Holy Prison

Chapter 1549: The upgrade begins, the saint’s lower realm

"Little Dragon, what?" Chu Feng said, Chu Long has already arrived in front of Chu Feng at this moment, "Brother, if you don't come back, I have to be annoyed to death by the guy from the Emperor Palace Xie Zhen." Chu Long said helplessly.

Chu Feng frowned slightly and said, "Huangji Palace Xie Zhen?" This Chu Feng heard Miao Xian'er talk about it before, but there is no bird at all. Now looking at Chu Long like this, it seems that Xie Zhen is really there. What matters to him!

"Well, this guy, I sent him to leave. At first, it was only a long time to come here. Now he is very often here!" Chu Long said, "He was here three days ago, and it is estimated that he will be here again today. Come here, this month, he will come here every other time." "What's the matter with him?" Chu Feng said.

Chu Long frowned and said, "What did he say about the eschatological universe? If I knew it, I might have told him, but I really don't know this information."

"Apocalyptic universe." Chu Feng raised his brows, but he didn't expect Xie Zhen to come here to ask for information in this regard. "Brother, here again, I said this guy is likely to arrive today." Chu Long said.

Xie Zhen felt anxious at this time, seeing that the saint above was about to go to the lower realm, but the news that the saint above asked him to search for he had not yet settled.

I thought it would be no problem to get some news from Chu Feng at a certain price, but I didn't expect that Chu Feng would never show up for more than a hundred years!

"Xie Zhen! Come here!" Chu Long's faint voice resounded in Xie Zhen's mind. Xie Zhen was taken aback for a moment. He thought that he had ran away again in vain. He didn't expect Chu Long to call him over. In the circumstances, it is likely that Chu Feng has already returned. Otherwise, Chu Long said directly to let him go back.


There was joy on Xie Zhen's face, and in a very short time, he was in a hall of Heaven's Punishment City. "Chu Feng Dao friend, Chu Long Dao friend." As expected, there was Chu Feng in the hall, and Xie Zhen secretly relieved and bowed quickly.

"Xie Zhen, what are you looking for?" Chu Feng said indifferently. "Chu Feng Dao Friend Chu Feng Dao Friend has reached the Quasi-Holy Level cultivation base!" Xie Zhen wanted to say something, but felt that Chu Feng's cultivation base suddenly showed shock on his face and things were not immediately said.

"I have something to say." Chu Feng frowned. Xie Zhen cursed secretly in his heart, this Chu Feng, as expected, has reached the quasi-sage level cultivation base, he is really abnormal enough, he still respected the gods and achieved his cultivation base more than 100 years ago!

"Yes, Daoist Chu Feng." I was very depressed about the improvement of Chu Feng's strength, but Xie Zhen didn't dare to show the slightest expression on his face. "Daoist Chu Feng, I don’t know about the news of the end-time universe. How much do you know?"

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "I don't know at all, thanks to fellow daoist, please go back." "Uh" Xie Zhen was taken aback, he didn't expect Chu Feng to refuse him as above!

"Friend Chu Feng, if you can tell me something, Xie Zhen will be grateful!" Xie Zhen said. Chu Feng chuckled and said, "Thank you Daoist friend, if that's the case, then you first show your gratitude."

Xie Zhen cursed in his heart, shameless, shameless, to speak so directly, and he was really not polite at all. "Daoist Chu Feng, a little meaning is not worthy of respect." Xie Zhen said that a space ring appeared in his hand and flew towards Chu Feng.

Chu Feng probed into the space ring and scanned the space ring. He threw it back to Xie Zhen: "Thank you fellow daoist, please come back. I really don't know the news of the end-time universe."

"Dao Fellow Chu Feng!" Xie Zhen's face sank. There are many treasures in the space ring, but looking at Chu Feng's appearance, the little things won't touch Chu Feng.

"Father Xie Zhen, you should find out what the end-time universe is before you come here." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Little Dragon, see off the guests, please don't run away to the city of punishment in the future. It’s controlled by the smart mastermind. You know, the smart mastermind, although the possibility of an accident is relatively low, there is also the possibility of an accident. If the smart mastermind has an accident and then kills Daoist Xiezhen, it will be no good!"

