Holy Prison

Chapter 1506: God's First Banquet

Shenchu ​​City, Shenchu ​​Hall.

"Leng Yue, the lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace, is here!"

"The Demon King Sect Master Lion Sozzaro is here!"

"Chief of the Zombie tribe, here comes Miroke!"

On the first seat of the Shenchu ​​Hall, Chu Feng sat leisurely, with two seats on either side of him, accompanied by Yilian and Miao Feiying.

Qin Jian and another tenth-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouse in Shenchu ​​City and the quasi-sage-level powerhouse who reached the seventh-tier in Shenchu ​​City are now in the temple.

In the main hall, Tang Ming, Zhouwen and others were naturally there. As the head of the law enforcement team and the intelligence team leader of the Shenchu ​​City, their seats were still in front of Qin Jian and another Tier 10 quasi-sage-level powerhouse.

Tang Ming and the others waiting for the powerhouse of God’s Beginning City occupied one side of the main hall, while on the other side, it was the position of the powerhouses coming from other forces. They were in a very good mood. They were all powerhouses. At this point, the moods are not so wonderful!

As the voices sounded one by one, there were more and more strong people in the hall of the early gods. Those strong people entered, and after a little salute, they found a place to sit down.

Shenchu ​​City did not stipulate which position those strong men would sit in after entering, but each strong man could clearly identify his own position after entering.

Strength, power, these two points determine the position of those people in the current Shenchu ​​Hall. The strong and the strong will naturally sit in a better position, and the weaker are the ones who are knowingly closer. Sit down, there is no such powerful force, if you sit down in a better seat, then after sitting down, I am afraid that you will be sitting on pins and needles!

"Brother Leng Yue, how much do you plan to spend this time in the Temple of the Demon?" Lion Sozzaro said helplessly. He was named here without spending more money. It is absolutely impossible. It is still impossible for Chu Feng and the others. I understand better, Chu Feng has nothing to say to himself, but he has never been a very polite person to outsiders.

They had sent people into Shenchu ​​City to be uneasy and kind, and it was natural if they weren't found out. When they were discovered, Shenchu ​​City was so strong now that it would be strange not to take the opportunity to slaughter them severely!

"Brother Zaro, how about you?" Leng Yue, the master of the Temple of Heavenly Demon, said, he regretted arranging a spy before, but at this time regretted having a bird.

Lion Sozzaro said: "I don't know how much Chu Feng's appetite is, but it is estimated that a little bit of this matter cannot be passed. The current Shenchu ​​City is too strong, otherwise"

"If dozens of forces unite, it is possible to surpass the strength of God's Beginning City, but after all, it is not a single power. At that time, it will probably not take long for God's Beginning City to be defeated individually... The time is too short, and each of the forces cannot be effective. Together, there is definitely no way to escape this knife." Leng Yue said.

"I hope that Chu Feng's appetite is a little bit smaller." Lion Sozzaro said, "Brother Leng Yue, let's make a statement, I am going to take out one billion catties of void stone, what do you think?"

Leng Yue shook her head imperceptibly and said: "Brother Zaro, it must be less. Chu Feng's appetite is not so small. If he only wants this point, then there is no need for such a big fanfare and send someone to pass it. In other words, one billion catties of Void Stone was delivered to him."

"Brother Leng Yue, one billion catties are a lot, how much are you going to give out?" Lion Sozzaro said in a gloomy voice. This time, he has prepared a lot of void stones, but if you can give them less, Naturally, it is better to hand over some less! "Three billion catties, if it exceeds too much." A cold light flashed in Leng Yue's eyes. Within a certain range, he would eat this one at a loss. If it exceeds a certain range, he will directly kill God Chucheng. Among the space items, there are now a large number of powerhouses in the Heavenly Demon Palace, and the leaders of other forces who have arrived here must be the same.

"Three billion...There are so many people here. If one person puts out three billion, Shenchu ​​City can collect three to four hundred billion catties of void stones this time! Even if some people put out less, 200 billion is indispensable. ...It's so **** frustrating. We worked so hard one by one to get a little bit of Void Stone. Chu Feng opened his mouth, and then the Void Stone we got was several times that of us!" Lion Sozzaro said through a voice transmission.

"Two hundred billion is definitely more than two hundred billion. We can give two or three billion, but Tian Yuanzong is definitely not two or three billion that can send Chu Feng. Even after this time, Tian Wuzong may no longer exist! "Leng Yue said, "There is no way, who can let Shenchu ​​City's strength far exceed us?"

"There are five tenth-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouses on the surface of God Chucheng. There may be tenth-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouses. There are nearly 20,000 quasi-sage-level powerhouses. Ten thousand. This kind of strength, Human Sovereign does not have any power, and the top ten powers are united, and the strength is estimated to be not as strong as Shenchu ​​City!" Leng Yue said.

