Holy Prison

Chapter 1525: Perverted city

The no-fly function was immediately turned off, and the flight restriction function was turned on. Many people tried it. Sure enough, everything was normal below 100 meters, and above 100 meters, it was impossible to fly!

"Xiao Jing, report some of the remaining test results first, and then test them one by one at that time." Chu Feng said. "Yes, City Lord." Xiao Jing said and immediately reported.

"City Lord, the city wall of Shenguang City can transfer the attack. When a point is attacked, it can immediately transmit the attack to the surrounding walls and bear it together. The material of the city wall itself is extremely hard and has the ability to repair itself. Therefore, even if there is no one in the Shenguang City providing energy, as long as there is energy in the Shenguang City energy furnace, then the Shenguang City wall can block the simultaneous attack of the ten thousand one-level quasi-holy-level powerhouses."

"As long as there is one person in Shenguang City, even if that person's strength is extremely low, the defense of Shenguang City can double the basic defense!"

"If there are a large number of people in Shenguang City, and there is a quasi-sage-level powerhouse at each of the ninety-nine cores, the defense of Shenguang City can reach a terrifying degree, and there is no power ten times that of Shenguang City. Then it is impossible to destroy the defense of Shenguang City. In theory, in the God Realm now, Shenguang City cannot be destroyed!"

"For the inside, if the people of Shenchu ​​City are in the Shenguang City, they can get different degrees of protection according to the different permissions. When they are attacked, the protection will automatically start. If you don’t need protection, you can call me and then The protection is temporarily cancelled, so that the safety of Shenchucheng within Shenguang City can be guaranteed!"

"In terms of attack, Shenguang City has many kinds of attack methods. Thirty-six Shenwei Cannons are distributed in all directions of Shenguang City. When the Shenwei Cannon is fully charged, one shot can kill a Tier 10 quasi-holy power. The charging time is a little longer, so use it with caution; under the Shenwu Cannons, Shenguang City has 3,600 Shenwu Cannons. The 3,600 Shenwu Cannons are powerful or weak. The strong can kill the quasi-sage level nine. Even if the defense is slightly weaker, the tenth quasi-saint-level strong, the weak can also kill the peak of the gods, and the strong gods of the great perfection!"

"Under the Shenwu Cannon, Shenguang City has more than one million weapons with relatively low power. When the Shenwu Cannon is not needed, the use of this type of weapon saves energy."

"The city wall of Shenguang City can absorb attacks. When the attacks accumulate to a certain level, the city wall can emit a death light, which is a ranged attack. It can instantly kill countless people with lower strength around Shenguang city. !"

Xiao Jing kept talking, many people in Shenguang City secretly swallowed their saliva, God, they actually built such a perverted city!

Thirty-six Shenwei cannons, three thousand and six hundred Shenwu cannons, a million weapons of lower power, dying death light, thunderstorm laser tower, and God's meteor sword array.

All kinds of things are very abnormal. Chu Feng estimated that with the terrifying defense of Shenguang City and the attacking power, as long as the energy is enough, there are enough people in the Shenguang City to guard, then let alone ten times the people attacking the gods. City, even if twenty times as many people attacked Godchu City, they might only leave huge casualties and leave!

Tang Ming glanced at Chu Feng. If such a terrifying Divine Light City was only used to face the threats in the Divine Realm, it seemed that "Does the threat come from the Holy Realm?" Tang Ming was shocked. Divine Light City is so powerful and holy. The saints of the lower realm in the realm, even if they deal with Shenchu ​​City quite a lot, can't make the Shenguang City fall!

"The Shenguang City Prison System has a total of 1,000 special-grade prisons. The special-grade prisons can be used to imprison powerful quasi-sage-level powerhouses. Even the quasi-sage-level powerhouses who are imprisoned can recover their strength in a short time within the special-grade prison. Impossible to come out, ordinary prison"

"In terms of the medical system, Shenguang City has 10,000 medical stations, and 10,000 medical stations are distributed throughout the Shenguang City. The medical stations can release healing rays and cannot treat particularly serious injuries. It can heal faster on stage!"

