Holy Prison

Chapter 1532: Duan San was scared

"It's true... If my family could be more careful back then, perhaps this kind of tragedy happened. Since we are capable, we really shouldn't let it happen again!" Duan San said in a deep voice. This is a single seedling, so in this regard, Chu Feng said that Duan San had a deep feeling.

"Brother Chu, then you give me a list. I will buy all the items on the list. However, my brotherhood cannot produce two trillion catties of void stones." Duan San said helplessly, "Brother Chu, lower it slightly. How about some standards? One trillion catties of Void Stone, your previous budget is only so much, and the city built with one trillion catties of Void Stone is also very powerful! Even one trillion catties of Void Stone, I have to think of ways Get it all together!"

"one trillion"

Chu Feng thought about it for a while and nodded: "Then one trillion yuan. A city built with two trillion catties of void stone does have a little waste of capacity. A city built from one trillion catties of void stone is indeed That's enough! If it's dangerous then, if you have juniors or something, let them treat Shenguang City!"

"As for the Void Stone, how much are you missing? I'll make up one trillion for you!" Chu Feng said. "Okay!" Duan San responded happily. Anyway, when the brotherhood merged into Shenchu ​​City, the Qian Chufeng who came out also belonged to Shenchu ​​City. "I can only get out more than 300 billion at once. It’s not too difficult to find a way to get 800 billion catties, but if you have 200 billion left, it will take a lot of time to collect it. Brother Chu, you can fund a 200 billion catties of void stone. Let those guys spend it. Some money, more sense of belonging to the forces!"

Chu Feng thought, a spatial ring appeared in his hand and tossed it to Duan San: "There are 300 billion catties of void stone in it, and the list of materials needed is also in it. Try to get it together in the past few years!"

"Okay!" Duan San nodded and agreed. It is not easy to gather all the materials in a few years, but if you work hard, it shouldn't be a big problem. "Brother Chu, taste this wine, and Compared with the previous one, it is a different taste!"

Chu Feng nodded and tasted the wine and said, "Duan San, you work **** the materials. In addition, the kind of fragments I'm looking for, let the people below try their best to find them! The brotherhood is still weaker now, so hurry up and expand. If there is no God Chucheng, the other forces above the heavenly immortals must also obey the Brotherhood! Also, you really have to hurry up to find a wife, and then open up branches and leaves for your Duan family, otherwise you are not filial haha!"

"Brother Chu...Is there any crisis?" Duan San hesitated and asked with a frown. "Brother Chu, if there is any crisis, you can tell me, Brother Chu, I will never say it casually, and with my cultivation base, it is impossible for others to forcibly read my memory in the God Realm. "

Chu Feng frowned secretly. The development of the Brotherhood was not fast, so Chu Feng mentioned it. He didn't expect Duan San to be more sensitive, and he immediately noticed some problems.

"Chu Feng, in fact, there is nothing wrong with telling Duan San that he has the eschatological treasure. If others want to forcibly inspect his memory, the eschatological treasure will protect his memory!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "Furthermore, Duan San used the canonization amulet, and he will have to wait ten thousand years in the God Realm."

"Duan San, do you really want to know?" Chu Feng said with a light smile. Since the Treasure of the Last Days can protect Duan San's memory, Chu Feng decided to tell Duan San some things. Duan San possesses the Treasure of the Last Days, which is now Tier 10. Strength, tell him something, and save him from being fooled by the parasitic saint.

Duan San smiled and said, "Of course, Brother Chu, would I still be frightened?"

"Hehe, you really might be scared... Since you want to know, then I'll tell you, what do you think of the holy world?" Chu Feng said.

Duan San surprised and said: "What's the problem with the Holy Realm? The three realms are separated, and the abyssal ancient trolls and saints are all in the Holy Realm. There should be no problem. The ancient trolls naturally have saints to fight against. Now the strength of the saints should be Compared with the ancient trolls, the overall strength is higher!"

Chu Feng said indifferently: "If I tell you that many things you know are just illusions, in fact, the saints have been defeated a long time ago, and most of the saints in the holy world have been controlled by the abyssal powerhouses. What do you think?"

Duan San's expression changed instantly: "Brother Chu, don't tell me this is true." "Absolutely true, like a fake replacement" Chu Feng smiled wryly.

Duan Sanjiu was speechless for a long time. At this time, there was a mess in his mind. If it was someone else, he would definitely not believe it. Maybe he slapped it and slapped him.

