Holy Prison

Chapter 1546: Fusion reinforcement

"Boom!" "Bang!"

Crazy attacks continue to fall to the area where the holy prison is located. In the holy prison space, occasionally Chu Feng suffers some overflow damage. Most of the time, those inconcentrated attacks will not exceed the limit of the holy prison to produce overflow damage.

"The anger is really big." Chu Feng chuckled leisurely on the sofa. The zerg powerhouses outside had attacked like crazy for five or six minutes!

Miao Feiying smiled and said: "You broke their business, and so many Zerg powerhouses died in your hands, it is strange that they are not angry!"

"Husband, they have killed a lot of lives when they came along this way. How about the evil value and goodness value of those alien emperors? Can they be locked." Yilian said.

"Let me check."

As Chu Feng said, he immediately called up the information of those alien emperors and checked them. "Hey, it's not bad. Two of the evil values ​​have exceeded the goodness value and can be locked! Miao Xian'er, the seven alien emperors, if they can be locked, they will be locked immediately! With their cruel temperament, as long as It is locked, and the possibility of unlocking it is basically non-existent!" Chu Feng said.

"Know!" Miao Xianer's voice sounded.

Feng Bingning smiled and said: "Feng, if you follow closely, and if they disperse their actions, they will cause more damage by then. It is better not to be tighter and let them move forward smoothly, so that they will not separate. Wait until seven. All the alien emperors can be locked, and then we will find a way to put them all in the Lanwen Taiwu Tower!"

"Wen'er, Taiwu Tower is still interested in those alien emperors, right?" Chu Feng looked at Lan Wen and asked. Lan Wen nodded slightly: "Brother Feng, the strength of the Alien Emperor is high enough, and Taiwu Tower is more interested. These Alien Emperors can be integrated and strengthened in the Taiwu Tower!"

"Integration and strengthening? What do you mean." Chu Feng asked.

Lan Wen said with a chuckle: "The alien emperor is a very strange life form. In the Taiwu Tower, two alien emperors can be merged. The alien emperor born in that way is stronger, and it is estimated that it can have the strength of Tier 10 and two stars; if It is the fusion of four alien emperors, and it should be able to have the strength of three stars! As for whether an alien emperor with saint-level strength can be merged by then, I am still unclear. But... my current strength is weaker, and the alien emperor has received it. Even if their strength does not increase, I can't let them fully display their strength if they appear outside now!"

"So... that's great!" Chu Feng's eyes were shining. If you catch more Zerg powerhouses, if Lan Wen controls several three-star alien emperors, then the strength is definitely stronger than Yilian. ! "Wen'er, your strength is weaker now, and you are only at the elementary level of the gods. It will be good to use some treasures to increase your strength. If you reach the peak of the gods, you should be able to make a witch beast of that strength. Give full play to your strength!"

Yilian smiled and said: "Lan Wen, by then, the number one combat power among us may be you." "Sister Yilian, how can... Brother Feng's strength must be higher than mine, and at that time Feiying Sister's poison is even more powerful. You may have become a saint at that time. Sister Bing Ning's time ability was not particularly powerful in the early stage, but the more terrifying as she goes to the back. Song Ye's last merit orb is in Chu Long's place, and she can get it right away. At that time, her strength will not be weaker than mine." Lan Wen said, "And Yin Qianqian, her strength far exceeds ours, and Qin Ying's strength is also very strong!"

"Lan Wen, don't be modest." Song Ye smiled. "The fighting power of the ancient witch is extremely powerful. If you own the witch tower, you will control a group of witch beasts, and fights will definitely be fierce. Husband, we have time now. , Are you discussing Qinying's affairs? Such a good girl, you big **** monster, are you still going to let her go?"

Chu Feng rolled his eyes and said, "What kind of evil spirit... I do not know how many women are like Qin Ying. I really take her as my sister now. You don't want to worry about her, let it be. You guys. Adding Yin Qianqian, there are already six, and there are only eight places in the domain tower. Don't worry about it now!"

"Okay, let's not talk about you, Feng, there is nothing wrong now. Go and see Qin Ying. She was injured very seriously this time." Feng Bing condensed.

Chu Feng nodded and immediately disappeared in front of Feng Bingning and the others. "Miao Xian'er, how is Qin Ying?" Chu Feng appeared in another small space.

Qin Ying is lying on the bed now, beside her, Miao Xian'er is taking care of her. "The injury is not light, but it's still stable... I let her fall asleep, which is conducive to her recovery." Miao Xian'er got up and gave the position by the bed to Chu Feng.

"This silly girl...before, she must be strong to emit the third light of healing, if I didn't emit the third light of healing, she wouldn't be like this."

