Holy Prison

Chapter 1543: Zerg Riot (6)

Chu Long set up a barrier, "Brother, can you hear it? The city on your side has such a strong firepower, what big problems can there be?" Chu Long said.

"You can hear it. This city...it is inconvenient to call. This city is called Heaven Punishment City. Heaven Punishment City has only 10,000 quasi-sage-level powerhouses, one million god-level powerhouses, and god-level powerhouses below. Although there are some people, their number is not particularly large, and the power they can provide is relatively limited." Chu Feng said.

Chu Long said in astonishment, "Brother, ten thousand quasi-sage-level powerhouses, million god-level powerhouses, this is quite a lot. With the power of the city of punishment, one hundred thousand quasi-sage-level powerhouses and ten thousand gods Level powerhouses are fine. Although there are a lot of bugs below the god-exalted level, there should be no problem, right?"

"It's hard to say... Nowadays, many Zerg experts are teleporting towards this side, and the teleportation areas of many cities above Shenyan are full." Chu Feng said, "Okay, let's not talk about it, I You don’t have to worry on this side, you hold on to the City of Innocence. If the City of Innocence is broken, you will know the consequences!"

"Brother, rest assured, now that the pressure is reduced, some people in the City of Innocence can recover for a while, and there is no problem holding on for more time." Chu Long said.

A part of the strong attacked Chu Feng and the others for a while, and as a result, a large number of Zerg corpses were dropped in a short period of time, but there was no harm to Heavenly Punishment City.

At this moment, one of the remaining eight alien emperors yelled. With his yelling, the large number of Zerg experts who attacked the city of Heavenly Punishment gave up attacking Chu Feng and their side attacked with all their strength. Since the City of Sin came, many talents in the City of Innocence had just rested for a while. At this time, the pressure increased, and suddenly many people secretly complained.

"Cunning thing." Chu Feng cursed secretly in his heart. If the Zerg attacked separately, the two cities could withstand a relatively long time. At this time, they just attacked the City of Innocence. Although the City of Innocence has just slowed down, It is estimated that it can last for twenty minutes!

Twenty minutes later, if the City of Innocence is destroyed by the Zerg, the Zerg can enter the Heavenly Punishment City with all its strength, and then the Heavenly Punishment City will also be in big trouble!

In the sacred prison space, Feng Bingning and their daughters have been awakened by Chu Feng at this moment. Chu Feng's mind moved. Feng Bingning and their five daughters and Qin Ying all appeared outside. As for Yin Qianqian, Chu Feng I didn't call her at this moment. Her father Yin Xiao was a powerful king. If she was allowed to appear outside and Yin Xiao paid attention to him too early, it would not be beautiful!

"You know the situation, is there any good way?" Six stunning women surrounded them. If it were other times, they would have enjoyed it, but now Chu Feng didn't have the desire to appreciate beauty and immediately spoke directly. "My poison can eliminate some zerg, but this number is too much." Miao Feiying frowned slightly.

"Those Zerg powerhouses are defending together, so it's not easy to kill." Yilian said, "My husband, can it affect their joint defense? If it can affect their joint defense, then the Zerg's death and injury will be much faster. If you can kill those alien emperors, things will be much better."

Feng Bing said: "Peak, there are Zerg powerhouses constantly arriving in other places. We need to delay their arrival speed. In addition, many forces are watching the excitement, indulging Zerg powerhouses continuously to the side of deep inflammation. Come, we must stop this situation!"

"Brother Feng, my Taiwu Tower seems to be interested in those alien emperors. If the strength of those alien emperors can be reduced, Taiwu Tower can include them!" Lan Wen said. "Let the alien emperor's strength drop? I have some methods. The power of the poison pill should be able to reduce their strength. However, they are surrounded by countless Zerg powerhouses. Poisoning them is very difficult! "Miao Feiying said.

Qin Ying raised her hand: "Brother Chu, let the alien emperor leave the encirclement of the Zerg powerhouse, I think I can do it." "Qin Ying, sure?" Chu Feng said with joy, if Qin Ying can do this , Then Yilian and the others do it one by one. If they can handle those alien emperors, the pressure on the City of Innocence will be greatly reduced!

"Brother Chu, I should be able to do it, but it is estimated that a number of Zerg powerhouses will follow. If they jointly defend themselves... Sister Feiying can't poison the alien emperor's strength." Qin Ying said.

Chu Feng laughed loudly and said, "Since you can contribute all of you, then I can't be idle. It's very difficult to break the joint defense of a large number of Zerg, but I can still do it if you break the joint defense of a small number of Zerg. Without further ado, Qin Ying, you can start right away. I guess the City of Innocence will only last for twenty minutes!"

Qin Ying nodded slightly and a small golden cross appeared in her hand. The golden cross exuded a dazzling brilliance under the sunlight.

