Holy Prison

Chapter 1534: New city

"Old ancestor, then you should soon be the king?" Feng Man said.

Feng Chen shook his head: "The difference is far away. In the Holy Realm, there are tens of thousands of powerful immortal ranks, but there are only 20 or 30 powerful kings. Most of them have spent countless years. Do not show up, there are more than a dozen people who show up more often. Since you are sanctified, there will always be a chance to meet some of them in the future!"

"Tens of thousands of immortal level powerhouses! Old ancestor, isn't the immortal level the highest level of saints? How come there are so many immortal level powerhouses?" Feng Man exclaimed.

Feng Chen chuckled: "Because the immortal level is the highest level, there are many immortal level experts in the holy realm! Indestructible level experts will basically not die, nor can they break through to reach higher levels. , Can you say that there can be fewer indestructible powerhouses? Even if it is a billion years of time to add an indestructible powerhouse, tens of thousands of indestructible powerhouses are only tens of trillions of years. This universe exists Not just tens of trillions of years, but billions of years!"

"For billions of years, the indestructible powerhouse should be more than tens of thousands of talents." Feng Man said in confusion. "Stupid boy, do you think our universe is infinite?" Feng Chen chuckled.

"Infinite...It should be impossible. If it is infinite, what is outside of our universe?" Feng Man shook his head. "Isn't that right? Outside of our universe, there should be other universes. Some strong people, after countless years, may have left this universe." Feng Chen said.

"Or maybe...they are already dead, immortal grade. Although they are indestructible, they are not truly immortal! Like some innate treasures, they have the power to kill the indestructible strong!"

In front of Feng Chen, Feng Man is like a child, and everything in the holy world is new to her. She curiously said: "Old ancestor, how many immortal experts in our Feng clan? "

"Adding me, there are three people in total. There were nearly 20 people at the peak of the year. Some of the indestructible powerhouses of my Feng clan disappeared with the disappearance of the senior. The senior was gone, I Feng Clan also has an indestructible powerhouse who has been beheaded, and now there are only three people left, no longer the grand occasion!" Feng Chen said with emotion, how strong the Feng Clan back then, although the Feng Clan is not weak, it is still in the Holy Realm. It can only be regarded as a relatively powerful force.

"After countless years, the influence of that senior saint has gradually faded, so the pressure of our Feng clan is also great, and your strength is still low now, so you have to work hard to become stronger."

"Yes, ancestors!"

The sad color on Feng Chen's face disappeared and chuckles: "Okay, you also have some understanding of the situation of our Feng clan. Your sage has just formed, and the next time is to stabilize the sage, I will go out and check some things. Don't leave the holy mountain. The holy world is not particularly safe. If you are in the holy mountain, there should be no problem."

"Old ancestor, I have another question." Feng Man said. "Ask," Feng Chen said lightly.

Feng Man said, "Old ancestors, saints in the holy world, don't know when will they be able to lower the realm?" "Alright, they should be able to lower the realm within a few hundred years!" Feng Chen disappeared in front of Feng Man the moment he finished speaking. .

God Realm, six or seven years passed in a blink of an eye.

"Chu Feng, there is news from the Shengxian City side that the materials for building the city have been collected!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind in the domain tower.

Chu Feng opened his eyes slowly: "It took more than six years, and the speed is really a little slow. Miao Xian'er, let the entourage go to Shengxian City!"

Half an hour later, an entourage with the holy prison had arrived at the upgrade city. "Duan San!" Chu Feng's voice resounded in Duan San's mind, and the next moment he was included in the holy prison space.

"Brother Chu, everything is ready, you can see if there are any problems with these materials." Duan San said and handed a spatial ring to Chu Feng. Chu Feng probed into the spatial ring and scanned it. After a while, Chu Feng slightly Nodded: "The quality of everything received is okay, there is no problem!"

"That's fine, Brother Chu, are you going to the side of the Emperor? There is no safer passage yet, Brother Chu, if you go, will it be too dangerous!" Duan Sandao.

