Holy Prison

Chapter 1527: Death triangle

"Every 100 years worth of income of 500 billion catties of Void Stone, this protection fee is still collected!" Zhou Wen smiled, "Boss, what should I do if I don't pay it?"

Chu Feng said indifferently: "I don't charge too much. I believe that no power dares not to pay. If there is any, let him not pay. If you are late for one year, you will receive an additional 10% and an additional 100%. For eleven years, an additional 110% will be charged, and so on. If the payment is not paid one hundred years later, it will be enforced!"

"Everyone in the God Realm is not a weak person, and we don't need to be too polite. However, you should also pay attention to avoid deliberately bullying people from other forces, let alone corruption. "Chu Feng said. "Boss, we will pay attention." Tang Ming nodded.

"If someone is greedy in God's First City, I will not be polite. For such a person, I have always been unrelenting." Zhou Wendao, when they were mortals, they all hated corrupt officials.

"Okay, the Shenguang City side will be handed over to you." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Save the void stone you received. The rest of the treasures, you need your own use, and don't need to put it in the light. Among the treasure troves of the city, our treasure trove in Shenguang City is a little bit empty now, so fill it up sooner!"

"Boss, you fool around everywhere, throw this stall to us, despise!" Zhou Wen curled his lips and said, Chu Feng was too lazy to answer him, and disappeared in front of Tang Ming and Zhou Wen in a flash.

Zhou Wen frowned slightly: "Xiao Mingzi, do you feel that there seems to be something weird." "Weird? What's weird?" Tang Dan said with a light smile.

"Uh, it just feels, I don't know, everything seems to be very good, our strength is improving, the strength of Shenchu ​​City is now extremely abnormal, I think of something wrong." Zhou Wen's heart moved." Xiao Mingzi, the boss seems to have tried too hard, what do you think?"

"Now that his strength is so strong, and the strength of Shenchu ​​City is so strong, he should be able to relax, but he still spends a lot of time training, we don't have a lot of drinking and chatting time now!"

Tang Ming murmured in his heart, you finally felt that something was wrong, and your nerves were really thick lines. "You think the boss is you, slacker!" Tang Ming scolded with a smile, "Boss is under more pressure than we are, the boss broke out. Under the circumstances, the cultivation base of the tenth quasi-sage level can be reached, but without breaking out, the strength cannot be reached."

"Our Godchu City now has a lot of powers at the tenth quasi-sage level. As the city lord, if the boss cannot maintain that strength from time to time, it is easier to go wrong. After all, the saints will not be in the realm for long. Some saints seem to be displeased with the boss, and they have been writing saints before."

"Furthermore, sister-in-law Yilian and sister-in-law Feiying are both Tier 10 quasi-saint-level strengths. They have that strength even if they don’t explode. Their own wives are stronger. There is a little pressure on this. You are tall, I guess you must work harder than you are now."

Zhou Wen said with a smile: "That's right, the woman the boss is looking for is too powerful, it's better to have Wan'er and the others, the cultivation base is not low, nor higher than us!"

The place where Human Emperor and Earth Demon Tianxian are the closest is known as the Triangle Sea Area, which is also called the Dead Sea Area or the Three Solutions of Death.

In the Triangular Sea, there are many people here all year round. Some of these people are sent by some forces to explore the Triangular Sea, and some are in other situations, such as having relatives and friends in the Earth Demon God.

Separated from Tang Ming and the others, Chu Feng was practicing in the holy prison space. The holy prison was brought to the triangle sea area by a follower. The spirit dragon's strength had improved a lot, so Chu Feng wanted to try if he could reach it. If you can get past the heavenly immortals or the earth demons, you will have the benefit of passing earlier.

"The jade slip of Dao Chang Li is broken, alas, what a pity! Dao Chang Li is an expert at the god-exalted level, it is not easy to cultivate to the god-exalted level, he was sent here"

"I heard that Daochang Li offended people in the sect, so that's why."

"It's not surprising. The people who are sent here are basically not very good in their own martial arts. Other places are cautious and may not die. In this triangle sea area, even if you advance cautiously, luck If it's not good, you will die immediately!"

"I don't know how many powerhouses have been swallowed in this triangle sea area these years, and I don't know when it will get through!"

In a city on the edge of the sea, the entourage brought the holy prison to this side, and Chu Feng immediately heard a lot of comments in the holy prison space.

