Holy Prison

Chapter 1504: Depressed Yuan Hong

"Fifty million, a hat? I'm still scared. Become a hat. Then, I will return it obediently, and the hat will be returned obediently to me!" After hearing Beihai say this, Eliza was depressed. It improved all of a sudden. Although her crown was valuable, in her opinion, it was definitely not worth 50 million catties of Void Stone.

Not to mention fifty million, or five million catties of Void Stone, in her opinion, it is not worth it. Void Stone is not a spar, it is very expensive!

No one would be willing to buy 50 million catties of the Void Stone to buy her crown, and there were not many people who could afford it.

In Elisa’s view, the 50 million catties of Void Stone in the City of Innocence bought her hat. It must have been "communicated" with the City of Innocence on the side of Fa Tianzong, giving her the money After that, you can smoothly win back the ones that were previously output. And afterwards, the natural city of innocence will give her the crown back!

"Fifty million, I agree!" Eliza said that she took off her crown. Without the crown, the nobleness is a little bit less, but the impact on the stunning beauty like Eliza is not great. But her arrogant look has a greater impact on her! Many people cursed secretly. Without Yuan Hong's support, how could a person like you live so moisturized? I don't know how many people will be fucked!

"Eliza, this is your bargaining chip!"

Bei Hai took the crown carefully, and the 50 million chips appeared in front of Eliza, "Xiao He, you accompany Eliza to continue." Bei Hai said and stood up.

"This" the croupier before Beihai hesitantly said. "You're welcome, you'd better win all the 50 million! With the order of the city lord, our innocent city is not afraid of Fa Tianzong! This crown is what the city lord needs. I will send the crown to the city lord first." Write.

Hearing Beihai Transmitting the dealer's eyes lit up slightly, he had long wanted to teach Elisa, but every time he was given an order to let him release the water, as a result, Elisa won a lot from him again and again!

"Don't do this and that, let you come and you will come!" Beihai patted the croupier's shoulder and quickly disappeared before Chu Long could be seen. "Okay, okay, it really is this thing." Chu Long laughed and met at close range. Chu Long fully confirmed that the bead was the merit bead that Chu Feng needed.

The beads were inlaid on the crown and they were very firm, but such a decorative crown could not stand the toss of Chu Long, and the bead was removed from the crown after two or two attempts.

"Beihai, if you go to the Fa Tianzong, you said that I would invite Sect Master Yuan of the Fa Tianzong to come and appreciate the calligraphy. No need, he actually rushed over, you invite him to the first meeting room!" Chu Long said.

"Yes, the city lord!" Beihai was a little excited. Hearing Chu Long said this, he knew that Chu Long was really sure this time that Fa Tianzong would not dare to move to the City of Innocence.

Three minutes later, the No. 1 meeting room in City of Innocence.

Sect Master Yuan Hong of Fa Tianzong looked at the three characters in front of him with a gloomy expression. Two of the three characters were slightly soft, and the third was domineering. "Sect Master Yuan, how do you think these three characters?" Chu Long smiled quietly. He smiled very happily. This Yuan Hong was careless when he first saw these three words, but was shocked to take a step back. Although it was only a trivial step, it also caused Yuan Hong to lose face. Things.

"good very good!"

Yuan Hong took a deep breath. He was shocked at this moment. He had already felt the three words with his heart. According to the momentum of the three words, the three strong men who wrote these three words are not strong enough. We are weaker than ourselves, and the strength of the person who wrote the first two characters is much stronger than him!

"City Lord Chu Long, don't know where to get such good characters?" Yuan Hong asked. Chu Long smiled and said: "My brother sent it here. I know Sect Master Yuan, you like calligraphy, so I am preparing to invite Sect Master Yuan to come and appreciate it together. I didn't expect Sect Master Yuan that you would feel inspired and came here directly. !"

Yuan Hong squinted his eyes slightly: "Your brother, Chu Feng of Shenchu ​​City? Shenchu ​​City actually has three rank ten quasi-sage-level powerhouses, which is really gratifying! There are three rank tenth quasi-sage-level powerhouses, Shenchu ​​city The development of the city must be very gratifying, Chu Long City Lord, don’t know what kind of strength Shenchu ​​City is now?"

"Shen Chucheng, the development is not bad, there are 16,000 quasi-sage-level powerhouses, more than two million god-level powerhouses, and tenth-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouses are not many, only four or five. "Chu Long tasted the tea slowly and authentically, "Sect Master Yuan, drink tea and tea, this tea is good, it can help you. I like it very much this time."

"City Lord Chu Long, you really have a good brother!" Yuan Hong took a deep breath. He was extremely shocked. The first reaction was impossible. How could there be so many strong men? However, the words in front of him are real. It is not clear whether there are four or five tenth-level quasi-saint-level powerhouses in Shenchu ​​City. There are three of them!

