Holy Prison

Chapter 1535: Three strong mergers (1)

In the holy prison space, outside the Nine Dragon Ice Hall.

Chu Feng sat and waited, feeling a little bit complicated. Originally, his relationship with Yin Qianqian was just a partnership, even though there was a deep physical communication, but now Yin Qianqian is pregnant with his child, making him look at the relationship as before. Yin Qianqian's relationship is somewhat impossible.

"What's the matter?" Yin Qianqian's icy voice rang. The next moment she appeared in front of Chu Feng with frost on her face, as if she could freeze the air... As soon as she saw Chu Feng, Yin Qianqian was right. Thinking of the cucumber Chu Feng gave her before, I can eat cucumbers when I am quiet.

"Ah, Yin Qianqian, still angry about what happened before? It's not necessary, you are also a saint-level powerhouse anyway, you have to be more open-minded!" Chu Feng coughed lightly.

Yin Qianqian said coldly: "You still dare to say, believe it or not, I will kill you directly!" "If you don't believe me, I'm also the father of the child anyway, if you kill me, how will you deal with the born child?" Chu Feng chuckled. typical.

"Chu Feng!! If you have something to say, if it's okay, I will go in for training, my time is precious, I have no time to chat with you here!" Yin Qianqian said with a stern face.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore." Chu Feng said with a thought, a transparent jade box appeared in his hand. Inside the jade box was a small purple grass. The grass was only ten centimeters in length. Ordinary, if you look carefully, uh, it’s still ordinary.


Yin Qianqian frowned, "Don't think you give me something casually, I will forgive you for being rude before, you were too much before!"

"The method of use is very simple. Refining it with flames, and then put it into the body...With this grass, you can regain your original strength in about 10,000 years." Chu Feng said with a light smile. Yin Qianqian's eyes were shocked: "Impossible, how could this grass possess such abilities!"

"Baby, I have seen a lot, and I have never heard of such a thing that can restore my cultivation base to its original appearance within ten thousand years!"

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Yin Qianqian, you haven't heard of it before. It doesn't mean that this universe doesn't exist. Even if it doesn't exist in this universe, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist in other universes. Feel free to use it, if If you don’t worry, don’t use it. By the way, the cucumber was given to you last time. Did you use it for other purposes?"

"Chu Feng"

Yin Qianqian screamed, and the terrifying sound made the surrounding space tremble slightly. Chu Feng knew that Yin Qianqian would react more intensely, and naturally he was no longer in the treasure where Yin Qianqian was. In the space.

"Who wants to use your things!" Yin Qianqian glanced at the jade box on the table in front of him and instantly entered the Nine Dragon Ice Palace. A few minutes later, Yin Qianqian's figure reappeared on the stone table with the jade box. Aside. "Hmph, if it wasn't for my parents' enmity that I needed to avenge, I wouldn't want you!"

In the other small space of the Holy Prison Space, Chu Feng showed a smile on his face. He had expected Yin Qianqian to react like this, and he would definitely accept things.

"Chu Feng, you have provoke Mao Yin Qianqian again... Why bother?" Miao Xian'er said, "By then, she will be able to reach a high-ranking saint, and you will probably have fun!"

Chu Feng smiled lightly and said: "It's also very interesting to tease. She looks like her cold and arrogant, quite uncomfortable... Let's talk about the future. After ten thousand years, the child should set off? At that time, there were children. She doesn't need to toss me, right?" "The birth of the child in her belly is estimated to take ten thousand years! The cultivation base is high, and she is the ice crystal sacred dragon, and the dragons are longer when they are pregnant." Miao Xianer said.

"She is already refining the grass, and she trusts you when she sees it." Miao Xianer said. "Heh, although I don't want to see me, but I definitely believe that I won't harm her. I have had a relationship with her, and there is nothing to lose... Besides, the child in her stomach is also my child." Chu Peak Road.

"Miao Xian'er, the arrest of people is up to you, I have entered the domain tower to practice, and I have been upgraded in the sacred prison for three hundred years, and I will strive to reach the quasi-sage level within 300 years!" Chu Peak Road.

Human Emperor, near Shenguang City, after one hundred and thirty years, the two cities built near Shenguang City were all completed, and Chu Feng who was practicing in the domain tower was awakened by Miao Xian'er!

