Holy Prison

Chapter 1514: Phoenix Ridge changes

"There are 22,000 quasi-sage-level powerhouses, 3 million god-level powerhouses, it’s okay." Chu Feng smiled authentically, the whole person is like that for the quasi-sage-level powerhouses and the god-level powerhouses. Many, Shenchu ​​City occupies a few tenths, which is already very abnormal. If you add some forces attached to Shenchu ​​City and some forces that have good relations with Shenchu ​​City, Shenchu ​​City can actually control There are more than so many quasi-saint-level powerhouses and god-level powerhouses!

"Miao Xian'er, is there no news on the side of the temple?" Chu Feng said. Miao Xian'er shook her head: "No, if there is, news will come out."

Chu Feng frowned slightly: "No, isn't it possible for the temple to give up so easily? Or is the temple already getting enough void stones from elsewhere?"

"What are you struggling with? The temple doesn't ask you for the Void Stone. Isn't it better? Feng Clan should be able to know who caused Feng Bingning and them." Miao Xian'er said.

"If something is abnormal, it is a demon. You need to pay more attention to this."

Chu Feng appeared outside the holy prison space for an instant while talking. Chu Feng around Phoenix Ridge was quite familiar. As soon as he appeared outside, Chu Feng determined his location. He had been to this place before.

"What a powerful fire attribute power."

There was a look of surprise in Chu Feng's eyes. He hadn't been here for a long time on the Phoenix Ridge side. He didn't expect that this side has changed a lot now!

In the past, the powerful fire attribute power could only be felt close to Phoenix Ridge, but now there is still a lot of distance from Phoenix Ridge, and you can feel it clearly!

Chu Feng’s divine sense was released, and now most of the cities still some distance from Phoenix Ridge have the power of fire attributes. Powerful people who practice fire attributes have a bonus when they practice near Phoenix Ridge. Powerful people who practice other powers are actually affected when they practice cultivation near Phoenix Ridge. This change has become more and more serious since hundreds of years ago. In the entire human emperor, many experts who practiced the power of the fire attribute went to or near Phoenix Ridge, and there were some experts in the vicinity who did not master the power of the fire attribute chose to leave at least to go to the surrounding area!

"Chu Feng, the Phoenix Ridge side has now entered a virtuous circle. Because it is suitable for the cultivation of fire-attribute powers, many strong people who practice fire-attribute powers or those with fire-attribute powers come to the Phoenix Ridge side. , Their arrival has more or less affected the environment here, and this side is more suitable for the training of the strong with the fire attribute. In the past year, the Phoenix Ridge side has developed rapidly." Miao Xian'er was in Chu Feng's mind. Middle way.

Chu Feng secretly wondered in his heart. Generally speaking, if there are too many strong people with the same attributes to practice in one place, it will only make the training effect worse. He didn't expect that Phoenix Ridge would actually get better now!

The distance was not very far. Chu Feng flew directly towards the Phoenix Ridge without passing through the teleportation array. At his speed, he had reached the vicinity of Phoenix Ridge in a short time.

"It's spectacular!"

Chu Feng was amazed. The Phoenix Ridge stretched for a very long distance, and now there seemed to be a huge fire phoenix dancing in the sky above the Phoenix Ridge.

"Miao Xian'er, when did this happen?" Chu Feng asked. "A year ago." Miao Xian'er replied, "After the sage of a senior of the Feng clan!

"Since the change on the Phoenix Ridge side, many people have known that the Phoenix Ridge holy relic appeared, so many top powerhouses have come to the Phoenix Ridge side."

Chu Feng nodded slightly. The situation is quite good now. If Feng Bingning becomes the strongest of the Feng Clan and can command all the strong near Phoenix Ridge, it will be a powerful force!

"Patriarch Feng, I'm here."

Chu Feng sent a message together.

Within the Phoenix Ridge, Feng Man is now anxious. One year's time has come, and Chu Feng hasn't appeared yet. It would be bad if the ancestors appeared before Chu Feng had arrived.

At this moment, Chu Feng's message arrived, and Feng Man's eyes lit up for an instant. "Fortunately, it's not late." Feng Man's eyes lit up and disappeared instantly.

Appearing in front of Chu Feng, Feng Man hurriedly bowed slightly, her age is much older than Chu Feng, but in the practice world, it is not based on age to judge superiority and inferiority but strength to judge superiority and inferiority!

"Clan Chief Feng is polite." Chu Feng smiled and nodded. "Clan Chief Feng, in less than a year, the Feng clan seems to have developed very well." "Nothing." Feng Man smiled bitterly, "This year's time. It's not easy. If it weren't for the rumors that Bing Ning would become the next patriarch of the Feng Clan, I would have a harder life this year, City Lord Chu, please!"

