Holy Prison

Chapter 1512: Would you like to be the patriarch?

In a small city in Tianyuan, Feng Man sat a little restrained, and opposite her was Chu Feng. Feng Man felt extremely restless at this time. Time has not passed too long. She thought that she was a powerhouse at the peak of the gods at the beginning, but now she has improved her cultivation from the peak of the gods to achieve great perfection.

However, Chu Feng's cultivation base hadn't even reached the current god-excellent level since then, and in terms of strength, he had reached the tenth quasi-saint level and was much better than her!

This is the aspect of strength, and the aspect of power has also grown terribly. In the past, Chu Feng had no power at all, but now he is the city lord of the great Shenchu ​​City. The entire Human Emperor and even the entire God Realm, the Shenchu ​​City have become the most powerful A powerful force!

"Patriarch Feng Man, I don't know what's going to happen to me?" Chu Feng said quietly. Time has passed for a long time, and Chu Feng did not deliberately remember some of his previous hatreds, but facing Feng Man, he did not There will be a too good attitude. "City Master Chu, I want to see Bing Ning, don't know if it is okay?" Feng Man snorted lightly.

"See Bing Ning? Why?" Chu Feng frowned slightly. Feng Man said helplessly: "City Lord Chu, I have sensed the Holy Tribulation. It will come in three years. The Feng Clan must not have the patriarch. Bing Ning is the most suitable candidate to become the patriarch of the Feng Clan! I hope Bing Ning can become Feng. The patriarch of the clan, besides, I am looking for Bing Ning, and there are a little more things."

A look of surprise appeared in Chu Feng's eyes: "Clan Chief Feng, you will usher in the Holy Tribulation in three years?" "It is true." Feng Man sighed slightly. She has nothing to do with the Holy Tribulation. Certainly, she knows that her strength is considered strong among the powerhouses of the Exalted God level, but the probability of passing the holy calamity is estimated to be only about 1%!

One percent of the hope of crossing the catastrophe, this is too low, knowing that she is likely to die by that time, and Fengman has put down many things, but there is one thing she can't put down, that is the Feng clan.

As the patriarch of the Feng clan for many years, Feng Man has a deep affection for the Feng clan. If because of her death, the Feng clan will fall into chaos and then be destroyed, then she will really die!

"Unexpectedly, Patriarch Feng, you ushered in the Holy Tribulation so quickly, if you reach the Quasi-Sage level cultivation base and then usher in the Holy Tribulation, then the chance of successfully crossing the Tribulation will be slightly higher.” Chu Feng said, although it reached the Quasi-Saint level After the strength of the sacred robbery will be more powerful, but the strength will also be more powerful, the chance of crossing the robbery is better.

Feng Man smiled bitterly: "I think too, but how can it be so obedient? When you think it will come, it will come too late. If you don't want it to come, it will come all of a sudden!"

"Miao Xian'er, in a situation like Fengman, can the canonization charm work?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "I guess not, I have already sensed when the Holy Tribulation has arrived...If she hasn't sensed the Holy Tribulation, that's okay. Why, don't you want to help her?" Miao Xianer said.

"Can't forget... If you can, help a little bit, fight the abyss, she can also help a little." Chu Feng said. "Patriarch Feng, you said there is another thing, don't know what it is?" Chu Feng said.

There was a hesitant look on Feng Man’s face, and Chu Feng said faintly: “Patriarch Feng, Bing Ning must be listening to me, not to you. Therefore, if what you want to say cannot be accepted by me, then you and Bing Ning It's useless."

"Okay, let me talk to you. Chu Feng, I have received a sacred metaphor from the ancestor of the upper realm. I want to ask you to borrow some void stones, 500 billion catties of void stones. I wonder if you can borrow it? The ancestor said , If you borrow it, you will return all 500 billion catties of void stones in the future!" Feng Man said.

Speaking of this, I saw that Chu Feng didn't say anything, Feng Man added: "Chu Feng, the ancestor is very strong, an indestructible powerhouse, and my Feng clan has other sage seniors in the Holy Realm! What if! If you can do this a favor, then you will become a holy, and you can get some support from my Feng clan powerhouse in the holy realm. It must be good."

"Five hundred billion catties of void stone?"

Chu Feng frowned slightly. The Feng Clan's opening was not small, but it was normal for the Feng Clan to have a lot of openings when he thought that it would take a lot of billions of jin of void stones to get through the lower realm.

"Chu Feng, why, can't it?" Feng Man said. Chu Feng thought quickly in his heart, if the Feng Clan’s strong man in the holy realm was not controlled by the abyss strong, then the five hundred billion catties of the void stone is worth a lot of money. There is a strong man like that. It is a great thing for the Holy Realm to help him.

But if the indestructible powerhouse of the Feng clan was parasitized, and 500 billion catties of void stone helped the abyss powerhouse to reach the lower realm as soon as possible, it would not be a good thing!