"Chu Feng, there is news from the Shenguang City side that the two newly-built cities are already completed. Although the comprehensive ability is weaker than that of the Shenguang City, it is still very good!"

"No-fly function, possess; limited flight function, possess; 20 Shenwei Cannons, Shenwu Cannons, 2,000; There are countless various weapons under Shenwu Cannons"

Miao Xian'er reported one item of data, and Chu Feng nodded slightly. The city built with a trillion catties of void stones is still very powerful. Before, he only estimated that such a city would be built, which is because he has plenty of money. , So it took two trillion catties of Void Stone to build a stronger Shenguang City.

"Chu Feng, although the two cities can receive space treasures and then be taken to the earth, the people who go to the lower realm do not appear directly on the earth. There is no small risk. Therefore, you can only go back to the emperor. . You see if you are going back to Human Sovereign now, or wait until the holy prison is upgraded!" Miao Xian'er said.

Chu Feng thought about it for a moment: "I will return to the Emperor of Humanity now. I haven't shown up for more than a hundred years. It's time to show up. Moreover, the two cities will reach the heavenly immortals and the earth demons earlier, so that the brotherhood and innocence The strength of the city will rise faster, and it is estimated that the saint will soon fall into the realm!"


The sea is as dangerous as before, but with the previous experience, plus more than a hundred years of time, the strength of Chu Feng and Linglong has improved a bit. One day later, Chu Feng returned to the Emperor.

"Ahhh, my dear boss, you finally came back. I thought you were fascinated by one of the gods, hahaha!" In the Shenguang City Chu Mansion, Zhou Wen and Tang Ming came over as soon as Chu Feng came back. , Zhou Wen opened his arms and hugged Chu Fengxiong.

Chu Feng flew a kick, "I'm shining!" Zhou Wen's body retreated instantly, but his cultivation was much lower than that of Chu Feng, and he was still kicked and flew out by Chu Feng for one to twenty meters.

"Xiao Mingzi, the management is good." Chu Feng smiled. For more than a hundred years, although he has not been on the side of the emperor, he still received the news from Shenchu ​​City.

More than a hundred years ago, Shenchu ​​City began to collect protection fees, and now it has collected twice. Although many forces are unwilling to pay, and some forces are in arrears at first, but whether they want to pay or not, they are now Obediently handed things over to Shenchu ​​City. Now, there are more than sixty thousand quasi-sage-level powerhouses in Shenchu ​​city, and six or seven million god-level powerhouses are not a joke. The entire human emperor, the second strongest power Not one-tenth of Shenchu ​​City!

After receiving protection fees, the Shenchu ​​City for more than a century has sincerely helped some forces to solve many problems. Therefore, many power protection fees nowadays, oh no, tribute, they are more willing.

"It's okay, the strength of Shenchu ​​City is too strong, and this kind of power is easy to manage." Tang Ming said with a smile, "Boss, this time I come back, do you leave with two cities immediately?"

"Boss, can you trust Duan San," Zhou Wen patted ashes and said. "Naturally, it is reliable. He wanted to incorporate the Brotherhood into our Shenchu ​​City for a long time, but it was not suitable before, so he didn't incorporate it. Now that these two cities are established, the Brotherhood will be merged into our Shenchu ​​City. City!" Chu Feng said.

"Hey, the Brotherhood now has 20,000 quasi-sage-level powerhouses. The City of Innocence is less, but there are more than 10,000. If they are all integrated into the Shenchu ​​City, our Shenchu ​​City will have close to 100,000. Saint-level powerhouse! The god-level powerhouse is more than ten million, this strength is really scary!" Zhou Wendao.

"Indeed!" Tang Ming nodded slightly, "Boss, there is nothing going on in Shenchu ​​City now. There are a lot of things on the side of Heavenly Immortals and Earth Demons. Boss, do you want to bring some powerful people to Heavenly Immortals and Earth Demons? Breaking up the three powerhouses is also conducive to the integration of forces. Otherwise, although it will be merged into the City of God, the Brotherhood, the City of Innocence, will still be divided into three parts."