"Oh... what's more important is that with the rapid development of Shenchu ​​City, it is very difficult for our power to develop! During this period, few people with higher strength have joined my Demon King Sect, Brother Leng Yue It is estimated that the same is true of your Heavenly Demon Palace. If this continues, the entire Emperor, it is estimated that the whole world will be completely in the city of God." Lion Sozzaro said. "No wonder, no one is stupid. Shenchu ​​City is now in full swing. Even if you and I don't have your own power and want to join a force for stability, you will naturally choose Shenchu ​​City!" Leng Yue said.

"However, it is not so easy for Shenchu ​​City to have a single family. This time, time is too tight. If we give us more time, we should be able to draw more people to resist Shenchu ​​City together."

Time passed slowly, and there were more and more people in the Shenchu ​​Hall. When it was almost noon, there was only one seat opposite Tang Ming and the others. That seat was pretty good. It can be said that it was Tang Ming and the others. The best seat opposite. Everyone in this seat knows whose Tianyuan Sect's Sect Master is.

"Could it be that Sect Master Tianyuan is afraid to come?"

"Probably not, Tian Yuanzong is also the number one power before. Although it is far behind Shenchu ​​City, it seems that there is no power that exceeds Tian Yuanzong in the entire Human Emperor!"

"There should still be forces beyond the Tianyuanzong, and the human emperor has hidden forces, but among these forces, the Tianyuanzong should be the strongest."

"That's now, in the future, it's hard to say. Tianyuanzong has a grudge with Shenchucheng. Chu Feng is not a good person. Even if Tianyuanzong can still exist, his strength will quickly weaken. At this time, it is estimated that many Tianyuanzong Everyone wants to withdraw from the clan, but no one has taken the lead yet."

Many people in the hall were chatting, and they were talking about ordinary things, such as Fenghuaxueyue, and many people who were not suitable for talking in their mouths were talking through voice transmission.

"Cao Xing, the master of Tianyuan Sect, is here!"

A voice sounded outside the hall, and many people looked towards the door of the hall, and soon Cao Xing with a gloomy expression appeared at the door of the hall.

In Cao Xing's heart, it was quite unpleasant at this time. Not long ago, Tianyuanzong was still the most powerful force in the entire human emperor, and how pretentious he was at that time.

The strength of the eighth-level quasi-sage level, coupled with the Tianyuanzong who passed the Wanquan-sage-level powerhouse at that time, he thought in his heart, when the Tianyuanzong could rule the emperor, in that case, he followed the sage-level powerhouse Who are you afraid of? But I didn't expect that the good times would not last long, and the strength of Tian Yuanzong would be tossed down by the shadow of death so quickly.

As the decline continued, Tianyuanzong took the opportunity to rectify, and the entire Tianyuanzong became more united, and there were about a thousand quasi-sage-level powerhouses, ranked in the top of the entire human emperor's strength. If this development continues, then the Tianyuanzong It is also possible to reach a high level of strength again.

But Cao Xing really did not expect that the strength of Shenchu ​​City would soar so much in a short period of time. In just two months, the quasi-sage-level powerhouses in Shenchu ​​City actually reached nearly 20,000. , This kind of strength is much stronger than the original Tian Yuanzong!

Moreover, Shenchu ​​City actually has five rank ten quasi-sage-level powerhouses, like Yilian and Miao Feiying, many people estimate that their strength is not only the level of the general tenth quasi-sage-level powerhouse!

Stepping into the Shenchu ​​Hall and being watched by the strong men, Cao Xing felt that the gazes made him feel uncomfortable like acupuncture. If he could, he really didn't want to come to the Shenchu ​​city, but could he not come? With the current strength of Shenchu ​​City, unless he wants to stay in the emperor's seclusion, and his own relatives and friends also live in seclusion with him, otherwise he must come to this Shenchu ​​City!

"City Lord Chu!"

Cao Xing entered the hall and took a deep breath. He bent over and bowed to Chu Feng. After the ceremony, some people found that Cao Xing seemed a little bit older. With his strength and the strength of the Tianyuanzong, only others have always given it. It’s been a long, long time since he salutes others.

"Sect Master Cao, long time no see, sit down." Chu Feng said lightly. Cao Xing felt a little loose in his heart. Chu Feng didn't embarrass him at first, but this made him feel a little better.

Cao Xing took the seat, and Chu Feng chuckles and said, "Everyone is coming from afar, Chu Feng will offer everyone a drink first!" Chu Feng said and held up the wine glass.

Hearing what Chu Feng said, all the powerhouses of God’s Beginning City in the main hall and the leaders of the coming forces had all raised their wine glasses. Although Chu Feng’s plan was not known, Chu Feng, as the master of God’s Beginning City, all served them. With the wine glass, how dare those coming leaders not lift the wine glass in front of them?

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