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, are you really trying to go to that side? Now that you are in the past, even if you stay in the sacred prison space, it would be more dangerous if there are spirit dragons outside."

"If the Holy Prison is involved in a different space, you may never come back. This is not a joke. The universe is not completely closed. If you are lucky, you are involved in a different space. Then the different space belongs to this universe, luck. No, maybe you were drawn out of this universe directly!"

"You also know the horror of the end-time universe, some different dimensions, the degree of horror is probably not much lower than that of the end-time universe. If you are involved in such a different space, you may just die!"

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "Miao Xian'er, don't worry, if the situation is really dangerous, I won't force it. Now that the strength of the spirit dragon has improved a lot, maybe it's safer to the other side. The saint may not take long. In the lower realm, many things must be accelerated, otherwise I might regret it in the future!"

"Let the entourage enter the sea, to a place where there is no one." Chu Feng said.

"Hey, brother, you are not strong, don't enter the triangle sea area." The entourage outside is an emperor god-level entourage. Seeing him fly into the sea area, someone immediately spoke out to advise, but the entourage would naturally not obey Advice, I have left the sea a long distance in just a short time!

In the triangle sea area, there is not much danger near the sea. In the past, there were many fierce beasts near the sea, but now the fierce beasts have retreated to the depths of the sea, so even if it is just an emperor-level entourage, it doesn’t take much time. It has already gone deep into the sea. In the depths of the sea, no one will be found at a very long distance here, but there are more fierce beasts.

Just when the emperor god-level entourage outside was about to be attacked and killed by a fierce beast, Chu Feng's mind moved that emperor god-level entourage into the holy prison space. At the same time, Chu Feng And the spirit dragon appeared outside, and the fierce beast was slightly taken aback, and the "food" suddenly changed!


The Linglong let out a full-bodied dragon roar, and when the fierce beast was only ten meters away from it, the dragon's tail swayed and disappeared in front of the fierce beast.

Miao Xian'er's angry voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, "What are you doing? Just let a follower appear outside. You can take any risks outside yourself."

"Miao Xian'er, calm, calm." Chu Feng chuckles in his mind, "Linglong adventures, I hide in the holy prison space, what is it like?"

"Before I was practising. It’s safer for the Linglong to shuttle between pieces. Now, it’s better for me to stay with him outside. You know, if I’m outside, I will collect people and things. The speed is faster. If there is real danger, the spirit dragon can appear in the holy prison space faster."

"The spirit dragon has helped me a lot in these years. How can I stay in the holy prison space to make the spirit dragon more dangerous for my own safety? Even if I die, I can come back to life, and the spirit dragon, it is not completely Becoming a crystal dragon is not completely a life and cannot be resurrected!"

"Hmph, don't care about you, you have a lot of reasons!" Miao Xian'er snorted and didn't speak any more. She knew that since Chu Feng appeared outside, it would be useless to say more.

"Brother Chu, this is the death triangle? It doesn't seem to be too dangerous." Chu Feng pointed the direction, and Linglong said as he moved forward. "Isn't it too dangerous?" Chu Feng said with a chuckle, "That's because you haven't reached the depths yet. The danger in this place is not high now. The depths of the death triangle are much more dangerous than it is now! Pay attention! , The air ahead is impassable, you can only advance through the sea, and there are countless terrible spatial turbulences in the air!"

Linglong took a breath of cold air, and flashes of colored light flashed in front of him from time to time. It looked very beautiful. If someone who didn't know rushed up, then he would immediately know how terrible those things are. There are a lot of colored lights. Even the quasi-sage-level powerhouses can directly smash them, and some of them swallow people directly into different spaces!

"Brother Chu, there are still people on that side." Linglong said as he dived into the sea. There were many terrible disasters in the sea, but there were a lot less than the air!

Chu Feng said, "Those people are space practitioners. Although it is dangerous to practice nearby, the speed of practice is countless times faster than elsewhere!"

"It's really hard to kill you." Linglong said, moving fast in the sea, and the Linglong quickly passed the area where those people were.

Chu Feng's expression gradually became serious: "Linglong, if you feel dangerous, then don't force it, let's return to the Emperor!"

"Brother Chu, I know." Linglong said. While talking, he easily avoided a danger in front of him. The increase in strength made him face this danger much more easily than before.

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