Holy Prison

Chapter 1544: Zerg Riot (7)

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

The poor three-headed alien emperor, all three of them are extremely powerful, but they encountered a three-star powerhouse like Yilian. Although they resisted strongly, Tianye has the soul attack ability with every slap. After the first slap, and three more slaps, each of them was knocked against the wall of Heaven Punishment City in front of Chu Feng!

"Yilian, great!" Chu Feng praised, Yilian smiled slightly, and attacked the three alien emperors fiercely several times. When they were dizzy, they were all temporarily lowered by Miao Fei. The poison entered the body!

Lan Wen said softly, the huge phantom of Taiwu Tower appeared again, and the three alien emperors were all included in the holy prison space after a few seconds.

In the beginning, one of the nine alien emperors was killed and four were captured. In a short period of time, the number of alien emperors dropped to four, five alien emperors were missing, and the people in the City of Innocence felt less stressed. a lot of!

"Master Chu Feng is really amazing, it's just that there are only four of the nine alien emperors left in a short time! The remaining four, they are also scared haha!"

"It seems that some of the ladies of Chu Feng-sama have taken action, and their strength is also very strong! The one who uses leaves as a weapon should be Master Yilian."

"The pressure is less, we can hold on for a lot of time, this time maybe we can live. If we can live, I will be a good person in the future!"

"Old ghost Luo, you must be a good person. If you don't be a good person, God Chuli will make you die alive, hahaha!"

The five alien emperors were resolved, and many people in the City of Innocence were relieved a lot, and many people were talking and laughing. "Everyone" Chu Long's low voice sounded throughout the city of Innocence, "The hope of survival is hard-won, and I hope you all cherish it. Today's situation is still relatively dangerous. Don't take it lightly!"

"All people have time to recover their skills with all their strength and heal those who are seriously injured as soon as possible. Although the situation is better now, if we are not careful, then the city may be broken. Once the city is broken, we may all be There is no place to die! If that happens, it would be a shame!"

"City Lord, we will be careful!"

"Listen to the city lord, we all cheer up. It is not time for us to relax. When the zerg is destroyed or evacuated, we are completely safe, and we let the city lord invite us to drink to suppress the shock haha!"

"Yes, let the city lord invite us to drink at that time, this is a good idea Jiejie!"

Quite a few people in the City of Innocence made a noise, and Chu Feng's voice with a faint smile sounded: "Everyone, there is no problem with drinking, but it will take everyone to survive. Now, everyone cheers me up!"

On the side of Heaven Punishment City, Chu Feng frowned slightly. A new alien emperor just appeared, a total of five alien emperors, and now the five alien emperors are under the protection of many Zerg experts. Even if Qin Ying tempted, it would be impossible to lure them out of the protection of those Zerg powerhouses.

"Brother Chu, do you want me to try again?" Qin Ying said. Chu Feng shook his head: "Forget it, those Zerg powerhouses are already alert, and it is impossible to succeed at this time. You just tempted the three-headed Alien Emperor to consume a lot of time, so take a good rest. You may have to take a good rest. You helped."

"Brother Chu, I can still hold it now. Let me give a group therapy to the people in the City of Innocence." Qin Ying said. "Group therapy? How effective is it?" Chu Feng asked. His clinic can treat others, but now the distance is too far. At such a distance, the treatment effect of the clinic is already very weak.

Qin Ying smiled lightly and said: "It should be pretty good. If my strength is enough, people who haven't died for long can be resurrected. Nowadays, there is no such ability, but the treatment effect should be quite good."

"Okay, then you will give the people in the City of Innocence a group treatment, pay attention to your own situation, don't force it." Chu Feng said, in his mind he told the Miao Xian'er Medical Clinic to be ready to give Qin Ying's treatment was far away from the clinic and the treatment effect was not good, but Qin Ying was by his side, the treatment effect was very good!

Qin Ying nodded slightly and took a deep breath. A faint golden light appeared on her body. In her hand, the golden cross also emitted a stronger golden light!

"Healing Light!"

Qin Ying snorted, the golden cross in her hand pointed towards the City of Innocence, and a thin golden light instantly traversed a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers into the City of Innocence.

The defensive shield of the City of Innocence and the defensive barriers laid by many strong people are very powerful, but they did not block the thin golden light.

When the thin gold entered the City of Innocence, a golden bead the size of a ping-pong ball was formed in the blink of an eye.