Chu Feng sat on the edge of the bed and sighed, Qin Ying's face was still paler, Chu Feng touched Qinying's cheek with the back of her hand, Qin Ying's body was very cold.

"Miao Xian'er, Qin Ying's body is cold, there is nothing wrong with this, right?" Chu Feng said. Miao Xian'er shook her head: "It's okay, this is a normal phenomenon. Most of her body's energy is used to recover from the injury, so her body will be colder, and this phenomenon will disappear when the injury recovers. "

"This way" Chu Feng whispered in his heart as he said, he seems to need to exchange some medical skills. This strength is high. Some medical skills that were enough before are not enough now. Anyway, now exchange skills. If the integration is faster, the skills in this area can still be exchanged.

"Miao Xian'er, give me a powerful medical skill." Chu Feng said in his mind. Although Miao Xian'er is right in front of him, Qin Ying is also here. In front of Qin Ying, there are things that shouldn't be said. It still can't be said that even Qin Ying has passed out now. "Okay." Miao Xian'er responded, and soon she passed a lot of skill information into Chu Feng's mind.

Nowadays, the number of criminals imprisoned in the holy prison space is extremely large, and among them, there are not a few medical experts. Chu Feng quickly chose two powerful skills.

One minute later, the exchange of two skills was completed. One was the treatment skill and the other was the detection skill. Chu Feng put his hand on Qin Ying’s wrist, sensing Qin Ying’s pulse, and Chu Feng was very acquainted. Entering Qin Ying's body, Chu Feng soon had an understanding of Qin Ying's situation.

"The injury is really serious." Chu Feng sighed slightly in his heart.

After exchanging powerful medical skills, Qin Ying can heal his injuries now, but it is estimated that it will take thousands of years. If he is treated with the power of the current medical clinic, it will take hundreds of thousands of years. When it can be upgraded, Qin Ying does not need hundreds of thousands of years to recover.

"Chu Feng, the zergs outside have begun to move." Miao Xian'er said. "Are they moving scattered or moving together?" Chu Feng asked.

"Move all together, I think you are already dead!"

Chu Feng said quietly: "According to what Bing Ning said, following them far away through the lock of the sky's eye, now we are not in a hurry, and slowly play with them!"

Fengshui took turns, the city where the Zerg was innocent was almost destroyed before, but now on the top of Shenyan, countless Zergs are constantly dying under the attack of many powerful people in Shenchu ​​City.

Shenyan, some forces outside of God's Beginning City also launched attacks on the Zerg. Chu Feng's previous words were sent out, so how could the forces dare not take action?

Moreover, every force basically died under the attack of the Zerg, and the hatred with the Zerg was not small!

Outside of Deep Flame, Chu Feng's orders will continue to be transmitted piece by piece to strong or weak forces. After those forces learned of Chu Feng's order, they more or less attacked the Zerg!

Pale blue.

"Brother Xie...Forget about the matter of the previous alliance, forget the City of Innocence has not been destroyed, but the city of God's Beginning is the victory. Now the entire Earth Demon and many forces are fighting against the Zerg, and Chu Feng has already reached the Earth Demon. With the appearance of Heaven Punishment City, it is basically impossible for the Zerg Race to destroy the power of God Chu City on the side of Earth Demon!

"Union, what else to unite? Heaven Punishment City appears, Shenchu ​​City's strength is not damaged, and there are many powerful people in Shenchu ​​City who have come to get Earth Demons. Even if we are united, it is estimated that it will not be possible to suppress Shenchu ​​City. Moreover, now that Shenchu ​​City has greatly defeated the Zerg, and Heaven Punishment City appears, many strong people will choose to join Shenchu ​​City!"

"Everyone, so be it, goodbye!"

"There are still some things in the sect. Fellow Daoists, I'm going to take a step ahead, fellow Daoists, talk slowly!"

In a short period of time, most of the powerhouses gathered are scattered. "Brothers, let's go too, God won't help me wait!" Xie Zhen said solemnly.

"Brother Xie Zhen, take care!"

"Brother Xie, if you need help, let me know."

In the hall, there was no one but Xie Zhen soon. "Since Shenchu ​​City was born, I Xie Zhen, how could there be a Chu Feng!" Xie Zhen roared in his heart.

"Thank you!"

At this time, a voice suddenly rang in Xie Zhen's ear. "Xie Zhen respectfully welcomes the saint." Hearing the majestic voice, Xie Zhen immediately knelt to the ground.

"Xie Zhen, how did you check the matter?" A ball of light appeared in front of Xie Zhen, and a majestic and cold voice came from the ball of light.

"My lord, I have tried my best to get people to check it, but I still don't have any eyebrows. I was thinking about controlling the demons and serving you more conveniently, but I didn't expect Chu Feng to come here and ruin my good deeds." Xie Zhen A little frightened and authentic.

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