of the tenth quasi-sage level, and there are four people in the city of God who can play the tenth quasi-sage level!" Chu Long laughed. typical.

Shi Yan stared at Chu Long blankly. After a few seconds, she touched Chu Long’s forehead with her small hand: "Brother Long, are you okay? More than 16,000 quasi-sage-level powerhouses, is it possible? It’s just 500 quasi-saint level powerhouses, how can this one increase more than 30 times"

"If you don’t speak, it’s a blockbuster. If God Chu City has a few rank ten quasi-saint-level powerhouses silently, it is possible to achieve such strength at once as long as it operates well. If it can block other forces For his conspiracy and tricks, his strength will definitely increase in the next time!" Chu Long smiled.

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