The golden beads exploded, and there was no shock wave, only tiny golden light spots, and those golden light spots entered the city of Innocence as if they were spiritual.

Among the surprised eyes of many people, some people who had been severely injured and unconscious in the past regained consciousness, and their injuries quickly recovered, some of the less injured ones, as the golden light spot entered the body, this At that time, the body fully recovered in just a few seconds.

"I'm still alive... My injury"

"The Immeasurable Tianzun, my old destiny is still there!"

Many people who were seriously injured and dying, started to speak one by one at this time, and after going around the ghost gate, they were filled with emotion.

"Brother Long, it is the healing light from the side of Brother Chu, but unfortunately there are still many people who have not been treated by the light spot. Ah, another healing light has come." Shi Yan said in surprise.

If there is no medical treatment, Qin Ying estimates that using the Healing Light once will cause severe injuries and unable to continue the second time, but with the medical treatment, she just used the Healing Light three times within a minute. After the light of healing came down three times, basically all the more injured people in the City of Innocence were taken care of.

The third time the healing light was used, Qin Ying's body softened and her complexion instantly became extremely pale, and Feng Bingning who was beside her exclaimed and quickly supported her.

"Qin Ying, you did a very good job, first enter my treasure space and take a rest." Chu Feng said and immediately put Qin Ying into the holy prison space. In the holy prison space, the medical clinic has the most effective treatment. Powerful, with medical treatment, although Qin Ying was seriously injured, her life is definitely not in danger. As for how long it will take to recover, Chu Feng is also a little uncertain.

"Miao Xian'er, the clinic will give Qin Ying treatment with all its strength!" Chu Feng said in his mind. Qin Ying became like that, but he looked more distressed. If it weren't for this time, Chu Feng would let Qin Ying at the most. Ying used two healing lights. If only two were used, then Qin Ying must have suffered much less damage!

"Okay, don't worry. Qin Ying is not lightly injured. It is not easy to treat with the current level of the clinic, but the holy prison will not be upgraded for too long. Then the holy prison will be upgraded. The injury problem is not big!" Miao Xianer said. "Yeah." Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his mind.

Qin Ying disappeared, and Feng Bingning and the five girls looked at Chu Feng. "Well, my wives, what are you doing looking at me like this? There are no grains on my face, right?" Chu Feng said.

Feng Bingning smiled lightly: "Feng, Qinying is good, strong, and good personality. We all like her better. I can see that she is in love with you. The organization will give you a task to make her our sister!"

"Bing Ning, I will treat her as my sister... How do you tune in with Duan San, okay, now is not the time to discuss this, the threat of the Zerg has not passed yet." Chu Feng said.

Yilian said: "Qinying's treatment is really powerful. With Qinying's treatment, many people in the City of Innocence have recovered from injuries and their overall defenses have greatly increased. The problem shouldn't be big!"

"I didn't expect Qin Ying's healing ability to be so powerful, she deserves to be the treasure of the end times, and it is really not comparable to ordinary Dongdong." Chu Feng laughed, the strength of the Zerg was much weakened, and the fighting power of many strong in the City of Innocence was restored. , Under such circumstances, the City of Innocence would have no problem for another half day.

It’s very troublesome to only last for twenty minutes. If you can persist for half a day, the problem is much easier to solve. Delay the arrival of the Zerg strong, and then attack with all strength. When the Zerg strong near the City of Innocence does not retreat, you can only wait. To be completely wiped out!

"Ling'er!" Chu Feng said.

"My Lord, what is your order?" The image of Tianpucheng Zhinao Linger appeared in front of Chu Feng instantly. "Ling'er, let me leave, you follow Bing Ning's orders!" Chu Feng said.

Feng Bingning frowned and said, "Feng, are you leaving now? Where are you going?"

"Don't worry, I am not so vulnerable now!" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "I will destroy the teleportation formations in some cities. Without those teleportation formations, the Zerg will be slower to come, as long as the Zerg comes and comes slowly. Under the attack of the City of Innocence and the City of Heavenly Punishment, those Zerg races should not take long to retreat!"

"Feng, let someone else go over this." Feng Bing condensed. Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "No, there are a lot of Zerg powers in each teleportation area. You should know that I was much less dangerous than others in the past. Well, you guard the city of punishment. , Don't fight out of the city!"

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