Chu Feng said that the two quickly reached the Phoenix Ridge. Just after sitting down, there was a quick knock on the door, "Come in." Feng Man gave Chu Feng an apologetic smile and said in a deep voice.

"Patriarch, something happened, ah...City Lord Chu!" An old man who came in said hurriedly, and when he saw Chu Feng, he bowed with surprise in his heart.

Feng Man frowned and said, "What happened?"

"The boy from Shangguan's family didn't know the severity and severely injured a junior of my Feng clan. The parents of that junior family asked to come up. Someone from my Feng clan went to deal with it. The strong man of my Feng clan was sent away." The old man said helplessly.

Hearing what the old man said, Chu Feng knew why Feng Man said that this year was not easy. Although there are saints behind the Feng clan, there are some minor problems that still alarm the saints?

Phoenix Ridge has attracted many powerful people, but the Feng Clan lacks powerful people who can shake the scene. Those who come over may be more comfortable, but their juniors may not be so comfortable. There is nothing wrong with fighting, but sometimes the anger gets up, and it's likely that it's not just the fighting and it will be very serious!

"Chu Feng, do you know why my life has been difficult this year? Such things have happened from time to time throughout the year!" Feng Man said.

Chu Feng thought, Feng Bingning appeared outside.

"Patriarch, elder!"

Feng Bingning bowed slightly, and Feng Man and the other elder quickly paid it back. If Feng Bingning does not have the identity of Chu Feng’s wife, they don’t have to pay back, but his wife is expensive, Chu Feng’s wife. The identity is much more noble than the identity of the patriarch of the Feng clan!

Chu Feng chuckled and said, "Patriarch Feng, Bing Ning and I will take care of this matter." "Ah...good, good!" Feng Man said quickly. She was relieved that Chu Feng came forward. The problem of is not a problem at all. In this God Realm, Chu Feng's face is now even greater than that of some saints!

Although the strength of the sage is strong, there is no lower bound at this time, and secondly, even if the lower bound, the strength will drop by then, the county official is worse than the current one!

Within a tall mountain in Fenghuangling. "Grandpa, you're so amazing, the people from the Feng Clan just passed it away!" a young man said with a grin.

"Xing'er, stay a little bit back in the future. The Feng clan is about to change the patriarch. The next patriarch is Feng Bingning. Grandpa Fengman doesn't have to give him face, but grandpa must give it to Feng Bingning's face." Shen said. "Grandpa, you are a seventh-order quasi-saint-level strongman. Is Feng Bingning really going to give her face? She is just a wife of Chu Feng. A little bit of things, Chu Feng can't get ahead, right?" The young man Weiwei Said with a frown.

"Xing'er, obedient! Grandpa's seventh-tier strength is not weak, but in front of Shenchu ​​City, the seventh-tier strength is nothing. There are many more powerful people in Shenchu ​​City than your grandfather."

"Oh." Shangguanxing felt a little disapproving in his heart. He hadn't really seen the power of Shenchu ​​City, but he had seen a lot of his grandpa's greatness.

"Shangguanxing, come out!"

An angry voice spread into the mountain, and Shangguanxing's eyes showed a look of surprise: "Grandpa, the parents of the defeated general are here again."

"Come out with me."

Grandpa Shangguan Xing's face changed drastically at this time. He let go of his consciousness and saw many people from the Feng clan. At the same time, he saw two people who didn't want to see appeared near the mountain.

"City Lord Chu, Mrs. Bing Ning!" Grandpa Shangguanxing brought Shangguanxing to Chu Feng and the others and quickly saluted him. Shangguanxing was not stupid. At this time, he quickly followed his grandfather to Chu Feng and the others. Feng Bingning saluted. "What a beautiful woman, if" Shangguanxing secretly said in his eyes some faint desires.

Chu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and the obscure color of desire flashing in Shangguanxing's eyes was not easy for others to discover, but he had always found it more carefully.

"City Master Chu, I don't know if you are here?" Grandpa Shangguan Xing said carefully, the man in front of him can't afford to provoke him, and now there are not many in the entire God Realm who can provoke him.

Chu Feng looked at Feng Bingning, and Feng Bingning said indifferently, "Shangguannuo, to indulge his children and grandchildren, this is not a good thing. With your cultivation base, the Holy Tribulation will probably not take long. If the Holy Tribulation fails, Do you want your own descendants to follow you? Originally it was not my turn to take care of this, but I was about to become the patriarch of the Feng clan. I didn't expect to find such a thing as soon as I got here. Shangguannuo, you are my Feng Where is the clan?"

Feng Bingning didn't use any aura, but with Shen Chucheng as the backing, she spoke with strong pressure. After a few words, Shangguanxing's grandfather felt the pressure not weak.

"Mrs. Bing Ning, it's nothing, I definitely don't dare to be no one in the Feng Clan." Shangguan Nuo quickly said, "I taught the wrong, stinky boy, don't want to accompany you."

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