Holy Prison

Chapter 1548: Quasi saint

After eating a whole "carrot", Chu Feng's face turned red, and the violent power was constantly impacting in his body. If it weren't for his physical body to be stronger, perhaps the violent power would directly tear his body. In pieces!

Chu Feng let out a deep cry, his mental power rolled out of the sea of ​​consciousness to suppress the violent power in his body. With Chu Feng's cultivation base, his spiritual power was extremely condensed, but it touched that violent power. Immediately be transformed into nothingness by that violent power!

"Hey, I really can't hold you down!"

Chu Feng sneered in his heart. Compared with the strength of his physical body, his mental power was even more terrifying. Although the mental power could only come out so much per unit time, his victory was that his mental power was extremely sufficient, and the previous ones were destroyed. , There is a steady stream of new mental power coming out to suppress it!

Even if it is not suppressed, Chu Feng's physical strength can actually resist it, but that is painful, and in such pain, the hope of breakthrough is much smaller.

A steady stream of spiritual power suppressed the violent power, and Chu Feng let go of his mind and realized it. The role of the carrot is to increase people’s perception of heaven and earth in a certain period of time, and realized that the power of respecting the gods is perfect. The strong will generally be able to break through the strong who reach the Quasi-Saint level.

Pain will make the effect of perception worse. For Chu Feng, there is no such problem. Spiritual power suppresses the violent power in the body. Chu Feng did not feel too painful. He let go of his mind and Chu Feng quickly fell into it. With the perception of the surrounding world, his state of mind slowly rose to the point where heaven and man are one.

One year, two years, and three years passed continuously, and a little bit of sentiment kept appearing in Chu Feng's heart. All the things around him, all the past, appeared in Chu Feng's heart one by one, and there were many things that Chu Feng could not see before. It is clear, but now with a strong perception, many indistinct things are now clear.

Ten years, twenty years, and a hundred years passed in a blink of an eye. Chu Feng remained motionless like a stone sculpture. His hair has grown a lot. On top of his head, there is even a small island building at this moment. If it had been a nest before, Chu Feng would never have any seabirds daring to build a nest on his head.

Now that such a situation occurs, it means that Chu Feng can be said to have completely integrated into the surrounding nature, so that the seabirds nesting on his head have not discovered for a long time that the stone man below him is actually a Terrible humans!


At the tip of the waves, a pair of white seabirds flew towards the place where Chu Feng was. One of the two seabirds was the one that nested on Chu Feng’s head, and the other was the seabird who worked hard. Looking at the objects they are chasing now, it seems that the pursuit has been successful. Now they are coming here. They should be moved. The nest above Chu Feng's head is enough for one to live in, and if two live in it is very crowded.

The silhouettes of the two seabirds flying by the waves were extremely beautiful, and Chu Feng sensed their graceful flying posture, and a little new understanding was born in his mind.

After more than a hundred years of accumulation, Chu Feng had already reached the edge of a breakthrough. At this time, the little bit of enlightenment came into being as if a key opened the door to the Quasi-Holy Grade.

"Quasi Saint!"

With a secret voice in Chu Feng's heart, his eyes slowly opened. At this moment, the pair of seabirds just flew in front of him.

"Tweet!" Both seabirds screamed in surprise, and then both were so scared that they were about to run away, but at this time they found that they couldn't move.

"Tweet!" said one of the seabirds. It couldn't figure out why the stone man below his house suddenly opened his eyes.

Chu Feng waved his right hand on top of his head, and he immediately moved the bird's nest on top of his head to his side. "Little guy, build a nest on my head, so courageous!" Chu Feng waved one of the two seabirds with his left hand. It fell into the palm of his hand, "In this respect, he is bolder, but he is less courageous when it comes to chasing girls. After decades of chasing, I can only catch it. I am worried for you."

"Fortunately, today seems to be a lucky day for you and me. You have caught up with your partner. There is also a little breakthrough in my cultivation level."

Chu Feng patted the seabird's head. This little guy is more hygienic. The dozens of nests on his head didn't make his head too dirty or messy.

The seabird screamed happily. It didn't have much strength and was not very intelligent. It really didn't understand what Chu Feng said, but it could tell that Chu Feng didn't seem to be going to hurt it.

"Building a nest on my head for decades, and finally let me open the door of the quasi-sage, you and I are also destined."

Chu Feng smiled and said that the two rays of light entered the bodies of the two seabirds. Those two rays of light could make their bodies stronger and stronger. There is definitely no problem in living for a few hundred years. As for whether they can walk or not. The path to practice depends on their chances.

"Let's live a good life." Chu Feng said, disappearing instantly and entering the holy prison space. "Heh!" Chu Feng had just arrived in the space of the Holy Prison, Miao Xian'er appeared beside Chu Feng and laughed.

