Holy Prison

Chapter 1505: The benefits of being powerful

"Damn, unlucky, how could it be so unlucky!!" On top of a small piece of Human Emperor, a young man who looked twenty-seven or eighteen years old cursed secretly while drinking wine.

"Damn Chu Feng, he has such a fortune. The strength of Shenchu ​​City has increased so many times in a short time! If Shenchu ​​City is just the previous strength, it will stinks Shenchu ​​City, Shenchu ​​City's strength will definitely decline , With Tian Yuanzong and other hostile forces, Chu Feng will undoubtedly die, now"

Ma Jin was very helpless. He was also lucky. He obtained an evil method of collecting yin and nourishing yang, and also gained the ability to simulate the soul of others. He thought that while improving his own strength, he could make Chu Feng stink, but he did not expect to practice. After a period of time, the outside sky has changed. Originally, Shenchu ​​City was not too powerful, but now it has become a giant above the human emperor!

If the strength of Shenchu ​​City has not improved, then I am afraid of the previous slander. Now the strength of Shenchu ​​City is so terrifying. His slander really has little effect on Chu Feng. This world is still talking with fists. Not to mention that many people believe that Chu Feng will not be like that, even if Chu Feng is really like that, it will not have a particularly big impact on the strength of Shenchu ​​City!

"With the current terrifying power of God Chu City, if I simulate Chu Feng's breath again, I'm afraid I might be found damn. Is it easy for me to fully simulate Chu Feng's soul breath? It will take a lot of time to simulate another person. The breath." Ma Jin cursed secretly in his heart and poured the wine into the glass.

After drinking, Ma Jin returned to the place where he was temporarily staying. He did not expect to leave this area immediately.

If a force has reached the level of God Chucheng now, the energy is extremely terrifying. The previous Tianyuan Sect also reached a relatively high strength, but at that time, let alone the tenth rank quasi-sage level powerhouse, the Tianyuanzong had a nineteenth rank. There are no quasi-sage-level powerhouses, so many forces don't actually buy it.

But Shenchu ​​City is not the same. Before Shenchu ​​City, there were four tenth-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouses. Later, a tenth-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouse joined the Shenchu ​​city. All the forces of the Kingdom know one thing. It is impossible to bring down the city of Shenchu ​​as simple as that of the Tianyuanzong, so many forces are willing to have a relationship with the city of Shenchu.

But now, the best way to build a relationship with Shenchu ​​City is to find the person or force that framed Chu Feng. As long as you find out, then Shenchu ​​City will definitely not treat him badly.

Therefore, when God Chu City started to find people or forces who framed Chu Feng, in fact, the entire Human Emperor's countless forces were all acting!

Ma Jin framed Chu Feng and satisfies his desires and needs for training, but he did a lot of evil things. At the beginning, there were only more than 20 people who mixed into Shenchu ​​City. In fact, far more than 20 women were persecuted. Most of the people chose to swallow their anger, but now the entire Human Sovereign's countless forces are investigating, and suddenly many such situations have been investigated.

After finding out many situations, according to the time and place, the murderer's course of action can be determined. A lot of information was sent to Shenchu ​​City and gathered to Tang Ming, and the course of Majin's action gradually became clear.

"Orik, fragrance, ice and snow, there is more than 80% possibility, the person who framed the boss is in these three!"

"The other party basically has to stay for some time in each area, and the victim's Yin Qi is damaged. The other party estimates that some evil skills have been practiced, and it will take a period of time to retreat after taking the supplement."

Tang Ming thought in his heart, an order went on, and soon the fragrance of Orik and the ice and snow strengthened the monitoring. There are many people monitoring these three empty passages and each sea passage. Yin replenishes yang. There are some characteristics in practicing this kind of exercise. Anyone who has such characteristics will be immediately invited to a place to take a rest.

At this time, Ma Jin was among the three pieces of fragrance. He didn't know that fragrance had already enjoyed a special treatment at the beginning. A few days later, Ma Jin finally found something wrong.

"Damn it!"

Ma Jin secretly cursed in his heart. He rushed to the vicinity of a void passage. He wanted to leave Fragrant through this void passage. Unexpectedly, the vicinity of the void passage was closely monitored, collecting yin and nourishing yang. There are many such people. Every such person found is gathered.

