Holy Prison

Chapter 1529: Heavenly.

"This formation is not a lethal formation, but a trapped formation. The main danger is that this place is too dangerous for the beast to come in."

Chu Feng said that he squeezed the tactics, one by one, Linglong immediately felt strange fluctuations echoing in himself and Chu Feng's body.

Affected by the strange fluctuations, it seemed that some breath in the sea was attracted to his and Chu Feng's bodies.

"Linglong, take out the speed and rush out!" Chu Feng said.

The light flashed in the eyes of the spirit dragon: "Brother Chu, this is all right? As long as you don't return to the original place, there is no problem!" The spirit dragon spread out at a speed, and pierced through the attacks of those fierce beasts dangerously, ten The multi-headed fierce beasts roared and chased, but the spirit dragon was faster than them. After a minute, all the fierce beasts disappeared instantly.

"Brother Chu, we really came out, those guys are trapped in that formation." Linglong said with joy.

Chu Feng chuckled and said, "I thought I could not lie to you? Thanks to you just now, otherwise I guess it will take some time to find the key point!"

"Brother Chu, what do you say?"

Chu Feng said: "The formation just now was just a trapped formation. When we got there before, there were not many fierce beasts in it. There must have been fierce beasts before, but they went out and combined with other beasts. Things, I decided that as long as I stay there for a while, I will absorb some of the aura in that formation, and then I can easily leave the formation."

"We didn't have the time to absorb it slowly, so I inspired the aura in that formation to actively absorb some, and it really came out easily."

"That's pretty simple." Linglong said.

Chu Feng smiled slightly and didn't say anything. The formation just now was simple. In the eyes of people who know how to do it, it is really simple, but in the eyes of people who don't understand, it would be difficult to get out of there. Even if it is a group of tenth-level quasi-saint-level powerful people, if they don't know the method of breaking the formation, they can only be trapped inside. Only enough fierce beasts have entered, and sooner or later it will be an end.

"Huh." Linglong said in surprise. "Linglong, what's the matter? Don't tell me that I am trapped in another formation." Chu Feng said.

Linglong said: "Brother Chu, no. Brother Chu, do you feel that there is some change in the surrounding aura? It seems that we have already left the side of the emperor and are already closer to the earth demon or the heavenly fairy! Brother Chu, what are we going to do? Is it going to the earth demon or the god?"

"I don't know. No one has been to the Earth Demon and no one has been to the Heavenly Immortal. I only know that there must be a piece in this direction." Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng sensed it carefully, and it was true that as Linglong said, there was a slight change in the surrounding aura. Although the change was extremely weak, Chu Feng's sense of this aspect was still relatively sharp. If you sense it carefully, you can feel it. The difference comes.

"Linglong, it seems that we are really close to the earth demon or the heavenly immortal. The journey is already halfway past. It is not very good to go back to the mansion at this time. Be careful to move forward. There should be no problem with the earthly demon or heavenly immortal." Chu Feng said, along the way, there are indeed many dangers, but fortunately, the spirit dragon is very powerful, and that kind of danger is barely within the tolerance.


Time passed by one minute and one second, and five hours passed in a blink of an eye. In five hours' time, Chu Feng and Linglong had left the depths of the three solutions!

"Huh is finally safe." Chu Feng let out a long sigh. It took less than two hours to cross the center of the sea from the emperor, but it took more than five hours to get from the center of the sea to where he is now. This second half of the road is much more troublesome than the first half of the road.

In the first half, Chu Feng and Linglong also encountered a natural formation, but in the second half, Chu Feng and the others were unlucky and unexpectedly encountered seven or eight natural formations. Even with Chu Feng’s ability, they could break one. The formation also takes some time, and it is strange that they can be fast when they encounter so many formations.

"Brother Chu, there is someone in front!"

Linglong reminded, "Don't meet them, go directly to the top." Chu Feng said, Chu Feng didn't want others to know about this news.


Having reached the safe sea area, it was easy for the spirit dragon to come at this time, and the spirit dragon had reached the coast in just two minutes.

"Linglong, you first enter my treasure space to rest. You are probably exhausted from this journey." Chu Feng said, he could not help but put the Linglong into the holy prison space.

"Which one am I?"

Chu Feng muttered in his heart that the divine consciousness spread, and soon there was a person with a lower cultivation level within Chu Feng’s divine consciousness, "Friend, let me borrow a little from you." Chu Feng secretly said that the divine consciousness entered instantly. In that person's mind, that person was only cultivating at the **** level, and he was practicing quietly, without knowing that some of his own memories were being read at the moment.