"Laugh, laugh, you can't laugh at you." Chu Feng rolled his eyes and looked at his hair from Miao Xian'er. Chu Feng thought with his toes and knew what she was laughing at.

Miao Xian'er smiled and said: "Comrade Chu Feng, you are not so angry. In fact, you have a good haircut before. There is no need to get it back. Feng Bingning and the others like it all."

Chu Feng's old face was dark: "Miao Xian'er, did you let Bing Ning and the others know about that?" "I didn't say this, but your Wen'er told Feng Bing Ning and the others to know, if you want to blame it. , Blame your Wen'er, don't blame me without conscience, help you arrest people for more than a hundred years, I am very tired." Miao Xian'er laughed.

"Wen'er, little Nizi, the little **** seems to be itchy!" Chu Feng hummed softly and sat down on the sofa. "Miao Xian'er, it has been more than a hundred years, how is the situation of arresting people? Holy Prison should almost be upgraded, right"

"We have to catch a hundred quasi-sage-level criminals. I thought they would finish the work before you reached the quasi-sage-level. I didn’t expect that you were lucky enough to reach the quasi-sage-level cultivation base a little earlier.” Miao Xianer said, "By the way, there is a little thing on the side of Heaven Punishment City, you know, Huangji Hall, the main side of the palace of Huangji Hall Tian Punishment City has ran a few times! He wants to know some news, Chu Long replied to him, everything When you come back, I’ve known this for a long time, but I didn’t wake you up."

Chu Feng chuckles and said, "What kind of bird things can he do... even if it does, how can it be compared with the things I broke through? It's right that you didn't wake me up. It's only a hundred, a hundred quasi-sages. Level criminals, this is very easy! If there is a goal, how long will it take to catch these hundreds of Quasi-Saint Level?"

"There is a place where many quasi-sage-level Zerg powerhouses have gathered, and a hundred quasi-sage-level criminals have been caught, and it will take about three months." Miao Xianer said.

"In three months, I will just stabilize my cultivation base, Miao Xian'er, you have worked hard." Chu Feng said. "Hmph, you still have a conscience." Miao Xian'er snorted and disappeared.

Chu Feng re-entered the domain tower and stabilized his cultivation. In a blink of an eye, nearly three months passed, and the mysterious voice of "Chu Feng" Miao Xian'er sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

A few seconds later, Chu Feng's eyes slowly opened. For nearly three months, he had already stabilized his cultivation at the Quasi-Sage level, feeling the powerful force in his body that was completely under control. , Chu Feng showed a satisfied smile on his face and disappeared within the domain tower into the holy prison space.

"It's done?" Chu Feng asked Miao Xian'er with a smile. Miao Xian'er nodded and said: "Well, the criminals have been caught enough, and the conditions for the upgrade of the holy prison are all fulfilled, Chu Feng, will you immediately upgrade the holy prison?"

"Wait a minute, how long will it take to upgrade the holy prison, and how much impact will it have?" Chu Feng said, now that the holy prison is at the twelfth level, the impact of the upgrade from the eleventh to the twelfth level is not great, but The impact of upgrading from level 12 to level 13 is not necessarily.

Miao Xian'er chuckled and said: "The impact will not be great. If you go back to Heaven Punishment City, you will not be noticed if you upgrade in the secret room of Heaven Punishment City! I caught enough criminals two days ago, and now my entourage The holy prison is coming to Heaven Punishment City. You still accept your entourage, go outside and return to Heaven Punishment City."

"The impact will not be great, great!" Chu Feng said, secretly relieved, if the impact is great, then there will be no small trouble! "Miao Xian'er, I'm going out first!"

After accepting the entourage from outside, Chu Feng quickly appeared outside, "Thirteenth-level holy prison, Jiejie." Chu Feng smiled in his heart and flew quickly towards Tianpu City. For the thirteenth-level holy prison, Chu Feng Na is more looking forward to it!

Heavenly prisons below the thirteenth level of the holy prison can only imprison the strong below the saint. When the thirteenth-level holy prison comes, the fourteenth-level sky prison can imprison the saint.

It can be said that the twelfth and thirteenth levels of the holy prison are a threshold. Chu Feng believes that this time the upgrade of the holy prison should have a lot of changes, and there may be very good new features!

The ability to reach the Quasi-Sage Rank made Chu Feng quite excited, but compared to the thirteenth level of the Holy Prison, the excitement of reaching the Quasi-Sage Rank was much less!

Flying fast all the way, Chu Feng only took two or three minutes to return to Heavenly Punishment City. "Brother, you have come back." Chu Feng's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind just after he returned to Heaven Punishment City.

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