Holy Prison

Chapter 1533: Feng clan strength

"Brother Chu, if we go to the Holy Realm, what should we do? When we first started in the Holy Realm, we will certainly not have a high level of cultivation. Isn't it just for abuse? After being sanctified, the one who immediately ran into the God Realm? Brother Chu, the person you brought to the God Realm is not subject to the 100-year limit, right?" Duan Sandao.

Chu Feng nodded: "Yes, it is not limited by a hundred years, but it is extremely difficult and extremely difficult for a saint to go to the realm of the gods to improve his cultivation. The realm of gods is suitable for the development of gods, but not for saints.

"Before we get to the Holy Realm, we'd better get in touch with a powerful saint. If someone is covering it, then it's better. As long as the strong in the abyss hasn't completely torn off the skin, then it's safe."

Duan San frowned and said: "But we don't know which saints are parasitized and which are not parasitized. If you take refuge in a parasitized saint, it will be a sheep's mouth!"

"Moreover, this doesn't seem to be particularly safe. As long as the strong man in the abyss tears his face, then the strong saint who covers us will be unlucky, let alone us!"

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "Before tearing his face apart, I think the strong in the abyss will try to parasitize or kill some top strong who have not been parasitized. They are so much more convenient if they don't get rid of the grass! What we need to do is first, to survive; second, to find as many saints as possible who are not parasitic!"

"If we can gather more powerful forces, we still have some hope on the basis of controlling the God Realm!"

Duan Sandao: "Brother Chu, you shouldn't allow those saints to lower the realm. If you directly set up rules to prevent them from lowering the realm, that would be great. Or say that you can't lower the realm for a certain period of time, so we have enough time to bring the gods down. The world is completely unified, and the zerg in the gods and the zerg in the mortal world are also cleared!"

"Do you think I don't want to?" Chu Feng shook his head, "That won't work. Although the rules of heaven and earth were originally set by me, I am also bound! If I set too selfish rules, then I will definitely be wiped out. This is basically the limit I can do now."

"That's it." Duan San nodded, "That's no wonder. Brother Chu, in such a situation, you still ask me to find a woman. If I don't succeed, then my children and grandchildren will be enslaved. Onto this world."

Chu Feng chuckles and said: "You must find this. You will usher in the Holy Tribulation at that time. Under the Holy Tribulation, if you use your strength, the chance of successfully crossing the Tribulation is more than 50%, but there is also a chance of failure. You are dead, when this universe finally won? How do you face the ancestors and ancestors!"

"Even if you didn't hang up when facing the saint robbery, if you face the parasitized saint later, if you hang up. Besides, this battle may be a long-term battle. You have descendants. When they are stronger, it may be for us. There will be a lot of help, don't underestimate your children!"

Duan San rolled his eyes: "Brother Chu, you just want to hang up with me." "Haha, naturally just say this. If you don't hang up, you will eventually survive and you can find a wife at any time! You can survive, definitely It’s not within the scope of our discussion!" Chu Feng laughed, "Within a hundred years, there will be no problem to complete this task. In the mortal world, for some mortals, they will not survive a century. They followed me when they were in their twenties!"

"A hundred years is too short. For a thousand years, I will try my best to find my significant other." Duan Sandao, "Brother Chu, when do you plan to announce this news?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "If it is not announced, it will be delayed as long as it can be delayed. If it is announced too early, the loss in the abyss will be a lot, and we will undoubtedly lose."

"Even if you hear such news, you feel a little desperate. If someone with a lower cultivation level, tell them what would happen if they knew such news?"

Duan San silently, if people with a lower cultivation level learn such news, perhaps they will completely lose their fighting spirit, perhaps, some people will still take refuge in the abyss!

"If it is announced, the face will be torn in the abyss. Although the saints who are not parasitic in the holy world will be alert, the battle will also become fierce immediately, and the death may not be small. Without tearing the face, we can slowly confirm Which saints have not been parasitized, so that more power may be retained in the end!"

"Well, Brother Chu, you really think well. Brother Chu, you know a lot about this. I will do what you say, what should I warn?" Duan Sandao.

Chu Feng took a sip of his drink and said, "Since I told you about this matter, there are a few points you should pay attention to. First, you should not tell anyone about this matter that I told you, even the other party. You can believe it. If you think it is necessary for the other party to know, let me know and we will decide together."