Ma Jin checked his own situation. After checking, his face changed slightly. He has used the patching technique very frequently in recent years. Although the patching technique is very advanced, the characteristics are not particularly obvious, but it is so strict. Check, you can definitely find anomalies, there are several quasi-sage-level powerhouses guarding the void passage, if you are found, then don't even think about fleeing!

"On the other side of the sea, one sea channel is estimated to be monitored. If you don't collect the information for about a hundred years, you can let the characteristic news, but you can't collect it for a hundred years. This" Ma Jin secretly frowned, as he practiced mining. The technique of tonic is very powerful, but it is also very domineering. Once you practice it, it is like being infected with poison, and it will be very uncomfortable if you don't take it for a period of time!

Ma Jin left quickly and spent some time checking it. Every sea channel and several void passages were guarded. Although there are still many places to go into the sea, it is Strength, he dare not!

Ma Jin is only the cultivation base of the peak of the gods. If you don’t take the sea channel and enter the sea casually, 99% of them may die. Several hundred years have passed. The safer sea channels have been discovered. Those places where you can enter the sea, but the possibility of death is extremely high, even the powerful quasi-sage-level powerhouse dare not break in easily!

As time passed slowly, Tang Ming had mastered more information, and relying on those information, Tang Ming made more accurate inferences.

"The possibility that the target is within three pieces of Orik, fragrance, ice and snow is as high as 90%, the possibility of Orik is 30%, the possibility of fragrance is 40%, and the possibility of ice and snow is 20%!"

"The target's strength should not be at the Quasi-Holy Level, but it should be higher than the Intermediate Deity, the High Deity, the Top, the Peak, or the Great Perfection of the Deity!"

"The technique is very overbearing. It is estimated that it will be very uncomfortable if you don't take it for a certain period of time. It has been more than ten years since the last time, and it is very likely to take it again soon!

"After confirming one step further, try to locate the target directly!"

A few more days passed, and within the fragrance, Ma Jin was like an ant on a hot pot. Shenchucheng put him under great pressure, and the techniques he practiced also brought him great pressure at this time. , If there is no threat from Shenchu ​​City, then it will not be uncomfortable for him to replenish it now, but at this moment he endures without replenishing it as if there is a fire in his body to burn him to ashes!

"If you try to be more careful, you should, you won't be discovered, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Now the city of Shenchu ​​has imposed a ban. The entire fragrance is temporarily forbidden to kill. The death of Gao's woman will definitely attract Shenchucheng's attention."

"With my strength and the secret method, I can only be positioned when the distance is not particularly far away. Forbearance, maybe the people of Shenchucheng will withdraw!"

Ma Jin was thinking that Shenchu ​​City would withdraw, but in fact, as time passed slowly, Tang Ming's suspicion about Piaoxiang became more and more serious, and various signs showed that Ma Jin was probably Piaoxiang.

"The chance that the target is Piaoxiang is more than 60%, and you can already give it a try!" Tang Ming secretly said in his heart, and it didn't take long for him to reach Piaoxiang.

Fragrance Center.

"Positioning." Tang Ming said indifferently, a quasi-saint-level expert nodded and immediately activated a treasure. Such positioning treasures are very rare, and many of them are destroyed after one-time use; even if not once. Sexually, it usually takes a long time to use it once. There are not many forces that will use it casually. It is because of the power of God's Beginning City, and it is relatively certain that the goal is to start using it.

"Group leader, positioning failed."

It didn't take long for the Quasi-Holy Grade powerhouse to say, his eyes showed a trace of pity, the positioning failed, and the treasure that he had just used was wasted.

"Pass the order down, and use the remaining eight points together!" Tang Ming said.

Tang Ming is in the center of Piaoxiang, and the other eight spots are evenly distributed in each place of Piaoxiang. Tang Ming's order was quickly implemented, and the results of the positioning of the remaining eight positioning treasures were reported to Tang Ming in a short time.

Of the eight treasures, seven failed to locate, and one had a little reaction but the reaction disappeared quickly, "Very well, the goal is really above this fragrance!" Tang Ming showed a smile on his face. Although it was not located, the treasure that was located responds, indicating that the target is closer to the treasure!

