Holy Prison

Chapter 1537: Feng Chen's doubts

"Old ancestor, what's the matter with you?" Seeing Feng Chen's face changed a lot, Feng Man asked worriedly. She guessed that Feng Man should have been attacked.

Feng Chen frowned slightly: "This thing is very strange... There are a few people who have had a good relationship with me before, and they have joined forces to attack me. If it weren't for my hidden strength, I'm afraid I will be They catch. Even if they are not killed in the end, they will definitely end in a sealed ending!"

"Old ancestor, did you cause any trouble when you went out this time?" Feng Man said.

Feng Chen shook his head slightly: "No, even if it causes some trouble, they shouldn't be able to deal with me like that! This thing is really strange, well, this is not something you can manage, you Go and practice with peace of mind, and I will get in touch with the rest of the Feng Clan's strong men."

"Old ancestors, I think you shouldn't talk to some powerful Feng clan casually about this matter." Feng Man said, "You just said that the person who attacked you has a good relationship with you. This shows that the person who wants to deal with you or The power is very powerful...Although a little disrespectful, there is not necessarily no one in the Feng Clan like those people! Presumably, the person who can make your ancestors hurt you like this must be an indestructible strong, even an indestructible strong Everyone can control, below the immortal level"

Feng Chen frowned slightly. Although Feng Man's cultivation base was much lower than hers, what she said was quite reasonable. "Well, you're right, you can't contact casually. My current situation is not particularly good. If I contact some people and cause trouble, it won't be good! Okay, I will be measured about this matter. Let's practice, the ten thousand years after crossing the catastrophe and becoming a holy are the golden time for practice. After ten thousand years, the training speed will slow down a lot!" Feng Chen said.

"Then... Old ancestor, you should be more careful. If you need anything, please call me at any time." Feng Man said.

"Go!" Feng Chen waved his hand and Feng Man quickly went to practice. She is now just a lower saint. She really can't help much with Feng Chen's affairs. If she wants to help in the future, Improve your strength first!

Feng Man left, and Feng Chen frowned slightly, thinking about it. What happened this time really made her feel strange. For a long time, she shouldn't have gotten into a big power. If she got into a serious enemy, why didn't the other party? He shot, just to control the people she knew well, and then wanted to catch her alive.

"What's going on with this?" Feng Chen asked in his heart. There were five people who besieged her before. If she didn't hide much strength, those five people would be able to capture her alive and then seal them. All of them are indestructible-level powerhouses, one of them is the same as her three-level indestructible saint, the other four, two two-level indestructible saints, and two first-level indestructible saints!

"The other party shouldn't control a few of them just to deal with me. Controlling all of them is more difficult than controlling me alone!"

"A few of them, although they look the same as before, they are definitely different from before...If they are not controlled, they should not be able to deal with me, right? Is there a power that secretly controls all saints? Every time the strong controls one, let the controlling person start to attack the people around him again!"

Feng Chen thought of this possibility and felt a chill in his heart. If this is the case, then I don’t know how many powerful saints in the holy world have been controlled. Perhaps there are also many saints in the Feng clan. The strong have been controlled by that organization!

"Fortunately, Feng Man just reminded me. Otherwise, I risk contacting some people, I'm afraid it will cause a huge disaster!" Feng Chen wanted to print and knot again, and the entire holy mountain was hidden more thoroughly. The mountain protection formation is also fully opened. In this case, even if there is a king-level saint powerhouse who wants to find the holy mountain and attack the holy mountain, it will be more difficult.

Another place in the holy world.

"Who let you do it at this time?" Yin Xiao said coldly. In front of him, the five sage powerhouses and the five sage powerhouses were all indestructible strengths, but at this time they all listened to the training obediently.

"Do you know the consequences of your actions? Although we have almost control over this universe now, there are still some strong people who are not under our control! If you do not act privately, there are If the stronger saint guards, how can Feng Chen escape?"

"You didn't go through any layout at all, and you did it directly. She is running away now, and she will definitely suspect something. Now she must have been hiding now!"

One of the five standing saints said: "Master Saint King, even if the news spreads, it doesn't matter, right? There are only a few powerful saints who are not under our control, and they can't overcome any trouble!"