"Come here, you will have eternal life!"

Qin Ying held the golden cross in her right hand and read softly in her mouth. It really had a sacred taste. As her voice sounded, Chu Feng and the others felt a strange power from the golden cross. The Zerg side flew past.

The roar of an alien emperor sounded, and under the protection of many zerg experts, an alien emperor squeezed some of the zerg experts around him and flew quickly toward Chu Feng and the others!

The Alien Sovereign rushed over alone. If Heaven Punishment City’s attack fell on it, it could be blasted into dregs in an instant, but Chu Feng transmitted the order, and Heaven Punishment City didn’t have any attacks on it. On Alien Emperor, the distance of tens of thousands of kilometers is extremely short for that Alien Emperor. It rushed forward, and its huge body slammed into the hard wall of Heavenly Punishment City!

A huge impact sounded, and the alien emperor was also awake after the impact, but it was too late to wake up, Miao Feiying's poison had entered its body when it was not awake.

Miao Feiying's strength is not weaker than that of the alien emperor. At this time, there is mental arithmetic and the poison enters the body of the alien emperor. It is difficult for the alien emperor's strength not to decrease.

Lan Wen said softly, on top of the alien emperor's head, a huge pagoda phantom appeared. Although the alien emperor struggled to not be included in the pagoda, the alien emperor's body shrank involuntarily under the light of the pagoda. Many short periods of time have been sucked into the pagoda!

"Good cooperation!" Chu Feng praised sincerely, Qin Ying attracted, Miao Feiying poisoned, and Lan Wen Taiwu Tower finally collected it. The whole process was done in one go!

"Qin Ying, can you continue?" Chu Feng asked, Qin Ying's hand is the treasure of the end times. Although Qin Ying was just a short sentence before, the consumption of such things is not too small.

Qin Ying nodded slightly: "Brother Chu, it's okay. Although the consumption is not small, it should be able to support it for ten rounds." "Qin Ying, can you attract more people at once?" Chu Feng said, "If you continue to When such a problem occurs, those Zerg powerhouses will definitely doubt it, and it is estimated that some Zerg powerhouses will trap Alien Emperor and prevent them from coming over!"

"This... Brother Chu, I should have no problem with the three heads leading them out of the Zerg encirclement, but they are relatively close to the Zerg, they can enjoy the Zerg's joint defense, and once they wake up, it is estimated that they will immediately return to the Zerg encirclement." Qin Ying said.

Yilian chuckled and said, "Sister Qinying, just attract them. As long as they come out, it won't be easy for them to go back!"

"Then I will do it."

"Come here, you will get eternal life!" Qin Ying said again, as her voice sounded, the three-headed alien emperor's eyes showed ecstasy and instantly roared towards the city of Heavenly Punishment.

When the three-headed alien emperor moved, the other few alien emperors also moved. They were to stop the three-headed alien emperor, but they moved a little bit slowly, and they were actually blocked by some Zerg experts around them.

The three-headed alien emperor rushed out of the Zerg range in the blink of an eye, and hundreds of Zerg experts followed closely to provide defense for the three-headed alien emperor.

"Time accelerates!"

"Come here!"

Feng Bing Ning Chu Feng and Yi Lian shot almost at the same time, and Feng Bing Ning's time accelerated to the three alien emperors, and their speed instantly increased a lot!

Behind the three-headed alien emperor, among the strong Zerg races, some of them limit the speed of the three-headed alien emperor. Under their restrictions, the alien emperor’s speed will not be much faster than them, but the phoenix freezing time has accelerated to three. On the alien emperor, the three alien emperors immediately surpassed the zerg powerhouses behind by hundreds of kilometers!

Chu Feng made a move and sent out a wave of divine consciousness. His divine consciousness fluctuation had only one effect, and that was to destroy the joint defense of the Zerg powerhouse.

For others, it is very difficult to destroy the joint defense of the Zerg powerhouse, but it is not too difficult for Chu Feng. He can exchange the Zerg powerhouse’s combined defense ability and knows what that ability is. Yes, there are not many problems with how to crack it!

When Chu Feng broke the contact between the three alien emperors and the Zerg powerhouse, a large leaf appeared behind the three alien emperors. When the three alien emperors woke up, the large leaf was like a huge piece of iron. The board directly photographed them!

Although the strength of the three-headed alien emperor is strong, they are just ordinary tenth-level quasi-saint-level powerhouses. Although they have one star +, they are also one star!

And Yilian, her strength is Tier 3!

That leaf is Tianye. Using Tianye, with Yilian's strength, under that ruthless shot of Tianye, even if the three-headed alien emperor wakes up, he will be photographed dizzy and headed towards Tianpu City. This side hurriedly flew over!

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