Holy Prison

Chapter 1530: treasure

"Good wine, of course!" Duan San smiled and sat down. "Since I came out of that ghost place to practice, I have encountered a bottleneck and can no longer improve. Looking for fine wine, and admiring the beautiful women one by one, these are the two things I spend time. A means."

"Ignorance is blessing" Chu Feng sighed in his heart. If Duan San knew that most of the saints in the holy realm had been parasitized by the powerhouses of the abyss of the different universe, I wonder if he could live so comfortably.

"You guy, life is so enjoyable." Chu Feng said.

Duan San laughed and said: "Fortunately, if there is no brotherhood that I want to take care of, it would be better. So, Brother Chu, you will be merciful and merge the brotherhood into the city of God, and then also the brotherhood. Manage them together. In that case, I will have more time to find some fine wines, and I will definitely enjoy them with you when they arrive!"

"Try this!"

Duan San said that a wine jug appeared in his hand and poured a glass of wine for both Chu Feng and himself. The wine was amber and looked very attractive.

"Good wine." Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly. He hadn't drunk this kind of wine, but he had drunk many kinds of wine in the Saint Prison Store, and now he can determine a kind of wine just by looking at it and smelling it. What is the quality. "This kind of wine is found in Xuanbing. It is extremely strong. It doesn't freeze within Xuanbing. It absorbs the icy and cold breath for hundreds of millions of years. The intensity is reduced. Drink it and the ice and fire will rise. Don't have a taste! Brother Chu, I What do you think of the proposal just now?" Duan Sandao.

Chu Feng took a sip of wine, closed his eyes and enjoyed it for a while before shook his head: "Duan San, now there is no need for Brotherhood to merge with Shenchu ​​City. Now that the two pieces have not found a safe passage, I will come here this time. I took a lot of risk, and it was not always certain when I would go back, so I was called here. When the two exchanges are inconvenient, the merger will not bring much benefit, but may cause a lot of trouble."

"Secondly, the merger of the two forces has made some of the big men above fear even more, now there is no need to be like that. Thirdly, I am busy with everything. You drink and drink and look at beautiful women everywhere. I am so strict in my heart." Chu Feng laughed Tao.

Duan San sighed helplessly: "Brother Chu, then I'll take care of it for a while. When the two communicate, you have to let the Brotherhood merge into the Shenchu ​​City. If I'm lucky enough to ascend the Holy Realm, I will be my brotherhood. Some people can’t let go. There is no one on the side of the Brotherhood who makes me feel at ease, but you are different. You, God Chucheng, Tang Ming and Zhouwen can all stand alone. And you, I know, how many of your wives They are all pregnant with children, and someone will take care of them in Shenchu ​​City."

"Moreover, it is convenient for you to get from the Holy Realm to the God Realm. Unlike others, you can only go to the God Realm once in ten thousand years, and the time cannot exceed a hundred years!"

Chu Feng smiled and said: "What's next, let's talk about it. I said, you should also find a woman. If the Holy Tribulation is over, it's okay. If the Holy Tribulation is not over, you plan to make your Duan family impossible."

"I have this plan, but unfortunately, I haven't met the right one. I can't mess around in this regard." Duan San shook his head and said. Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly: "I have a choice. You can talk to her to see if you are suitable. Okay, hand over what you call the "miscellaneous" things. I will look at things and talk about them! "

"Brother Chu, are you still pulling the red thread?" Duan San said as a spatial ring appeared in his hand, "Brother Chu, be careful, some things inside may be dangerous!"


Chu Feng said that he disappeared together with the spatial ring, and Qin Ying appeared in the place where he had just sat. The candidate Chu Feng just mentioned was Qin Ying.

Qin Ying is a big beauty, her appearance is no worse than Feng Bingning's, and she possesses the treasure of the last days, if she can be sanctified, her future achievements will not be low. Such a woman would not be less attractive to men, but Chu Feng doesn't have much thoughts about Qin Ying now.

On the one hand, there are already five of Feng Bingning and the others, and Yin Qianqian is also pregnant with his child. On the other hand, Chu, who does not have a sister, thinks of Qin Ying more as a sister.

"There seems to be nothing unusual."

Chu Feng muttered in his heart, his divine consciousness penetrated into that spatial ring and took out seventy or eighty things from that spatial ring, the specific number was seventy-six.

Seventy-six things, two stones, three leaves, three drops of water, four grasses, a bone, a little bit of soil, three feathers, and a small flame.

"It's really messy." Chu Feng said, these things are in front of him now, but they are not in a small space with him, and Chu Feng dare not dare to deal with these items from the end-time universe. Contact casually, otherwise one accidentally died and wasted a resurrection star!