"Chu Feng, don't think about it. You have to borrow these five hundred billion." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "Yes, alas" Chu Feng sighed in his mind.

Seniors of the Feng Clan, this is different from those in the sanctuary. He has reasons to refuse the sanctuary. Who knows whether the Void Stone is good or bad.

However, Feng Clan is not able to do so. Feng Bingning possesses Phoenix divine veins and has a strong connection with Feng Clan. If he doesn't know the parasitic aspect of the abyss, he will definitely give away the Void Stone.

In this case, even though he knew about the abyss now, he had to give out the Void Stone, otherwise it would definitely arouse some people's suspicion.

"Chu Feng, you are several trillions. It is estimated that it will not last long. The Feng clan came to the door. Then there will be some other people, like Pangu and Hongjun, if they find you, would you? Can you still not give the Void Stone?" Miao Xian'er smiled in Chu Feng's mind. "I just know this, so I am willing to take out so much to build a city," Chu Feng said in his mind. If the city is repaired, someone will look for him again. He doesn't have a Void Stone, and others are not surprised. he.

Moreover, if a powerful city is built, even if the saint is strong, it will be much safer than it is now!

"Clan Chief Feng, since senior Feng Clan asked me to borrow some Void Stones, then there is no problem. This Clan Chief Feng, don’t say anything about borrowing Void Stones, I will treat them as if I gave them 500 billion jin Void Stones. Senior, I have one thing to ask Senior Feng clan about Bing Ning." Chu Feng said.

Feng Man secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She was really worried that Chu Feng would not give the Void Stone. In that case, she didn't know how to face her ancestors. "Chu Feng, is it about Bing Ning Ying Po? I have asked the old ancestor to investigate this one. Although the holy world is large, the old ancestor said that there are not many saints who have awakened now. With her power, she is sure After finding out in about a year, if possible, she will directly let the other party release the frozen heroic soul. Even if this is not possible, there will be accurate news at that time." Feng Man said.

Hearing Fengman's words, Chu Feng's perception of Fengman has improved a lot. Fengman is very good for Feng Clan, and it is also good for Feng Bingning!

"A year or so?" Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly.

Feng Man said proudly: "One year should be possible. The old ancestor who contacted me has the strength of the immortal rank. You should know how powerful the strength of the immortal rank is. There are not many immortal-level powerhouses who have awakened in the middle. At this moment, in the holy world, with the ancestor's ability, think of some way, maybe you can directly locate the target!"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Chu Feng muttered in his heart, but did not say it. "Clan Chief Feng, if it is found out, then that senior will contact the Feng Clan, right?" Chu Feng said.

Feng Man nodded: "Well, if the ancestor Feng Chen is found out, she will contact the Feng Clan, and then she will tell the news, and the Void Stone will also be given at that time."

"Clan Chief Feng, I will go to the Feng Clan in a year, and I will bring 500 billion jin of Void Stones there. If you hand over 500 billion jin of Void Stones to you now, you will not be able to sleep even if you sleep." Chu Feng smiled authentically. "That's for sure." Feng Man also smiled, 500 billion catties of void stone, this is too expensive, she does not have the strength of Chu Feng!

"Chu Feng, regarding the matter of making Bing Ning the patriarch of the Phoenix clan, you can see that on the side of the Phoenix Ridge, many people who practice the fire system have come. If she becomes the patriarch of the Feng clan, with the power of Shenchu ​​City, She should keep those people under her jurisdiction, and should be able to attract more people to come." Feng Man said.

Chu Feng said quietly: "This needs to be asked about Bing Ning. My opinion is that if she wants to become the patriarch of the Feng clan, I will not stop it, but until her heroic spirit is restored, she will not even become the patriarch of the Feng clan. I often stay on the side of the Feng Clan, only occasionally I will take her over to take a look!"

A trace of envy flashed deep in Feng Man's eyes. Although she was a strong man, she was also a woman. She also hoped to be protected by a man, but she was hopeless in this life.

Feng Bingning's voice rang, her figure appeared beside Chu Feng and smiled at Chu Feng, and then looked at Feng Man and called out. "Bing Ning, your strength has improved a lot." Feng Man's eyes lit up slightly. She estimated that Feng Bing Ning's strength might have reached the venerable **** level, but at this time it was truly certain. Feng Bing Ning's strength was really true. It is a god-level!

"Haha, the patriarch, I have heard what Feng said. The patriarch will usher in the holy robbery in a few years. At that time, the patriarch will be a saint-level powerhouse. My little strength is nothing in the eyes of the patriarch." Feng Bing Ning smile authentically.

Feng Man chuckles and said, "It would be great if you could become a saint, but it is estimated that it is not a saint, but an ashes! Bing Ning, you have the blood of the Feng clan in your body. Now besides you, the Feng clan is really There is no suitable candidate to become the patriarch, you are willing to become the patriarch of the Feng clan"

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