"Shenguang City has a super treasure house. The treasure house is subdivided into nine areas: the medicine area, the material area, the weapon area, the defense treasure area, and the exercise area has a sensor spar outside the treasure house. As long as the **** sense is connected to the sensor Above the spar, you can immediately know what treasures are in the treasure house."

"When the contribution is sufficient, you don't need to enter the treasure house, pay for the contribution, and the selected treasure can appear in front of you immediately!"

"Shenguang City has the ability to fly. If necessary, the Shenguang City can fly at the speed of a general god-level powerhouse; in addition, the Shenguang City can be decomposed and collected into spatial treasures and taken to other After the place, the Shenguang City can be reorganized within ten minutes!"

"The above are the general abilities possessed by Shenguang City."

After more than half an hour, Xiao Jing finally introduced all the more important things. After listening to her introduction, many people fell into the petrochemical process.

Many people with a relatively low level of cultivation are not quite aware of the power of the city they have built. Only then did they hear Xiaojing's introduction to know how abnormal the Shenguang City is.

"God, I didn't dream, is this really the city we built? We actually built such a terrifying city."

"The thirty-six divine mighty cannons can actually kill even the tenth-tier quasi-saint-level strongmen. In terms of defense, they can actually block more than ten times the attack of the enemy!"

"With such a city, Shenchu ​​City was first invincible. In the future, which force will dare to compete with Shenchu ​​City"

"As long as you have a contribution, you can exchange the treasures in the treasure house at will!"

Countless people talked about it. Chu Feng didn't stop them immediately. They needed time to relieve their excitement. It was him. Xiao Jing said that it was quite agitated at this time, although it consumed almost two trillion catties of void stone. , Although it has made one or two billion strong people work hard for more than two hundred years, everything is worth paying for such a city. This city has more terrifying abilities than Shenchu ​​City!

"Boss, this is too abnormal." Zhou Wen said in a daze. He was a little frightened. He didn't know some of the abilities of Shenguang City before.

"Haha, how is it, you still thought that my two trillion catties of void stone flowers were worthless, but now you think that two trillion catties of void stone flowers are worthless?" Chu Feng chuckled.

"It's worth it, it's worth it. With such a city, our God Chu City is invincible... Even if the Human Sovereign and many other powerful forces unite, in front of Shenguang City, I am afraid that it will be powerless. Jiejie.” Zhou Wen laughed. This guy is more nervous and he knows less information. At this time, he didn’t realize some problems. Of course, it was not just him, but also the other people in Shenchu ​​City. Did not realize that, after all, they are not like Tang Ming, who can know so much information!

"Xiaojing, next, test some of the Shenguang City's abilities. Hearing my order, everyone temporarily withdraws from the Shenguang City, and first comes out to attack the Shenguang City with the first-tier quasi-holy strong!"

Chu Feng's order went on. In a short time, all the people in Shenguang City had withdrawn from Shenguang City. Chu Feng gave an order, and the quasi-saint-level powerhouse of the first five thousand shots at the same time!

A quasi-sage-level powerhouse is very terrifying, and five thousand quasi-sage-level powerhouses will shoot together. Even a tenth-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouse like Yilian was deeply shocked by the earthquake. Such an attack seems to be even the world Destroyed, but when the attack passed, everyone could see clearly, the Shenguang City was still there without any damage!

"Master City Lord, the attack only reached one-third of the current defensive strength of Shenguang City. Xiaojing thanked everyone for keeping your hands, but there is no need for everyone to keep your hands. It is just a quasi-holy powerhouse of Tier 5,000 who cannot destroy Shenguang. Even if there is some damage to the defense of the city, as long as it is not completely destroyed, Shenguang City can recover on its own." Xiao Jing said beside Chu Feng.

Chu Feng glanced at the quasi-sage-level powerhouses who shot and said with a chuckle: "Everyone has been working for two hundred years, and it's rather empty without eating, right? Use all your strength!"

The five thousand quasi-sage-level powerhouses spoke loudly, and I heard that they had only reached one-third the strength of the attack that they could withstand, and those quasi-sage-level powerhouses were relieved a lot.

The terrifying attack reappeared, and this time Chu Feng could feel that the attack was much stronger. "Almost one-half." Xiao Jing said.

Chu Feng waved his hand: "Five thousand one more quasi-sage powerhouse!"