"Miao Xian'er, it's up to you." Chu Feng said, he really couldn't tell these things. These things are all packed in transparent jade bottles. When the divine consciousness is not in direct contact, he just looks at them with his eyes. He looks like these things are like ordinary stone leaves.

And if he uses his spiritual sense to scan these things directly, he is not so bold yet. Duan San got them in the end-time universe before, does not mean that they are harmless!

"Okay, Chu Feng, there are many good things in these things, and there are also **** things." Miao Xian'er said those things moved and quickly divided into three piles.

"Those things on the right are all rubbish, some of the things in the middle, some of which I am not sure about, and some of them are good things, the things on the left are definitely excellent treasures, but the specific functions require time or holy prison. Only by upgrading can they be tested in more detail." Miao Xianer said.

Three piles of things, the most on the right, forty, and a lot of things in the middle, 30, and the least on the left, only six!

"There are so few real treasures?" Chu Feng said. If Duan San was able to get it back, he naturally felt that it might be a treasure. Unexpectedly, only six of the seventy-six items were excellent stuff.

Miao Xian'er appeared next to Chu Feng: "Six items, there are already quite a few. Duan San only got these items after he died many times, and there may also be wonderful treasures in the middle pile of items! It takes a lot of time to analyze, so don't stay here, go to Duan San and the others. Your photo shoot seems to have failed."

"Failed? Only so little time." Chu Feng said in surprise. Miao Xian'er snorted, "Well Zhou Wen and they often call you the love saint, can't you tell, Qin Ying has you in her heart."

Chu Feng frowned: "I can see it naturally, but... her emotions seem to be more of gratitude. Duan San is a very good person. If they come in contact with each other more, maybe I feel my shadow in Qin Ying's heart. It faded away. I just treated her as a younger sister, and I really didn't think of becoming a husband and wife with her.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk about your feelings." Miao Xianer said. "Let them talk again... Miao Xian'er, do these six things contain apocalyptic power that can kill the Dongdong who is immortal to the strong?" Chu Feng said.

"I don't know. Alright, alright, if you don't pass now, then you don't disturb me, but I have to work!" Miao Xian'er said that the image disappeared and scanned and analyzed those things with all his strength.

After more than a minute, classmate Chu Feng was really boring. "Look at what you are talking about." Chu Feng muttered and appeared beside Duan San and Qinying instantly, but not in the same small space, he could see Duan San and Qinying, but Duan San and Qinying But I can't see him.

"Qin Ying, Brother Chu is a messy mandarin duck score, do you like Brother Chu?" Duan Sanxiao asked. At first they were embarrassed, but when it comes to Chu Feng, they are not embarrassed anymore.

Qin Ying shook her head quickly: "No, no, don't talk nonsense about Duan San, Brother Chu has a wife." "I know, and there are a lot of them, five, and one more, no more haha!" Duan San San laughed and said, "Qin Ying, if you like it, you have to fight for it yourself!"

A black line flashed across Chu Feng’s forehead, whether he pulled a red line for Duan San or Duan San gave him a red line. "Duan San, it’s good now. I am willing to be a slave and a maid. Now Big Brother Chu can treat me like me. Sister, this is already very good, I am content." Qin Ying shook her head slightly.

"Haha, Qin Ying, I can see that you are more than grateful for Brother Chu." Duan San smiled, "Forget it, it will last forever. If you can be together by then, you will definitely be together. "Duan San, I heard Big Brother Chu talk about you, aren't you in Tianxian?" Qin Ying changed the subject.

"Brother Chu is in Tianxian now."

After Duan San and the others chatted for a while, Chu Feng coughed slightly and appeared beside Duan San and them. "Big Brother Chu." Qin Ying's eyes lit up when she saw Chu Feng. Chu Feng's look was clearer. It was not the sister's eyes towards her brother. "Big Brother Chu, I have something to do. Leave first."

Chu Feng waved Qin Ying and disappeared beside Chu Feng and the others. "I said Brother Chu, you are messing up!" Duan San shook his head and said, "Qin Ying clearly has you in her heart, why are you pushing her to me!"

"Duan San, how do you feel about Qin Ying?" Chu Feng said. "Very good, beautiful person, although I don't communicate much, I can see that my personality is also very good." Duan Sandao, "but you really don't want to link her to me anymore, friends and wives can't bully haha! What am I waiting for It’s time to drink your wedding wine, there are already five, not many more!"

Chu Feng rolled his eyes: "A friend's wife must not be deceived. She and I are not in that way."

"Aha, it's almost the same... By the way, Brother Chu, why do I feel a little familiar aura on her, it seems that it is the aura of that ghost place!" Duan San said with a stern tone.

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