"Second, what it was like before and what it will still be like in the future. Don't change too much. The sky won't fall for the time being. Don't worry too much now. Worrying is useless."

"Thirdly, the development of the Brotherhood should be carried out more quickly. In this respect, people will not doubt or make their own power stronger. This is normal!"

"Fourth, when you haven't heard me say this, you should know what kind of attitude is more appropriate when facing a saint. Regardless of whether the other party is parasited or not, you treat the other party as not being parasited!"

Duan Sandao: "Is there any more?" Chu Feng shook his head, "No, just these four points. Just pay attention to it. If you face a parasitic saint right now, you will be 100% exposed. But if you have some time to adjust, you should be able to cope well by then!"

"This world, how come Brother Chu looks like a bird, come and drink!" Duan San said with a toast, "If you wake up drunk and everything you say to Brother Chu is false, then I will be drunk once today. ."

"Duan San, now that you know, you are not eligible to be drunk." Chu Feng smiled softly, his smile was a little helpless, the greater his ability, the greater the responsibility, but the responsibility is really too big, some I felt a pain in my shoulder. "Yeah, since I know it, I am not qualified to be drunk." Duan San clinked with Chu Feng, and then they all fell in love.

After half an hour.

Duan San left the sacred prison space and returned to Shengxian City, while Chu Feng, naturally entered the domain tower and started training, a heavenly guard ran around with the sacred prison to catch criminals!

In the holy world, a holy mountain is looming in the deep clouds.

The clouds were surging, and on the sacred mountain, the clouds were dyed bright red, and a lot of energy continued to gather there, and soon a phoenix phantom appeared in the clouds.

"Finally!" Feng Chen smiled and said, her figure appeared in the holy mountain. "Old ancestor!" Feng Chen's figure just appeared, and Feng Man appeared in front of Feng Chen and saluted respectfully.

"It took two hundred years to condense into a sage. It's not bad." Feng Chen looked at Feng Man with a chuckle, "It's just a pity that the cultivation base is a little lower. If you can meet a few more thunder tribulations, then even the bloodline concentration If you are not very high, you can have a higher cultivation base. In that case, you can save a lot of training."

Feng Man smiled slightly and said: "Old ancestor, I am quite satisfied to be able to be a lower-ranking saint of the third order. Most people are only a lower-ranking saint of the first-ranking saint!"

"You are a member of my Feng clan, are you an ordinary person?" Feng Chen said quietly, "But peace and sanctification is indeed good. If there are more thunders, your chances of death will be higher. Anyway, there is time. , You slowly upgrade your cultivation base! Fengman, there are many strong people in the holy realm. My Feng clan was a saint-level power in the ancient times, so the blood is strong, but the sage of my Feng clan back then Senior Zun has disappeared. My Feng Clan's influence is not as good as before. Now in the entire Holy Realm, my Feng Clan is more than a thousand people. Since you are sanctified, you also have to shoulder part of the responsibility of revitalizing the Feng Clan!"

Feng Man said in shock: "Old ancestor, is there more than a thousand people of my Feng clan in the holy realm? They all have saint cultivation? I thought there were only a few."

"How many? Stupid boy, a few saints, your vision to support our Feng clan is still too small at the beginning." Feng Chen smiled lightly.

"When the Senior Saint was there, at the peak of our Feng Clan, there were more than 10,000 powerful Saints. Since the Senior Saint disappeared, the strength of our Feng Clan has slowly declined. Now the Feng Clan Among them, my cultivation base ranks second, and there is a senior above me. She may have the strength to be a king, but she is low-key, so there is no king. You may have a chance to see her in the future."

Feng Man said in a daze, "The ancestors of more than ten thousand saints, are our Feng clan so strong? What is the king?" "Our Feng clan was naturally extremely strong in the past, and it is not weak now, but It was a lot weaker back then. The king... only the indestructible powerhouse who has reached a certain strength can be the king. You can understand this now. You are still far away from the king!" Feng Chenqing With a smile, she didn't hit Fengman too much, and was able to seal the king. How could ordinary people be able to seal it?

Fengman's talent is not particularly high, even if he can reach the immortal level in this life, it is God's eye open! Not to mention Feng Man, even if it is Feng Chen, it is a question of whether she can achieve the strength of the king in her life!

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