Shenchu ​​City now has a total of more than 30,000 Quasi-Saint-level powerhouses, the first-tier Quasi-Saint-level powerhouses are the most over 10,000, and there is no problem with the five thousand first-tier Quasi-Saint-level powerhouses.

"City Lord, this" Ou Yeyun was a little uneasy, a 10,000 quasi-sage powerhouse, this is too terrifying. "Ouye, you have to have confidence in Shenguang City." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Xiaojing, is there any problem?"

Xiao Jing shook her head slightly: "Sir City Lord, there should be no problem. A 10,000 quasi-sage-level powerhouse will at most damage the city wall a little bit and the city wall can recover on its own."

"Prepare, attack!"

Chu Feng's words fell, and all the 10,000 quasi-sage-level experts launched an attack, and huge cracks appeared in this space of heaven and earth, and terrifying energy fluctuations spread far and wide.

But the attack energy dissipated, and Shenguang City still appeared there intact!

"Ninety-six percent, the attack can be stronger without damage to the Shenguang City. If it exceeds 100%, the Shenguang City will be damaged. If it exceeds 120%, it will appear. The damage is not small, if it reaches 200%, the city wall of Shenguang City will be completely destroyed!" Xiao Jing said.

Chu Feng chuckled and said, "This test is OK, go to the next test"

In Shenguang City, the terrifying test continued, and countless people gathered on the side of Shenguang City. Seeing the test conducted by Shenchu ​​City, everyone was incomparably surprised.


Many people think this way, the strength of Shenchu ​​City is very abnormal, and the establishment of a city is actually so abnormal!

"Brother Qin, are you interested in joining Shenchu ​​City?"

"Brother Zhang, you can laugh, but you have your own power. If you don't get your own power, join God Chu City?"

"Why not? I used that power so that my Zhang Family can continue in the God Realm by then. Now if I join Shen Chu City, it will be more conducive to the continuation of my Zhang Family. Anyway, with the strength of God Chu City , The whole human emperor could not find an enemy. To say disrespectfully, even many saints in the lower realm would feel very powerless in the face of Shenguang City! The appearance of Shenguang City, it is certain that more powerhouses I will join Shenchu ​​City, and there will surely be countless treasures in the treasure house of Shenchu ​​City!"

"If Brother Zhang, you all join Shenchu ​​City, then I'll join it too, and actively join, it's better than joining after being conquered by Shenchu ​​City!"

The whole human emperor, many powerful people know that Shenchu ​​City is building a super city, because Shenchu ​​City is well sealed, so they didn't know the information of the super city before!

Nowadays, the arrival of each and every powerhouse has been horrified time and time again by the severe earthquake. Many powerhouses had not planned to join Shenchu ​​City, but seeing the power of Shenguang City, their thoughts quietly changed!

Tianyuan, far away from Shenguang City.

"Group leader, the information is here." Ling Yue said, with a shocked expression on her face. "Which city built by Shenchu ​​City is very powerful?" Bresgdel said.

Ling Yue took a deep breath and said, "Team leader, it's not very powerful, it's an extreme metamorphosis! After spending so many things to buy materials, one or two billion strong people have been working hard for more than two hundred years to get something that is really something. Scary. Team leader, I don’t know how to say it. I’ll pass some information to you directly."

Two seconds later, Bresgdel frowned tightly. After a while, Bresgdel sighed slightly: "Human Sovereign, or the entire God Realm, I'm afraid it will be the world of God's First City. Now, even if there are some saints in the lower realm, they may not be able to change the situation!"

"The three realms were separated, and then reached the point where it is now. Chu Feng is too powerful to be an enemy. Fortunately, our relationship with Shenchu ​​City is not bad now."

Ling Yue said: "Team leader, Shenchu ​​City has the city of Shenguang City. I am afraid that many strong people will join Shenchu ​​City in a short time. Shenchu ​​City will forcibly break the bottleneck of previous strength improvement. There is another round of ascension in strength, and now there are more than 30,000 Quasi-Saint-level powerhouses, and it is estimated that it may exceed 50,000 by then!"

"Fifty thousand... that's ten times that of the quasi-sage-level powerhouse of our temple!" Bresgdel sighed again, "I don't know if the Lord knows the news, I'll contact the Lord. "

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