"Time does not wait...If your brother alliance can be established by itself, it is the best, but now the brother alliance is only just breaking through 10,000 quasi-saint level powerhouses, even if all the powerhouses of the brother alliance have invested in construction Among them, it can’t be built without four hundred years. Moreover, there are many thousands of quasi-saint-level powerhouses on the side of Tianxian. The Brotherhood cannot be fully invested in the construction. In that case, time Longer!"

"If I build the city of God, it will take more than a hundred years to build two super cities of this size! Maybe it won’t take long for the saint to go to the lower realm, so naturally it’s better to start construction earlier. Don’t worry, I Now it’s not going to Shenchu ​​City, but going to the Mortal Realm, going to the Mortal Realm to get the earth, and then let the powerhouse of Shenchu ​​City on the other side of the earth deliver things to Shenchu ​​City!" Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Duan San was stunned for a moment: "That's true, I forgot that you can also reach the mortal realm in others, but if you return from the mortal realm at that time, I don't know if you will directly reach the infinity!"

"It should be impossible. It should be from which boundary lake to descend into the Demon Realm." Chu Feng said, "I just don't know if the lower realm will go directly to the earth. If it is not directly to the earth, then some time will be wasted in the mortal world."

"Brother Chu, don't save this time. It's not good to go directly across the sea in order to save this time!" Duan Sandao, Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, even if you go to the ordinary world, you don't need to go directly to the earth. His strength shouldn’t delay too much time, well, you can go busy with you, I’m going now!"

As soon as Duan San spoke, Chu Feng let him leave the holy prison space.

Five minutes later, the earth. There was a smile on Chu Feng's face. He was ready to not reach the earth, but he did not expect that luck would be good. He left the God Realm from a different way and returned to the earth, which saved him a lot of time!

Seeing Chu Feng appear, Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu were pleasantly surprised. "Feng'er, didn't you say that it will take a lot of time to arrive on Earth next time? Why are you back so soon?" Mo Xiuxi said.

"Dad, mom, I'll come back after a while, do you still have any opinions?" Chu Feng chuckled softly, "Dad, let Xiaolin come over."


Chu Zhen transmitted the sound, a man from Shenchu ​​City on this side of the earth immediately appeared in front of Chu Feng. "City Lord!" The man hurriedly saluted when he saw Chu Feng.

"I'll leave it to you. You return to the realm of God and hand this spatial ring to Team Leader Tang." Chu Feng said that a spatial ring appeared in his hand.

"Yes, City Lord!" Although the man wondered why Chu Feng didn't return to the God Realm by himself, he didn't question Chu Feng's order, so he obediently followed Chu Feng's instructions.

"Go back immediately. After the things are handed over to Team Leader Tang, let Team Leader Tang give you one hundred contributions." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

"Yes, City Lord!" The man was pleasantly surprised, one hundred contribution, this is not small, he is on the side of the earth, if there is nothing, he will only have ten contribution after a hundred years, and one hundred contribution is enough for him to learn from the gods. I got a good treasure in the city treasure house!

A few minutes later, Shenguang City.

"Fuck, the boss is too fierce, and he actually ran to Tianxian!" Zhou Wen stared. "Fatty, don't spread this news. Although with the strength of our God Chucheng, there will be no trouble even if the boss is not there, but it is better not to spread this kind of news." Tang Ming said.

"Since the boss wants to build a city again, let's build it again! Fatty, you talk to Mr. Meng and them, and let them be responsible for collecting materials. The two cities will start construction at the same time. Master Ouye and I will talk about urban construction. Master Ye is in charge. The two cities have been built near our Shenguang City. Anyway, they will be removed at that time!" Tang Ming said.

"Okay, it's just a Shenguang City. It is indeed missing. Two more weaker cities will be built. By then, all three will be under the control of our Shenchu ​​City!" Zhou Wen laughed.

The order of Chu Feng, Shenchu ​​City, is extremely useful. Although it took more than two hundred years to build Shenguang City, now the construction of the new city takes a lot of time, but Chu Feng ordered that there are two cities beside Shenguang City. Soon it started at the same time!

