Holy Prison

Chapter 1538: Zerg Riot (1)

"City Lord, this alien must be removed. Otherwise, an alien with rank ten strength is near the City of Innocence. Who would dare to leave the city! Even a relatively powerful quasi-sage-level powerhouse, in front of such an alien, if one Humans, it’s also difficult to survive. Moreover, if such a powerful alien is not eliminated, it is estimated that it will mobilize a large number of Zerg to attack our City of Innocence!"

"Yes, City Lord, the first point is better. Let's not leave the City of Innocence for the time being. The second point is very terrible. The higher the strength of the alien, the higher the authority to mobilize the Zerg power! The alien form, even a rank ten strength Zerg should be able to mobilize!" Another humanitarian.

"The tenth-order alien is not easy to remove, how can we destroy it"

As the strong men in the hall said, Chu Long frowned tightly. The aliens of the tenth-level strength are indeed not easy to remove, but they cannot be removed. The ones placed in this hall are all with higher strength. People, in fact, there are not just so many innocent city powerhouses who died in the hands of that alien!

"Tenth rank, it's difficult," Chu Long secretly said in his heart, the alien is cruel, and the stronger alien is very cunning. The City of Innocence has killed the powerful alien, but the highest alien is only the eighth rank.

The eighth order and the tenth order are two different concepts!

Killing the eighth-tier aliens can send out the ninth- and tenth-tier powerhouses, and slaying the tenth-tier aliens, there is no eleventh-tier and twelfth-tier powerhouses that can send out! Alien’s strength is so high that even if several Tier 10 quasi-sage level powerhouses are dispatched, they may not be able to smoothly punish the opponent. Moreover, now the city of Innocence is also a Tier 10 quasi-sage level powerhouse. , That a tenth-level quasi-saint-level powerhouse joined the City of Innocence after joining the City of Innocence and entering the City of God's Beginning.

It’s just a rank ten quasi-saint-level strongman. It is not easy to destroy a rank ten alien. Although the city of Innocence can also dispatch strong men below rank ten, the alien will run away if it finds something wrong. There is still a slight gap between the speed of the strong and the tenth-level strong, and they will not be able to catch up by then!

It’s easier to kill a Tier 10 alien than a Tier 10 quasi holy human. Alien is cruel. You can’t use anything to threaten them to get them into traps, but Tier 10 quasi holy humans generally have relatives and friends. Yes, if you have relatives and friends, you can take advantage of their weaknesses!

A quasi-saint-level expert called, Chu Long waved his hand: "You go down first, I think about it, carry the corpse down, and be buried well! Don't treat their relatives badly."

Those people stepped back, and all the corpses in the hall were lifted down, but Chu Long's frowning brows did not relax.

"Brother Long!"

Shi Yan’s voice sounded, and she appeared behind Chu Long and massaged Chu Long: "Brother Long, don’t worry, don’t you have a word on earth, the road is necessary for the car to reach the mountain, and the boat to the bridge will naturally be straight. The strength is terrible, but we can definitely solve it by then!"

"Now that the strength of Shenchu ​​City is so powerful, can't it solve the problem of a strange shape?"

Chu Long's face was a little better and he laughed and said, "That's not a mere alien. Tier 10 aliens are not so easy to deal with. Even if you get to this side, it will be a little troublesome. Yan'er, you can make people pay attention to the Zerg Unexpected movement, don't let the tenth-order alien mobilize a large number of Zerg over, we don't know.

"Well, I have already given an order. If the Zerg has any changes, I should receive a message." Shi Yan said, her face changed immediately after her voice.

"Brother Long, I think we are in trouble. Our zerg has changed. In addition, many zergs in Zhou have also changed. Although they don't know what they want to do, there is a big possibility that they are not guilty of attacking us. City." Shi Yan said solemnly, she is responsible for the intelligence of the City of Innocence.

Chu Long stood up suddenly: "It's not that there is a big possibility, but it is indeed ready to attack our City of Innocence! That big guy is here!"

As soon as Chu Long’s voice fell, a terrible cry came into the City of Innocence, and there was a terrible cruel idea in the cry. Hearing that terrible cry, many people in the City of Innocence were of lower strength. He was so scared that he sat paralyzed on the ground.

"Special combat readiness, I am Chu Long, everyone is ready to fight!"

Chu Long's low voice resounded throughout the City of Innocence, and the next moment he and Shi Yan appeared on the walls of the City of Innocence.

Shi Yan took a breath of cold air, not too far away from the City of Innocence. At this time, I don’t know how many zergs and cruel and disobedient zergs are there. At this time, all of them seem to be the most obedient soldiers remaining silent. !

