Holy Prison

Chapter 1542: Zerg Riot (5)

"Friends who helped in the distance, thank you for your help. The city lord said that the City of Innocence can't support the situation nowadays, so you can leave quickly! Pay attention, there are nine alien emperors in total, leave quickly!" Lu Liang He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, his voice rolled like thunder and passed quickly to the distance!

About one hundred thousand kilometers away from the City of Innocence, the holy prison turned into fine dust and lay quietly on the ground. In the space of the holy prison, Chu Feng curled his lips. He didn't expect that Chu Long would let him leave as soon as he arrived here.

"Smelly boy, want me to leave, you want to die, right?" Chu Feng's voice sounded around Chu Long. "Brother!" Chu Long was stunned with ecstasy on his face. If someone else got here, Chu Long would definitely not believe that the other party could save them, but since it was Chu Feng, then Chu Long would have Have some confidence.

However, in the current situation, Chu Long's confidence is not very sufficient, after all, the situation in the City of Innocence is too bad, and now it can last up to 20 minutes!

Moreover, the Zerg race keeps coming, so it is not easy to deal with so many Zerg powerhouses gathered together.

"Xiaolong, if you don't want to die, let the people in the city defend carefully. This is not the time when you are excited!" Chu Feng's voice rang again.

"Brother, understand!" Chu Long said, his voice sounded throughout the City of Innocence. Everyone in the City of Innocence thought that they were bound to die. At this time, there was hope of survival, so it would be better to defend yourself desperately. , If Chu Feng can really handle those Zergs, then there is no need to die here today!

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng frowned secretly, now it is really not so easy to deal with! Those strong Saint Prisons in the City of Innocence cannot now collect them in the Saint Prison space, even if they can be collected, they cannot be collected, otherwise some people will be collected, and how can the rest of the people be able to withstand the Zerg attack?

Moreover, in terms of receiving people, there are so many people in the City of Innocence, and the Holy Prison space can’t accept people and importing people into the City of Innocence. This can be done, but it takes a risk. Now the space is very chaotic, even if the Holy Prison is very powerful, There is also a 10% chance that people in the holy prison space will appear in the City of Innocence and die.

With a 10,000 chance of death, one out of ten people would die. The chance of death was too high. It was impossible for Chu Feng to use such a method to let those people in Shenchucheng in the Holy Prison space take risks.

As for those people in the holy prison space who appear outside the city of innocence, they will appear directly, and they will only be defeated by those Zerg powerhouses in a very short time. In the holy prison space, there are a lot of God Chucheng powerhouses, but the Zerg people There are more powerhouses, and the Zerg powerhouses on this side are more than ten times the powerhouses of God Chucheng in the holy prison space!

Bombs, that stuff is a good thing, but there are too many Zerg powerhouses in this place. When they are jointly defending, the lethality of bombs is not so ideal. In other places, when Zerg powerhouses are not prepared, one It’s no problem for a top bomb to kill tens of thousands of powerful people, but here, Chu Feng used it before, which meant that hundreds of insects were killed!

"Xiaolong, hold on, I'll be back in a few minutes!" Chu Feng's voice rang in Chu Long's ears, and Alpha appeared outside the Holy Prison the next moment he left a very long distance.

Alpha slowly sneaked over the bugs that they didn't find, but at this time they found them, and immediately many bugs chased them aggressively, but Chu Feng was a little disappointed that they just chased them and returned. , The idea of ​​making him want to kill one or two alien emperors was not realized.

"Alpha, go around and get close to the City of Innocence tens of thousands of kilometers. Be careful not to be discovered by those bugs!" Chu Feng's voice sounded in Alpha's mind.

Ten seconds later, Alpha appeared in a relatively large basin. This basin was circular, three to four thousand kilometers in diameter, and surrounded by tall mountains.

Miao Xian'er's exclamation sounded in Chu Feng's mind. At this moment, Chu Feng suddenly appeared outside the holy prison space. It was only tens of millions of kilometers away from the City of Innocence. At this distance, if the Zerg found out With his words, the attack can reach his head immediately!

"Alpha, good job."

Appearing outside, Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Some of the Zerg tribe powerhouses had mental power scanning this side, but after all, they were tens of thousands of kilometers away, and their mental power scanning under Alpha’s spiritual power did not find this. The abnormal Alpha on one side is a strong mental power!