Earth, Chu Feng received a reply from the God Realm within a short time, and the two cities started construction at the same time, and Chu Feng relaxed a little.

"Dad, mother, this time I won't spend much time here on earth, I will return to the gods after I have eaten." Chu Feng said, Mo Xiu is already in Zhangluo for dinner now, and I will return to the gods without eating. It certainly won't work.

"Don't be so busy, now the situation in the God Realm has basically stabilized, and you can also relax a little bit." Chu Zhen said.

"Dad, I know!" Chu Feng answered, but he said in his heart. Now it is far from the time to relax, but if the God Realm can stabilize, it will be a little easier. The Long March is finally Finish the first step.

Returning from the earth, Chu Feng sighed secretly in his heart. As expected, he was not back to Infinity but still in Heavenly Immortal, and it was the boundary lake in the Lower Realm before him.

"Miao Xian'er, under the circumstance that there is no guarantee, I will try my best to arrest people. I will catch enough people within 300 years to reach the standard for upgrading the holy prison." Chu Feng said.

"Three hundred years...well, I'll do my best! You guy, I will be exhausted sooner or later, and I will have to detect those things and be responsible for catching criminals" Miao Xian'er snorted.

Chu Feng said, "Miao Xian'er, it's been several years. There should be some things that have been detected. Tell me about them."

Miao Xian'er waved her hand, and suddenly a lot of things appeared in front of Chu Feng.

"These junk things have all been detected. Among them... some of them are completely useless and belong to Duan San's eyes. Although these are rubbish, there are still some useful things. It is absolutely impossible to deal with the saints. But it has some effect on people below the saint." Miao Xian'er pointed her finger at those things.

Chu Feng said in astonishment: "Duan San is a tenth-tier strong. He missed his eyes and got things that are completely useless?" "Things from a different universe, even if you are past, you may still have a look even if there is a holy prison test. Some things also take some time to determine if they are waste." Miao Xianer said.

"Except for these rubbish, these few things have been detected." Miao Xian'er pointed to a few things gathered together, "These few things are useful for saints of lower strength. This drop of water contains A powerful toxin, it is better to give Miao Feiying when Miao Feiying becomes a holy, the toxin of the different universe should make her poison pill much stronger!"

"This little herb is now needed by Yin Qianqian. If you give it to her, it can speed up her recovery. This is an excellent thing for you today! Its medicinal power is very strong, Yin Qianqian If used, it is estimated that it will take 10,000 years to fully recover the cultivation base." Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng's eyes were bright, Yin Qianqian was a sixth-level high-ranking saint before, if she recovers her strength in 10,000 years, that would be very good!

"Miao Xian'er, if Yin Qianqian becomes the tower master and then reaches the strength of a high-ranking saint, can I borrow half of her power?" Chu Feng took a deep breath, and half of the strength of a sixth-level high-ranking saint could be borrowed. If it is, it is estimated that it can reach the strength of the upper saint!

Miao Xian'er rolled her eyes and said, "Do you think you can withstand half the power of a sixth-level high-ranking saint with your small body now?"

"You have to withstand half the power of a sixth-level upper saint. If you reach a middle saint, let’s talk about it. The strength of a lower saint is probably not able to bear it! Even if there is a holy prison restraint, if such a powerful force can be borrowed, it will instantly let you Your body exploded to pieces!"

"Uh, then we can only use half of the power when the time comes. Even if only one tenth of the power is borrowed, it is very good." Chu Feng said, "These three things, also introduce them."

Miao Xian'er said: "This insect is a plant, not an animal. It contains destructive power. When you reach the strength of a saint, you can introduce the destructive power into Yin Ming, although it is far from being destroyed. Compared with the power of the world, using it when attacking can also increase your attack a lot."

"This piece of blood jade has a powerful restorative power and can restore the body of a saint! Now it has no effect on you. After arriving in the holy world, it is still more useful."

"This feather can be refined into a certain piece of clothing at that time, and it can improve a lot of defenses. In addition, it can increase the speed of the strong below the upper saint a lot!"

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