"Friend Xie Zhen, please." Chu Long stood up and chuckled. "Dao Fellow Chu Feng, wait." Xie Zhen smiled bitterly. He seemed to be bleeding heavily this time, and the small bleeding couldn't move Chu Feng at all.

"Dao Fellow Chu Feng, take a look." Xie Zhen said that another spatial ring appeared. Together with the previous one, both spatial rings reached Chu Feng.

Chu Feng's divine sense penetrated into the space ring behind and passed the space ring before. The contents of this space ring are much more. The void stone has 160 billion catties. Add the previous one. The void stone in a space ring, the void stone totals 200 billion catties! In addition to the Void Stone, there are other treasures, and this price is not small.

"It's okay, this is more interesting. Fellow Taoist Xie Zhen, let's talk, what do you want to know specifically?" Chu Feng said. Xie Zhen took a deep breath and said, "Dao Fellow Chu Feng, how do you get to the end-time universe? I know that a sister of Daoist Chu Feng you recognize has a treasure. That treasure seems to come out of the end-time universe. I want to take a look."

Chu Feng frowned secretly, and Xie Zhen came to ask that it must be a saint. "Unexpectedly, another saint noticed this... I'm afraid that some saints in the holy world have suspected that Qin Ying has obtained the treasure of the last days." Chu Feng said in his heart.

"Friend Xie Zhen, go back and tell the saint behind you, don’t play with Qinying’s treasure, otherwise, it’s not good for all of us if there is any conflict." Chu Feng said indifferently, "As for how to enter the apocalyptic universe, it’s very Sorry, I am not sure about this."

"Nothing?" Xie Zhen said for a moment. He paid a lot of money, but he didn't expect to get these two answers.

The second answer is too cheating. As for the first answer, Xie Zhen didn't dare to tell the saint behind him that Xie Zhen was quite afraid of the saint behind him!

Chu Feng shook his head and said, "No, thank you friends, please. By the way, thank you for your meaning. Be careful in the future. Don't just engage in any alliances. Otherwise, next time, it won't be solved with a little intention, understand? Bring a message to some forces that are preparing to unite with you, and let them take their will to visit Heavenly Punishment City! Xiaolong, see off the guests."

"Dao Fellow Chu Feng, you can't do this." Xie Zhen said with a gloomy expression.

"Friend Xie Zhen, please." Chu Long chuckled softly. Xie Zhen saw that Chu Feng didn't mean to speak any more and he snorted and disappeared for an instant. He was really afraid that he would just turn his face with Chu Feng if he stayed here any longer. For more than a hundred years, he handed over a large number of treasures, and at the same time he thought of waiting for such a result, he didn't vomit blood on the spot, it was already a good control.

Chu Long frowned slightly and said, "Brother, there is no problem in this way? Xie Zhen's strength is a tenth quasi-sage level, and Huangji Hall's strength is also good, if Xie Zhen does something."

"Don't worry." Chu Feng said with a chuckle, "It's okay if he doesn't do anything. If he does something, there is no need for the Emperor Palace to exist. I haven't been idle for more than a hundred years, and I have little strength. The ground has improved a bit."

Chu Long's eyes lit up: "Brother, you have reached the quasi-sage level cultivation base, haven't you?" "Well, okay, I have to stabilize my cultivation base, don't disturb me in the next few days, thank Zhen, and forgive him. Nothing can happen in a short time. If he really does something, don't be polite with Huangji Temple." Chu Feng said.

"Understood. Brother, you are threatening the saint behind Huangji Hall, this" Chu Long said. Just now Chu Feng gave Xie Zhen the previous answer, which was a clear threat.

"With the strength of my God Chucheng, there is no need to be afraid of one or two saints." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "If there are saints who make trouble for us, there should be saints in the holy realm who will preside over justice for us?"

Chu Long's eyes lit up: "The saint has the need of the lower realm?"

"Well, besides, the combination of two saints does not necessarily give birth to a child with the strength of a saint. In the realm of gods, there should be many people who are directly relatives of saints in the holy world. There will be many saints by then. There is a need for the lower realm, our God Chucheng controls the realm, even if it is a top saint, it still has to give us some face." Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng whispered in his heart, this is the case of the parasitized saints in the holy realm without tearing the disguise. If the saints tear the disguise, some threats will not have such a big effect. The saint, I'm afraid that the first one will have an operation on him, he will not be any kind to him at all!

