Holy Prison

Chapter 1513: promise

"Feng" Feng Bing stared at Chu Feng. Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Bing Ning, you decide this by yourself. If you want to become the patriarch of the Feng clan, I fully support it! But before your heroic soul is restored, you still can't act outside casually. If something happens I cannot help in time."

"Bing Ning, on behalf of everyone of the Feng Clan, I ask you to become the patriarch of the Feng Clan!" Feng Man said, stood up and saluted Feng Bing Ning quickly. "Patriarch, it doesn't have to be like this." Feng Bingning quickly stood up and said, "Patriarch, I don't have much problem with myself. Only through the efforts of the ancestors has the Phoenix Divine Veins become powerful. Since I have obtained the Phoenix Divine Veins, then Even after benefiting from the Feng Clan's ancestors, now that he has the ability, it is worthwhile to contribute some strength to the Feng Clan."

"It's just that, will there be any problems with the Feng clan? Maybe some people don't want me to become the patriarch of the Feng clan. If this causes discord within the Feng clan, it is my sin."

Hearing Feng Bingning’s words, a smile appeared on Feng Man’s face: "Bing Ning, don’t worry about the problems within the Feng clan. As the head of the clan, there will be someone else who is interested, but if you become a member of the Feng clan, Patriarch, who dares to say anything? As long as the Feng Clan can develop better in your hands, even if some people have opinions for a short time, they will not have any opinions in the future!"

"Patriarch, if that's the case, I will take over the position of the patriarch of the Feng clan. A year later, I will officially take over the position of the patriarch of the Feng clan!" Feng Bing condensed.

"Okay!" Feng Man's heart was completely relaxed. This time he came to two things, but he didn't expect that both things went smoothly, and this trip was not in vain.

Feng Man looked at Chu Feng: "Chu Feng, after that year, I will be waiting for your arrival in the Feng clan. After returning this time, I will also spread the news that Bing Ning will take over as the patriarch of the Feng clan. What do you think? kind?"

"The replacement of the patriarch of the Feng clan is a major event, so let people know in advance." Chu Feng nodded. "Chu Feng, Bing Ning, then I won't bother you." Feng Man stood up and chuckled.

"The patriarch go back and be careful." Feng Bing Ning said, Feng Man nodded, and in the blink of an eye she disappeared in front of Chu Feng and Feng Bing Ning. "Bing Ning, why did you agree? The Phoenix Clan is also a powerful force, and now on the Phoenix Ridge, many fire-attribute powerhouses have gathered to become the patriarch of the Phoenix Clan. There will be a lot of things for you to be busy. "Chu Feng smiled authentically.

Feng Bingning said authentically: "Feng, don't you think I can become a vase? Although the Feng Clan is not as good as Chucheng, but if you develop it well, you still have a good future."

"If it's just that the family of Shenchu ​​City dominates, some trees will attract the wind, and I will become the patriarch of the Feng clan. It will be more convenient to contact the seniors of the Feng clan in the upper realm, and it should be able to help you a lot."

"Contact... Some seniors of the Feng Clan in the Holy Realm, don't know what the situation is now?" Chu Feng said in a voice transmission, "If you are parasitic, you must be careful when you make contact later."

Feng Bing Ning nodded: "Well, I believe that all the seniors of the Feng clan should not have been parasitized. Even if I face the parasitized saints, I will be stronger in the future. I should be relatively safe in the God Realm. Our danger Mainly in the holy realm." "The danger is mainly in the holy realm. But in the divine realm, don’t be careless. The lower realm of the sage, even if you don’t have the strength of Yilian, you will have general accuracy. The strength of a saint-level powerhouse." Chu Feng said.

"I will."

After the two chatted for a while, Chu Feng received Feng Bingning into the holy prison space. Soon, he moved away from where he was and then entered into the holy prison space.

"Miao Xian'er, continue to arrest people, come to the Defeng clan a year later, pay attention to the external situation, if there is something more important, please inform me in time." Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er appeared in front of Chu Feng: "Chu Feng, your strength has just gone from the peak of respecting the gods to the great perfection of the gods, and now you can't improve much if you practice? Moreover, each of the domain towers has already met the upgrade requirements. Now, can't you run here to practice? You guy, want to be lazy."

"Ms. Miao Xian'er, please help. I'm here, not just for training, but also for other things!" Chu Feng reluctantly said, "The infinite magic has not been pushed to the god-exalted level, I have to Try your best to push Infinite Divine Art to the Exalted God level. That A-level task needs to be completed earlier, right?"

"Moreover, some people in the domain tower will get a discount if they are exchanged into entourage when they are more familiar. I don't have many merit points. Naturally, I want to get some people discounts as much as possible!" Chu Feng said, now in the domain tower , He has also encountered more powerful saints, upper saints and even high-level saints have encountered two, but none of the immortal saints have ever encountered.