"Master, I can probably only hold on for five minutes to prevent the Zerg expert from discovering the anomaly on this side. If it exceeds five minutes, then I can't guarantee it." Alpha said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Five minutes is enough!" Chu Feng said that the Wind Spirit Orb appeared in his hand. Under Chu Feng's control, the Wind Spirit Orb instantly formed a huge enchantment to cover most of the basin. The place is shrouded in it, and Alpha can interfere with the mental power of the Zerg powerhouse, but if there are strong energy fluctuations on this side, the Zerg powerhouse on the other side can definitely sense it!

There were huge sounds in the basin, nine sounds appeared one after another, and a lot of things like huge spaceships appeared in the basin.

"Xiaoling, the fastest combination!" Chu Feng said immediately.

The sweet voice rang, and the nine huge "spaceships" changed rapidly. Chu Feng got here, that is to make the city combined here and also in the holy prison space, but such a city is too Big, now the holy prison can't let the assembled city appear outside all at once.

In one minute, two minutes, the situation in the City of Innocence is getting more and more dangerous. Within the basin, a terrifying super battle city is quickly assembled!

Five minutes passed, "My Lord City Lord, the combination is complete, and everything is normal for the self-check!" The sweet voice sounded again. Hearing this voice, Chu Feng was like a fairy.

"City Lord, I can't resist it anymore, the Zerg might find us!" Alpha said. A smile appeared on Chu Feng's face and said indifferently: "Now it doesn't matter if they find out!"

"My Lord City Lord!"

"Master Alpha!"

Chu Feng and Alpha entered the newly formed city, Chu Feng thought, countless powerful men in the holy prison space appeared in the city, and many of them saw Chu Feng and they quickly saluted.

Outside the City of Innocence, an alien emperor looked at Chu Feng's mouth with an angry roar. It sensed that there was an abnormal movement on this side. With its wisdom, it estimated that it was probably the person who left before.

Tens of thousands of kilometers, this was definitely within the attack range of a tenth-order quasi-saint-level strongman. With the howling of the alien emperor, a terrifying storm rolled toward Chu Feng.

Across tens of thousands of kilometers, there are countless peaks and mountains in the middle, but under the energy storm emitted by the alien emperor, no matter the peaks or mountains are completely wiped out!

The energy storm hits the newly formed city, and the energy storm that can make the huge mountains disappear instantly hits the newly formed city without shaking the city at all!

"Xiaoling, target the Zerg near the City of Innocence, and if it harms the City of Innocence, fire with all your strength!" Chu Feng said solemnly. As he spoke, more Zerg powerhouses attacked and blasted over. Now that there are many strong men in this city, how can the attacks of those Zerg strong men shake this city.

"Yes, Lord City Lord!" A sweet voice sounded. The next moment, the super battle city where Chu Feng was located opened fire, and countless lights of death fell toward the Zerg tens of thousands of kilometers away!

If they are too far apart, the attack intensity will be greatly affected, but only tens of thousands of kilometers, the impact is still relatively small, the light of death passed, countless Zerg experts died at this end immediately. Under a wave of attacks!

"Howl!" "Howl!" "Howl!"

The Zerg powerhouses still underestimated the power of this super battle city. As a result, after a wave of attacks, one of the nine alien emperors was bombarded into scum. In this case, the other eight alien emperors Frightened and angry, they roared one by one, and suddenly more Zerg powerhouses attacked and fell towards Chu Feng's side!

"Attention everyone, target the Zerg in the distance, attack with all your strength!" Chu Feng said indifferently. Now there are 10,000 Quasi-Saint-level powerhouses and millions of God-level powerhouses in this city. Such a force, Then if you attack with full force, the damage to the Zerg powerhouses will not be too small!

Countless strong people in the city promised loudly, and they immediately launched an attack. Everyone is very strong, so the distance of tens of thousands of kilometers will not affect them much!

"Great, that super battle city!"

"City Lord Chu Feng actually assembled that super battle city. With the power of that super battle city, our side should be saved!"

"I don't know how many powerhouses there are in that super battle city. If there are fewer strong people in it, it is probably unstoppable. The more powerhouses in the super battle city, the stronger the power!"

"Looking at the attack, there should not be too few strong people in that city."

A large number of Zerg powerhouses turned to attack Chu Feng, and the pressure on the City of Innocence suddenly became much smaller, and when the pressure became lighter, many people were talking about it.

"Xiaolong, let the people in the City of Innocence recover with all their strength and try their best to defend well. The situation is not particularly optimistic." Chu Feng's voice sounded in Chu Long's mind.

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