Moreover, if such a thing Chu Long lied, it would be discovered quickly. There was not much opinion, so... Although he did not want to believe it, Yuan Hong immediately confirmed one thing, Chu Long said about the news about Shenchu ​​City. It should be true!

"I feel so too." Chu Long smiled softly.

Yuan Hong said solemnly: "City Lord Chu Long, I suddenly remembered that there are still some things in Fa Tianzong that I need to deal with. I will leave first, and then come over and chat with City Lord Chu Long in the next day!"

"Sect Master Yuan, so anxious? Appreciate this character for a while before leaving. It's a pretty good character." Chu Long said. "The words are really good. I will appreciate it later and appreciate it later." Yuan Hong said with a smile on his face.

"Well then, Sect Master Yuan, don't give it away!"

Chu Long said that Yuan Hong disappeared in front of him in the blink of an eye, and it didn't take long for Yuan Hong to return to Fa Tianzong.

"Check, send me immediately to the Mortal Realm to find out the strength of God Chu City! Send more people, I need to get the result in the shortest time!" Yuan Hong said coldly, at his feet, this At that time a lot of things were smashed to pieces by him, and when he received the news that Shenchucheng had such a terrifying strength, the anger in his heart was really too great!

"Yes, Sovereign!"

It has been a lot of time now. The Emperor of Humanity has many people going to the Mortal Realm. Many of the people in the Mortal Realm already know the changes in God’s Beginning City. The Fa Tianzong is powerful and sent out tens of millions at a time. Very tall people, it turned out that in just a few minutes someone learned the news from the mortal world and brought the news back!

"Brother Hong, you have to call the shots for me. The City of Innocence is too much. They won me away, and my crown actually let them win away!"

"Brother Hong, they don’t give me face, that is, they don’t give you face to Brother Hong, and they don’t give face to Fa Tianzong. The small city of innocence dares to do this. Let them know how great!"

Elisa entangled Yuan Hongdao, but the 50 million didn't let her play a few, and she was relieved to press it too much. As a result, only a few handfuls output all 50 million catties of Void Stone.

After losing all of them, Eliza became angry on the other side, but her anger was ignored, and finally she ran back quickly to find Yuan Hong to come forward.

Yuan Hong slapped her face and slapped Elisa heavily, "Take off your clothes and lie on the ground, immediately!" Yuan Hong said coldly, if it was in the past, he would not bear to hit Eliza, but today is different, today he The anger in her heart was too great, and Eliza even went to him and said that she was looking for a fight!

"Brother Hong" Eliza was slapped by Yuan Hong's slap. She and Yuan Hong have been favored since they were together. Let alone the beating, she didn't even have a single sentence.

"Didn't you hear me?" Yuan Hong said, slapped again.

"I heard it, I heard it." Eliza said in horror and quickly took off her clothes and lay on the ground like a bitch. Yuan Hong shattered her clothes, and a murder weapon immediately penetrated Eliza's body and vented frantically.

Infinite, Chu Feng and the others did not stay in the earth for long before returning to the Infinite God Beginning City. There is nothing on the other side of the earth, but there are many things on the side of the gods.

"Xiao Mingzi, Fatty, go and do your business." Chu Feng said. Tang Ming needs to find the person who framed Chu Feng, and Zhou Wen has to talk to many guys. People with a lower cultivation base don’t need him to go out. Those whose cultivation base reaches the quasi-sage level still need him. Grow a horse and talk about it.

Tang Ming and the others should get busy quickly, these two things are things that must be solved urgently now! "Husband, what are your plans next?" Yilian asked. She and Miao Feiying are now outside. As for Feng Bingning and the others, they came out when they were on Earth, and now they are all entering the domain tower for repairs. Practice gone.

Chu Feng smiled lightly: "There must be many forces that can't see our God Chu City improve like this, knowing that they dare not come, there must be a lot of hands and feet in the dark. In the next period of time, all we have to do is to cut off one by one. The hands and feet of our Shenchu ​​City!" "Husband, I feel that Tianyuanzong did the thing that framed you." Miao Feiying said.

"Not necessarily." Chu Feng shook his head, "The thing that framed me, the only difficulty is to simulate my aura. If an ordinary quasi-saint-level powerhouse masters that ability, he can do it. If it can be done, Tianyuanzong and my God Chucheng are already at odds. Before the strength of my God Chucheng was not so strong, Tianyuanzong actually didn't have much need to use such methods!"

"I feel that the person who framed me was not a powerful person, but just happened to master such a method." Chu Feng said. Ellen said: "Husband, that method is actually quite good, if you can get it."

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