Three minutes later, Tang Ming had reached the area where he could react. "Group leader, the positioning failed, but the general direction is determined, it is this direction!"

"Go in this direction." Tang Ming said.

Another minute passed. "Group leader, the positioning is successful, the goal is in this direction!"

Inside a stone mountain to the southwest of Piaoxiang, Ma Jin looked at a woman on the stone bed with intense passion in her eyes. This woman is now in a coma. She has an intermediate level of Emperor God's cultivation base, which is not weak. But naturally it was not the opponent of a person like Ma Jin, who was easily caught by Ma Jin and brought here far away.

"I have set up a formation here, it should not be easy to find here, **** it, no matter what, it's really uncomfortable!" Ma Jin secretly said in his heart and touched the woman's face. "Little beauty, today I will let you know the joy of being a woman!" Ma Jin laughed.

"You are afraid, there is no such opportunity!"

Tang Ming's faint voice rang in Ma Jin's ears, and instantly the beauty who was about to be touched by him disappeared in front of him.

A huge roar sounded, and after the woman was rescued, the entire stone mountain was directly smashed to pieces by a quasi-sage-level expert beside Tang Ming!

"Ahem, you, who are you?" Ma Jin bit his scalp and flew out of the gravel. "By then, you will know who we are." Tang Ming said indifferently. At this time, there were quite a few quasi-sage-level experts beside him. Two of them shot, and Ma Jin was imprisoned in the blink of an eye.

"Lower his cultivation base." Tang Ming commanded, a quasi-saint-level powerhouse took action, and Ma Jin's cultivation base was smoothly knocked down from the peak of the gods to the emperor **** level.

"You, you can't die!" Ma Jin's face was pale and authentic, and his cultivation base was forcibly lowered, which was very painful. "Look at me." Tang Ming stared at Ma Jin's eyes. Ma Jin looked into Tang Ming's eyes subconsciously, but his eyes became dull in a short time.

"It's you who framed Chu Feng, the lord of Shenchu ​​City, but you? Is this your personal behavior, or is it instigated by forces?" Tang Ming asked. At this time, Ma Jin had only the cultivation base of the Emperor God level. How could he resist Tang Ming's questioning. Tang Ming and the others came in a hurry, and some memories did not come to the seal.

So, Tang Ming quickly got what he wanted to know. "Come on, let's go back to the beginning of the city, pass the order, the fishing operation is over, everyone will return! That woman woke her up and let her go back." Tang Ming smiled authentically.

"Yes, Team Leader Tang."

Fragrance is infinitely far away, but Tang Ming and the others went back smoothly. Three days later, they had already returned to Shenchu ​​City.

"Xiao Mingzi, you did a good job, the emperor is such a big man, and the crowd is huge, but he caught this guy in less than a month!" Chu Feng smiled.

At this moment, Ma Jin had already been handed over to Chu Feng by Tang Ming, and Tang Ming also spoke in more detail with Chu Feng about this action. "Boss, the main reason is that our God Chu City is very powerful now, and each force is very cooperative. Otherwise, let alone a month, even if it is thousands of years, it may not be caught!" Tang Ming said with a smile. In such a situation, if the approximate location of the target cannot be determined in the first time, it will be difficult to catch it later."

"It is naturally good to have a strong influence!" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Our God Chu City now has 18,000 quasi-sage-level powerhouses, not far from the 20,000 mark! Because of this guy. , Our Shenchu ​​City has been slightly affected, but it is enough to get him caught in less than a month to eliminate the negative effects, and it can even increase the positive impact of our Shenchu ​​City. It is estimated that it will not take much to break through the 20,000 mark. time."

"Well, many powerhouses are probably watching. Now they don't have to wait and see. Boss, let's make a press conference. Let me do it to ensure that the positive impact of Shenchu ​​City is maximized!" Tang Ming laughed Tao.

Chu Feng thought about it for a while and nodded: "Well, make a good announcement, so that many forces who want to stretch out their hands and feet will be safer! Sect Master Tianyuan and some other leaders should also go to Shenchu ​​City. Through this matter, I can beat them a little bit! I will have to let them bleed more one by one then!"

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