"Huh." Miao Xian'er snorted and turned into Ling Yue's appearance. "Chu Feng, is she pretty?" Chu Feng was taken aback for a while and then he smiled: "Miao Xian'er, it turns out that someone is thinking about spring."

As Chu Feng said, he stretched out his hand to put Miao Xian'er's slender waist, who had turned into Ling Yue, into his arms. "Can be like spring flowers, bright like autumn moons, Ling Yue is naturally a big beauty." Chu Feng took a deep breath and said, Miao Xian'er's simulation was very strong. After becoming Ling Yue, the fragrance of the quiet body is exactly the same.

"It's cheaper for you." Miao Xian'er gave Chu Feng a white glance. "Hey, Ling Yue is a person from the holy temple, and we are enemies, so you are not welcome, and feel what her body is like today." Chu Feng said a magic claw pressed against "Ling Yue" chest." Hey, it's very predictable, it's bigger than it looks, Miao Xian'er, are you right?"

"How can"

After some tossing, Chu Feng was refreshed, and when he arrived at Tianyuan, Ling Yue, who was far away from Chu Feng, sneezed a lot.

"Go and practice yours, I will be careful to catch people, so that no one will doubt you." Miao Xian'er said with satisfaction. "Xiao Ernv, then I have entered the domain tower." Chu Feng said, grabbing two hands on Miao Xian'er's chest before disappearing in front of Miao Xian'er. "Hmph, I'm also a color blank, and I still say I'm color." Miao Xian'er hummed softly.

Time passed by. In the domain tower, Chu Feng used his heart and three uses, one of which was used for training. Although there will be no breakthroughs in a short period of time before breaking through, it is beneficial to practice more in peacetime. If you are traveling against the current, you will retreat if you don’t advance.

Second, Chu Feng used the creation of infinite divine art. With his current spiritual power, it is easy to create a method casually, but it is not easy to create a peerless method.

The third heart is used for the relationship with some saints. His cultivation base is low, and his strength is not in the eyes of some saints, but it can disappear in front of some saints in an instant, not even some high-level saints. Knowing where he disappeared, because it is more mysterious, some powerful saints are willing to chat with him a few words, but a few words will naturally not be discounted, but if you stick to it, you will get a discount if you talk more. appear.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, a year’s time has become the past. On this day, Chu Feng had just finished drinking tea with a high-ranking saint. The voice of Miao Xian'er sounded in Chu Feng’s mind: "Chu Feng, Tianwei has reached the limit. , It’s not far from Phoenix Ridge, and the time is almost up, can you see if it comes out?"

"Senior Zhang Bao, I have something to deal with, so I should take a step forward." Chu Feng said with a light smile. "It's okay, brother Chu, you can leave first if you have something to do." A young man in his twenties opposite Chu Feng smiled. This young man is a little fat, not tall, and not amazing, but his strength is amazing. A high-ranking saint, and a ninth-ranked high-ranking saint, is only one step away from a high-ranking saint, of course, it is not easy to take this step.


Chu Feng disappeared in front of Zhang Bao and appeared in the sacred prison space. "It's really weird. I have disappeared in front of me many times. I can't know where Brother Chu has gone." Zhang Bao said in his heart. Although he was puzzled, he didn't mean to ask Chu Feng. There are no such powerful people in China, so mysterious, God knows what kind of background Chu Feng is behind. If you want to live a long life, you can't mess around without knowing Chu Feng.

"How is the outside world this year?" Chu Feng asked the question from the domain tower. During this year, Miao Xian'er did not talk to him about this matter, and Chu Feng did not ask.

Miao Xian'er chuckled: "It's not a big deal to you. There are some forces that have a joint idea, but they were discovered by our Shenchu ​​City. Then Tang Ming sent a reminder to teach one force. The forces of God are at peace. In addition, Shenchu ​​City has added many strong people this year."

"How about the increase in strength?" Chu Feng's eyes lighted up slightly. In the past few months, there were so many quasi-sage-level powerhouses in Shenchu ​​City. Now it has been a year, and the powerhouses that should be added will not less.

Miao Xian'er said: "The rate of increase has been a lot slower than before, but this year has also added four thousand Quasi-Holy level powerhouses, and hundreds of thousands of God-level powerhouses. Now Shenchu ​​City Quasi-Holy Level The number of powerhouses reached 22,000, and the god-excellent level powerhouses looked like 3 million. The growth in the next few months was relatively slow. It is estimated that on the basis of today, the strength of Godchu City will not increase much in a short time. Except for some people who have not received any news from the retreat, those who want to join Shenchu ​​City have basically joined them now."

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