But it was Chu Feng who said this. He had great trust in Chu Feng. Chu Feng might make jokes with him on small things. Chu Feng would definitely not make jokes on such things.

It's not like Chu Feng is joking now!

"Brother Chu, those are saints, how did they fail and how could they be controlled?" Duan San took a sip of wine and said, "If they are controlled, will we be in any danger?"

Chu Feng tasted the wine and said: "The ancient trolls are not the natives of this universe. They come from another universe. I call that universe the Abyss universe. You have actually been to the Abyss universe before. The universe that is dying is The abyss universe, a very old universe, our universe is a young universe."

"A long time ago, the Abyss Universe entered the apocalyptic stage. If you can't reach other universes, then all the strong in the Abyss Universe, including the indestructible ones, will fall. They are lucky, the Abyss Universe and our universe With the connection, then, a large number of powerful people in the abyss universe have not yet died into our universe."

"The resources of a universe are limited. The invaders want to grab territory, and the war will happen naturally. At the beginning, we are defeated! That universe has developed longer than ours and has more powerful players. And the strength of the strong is higher than the strength of the strong in our universe!"

Duan San frowned and said: "I heard that history is not like this. The war was initially lost, but it quickly turned from defeat to victory, and then trapped the abyssal powerhouse."

"Hehe, that's just the illusion that the abyssal powerhouses let us, the cosmic powerhouses know. After all, they have just arrived. If they behave too tough all at once, then our cosmic powerhouses will unite to resist, and they still cannot resist. Live, so they chose to take it slowly."

Chu Feng spoke unhurriedly. After a few minutes, he finished speaking more briefly. Duan San's expression was extremely ugly as he digested Chu Feng's words. He had always longed for the holy world, and now he still longs for a hairy, holy world. Among them, perhaps a seemingly benevolent saint has long been parasitized by the ferocious abyssal powerhouse.

"Brother Chu, you should have known this one a long time ago, so you separated the three realms at that time, let all the saints reach the holy realm, and gave this universe a chance!"

"That's why you have to make the strength of God Chucheng so strong in the God Realm. Now this level is not enough, but stronger!" Duan San said in a deep voice.

Speaking of this, Duan San smiled bitterly: "Brother Chu, even in this situation, do we still have a chance? Is there a chance for our universe? If we lose, will our people in the universe become Slave our children and grandchildren, they will all be enslaved by the invaders."

"Duan San, have no confidence?" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "If we lose, it is more than 80% possible that our aboriginal people in this universe will be enslaved. After so many years of war, the abyss will lose much. There are a lot of them. If the disguise is torn off, I don't realize that those invaders in the abyss will be polite to us!"

Duan San lay on his back on the sofa: "I have no confidence, I really have no confidence! Although we are relatively strong in the realm of the gods, what are we in front of the saints"

"Even if we become holy, we are only lower saints. Even if we can challenge higher, we can barely fight the middle saints. Above the middle saints there are upper saints, high-rank saints, immortal saints, and immortal saints. ! Although there should be some saints in our universe that have not been parasitized, but Brother Chu, you said that those who are not parasitized are only a very small part. What is our winning rate, one percent, or one thousandth? One?"

"A little higher." Chu Feng muttered in his heart. Duan San didn't know that he had a holy prison and a treasure like the holy prison. If the holy prison reached a very high level by then, there was still some hope and the chance of winning. There is not only one percent, one tenth of the probability is no problem, if the treasure can be purchased from the holy prison space to bring some saints back to life, the chance is even higher.

If he died early, or if the holy prison had not been upgraded to a higher level, then their chance was really only one in a thousand, or even lower!

Regarding the holy prison, this Chu Feng will not let Duan San know for the time being. It is good to let the parasitic saints know that he knows this news, let them know that he owns the holy prison, and it will be much more troublesome then!

"Duan San, do you regret letting me tell you this?" Chu Feng chuckled. "I regret it... I said before that I would not be scared, but Brother Chu, I was really scared." Duan San smiled bitterly, "Brother Chu, you make me no longer have the mood to appreciate beautiful women in the future. Ah! Brother Chu, how many people know this news? Do they know Tang Ming?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "Not many people know, Yilian and others know, Ming Shao and others don't know, they all have saint masters, although I do not want their masters to be parasitic, but can not take risks! Their current cultivation base It's also lowered a bit. When their cultivation base is higher, maybe they will know."

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