Holy Prison

Chapter 1526: Protection fees

The Divine Light City was built, and its abilities in all aspects were extremely abnormal. This news spread throughout Tianyuan at an extremely fast speed. Then, within a short time, the emperor received the news one by one, and the other two earth demons and Tianxian There was a little news, but two or three days later, the earth demons and the gods also got news.

The establishment of a perverted Shenguang City, some people are happy and some are worried. People in Shenchucheng and people or forces close to Shenchucheng are naturally happy, but some forces still want to overwhelm Shenchucheng and some previously The leaders of some contradictory forces in Chucheng were a little awake, the appearance of Shenguang City, the strength of Shenchucheng had to be greatly improved on the basis of the current abnormality!

"It's such a perverted city. Brother Chu's work is really earth-shattering. I thought that the strength of Shenchu ​​City would not improve much in a short time, but I guessed it wrong again." Duan San smiled and secretly said in his heart.

"Leader, the leader of the Skyhawk faction and other forces came to pay a visit." An old man approached De Duan San respectfully. "It seems that they have fully understood the situation." Duan San smiled, "Let them rest in the guest room first. I don't have time for the time being. I will meet with them three days later."

The old man hesitated and said: "Leader, is this okay, the forces such as the Skyhawks are not weak. Although our brotherhood is now the strongest power of the gods, if they are connected, our brotherhood is not an opponent." It’s okay, just let them go. The strength of Shenguang City will definitely rise in a short period of time. Our Brother League will definitely usher in a period of rapid rise in strength in a short period of time. They came here after seeing through this. Since they have come, they will not Walk easily." Duan Sandao.

"It's a pity that my brotherhood doesn't have the strength of God Chucheng, otherwise they don't want to pay a relatively large price to clear away some of the past festivals!"

"Leader, then I will go over and let them wait." The old man said.

Duan San waved his hand: "Go."


A crisp voice sounded, Yuan Hong's face was gloomy, and another excellent jade bottle was smashed by him. In the room, his doting concubine was like a chill. Since the strength of the City of Innocence has continued to increase, her Life became more and more difficult. When Yuan Hong was angry before, she dared to get on her, but now she dare not at all.

"Shenguang City...grass, how could such a perverted city appear!" Yuan Hong cursed in his heart. He also wanted to own such a city, but with the strength of Fa Tianzong, he couldn't build such a city at all.

First of all, regarding the Void Stone, Shenchu ​​City used two trillion catties of Void Stone. Now in the entire God Realm, except for Shenchu ​​City, which force can get two trillion catties of Void Stone? Not to mention two trillion catties, there are not many other forces that can get two hundred billion catties of void stone! Moreover, if it is another force, even if there are two trillion catties of void stones, they may not be able to buy enough materials!

Many of the materials used to build Shenguang City are very precious. If it weren’t for the face of Shenchu ​​City and Chu Feng had purchased a lot of materials from the Saint Prison Shop, even if it were three trillion catties of void stone. , It may not be possible to get the materials together, if there is not enough materials, then build a fart!

Secondly, in terms of manpower, which force has as many people as God Chucheng? To build Shenguang City, Shenchu ​​City used one or two billion strong people. No other forces could produce so many strong people. One or two billion strong people have been sleepless for more than two hundred years, except for Shenchu ​​City. , There is no second force in the God Realm that can do it!

Thirdly, environmental issues. It takes a long time to build a city like this. During this period of time, there must be no influence to build the city. For people like Fa Tianzong, even if they have enough materials, they can count on Tianzong. Those who are strong are willing to work for two thousand years without sleep, other forces will give him that time. Without sufficient deterrence, a city like Shenguang City cannot be established!

"The strength of Shenchu ​​City will definitely rise sharply, and the strength of the City of Innocence will definitely rise a lot in a short time. If it rises again, the strength of the City of Innocence will surpass my Fa Tianzong!" Yuan Hong's expression was quite ugly. Shi Yan's mother died in the hands of the people he sent out. Although things were done secretly and the City of Innocence had no evidence, his Fa Tianzong was the first suspect.

"Call me the Fa Tianzong strength is not weak, without evidence, I can't just shoot my Fa Tianzong! If I become a saint, when the time comes," Yuan Hong thought slowly calming down, but he was ten A quasi-sage-level powerhouse, so, he is still a little sure about becoming a saint. If he becomes a saint by then, it will be difficult for the City of Innocence to deal with him!

"You, clean up, we went to the City of Innocence in the past!" Yuan Hong's eyes fell on his favored concubine coldly. This favored concubine was not willing to hand her over to the City of Innocence before. Yuan Hong does not intend to keep her by his side anymore, even if the City of Innocence does not deal with her, he will let her disappear!