The Zerg has not yet launched an attack, but countless Zergs surround the City of Innocence, and seeing the strong men of the countless Zergs in the City of Innocence is cast a little shadow!

"Retaliation, they are here to retaliate!"

"I heard that there are too many dead insects, so a Tier 10 quasi-sage-level alien emperor was born, and a Tier 10 quasi-sage-level alien emperor. God knows how many zerg powers it can mobilize!"

"Our Innocence City is a super battle city, and there are many strong people in the city, so it should be able to defend it."

"If there are more and more Zerg races, it's really not necessarily. Many forces don't take advantage of the fire to rob it, it's not bad, they won't be dispatched to help the City of Innocence."

In the City of Innocence, many people are talking about it, and they don’t have much confidence in resisting the countless Zerg races, but if they don’t have confidence, they must also have confidence at this time. Those bugs, they don’t accept it. Some of the prisoners used to think that they could survive by surrendering to the Zerg, but they all entered the worm's belly one by one!

"Brother Long, there." Shi Yan pointed in a direction, and under the protection of countless Zerg races, a terrifying alien raised its head high.

It was an alien with a height of thousands of meters, and there were some zergs around it that were larger than it, but when it raised its head, it suddenly felt like a standout among those zergs!

The alien is a thousand meters high, and both eyes are huge, and a fierce light is emitted from both eyes! "Everyone, the City of Innocence will absorb your strength, absorb you and don't resist. If the City of Innocence is destroyed under the attack of the Zerg, then all of us will not be able to survive!" Chu Long's voice sounded across the entire Wu. Sin City.

"City Lord!" An old man who appeared to be in his sixties appeared beside Chu Long. This old man was Lu Liang, the only rank ten quasi-sage powerhouse in the City of Innocence.

"Brother Lu, give the alien a cruel look, and see if you can kill it!" Chu Long commanded. Now in the City of Innocence, his control is naturally higher than that of Lu Liang, but now there are countless formations in the City of Innocence. The law is led by Lu Liang, and with his tenth-level quasi-saint level cultivation base, the power of the City of Innocence can be maximized!

Lu Liang shot out a terrifying beam of death in response to a few cannons on the walls of the City of Innocence! The strength of the City of Innocence is still relatively strong. Although the death beam shot out today alone does not kill the powerhouse of the tenth quasi-sage level, there are a lot of them. If they attack together, let alone the power of ten. The quasi-sage-level powerhouses, even dozens of the quasi-sage-level powerhouses of the tenth tier, will be bombarded into nothingness.

However, after the attack, although the Zerg races had some injuries, none of them died, and the Tier 10 alien did not suffer any injuries.

Zerg does not have strong wisdom and cannot build a city like the City of Innocence, but countless zergs gathered together can be combined for defense. Just now, those zergs have united defense to block the attack of the City of Innocence!

Under the protection of many Zerg races, the terrifying alien emperor yelled again, and as its yelling sounded, countless attacks suddenly smashed toward the defense cover of the City of Innocence like rain!

"Lu Liang, attack, attack with all strength, if there is a chance, seize the opportunity to kill that alien emperor!" Chu Long said solemnly.

"Yes, City Lord!" Lu Liang responded to the countless attacks of the entire innocent city and fell on those zergs. When those zergs launched their attacks, their defenses were weaker, and there were a lot of zergs immediately. The strong died under the firepower of the City of Innocence. There is a City of Innocence, and now the City of Innocence is relatively dominant.

The insects are dying constantly, but Chu Long's brows are frowning, they can see the insects are dying constantly, but the number of Zergs does not seem to decrease much!

"Brother Long, the teleportation array has been affected. If you force teleport now, there is a high chance of death in the turbulence of the space." Shi Yan said through a voice transmission.

Chu Long didn't feel the accident. The war started and the surrounding space was strongly affected. It was strange that the teleportation array could be used normally.

"Brother Dragon, there are zergs arriving continuously, and if the zergs die too much, it is estimated that new and powerful aliens will be born at that time."

Chu Long said in a voice transmission: "It is not easy for us to pass this barrier. I hope that the news can reach Brother's side earlier. If Brother can rush over in time, then the City of Innocence should not be breached. There are more and more Zerg powerhouses. If we don't have any assistance, the City of Innocence will not be able to stop the madness of the Zerg!

"Brother Long, please comfort me, some people in the city are a little panicked." Shi Yan said.

Chu Long nodded and smiled in the City of Innocence: "Everyone, the more and more the insects are killed, are you worried? Don't worry too much, everyone can rest assured to kill the insects. It is Chu, the city lord of Shenchu ​​City. Feng is now coming towards this side, and it is estimated that it will not take long to get to us!"

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