"Ha, the saints must give us face, so cool!" Chu Long laughed, "If we can reach the Holy Realm and reach a higher level of strength, that would be even better."

"Yes, working hard." Chu Feng patted Chu Long's shoulder and disappeared in front of Chu Long.

Heaven Punishment City has secret rooms. The top one of the secret rooms is very well configured. The space inside is relatively large. There are thick materials to isolate and block attacks. There is one such secret room in Heaven Punishment City. There is also one Light City and Fairy Spirit City. The main purpose of the three secret rooms at the beginning of the establishment of Chu Feng was to use them when upgrading the Holy Prison!

"Miao Xian'er, upgrade. How long will it take?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "The upgrade will take about three months, Chu Feng, are you sure to upgrade?" Miao Xian'er said.

"OK!" Chu Feng said in a deep voice. There shouldn't be any major events in three months. Even if some major events happen, they can be dealt with with the current strength of Shenchu ​​City.

"The upgrade begins!"

Miao Xian'er's voice sounded, and immediately countless light spots around Chu Feng appeared. Chu Feng did not waste time and immediately entered the training of spatial ability. At this moment, it is the most suitable for training of spatial ability. There are more insights into the different space, and the power of the different dimension space seal will be more powerful at that time!

Canglan, Huangji Hall.

The cold voice sounded, Xie Zhen's face changed slightly and he knelt down on the ground. "Welcome to the Holy Spirit." Xie Zhen said respectfully. "What's going on?" The voice came up again, Xie Zhen raised his head and his face changed again. In front of him, instead of the ball of light, there was an old man in red clothes.

The red-clothed old man looked fifty or sixty years old, but his eyes were very deep, as if there were endless years in his eyes. "My lord, you, are you in the realm?" Xie Zhen said in shock.

"This seat has already said that it is coming to the lower bounds, let you step up to do things, what happened?" The red-clothed old man sat on the throne where Xie Zhenchang was sitting.

"My lord, I have seen Chu Feng, but Chu Feng is too much. He knows that there is a saint who wants news, but he didn't give me useful news at all." Xie Zhen said, "he said, he said"

The red-clothed old man raised his brows: "What are you talking about?" "My lord, Chu Feng said, let me report back to your lord, don't play with the idea of ​​Qinying's treasure, otherwise it will be bad for everyone to cause unpleasant things." Xie Zhen Bite the bullet and said.

Xie Zhen thought that the old man in red would be furious when he heard this, but he didn't expect to hear this old man in red but he was relatively calm.

"If you get to which end-time universe?" said the old man in red.

"My lord, Chu Feng didn't say. I gave a lot of treasures, but he answered that I don't know." Xie Zhen said bitterly.

"Useless things!" The red-clothed old man snorted coldly, "Let you do something. You have given me such an answer for so long! You said, what use is this seat asking you?"

Xie Zhen's face changed drastically: "The adult is forgiving, the villain knows what is wrong, and I hope that the adult will show favor." "You can spare your life. If you don't do anything in the future, be careful of your life." The old man in red said lightly, "Give Ben The seat is prepared for a quiet room and ninety-nine women with a clean body and a god-level strength. If this mission fails, you don't need to live."

"The body is clean... Your lord, you mean the virgin?" Xie Zhen said.

"Yeah." The red-clothed old man nodded slightly, "I'll give you a quarter of an hour, is there any problem." "This...no problem!" Xie Zhendao, a god-level virgin, is estimated to be extremely rare. However, the strength of the Emperor Palace is not weak, and there are many strong gods in the power, so it shouldn't be difficult to gather ninety-nine people.

"My lord, my clone will take you to the quiet room." Xie Zhendao. As he said, he immediately made a clone. The clone led the old man in red and disappeared quickly.

Passing down the order requiring ninety-nine god-level strength virgins, Xie Zhen sat on his throne and thought about it.

"Need ninety-nine virgins, this saint senior, I'm afraid it's not a good person." Xie Zhen secretly said in his heart that if he is a more decent saint, he should not make such a request.

"In terms of strength, the strength of this senior saint seems to be not much higher than me now!" Xie Zhen thought about it in his heart, but he didn't dare to try the strength of the old man in red.

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