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye. "Xiao Mingzi, have the new data come out? How many strong people have joined my Shenchu ​​City?" Chu Feng in the Chu Mansion in Shenguang City chuckled authentically.

"Come out, boss, I’m telling you the good news. There are more than 10,000 quasi-sage-level powerhouses who have newly joined us in the city of Shenchu. It is estimated that in another ten days, the quasi-sage-level powerhouses of our city can exceed 50,000. People!" Tang Ming said with some emotion, 50,000 quasi-sage-level powerhouses, this is something that I could not even think of before.

In the past, infinite, a power with a quasi-sage-level powerhouse was even a super power, as strong as a quasi-sage-level powerhouse, but now, the quasi-sage-level powerhouse owned by Shenchu ​​City is fast More than 50,000 people!

"In terms of the powerhouses of the god-exalted level, there are more than 2.3 million newly-added god-level powerhouses, and the number of the god-level powerhouses in the first city of God has exceeded 5 million!"

Zhou Wen smiled and said: "Nowadays, in Shenguang City, it is really quasi-sages running all over the street. It is not as good as a dog to respect God."

"Bah, fat man, can you have a few nice words?" Tang Ming glared at Zhou Wen and said, "God is not as good as a dog, think about our cultivation skills!"

"Uh, mistakes, mistakes, there are too many strong people in Shenguang City today. You can meet a quasi-sage-level strong at will. It’s not easy to meet a god-senior-level strong in the past. Now this change is really huge!" Zhou Wen said with excitement, "Earth Demon, Heavenly Immortal, the City of Innocence, and the strength of the Brotherhood should also rise a lot. The boss, back then, was just thinking about the unification and infinite, but now , The entire God Realm is basically the world of our God Chucheng!"

Tang Ming ignored Zhou Wen's excitement and said to Chu Feng: "Boss, our Shenchu ​​City is now greatly improved. Do you have any plans next?"

Chu Feng smiled lightly: "The strength of Shenguang City has greatly improved, but some problems have also appeared. Xiao Mingzi, Fatty, your main task is to stabilize Shenchu ​​City!"

"In addition, when the order is issued, Shenchu ​​City will not annex other forces, but every force on the Human Sovereign needs to pay a certain price of treasure every 100 years. It can be a void stone or another treasure! I have a standard for how much tribute is given by a power."

As Chu Feng said, he took out a jade slip. Tang Ming and Zhou Wen got into the jade slip and immediately understood the standard set by Chu Feng. This is just a rough standard. How many people are there in a power? The strong will give as much tribute as the strong ones, the more powerful ones, the less powerful ones, the less tribute to those who are close to Shenchu ​​City, the more tribute those who have a bad relationship with Shenchu ​​City, some special ones The power of the dragon is like the dragons, and the tribute is a hundred years, which is a pound of the best spar. This is completely meaning.

"Xiao Mingzi, there are too many forces on the human emperor. I guess you don’t know how many forces there are on the human emperor. There are too many forces. There must be some forces that have special conditions. Special circumstances can be dealt with specially, but in general, just press My standard." Chu Feng said.

"I have other things. Two hundred years have passed. You can't use treasures to improve your strength now. So this task is left to you. Is there any problem?" Chu Feng chuckles.

Zhou Wen laughed and said: "Boss, you must have been Zhou Papi in your previous life. You actually made things like Shanggong, but I like it! We don't swallow them, but some tributes are always required, otherwise the city will develop. What are you doing so strong?"

Tang Ming thought for a while and said: "If the strength of our Shenchu ​​City was only the strength of the previous 30,000 Quasi-Holy Level, this estimate is difficult to carry out, but now that the establishment of the Shenguang City is successful, our Shenchu ​​City's strength is also great. There should be no problem with promotion. But boss, this may cause some problems, such as some powerful forces grabbing some weak ones."

"The tribute is not paid in vain. If that happens, the robbed forces can file a complaint with our Shenchu ​​City. I know that this will be a lot of trouble, but the trouble can be overcome. Think about it if you can overcome it. Trouble, how much revenue will our God Chucheng have?" Chu Feng smiled.

"The whole human emperor is so big, there are countless large and small forces, and we don't receive much from each force, but together, that is a terrible income!"

"It is conservatively estimated that by that time, our income from this aspect of Shenchu ​​City will reach 500 billion catties of void stones every 100 years. The income of 400 years will be enough for our Shenchu ​​City to build another city like Shenguang City!"

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