Chu Feng nodded: "Xiao Mingzi went out to publicize, the Heavenly Brothers League, the City of the Innocence of the Earth Demons, and join the Shenchu ​​City. The two newly-built cities will also be publicized! In addition, let’s make a concerted effort. Who wants to go to the gods or the earth demons in the city, sign up!"

"Boss, on the side of the Brotherhood and the City of Innocence" Tang Ming said. Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "The two of them have already agreed, as long as the news from our Shenchucheng side comes out, Duan San and Xiaolong will immediately declare that the Brotherhood and the City of Innocence will be in the Shenchucheng! Worried!"

"Boss, ensure that the publicity is in place." Tang Ming smiled.

When Tang Ming’s news was released, it suddenly swept across the entire human emperor like a hurricane, and then swept towards the earth demons and the gods.

"The Brotherhood and the City of Innocence actually merged into our God’s Beginning City. Great. The Brotherhood and the City of Innocence are the strongest forces of the Heavenly Immortals and the Earth Demons. They were merged into our God’s Beginning City. Then we Shenchu ​​City has established its dominant position in the entire God Realm!"

"Damn, the gap with Shenchu ​​City is getting bigger and bigger!"

"With the merger of the three forces, Shenchu ​​City will have nearly one hundred thousand quasi-sage-level powerhouses, and more than ten million god-level powerhouses. It is too abnormal! It is estimated that it will not take much time for the quasi-sage-level powerhouses of Shenchu ​​city. There will be more than one hundred thousand! In the God Realm, there is no power at all that can be an enemy of God’s Beginning City. Even the Saint’s Lower Realm, facing important figures in God’s Beginning City, I am afraid it should be more polite!"

"I think at the beginning, Shenchu ​​City was just a small force above Infinity. I didn't expect that it is already so huge now. I can destroy the original Shenchu ​​City."

Countless people talked about it. Naturally, the people in Shenchu ​​City would not oppose such a merger, and there were not many people who opposed the demons, but on the side of the gods, there were many people who opposed it!

"Leader, you want to give us an explanation. Why did our brotherhood merge into God Chu City? The development of the Brotherhood is not easy. Although it has the light of God Chu City, there is no need to merge into God Chu City!"

"That is, the leader, our brother alliance is a brother alliance, don't merge into Shen Chu City, although Shen Chu City is much stronger than our brother alliance! As long as we work hard, the brother alliance may not be weaker than God Chu City!"

"No, the Brotherhood must maintain its independence!"

On Shengxiancheng Street, countless people from the Brotherhood were marching and demonstrating. They did not demonstrate for long, and a terrible pressure immediately appeared and enveloped all the demonstrators!

"Everyone is quiet!" Duan San appeared in the sky above Shengxian City and said in a deep voice. "Those who say the same goes for others, immediately withdraw from the team. Some of you deliberately don't want our brotherhood to be good. If others make trouble, you will follow suit. That is a trap of some people. After I finish, if there are still people making trouble, we will be severely punished. Not negligent!"

Some people are indeed the same. Duan San's prestige was there. He stood up and said this. Suddenly many people retreated from the demonstrators.

"Leader, when did I follow you, Lord, you should remember, I can’t cause trouble deliberately, right? I just hope that the Brotherhood is a Brotherhood and don’t merge into the Shenchu ​​City! We have developed quite well by ourselves, Why do you want to merge into Shenchu ​​City? Is it because Shenchu ​​City is stronger than us?" A Quasi-Holy Grade powerhouse said loudly.

Duan San said indifferently: "Before I finish speaking, no one should speak. After finishing speaking, if you want to stay, welcome. If you don't want to stay, I won't stop. If there are still troublemakers, severely punished!"

"Why the Brotherhood was merged into Shenchu ​​City? This is a decision I made when I founded the Brotherhood. Duan San owed the great kindness to Brother Chu. It can be said that without Brother Chu, I may be dead or not as good as alive. Living to death, the tragic death of relatives cannot be avenged, let alone the opportunity to reach the current cultivation base and stand here to speak."

"I have been getting along for a long time. Some of you should be clear about my character. I am not interested in managing such a big power as the Brotherhood. I told Brother Chu a long time ago that the Brotherhood was merged into God Chu City, but Brother Chu It was not accepted at that time, and the time was not very ripe at that time."

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