Holy Prison

Chapter 1547: Heavy casualties

"Trash! I just want to fight for power and gain. Compared with strength, what does that little power count?" A cold voice came from the ball of light, "Shenchucheng should know more about the news, compared with Shenchucheng. Get in touch, even if you ask God Chucheng, you will clarify the news for me!"

Xie Zhen nodded again and again: "God, I know I was wrong, and I will try my best to figure out the news." "You'd better ask for it quickly. You can be in the lower realm within one or two hundred years, if you haven't had the lower realm. Please clarify the news to this seat, then you will stop by yourself!" At this point, the light ball disappeared instantly.

The ball of light disappeared, Xie Zhen knelt and did not move. After more than a minute passed, Xie Zhen stood up from the ground with a slightly ugly face.

"Hmph, I was more polite to me before, but now I don't see the possibility of dominating the earth demons at all, my attitude is suddenly worse, and the saint is not as snobish."

"Compared with strength, power is really nothing, but now that the three realms are separated, the role of power is still relatively large. If I can control the demons, the top saint lower realm will be polite to me! And, Even if I become a holy, the forces can still leave offspring, and in the Holy Realm, even if the strength is low, they will be more valued!"

"In this situation, it is estimated that even if it is good fortune and sanctification, it is a low status to reach the Holy Realm!"

Having said this in his heart, Xie Zhen took a deep breath and cursed fiercely: "Damn Chu Feng, it's a good thing for me! If in the future in the Holy Realm, my strength is above you, I will definitely not be polite to you!"

With a word of cursing, Xie Zhen had a wry smile on his face. The saint's order must be fulfilled. Although Chu Feng was angry in his heart, he still had to go to Shenchu ​​City.

Xie Zhen's voice came out of the hall. "My lord!" A figure quickly entered the hall and knelt down in front of Xie Zhen respectfully.

"Give me an order, and do your best to shoot the Zerg!" Xie Zhen said solemnly. "My lord, do you really want to fight the Zerg with all your strength?" The person who entered was astonished, and tried to fight the Zerg with all his strength. It was different. He knew that Xie Zhen was close to God Chucheng. Not too cold.

"OK!" Xie Zhen nodded slightly. The alliance's affairs must not be hidden from Shenchu ​​City. If you don't do something to satisfy Shenchu ​​City, then go to Chu Feng to get the news at that time, I am afraid that Chu Feng will be caught by Chu Feng. He spit on him and was blasted out.

The order was passed down, and the Emperor Palace under Xie Zhen’s control immediately attacked the Zerg with all his strength. As the second force on the surface of the Earth Demon, the Emperor Palace shot with all his strength and immediately affected a lot of forces. The leader of the forces who cooperated with Huangji Temple knew the news of Huangji Temple's full shot, and one by one passed down the command to shoot with all his strength!

Before Chu Feng issued an order to make a full shot, but many forces did not make a full shot. After the Huangji Temple and some powerful forces all shot with full force, at this time those forces couldn't help but shot with all their strength. With the full force of many forces, the attack on Zerg has become much stronger!


Many forces took full action, and fierce battles broke out in many places above the Earth Demon. The Zerg suffered heavy casualties in just a few days. The death of a large number of Zerg also made many places of the Earth Demon appear aliens, and those aliens appeared. Many forces have suffered a lot of damage, but overall, Zerg has suffered much more damage!

Previously, Chu Long reported that the number of Zerg races accounted for about one-fifth. The Zerg races are united and fierce, while other races on the Earth Demons do not have that unity. Therefore, although other races account for four-fifths, they are related to the Zerg race. The battle has not gained any advantage.

Today's situation is different. Chu Feng's order, countless forces above the Earth Demons have taken action, wisdom is dominant, and the number is greatly superior, it is strange that the Zerg can be united against the Zerg, and the Zerg can remain undefeated.

Half a month, only half a month, under the mad killing of countless forces on the Earth Demon, nearly half of the Zerg race above the Earth Demon died. I don’t know how many Zerg powers died, but that number is definitely extremely high. Appalling. The Earth Demon is so vast and there are so many lives on it. In the past half month, the dead Zerg accounted for one tenth of the lives on the Earth Demon!

A terrifying number of Zerg deaths, many of them are aliens, those with a low cultivation base also have the strength of the fifth or sixth quasi-sage level, and those with a high cultivation base have reached the quasi-sage level of the tenth rank.

After half a month, the battle between the Earth Demon and the Zerg gradually ceased. The Zergs are not stupid, knowing that if they continue to kill like this, they will all be destroyed. At this time, all the Zerg powerhouses are hidden. , They used to arrogantly occupy a piece of land, but now they have given up all the land, some hiding in the deep underground, and some entering some terrible environment.