"Huh! Ignorance! Among those uncontrollable saints, there are also the saint-level experts. You think, then there will be the saint-level experts who will be watching secretly, and the saint-level experts will master the innate treasure. It’s enough to kill the Indestructible Powers, don’t think that you have the indestructible strength to be safe!” Yin Xiao said coldly, “At the Saint Kings Conference I just attended, some Saint Kings proposed to deal with you , I saved you."

"I hope it will be the first and the last time you don't listen to orders like this!"

The five saints were chilling in their hearts, and if the Saint Kings Assembly made a ruling against them, then they would definitely not end well. "Thank you Lord Saint King for your help!" The five said in unison.

"Hmph, put away your thoughts. I thought I didn't know that you wanted to capture Feng Chen, and then draw her blood and power to improve your own strength? Now we have achieved great results, and many people are not concerned about common interests. It is normal for self-interest, but it must not harm the common interests of all of us, otherwise it will definitely not end well!" Yin Xiao said solemnly.

"Yes, Lord Saint King, we won't be anymore."

"Go on." Yin Xiao waved his hand and waved back the five saints. After they left, Yin Xiao's brows were also secretly frowned, Feng Chen fled, and the five guys hadn't prepared any plans under their care. Chen didn't contact some experts of the Feng clan to see, Feng Chen absolutely doubted what was going on.

"Fengchen's matter must be dealt with as soon as possible. If it is not dealt with by the time, I am afraid I will have a lot of trouble at the Saint King Meeting!"

Yin Xiao thought in his heart that he quickly sent a subpoena to contact some other people. Feng Chen's strength was much lower than that of him, but he was alone and he did not have the confidence to handle it well. This matter still needs some strength. Help!

The turmoil in the sacred realm was turbulent, but these Chu Fengs did not know it now. He practiced with peace of mind in the domain tower. This practice lasted more than ten years.

In more than ten years, things on the side of Tianxian have basically stabilized. With the emergence of Fairy Spirit City, many strong people from Tianxian chose to join Shenchu ​​City. There are more strong people on Tianxian's side in Shenchu ​​City. Many forces were dissatisfied, but each of them eventually paid tribute obediently.

Fairy city.

"Brother Chu, you have to be careful when you go to the Earth Demon. You don't have to worry about the Tianxian side. There should be no big problems with me and the fairy city." Duan Sandao.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, you should be careful too, come, let's have a toast."

Three days later, when the Earth Demon approached the coast of the Triangle Sea, Chu Feng took a sigh of relief when he sat on the rocks on the ground, and it didn't take long for him to leave Duan San before entering the sea with Linglong. , It took three days to get here, and the number of dangers encountered during the period is really quite a lot!

Thinking of the terrifying eye of the storm, thinking of the natural magic circle with huge murderous intent, thinking of the Tier 10 fierce beasts acting in groups, Chu Feng is now secretly shocked when he reaches the coast!

"Chu Feng, you return to Human Sovereign, I think your cultivation level will be improved, and then after the holy prison is upgraded, you will almost die this time several times!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng smiled bitterly in his mind: "I didn't expect that it would be so dangerous to be close to the Earth Demon. The character is too memorable... If you don't encounter a group of Tier 10 fierce beasts at first, the spirit dragon will not hit. Enter the fierce ground, crash into the fierce ground, and the next danger is one by one!"

"It's good if you know the danger. Now that the Godchu City side does not need your heart, and the Heavenly Immortal side does not need your heart, you will be in the Earth Demon for some time to come. The problem on the Earth Demon will be much more serious! Three! Although there are all Zerg powerhouses, the number of Earth Demon Zerg powerhouses far exceeds the human emperor and the gods!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, for a while, stay on the side of the Earth Demon. The strength of God Chu City on the side of the Earth Demon needs to be developed, and the Zerg needs to hurry up and clean it up."

In the City of Innocence, Chu Long had some headaches at this time. This headache was not because of other forces, but because of the Zerg. Some time ago, the Zerg’s attacks were much fierce. Every day, many people died in the city of Shenchu. Under the attack of the Zerg, of course, a large number of Zergs also died in the hands of the strong in God Chucheng on the side of the Earth Demon.

"City Lord, judging from the wounds of these people, an alien has appeared near the City of Innocence, and the opponent's strength should have reached rank ten!"

There were twenty or thirty bodies in the hall, and a quasi-saint-level expert checked the report for a while. "Tenth order!" Hearing that person said so, some of the people in the hall looked a little ugly. The alien form of rank ten is very powerful, and that alien possesses not weak wisdom!

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