Holy Prison

Chapter 1671: Living person

After twenty hours of long dark night, the world outside the holy prison finally slowly lit up. Before the light re-spreads the earth, all the corpses and beasts finally disappeared. Some monsters that only live at night At this time, they were all hidden underground or in some dark places.

"Twenty hours, it seems that this world of Yin and Underworld now only has eight short hours in the daytime!" Chu Feng said.

The world of Yin and Underworld is fixed at 28 hours a day. After removing the 20 hours at night, there are naturally only 8 hours left.

As for why Chu Feng knew that this is the world of the underworld, of course Clark and some other saints confessed. At midnight, gray clouds will appear in the sky of the underworld. Those clouds gather like eyes. According to Clark, the realm master who controls the Yin and Ming world has a strong desire to control and cannot tolerate anyone to say bad things about him, so the refined Yin Ming Eye appears in the entire Yin and Ming world to monitor everyone.

Of course, I can't be sure about this Clark. These are just rumors. Now that the dark eyes in the Yin and Underworld are still there and the Lord of the Underworld is dead long ago, nine out of ten rumors are false.

"Feng, we are not in the flame demon world, how can we get into the flame demon world?" Feng Bing said condensedly.

"In all likelihood, a place has a portal to other worlds! Maybe there is a portal directly to the world of Flame Demon." Chu Feng said.

"Where?" Miao Feiying said.

Yilian's heart moved: "Husband, are you talking about the place where Boas, Lord of the Underworld World, stays?"

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Yes, there is a high possibility that the portals in other places will be destroyed, but Boas is the realm master. Even if he is dead, the possibility of his home being destroyed is relatively low! "

As for the address of Boas, Chu Feng had already asked clearly. His address was Mount Dovalorum, the highest mountain in the world of Yin and Underworld. However, more people in the abyss called it Yinming Mountain.

"Chu Feng, Boas is an indestructible powerhouse, he should have the strength of a king class, his residence must be very dangerous! Or we will die before entering!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng frowned and said: "Xian'er, there are only two possibilities for us to get to the Balrog World. One is to reach the city of Nagas. Danagas City has a portal to the World of Balrog, but Danagas City is Yin. The largest city in the underworld, even if no one flees to the other side, there are still a large number of people!"

"The end of the world is coming, and many people must have fled to Danagas. If there are corpse beasts on the other side, there will be no less! Especially, if there are living people on the other side, they must have sucked a large number of corpse beasts. The corpse is there!"

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, if there are living people on the other side, there is a higher possibility that there are living people on the side of Yinming Mountain. I still recommend to arrive at Nagas City first. Some roads! We don’t know if there is a portal to the Flame Demon on the side of Yinming Mountain. If we don’t go to the other side first, it’s a trip for nothing!”

"What about your opinion, Bing Ning? Everyone voted democratically, and the minority obeyed the majority! Although it is not the opposite way, the journey to Nagas City first is much longer." Chu Feng chuckled.

Feng Bingning considered it for a while and said, "Feng, let's go to Nagas City to see the situation first. Yinming Mountain is the site of an indestructible powerhouse. The danger there is unpredictable!"

"I also recommend arriving at Nagas City first!" Elaine said.

Miao Feiying said: "I think it would be better to go directly to Yinming Mountain. There is a great possibility that corpses and beasts will gather on the side of Danagas City! And the probability that the portal on the other side will be destroyed is really high. !"

"Danagarth City!" Yin Qianqian said.

Several women expressed their opinions one by one, and finally, five to four, one more person agreed to go to Danagas City first!

"Well, let's get to Nagas City first!" Chu Feng said, "Xian'er, let Solomon go outside and move towards Danagas City!"

Danagas City is not in the area where Chu Feng and the others are. To get to Danagas City, you must go to another transit, and you have to transit several times to get there.

Chu Feng secretly smiled bitterly, and now there are a few pieces in the apocalyptic universe, he really doesn't know if he can reach Danagas City, let alone the Flame Demon World!

Last night, the location was roughly determined by the things on some corpses and beasts outside. At this time, Solomon appeared outside and immediately set off toward a city with a portal.

Solomon advances in layers of crisis, but fortunately, the scanning of the Sky Eye is very powerful. It can spot most of the dangers early. If you risk the road, Solomon will naturally not move fast. He will be half an hour later. Arrived to the target city.

