Holy Prison

Chapter 1670: Horror night

In the apocalyptic universe, the days are short and the nights are long. It didn't take long for the night to come.

During the day Solomon only stayed outside for two hours, but the dangers were extremely high. If Solomon had the strength of a median saint, the danger would be much smaller, but the number of dangers that appeared was also ten or twenty times!

Two hours, ten or twenty times of extreme danger, Chu Feng estimated that Solomon might not last long outside!

When the night fell, Chu Feng plunged Solomon into the holy prison space. The chance of encountering danger immediately after the night fell, the chance of encountering danger was significantly increased. If Solomon was still outside at this time, Chu Feng estimated that he would not see the sun tomorrow!

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng and the others could hear outside sounds. When the night came, some terrible roars and weird sounds appeared. Those things did not like the sun, and they only appeared at night.

"Husband, what is that?" Feiye suddenly pointed to a place in the image displayed in the light ball.

Chu Feng and the others all looked at the place pointed by Song Ye. "Xian'er" Chu Feng said. The image showed that there was someone there, but the expression on that person's face was extremely stiff, his face was blue, and his body had some green hair.

"Chu Feng, that's a corpse man! There are a lot of people who died in this universe, some of them may have absorbed some power to make them survive in a special way and become such a corpse man! I didn't expect there to be such a thing, no It's really not a good thing to think that there are still such things." Miao Xian'er frowned.

"Some corpse people may have weaker powers than before they were alive, but some may have stronger powers than before they were alive. They are very sensitive to anger, and they will come when they feel angry!"

"Look!" Miao Feiying pointed to another place and said, "This guy, I'm afraid the corpse is not a living thing!"

Miao Feiying refers to a strange bird with a human face in the image. The strange bird has long and sharp claws. The teeth in its mouth are very sharp, and the face is stained with blood. It's not a good kind.

"Obviously, there are not only corpses, but some other creatures are also infected!" Miao Xianer said.

Lan Wen said strangely: "Duan San has been to this end-time universe before, and I haven't heard him say that there is anything in this respect, Brother Feng, did Duan San not tell us but just tell you?"

"No... he really didn't encounter such a thing, things like corpses, corpses, and beasts should not be found in every place. Some places can't be formed without special power for them to absorb." Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er nodded and said: "It should be like this. There is something like this. At night, it is best not to appear outside. Normal corpses are okay. If there is a corpse of a high-level saint, it becomes a corpse. if"

"Xian'er, the high-level saints should have left our universe." Lan Wen said.

Chu Feng frowned and said, "Wen'er, only those who are going to live, and some of the dead, may not have gone."

It's better below immortality. Although the corpse can be preserved for a long time, it will return to the dust with the power of time, but the body of the immortal strong is immortal, and their bodies can be preserved for endless years.

Chu Feng was sure that this apocalyptic universe must have an immortal powerhouse who became a corpse man and a beast!

The low-strength zombie beasts are extremely sensitive to anger, and the strong zombie bones are definitely more sensitive to the zombie qi. If they appear outside at night, the probability of death is definitely several times higher than that during the day!

It is estimated that Solomon's breath had caused some corpse beasts to sense before, and many corpse beasts had arrived near the place where the holy prison was. When they reached this side, they were looking for and sensing everywhere, but where can they still sense Solomon's breath!

"These guys are really ugly!" Miao Feiying said, and Chu Feng chuckled. No matter how beautiful he was in his lifetime, he would never be as beautiful as such a corpse after his death.

Those corpses have dark nails and two fangs exposed in their mouths. They look like vampires, but they are not vampires. They **** not blood, but vitality!

"Look at these few, just like Alien, are there not only human beings, but also Alien like this?" Song Ye said. "Hehe, I guess there are other things." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Nuo is a big abyss. There are many different life forms, which are normal!"

Another small space, Chu Feng, asked Clark. "The abyss is dominated by three appearances, the first is a humanoid appearance, the second is an alien, and the third is a flying monster!" Clark said.

"Fei Demon? What does Fei Demon look like." Chu Feng said.

With a wave of Clark's hand, an image of the flying demon was formed: "The flying demon has huge wings, fangs, and claws! There are three main appearances, human-like appearance, and generally higher intelligence."