From the memory of the god-level person, it was easy to find out which part he was in now, but in a very short time, Chu Feng determined that he was in Tianxian now.

To be more precise, it is the Lantau Reef to the southwest of Tianxian, which is the closest to the Triangle Sea, and there are more than a dozen void passages connected to some of Tianxian.

"Brother League, it's not bad to be mixed up!" Chu Feng showed a slight smile on his face. This god-level powerhouse also has the memory of the brotherhood in his mind, and he is very longing for the brotherhood and wants to enter the brotherhood, but With his cultivation base of the **** level, he really met the conditions for not entering the brotherhood.

"Well, since I checked your memory, I owe you some and affect your memory. If you go to the Brotherhood at that time, let Duan San accept you!"

With Chu Feng's cultivation base, it is easy to influence a person who cultivates at the **** level. With Chu Feng's hands and feet, this strong man at the **** level will definitely go to Shengxian City where the Brotherhood is located.

Knowing where he was now, Chu Feng hid his aura and walked towards a void. From there, he could enter the void passage, and then directly to the fairy where Desheng City was located.

Fairy spirit, rise to fairy city.

"Why do I feel a little uneasy? Could it be that my sacred calamity is about to arrive? It should be impossible. I used the canonization charm that Chu Feng gave me. It should be within ten thousand years that no sacred robbery will come." Duan San muttered authentically, he pinched his fingers to calculate it, but it was easier to calculate other things, it was more troublesome to calculate it himself, and there was no result after calculation.

"It doesn't seem to be a bad thing...Could it be that there is no big move on the side of Shenchu ​​City?" Duan San thought to himself and shook his head. He knew his strength was okay, but he sensed things on the side of Shenchu ​​City. It is still impossible to drop.

When Duan San guessed this and that, Chu Feng had already reached the fairy through the void channel, "Chu Feng, can't you go directly to see Duan San?" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. There are many strong people in Shengxian City. I think it is better not to go to Shengxian City. It is better to call Duan San. It is not a good thing to let people other than Duan San know that you are at Xianling."


Chu Feng said in his mind that he had entered the sacred prison space, and an entourage with the strength of the Emperor God appeared outside and hurried towards Shengxian City.

After more than half an hour, the surface was calm, but Duan San, who was shocked in his heart, followed that Emperor God-level entourage and appeared near the holy prison.

"Brother Chu, are you here?"

Duan San exclaimed with some excitement, "Don't resist." Chu Feng's voice resounded in Duan San's mind. Under the action of the familiar suction, Duan San and the emperor-level powerhouse instantly entered the holy prison space. .

"Brother Chu, haha, it's really you!" Duan San exclaimed joyfully. "Isn't it me?" Chu Feng chuckled. Duan San stepped back and quickly knelt down.

"do not!"

Chu Feng said, dragged by the power of terror, Duan San did not kneel down, although Duan San is a tenth-order quasi-sage-level strong, but in this holy prison space, it is naturally unable to reach the holy prison. power.

"Duan San, what are you doing? Let's talk about it. If we meet, we are drinking, but we are not here." Chu Feng stared at Duan San. "Brother Chu, if it weren't for you, where is my Duan San today? My enemies can't offend him, even if he is still alive now, that's a useless person!" Duan Sandao.

"Brother Chu, I didn't accept anyone before Duan San, but now I have a higher cultivation base, and there are fewer people serving me, but you, Brother Chu, are the person I am convinced by Duan San. Brother Chu, you must let me express my gratitude. ."

Chu Feng sat down and chuckled: "Why, just want to say a few words and send me? Are you not going to give me the treasure you got in that ghost place?"

"Brother Chu, those are naturally for you, Brother Chu, but I thank you"

"Okay, okay, masculine husband, mother-in-law, sit down. We are both alumni and friends. I was able to help you back then. Don’t worry about it all the time, you are not tired." Chu Feng smiled Tao. "Brother Chu, great kindness, dare not forget each other!" Duan San said solemnly.

Chu Feng shook his head helplessly: "Damn, I was defeated by you. You bow and salute, it's all over. If you really want to kneel for me, I will leave immediately, and I won't want your things!"

"That's good, just listen to you, Brother Chu." Duan San said, bowing respectfully to Chu Feng. "Okay, sit down, but I heard that you prepared a good wine for me, and eagerly took the risk from the emperor to this side. If you don't have a good wine, don't blame me for cursing!" Chu Feng smiled.

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