Lan Wen gave a soft drink, Taiwu Pagoda appeared, and in an instant a poor alien emperor was swallowed by Taiwu Pagoda surrounded by Chu Feng. After half a month, this was Lan Wen’s tenth harvest. Alien emperor, if you join the four Alien emperors that were collected at the beginning, there will be 14 Alien emperors in Lan Wen Taiwu Tower!

"Well" Lan Wen shook her body slightly. "Wen'er, what's the matter?" Chu Feng quickly supported Lan Wen.

Lan Wen rubbed her temples: "The consumption of mental power is a little bit big. You must let the Taiwu Pagoda merge with the Alien Emperor before you can grab the next one!" "Since Taiwu Pagoda can't be collected temporarily, then don't force it. There are fourteen alien emperors. Although they are not spending so much on your mental power in the fusion now, together with the three of Xiaobai, there is no reason for the mental power to consume too much." Chu Feng said with a light smile. .

"Brother Feng, I'm fine, it's just that when I just took it in, I put a lot of pressure on my mental strength. If I don't overcharge in a short time, there should be no problem." Lan Wen said.

"Yeah." Chu Feng nodded slightly, "You first enter my treasure space, Wen'er, you enter the Taiwu Tower, and then do your best to let the Taiwu Tower merge and strengthen the alien emperors!"

"Feng, be careful," Feng Bing Ning said, and Chu Feng nodded and instantly put them in the holy prison space.

"Bing Ning, there is nothing for you to do next. You enter the domain tower and try your best to improve the fit with the domain tower. Except for Bing Ning, all of you are pregnant. Give me a little bit of peace!" Chu Feng's voice resounded in the holy prison space. "Hmph, you know you don't want us to go out if you let us in!" Miao Feiying hummed lightly.

Feng Bingning touched Miao Feiying’s belly and smiled authentically: "Feiying, don’t complain. She is pregnant, and it’s really not suitable for being outside. Moreover, we will improve our fit with the Yuta so that we will be the best at that time. Help her husband to a great extent. Your fit with Yuta is second to last among us."

Song Ye chuckled and said: "I am now the last one, Fei Ying, or, I will give you the throne of the last one?" "Forget about...this throne, I should still sit on Song Ye." Fei Ying smiled authentically.

There was also a little bit of competition between the women. Soon they all entered the domain tower. Chu Feng smiled and rushed to a place with many Zerg races. His Sky Eye had targeted many Zerg powerhouses. , Those Zerg powerhouses are hidden, but as long as they don't exceed the range, how can they escape the eyes of the sky.

"Chu Feng, leave the next thing to me." In just a few minutes, Chu Feng rushed to the area where the Zerg experts gathered. When he got here, Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. within. "Hey, Miao Xian'er, today, is the sun coming out from the west?" Chu Feng smiled in his mind.

Miao Xian'er said, "Hmph, do you want my help? If you don't want it, I don't care. You can grab it slowly by yourself!" "Yes, of course!" Chu Feng said and entered the holy prison space instantly Among them, "Miao Xian'er, don't worry, take your time, first grab the lower cultivation base of them into the sky prison, and then let the Tianwei dispatch to catch them with the higher cultivation base!"

"Don't worry, you slacker, I usually catch it. I have much more experience than you. Hurry up and practice. Now there are many Zerg powerhouses who can catch it. It is estimated that the Holy Prison will be enough for more than 100 years. After upgrading, see if you can reach the quasi-sage level strength before the holy prison is upgraded!" Miao Xian'er hummed.

"For more than a hundred years... this is a lot of pressure. I haven't used the treasures to upgrade my cultivation level in the past few hundred years. The Holy Prison is about to be upgraded. Use the treasures to stimulate it and see if I can achieve the Holy Prison upgrade anyway. At that time, my body can be adjusted!" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "By the way, Miao Xian'er, please pay attention to the situation on the other side of Tianpui City!"

"calm down!"

Among the women, Lan Wen and Yuta now have the highest fit. Chu Feng naturally entered the Yuta where Lan Wen was, sitting cross-legged on a seaside reef in the Lan Wenyu Tower. Chu Fengyi A carrot-like stuff appeared in his hand. This thing looks very like a carrot, but it is not an ordinary carrot, but a treasure that can help the deity, Dzogchen, and the strong to hit the quasi-sage level!

The effect of this treasure is very good, but it has a big disadvantage, that is, the side effects are very huge. After using it, you can’t use other treasures that enhance your strength for a long, long time. Although you know that this thing is very effective Good, but if you get it, many people don't dare to use it easily!

However, for Chu Feng, this side effect is negligible. Anyway, after more than a hundred years, the holy prison can be upgraded. During the holy prison upgrade process, his body will naturally be adjusted to the best condition!

"Don't let me down." Chu Feng muttered and gnawed at the "carrot".

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