"Alien shapes are more ferocious, while flying monsters are **** and cruel! Most flying monsters eat, and they will never kill the food at once. They like to make food desperate, and the desperation is strong. They like the food in the flesh and blood the most!"

Chu Feng's heart moved, and the strange bird with a human face pointed by Miao Feiying just now was probably a flying demon.

Flying monsters, aliens, humanoid creatures, Chu Feng and the others all saw them all at once!

"so many!"

Feng Bingning frowned, as time passed slowly, more and more corpses had gathered outside.

In the beginning, it was just a dozen or so corpse humans and beasts. A few hours later, the number of corpse humans and beasts gathered reached tens of thousands. Among them, the aura of the corpse humans and beasts reached the level of saints!

A sound came from far away, and the roar soon became louder and billowed.

Around the holy prison, all the corpse beasts lay on the ground, even the corpse beasts with the power of saints!

Chu Feng and the others were shocked. What was roaring was a bone dragon. The aura from that bone dragon was extremely terrifying, but what was even more terrifying was a flying demon standing on the back of that bone dragon!

Compared with the flying demons around the holy prison, the flying demons on the back of the bone dragon looked better. There were no corpses on his face or blood stained.

But even all the flying demons around the holy prison combined were not as terrible as the flying demons.

"Immortal, immortal-level powerhouse! Xian'er, quickly, close the sky eye!" Chu Feng yelled authentically.

As soon as Miao Xian'er's thoughts moved, the heavenly eyes of the holy prison were closed instantly, and above the bone dragon, a little doubtful color appeared on the face of the flying demon. Its low IQ made it feel that there was a special scanning energy just now. It was about to carefully search for a source of scanning energy, but the scanning energy disappeared suddenly.

"Defense, fully defend!" Chu Feng said solemnly, "Xian'er, will the immortal powerhouse enter the sacred prison space?"

Miao Xian'er said: "The Holy Prison is now at level fourteen, and there is no trace of space. It is difficult for even an indestructible powerhouse to enter the space of the Holy Prison directly. The flying demon outside cannot enter the space of the Holy Prison directly Chu Feng, the flying demon outside should have no immortal power, it is probably just the power of a high-level saint!"

"Can the power of a high-ranking saint feel the scanning of the sky?" Chu Feng said. Miao Xian'er nodded slightly: "It is possible, but it will take a lot of time to find out where the scan came from! If it is the flying monster outside, it may not be able to find out. The sense of anger is strengthened, and other directions. It’s likely that the sensitivity is reduced!"

Both Chu Feng's expressions changed. At the same time, they felt a strong pressure. That pressure made their hearts very uncomfortable, but it passed in an instant!

"Be careful, there may be an attack!" Chu Feng said in a deep voice. The second attack appeared immediately. This second attack was more powerful than the first, and then the third attack appeared. Weak a lot.

After the three attacks ended, the corpse man and corpse beast that fell to the ground outside, the bone dragon and the flying demons on the bone dragon quickly left.

"Did you leave?" Miao Feiying said without feeling the attack after a few minutes.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Maybe I've left, but don't be careless, Xian'er, don't open the sky eyes, just feel outside!"

Miao Xian'er said, this kind of induction is much more concealed than the Sky Eye, and the chance of being discovered by external creatures is small. Of course, if the external powerful creature is too close to the holy prison, it is best not to sense.

The Holy Prison quickly sensed, and Miao Xian'er breathed a sigh of relief: "I didn't sense the strong aura, but sensed some weaker auras, some distance from the Holy Prison!"

"Open the sky! Don't be too far away." Chu Feng said. Miao Xian'er nodded: "Understood."

The eyes of the sky reopened, and Chu Feng and the others saw the scene outside. Near the holy prison, thousands of corpses, humans, and beasts fell to the ground, all of them fell, and the corpses were so shattered.

A little bit in the distance, some newly gathered ferocious creatures gobbled up the corpses of those corpses!

"Damn things." Yilian said, their brows frowned slightly, and the image displayed by the light ball was like a **** outside, with broken bodies and evil beasts fighting for food!

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, that flying demon seems to be gone. It is estimated that it has sensed anger from a distance. From now on, the night will never appear outside. With the strength of that flying demon, even if it is far away. It is estimated that it can be sensed! Seen from the fact that Solomon did not have an accident during the day, it would not come out during the day. It is estimated that it fell asleep somewhere!"

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