Chu Feng cursed secretly in his heart, and spent half an hour rushing to this side, but the portal on this side actually broke!

The portal was broken, and the entire city was destroyed a long time ago. Many things have disappeared from dust. Only a few buildings have been kept under the invasion of the years until now that Chu Feng and the others can see that this place was once a big place. city!

"Chu Feng, if the portal on the other side is not destroyed, maybe you can recover on this side!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and immediately caused a Tianwei who understood the power of space to appear outside.

A few minutes later, Tianwei shook his head slightly, unable to establish a connection. Even if the portal on this side was established, it would be useless, and it would be impossible to successfully transmit to another one!

"Feng, don’t worry, there are other portals on this piece. Although time has passed for a long time, I don’t believe that all portals are completely broken. After all, for things like portals, the construction is very With care, the quality is enough to guarantee its use for a long time!" Feng Bing said.

Chu Feng nodded. This one is useless. It can only be used to find other portals. However, the number of portals to one block is limited. If the portals they want to go to are all broken, Then even if the portal is not broken, it will be very troublesome, so they may need to go a lot to reach the city of Danagas!

After receiving the Sky Guard, Solomon continued to move forward. When the day time was about to pass, Solomon reached the last hope location. If the portal at this location is also broken, then he can only look for another portal, or, Fly directly towards what is needed, the time consumed is not a little bit!

Miao Xian'er exclaimed, "Chu Feng, look, there are people here, alive!"

"Living person"

Chu Feng screamed. Solomon went around a lot during the day, but half of the living people hadn't seen them. He saw some of the live beasts. He thought that all the people on it were dead. Well, I didn't expect to see a living person now.

"It's indeed a living person, sin is worth goodness!" Miao Xianer said.

Soon Solomon got closer, and the number of living people who appeared within the scanning range of the Sky Eye increased, and the city in front finally appeared within the scanning range of Chu Feng's Sky Eye!

"There are a lot of living people! Around the city, there are also many corpses and beasts hidden!" Miao Xianer said.

"It's getting dark, let Solomon enter that city soon." Chu Feng said. If Solomon enters the city, he may be hostile, but as long as he doesn't die, he will be dead if he can learn a lot about Chu Feng. Also worth it!

Solomon moved forward quickly, and the surroundings of the city were a little safer. It took only a minute or two to get to the vicinity of the city in front. This city is also relatively dilapidated, but it is already the best-preserved city found by Chu Feng on the Abyss Universe !

"Who came from?"

The voice was uploaded from the tower, and of course it was the language of the people of the abyss. Chu Feng had already learned this language, and Solomon had naturally learned it too! "Solomon, please open the door, it will be dark soon!" Solomon raised his voice.

Being able to speak, although Solomon's breath made those people a little strange, the city gate was still opened.

"Come in soon!" a warrior wearing a bone armor said loudly. Solomon nodded slightly and immediately entered the city gate. The city gate was closed immediately, and there was a sound of howling corpses outside.

"Stranger, where are you from and where are you going?" A strong man more than two meters high quickly appeared in front of Solomon, and a tyrannical aura radiated from him. This strong man also possessed the strength of a saint. Under the scan of the sky, Chu Feng knew that there were three saints in the entire city, two lower saints, one middle saint, and that middle saint had the strength of the ninth level. Give him some time, and it is estimated that he can reach the upper rank. strength!

The strong man who came to Solomon was the strength of the lower saint, and his strength was stronger than Solomon.

The strong man said and waved his hand, and some of the warriors immediately put away the weapons facing Solomon!

"Solomon, I have lived till now, where did I come from? Not to mention, I want to go to Moni! I don't know if the portal on this side can be used?" Solomon said directly.

"Go to Mozambique? Then you came to the wrong place, our portal has been destroyed!" The strong man said, "Solomon, you are good at strength, are you willing to stay in this city?"

"Howl!" "Boom!"

There was a terrible sound outside the city, and many corpses and beasts gathered outside the city to attack!

"Those things don't fly...There are so many corpses and beasts, and there are flying demons with high-level or even immortal strength on this one. This city is actually still preserved." Chu Feng whispered in the holy prison space. Truly, there were many doubts in his mind at this time.

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