Holy Prison

Chapter 1672: communicate with

"The **** thing, can't you rest for a day or two?" The strong man outside the holy prison cursed at the outside of the city, "Brother Solomon, come with me. It's not easy to see an outsider these days!

Solomon said: "Don't worry about those things outside? They won't attack, will they?"

"Haha, Brother Solomon, are you afraid that you haven't been to a city like Rocky City for a long time?" The strong man laughed, "Don't worry, those guys are not so easy to get in!"

"That's good!" Solomon nodded slightly and followed the strong man forward.

Soon, Solomon and the others got into a palace. Most of the buildings in the entire city were relatively dilapidated, but this palace did not look dilapidated.

"Boss, second brother, come out to see the guests!" the strong man yelled authentically, pulling his throat.

"What is the name of the ghost!"

A cold voice rang, and a flying demon and an alien appeared in the palace. It was the flying demon who had just spoken with the strength of a ninth-level mid-level saint, and that alien was only the strength of a lower saint!

"Lao San, why did you take people into the city casually?" The alien opened his mouth. Its voice was thunderous, and its eyes were filled with cold light, and its mouth full of fangs seemed to be picked at any time!

The brawny man said solemnly: "Second brother, I brought people in. Why did I bring people in casually? He has the strength of a troll. What's wrong with bringing him in? It can improve our strength!"

"Well, don't make a noise!" Fei Mo said lightly, "Stranger, sit down!"

Solomon nodded slightly and then sat down, "Several people, I practice in a different-dimensional space. I didn't expect that the different-dimensional space would be broken for a while. Before the different-dimensional space was broken, I came out. I didn't expect the world to become like this. what's going on?"

"This...Solomon, you are too sad, but it's not bad to live until now!" The strong man said, "Solomon, my name is Anda Khan, my boss is Tulou, my second brother, Daguban! "

"Hello, please tell me, what happened?" Solomon said.

Tulou faintly said: "Solomon, will you build a portal?" "This, will be some!" Solomon said, he doesn't actually know it, but Chu Summit, some of those heaven guards will!

Hearing what Solomon said, the eyes of the three of Anda Khan lit up slightly. "Yes, great, if you can fix the portal, then maybe we can leave haha!" Anda Khan laughed.

"Third brother, tell him what he wants to know, then, Solomon, do your best to help us fix the portal. You also need the portal to get out of here! The portal is damaged very badly, I hope you can do it!" It disappeared in an instant, and the alien also disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Solomon, don't mind, the boss has such a personality, everyone is in such a position, the boss will not treat you like that!" Anda Khan laughed.

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng said quietly: "This Anda Khan, the person is pretty good!"

"In a universe, even if there are many evil people, there are some good people who are normal. Besides, Chu Feng, you still don't know him very well. God knows if he usually feeds on human flesh!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng curled his lips: "Xian'er, you really have a heavy taste."

Outside, Solomon and Anda Khan turned to the top of the tower. From the top of the tower, you can see that there are tens of thousands of corpses and beasts, including those with the strength of saints!

"Anda Khan, please solve the confusion in my heart!" Solomon said. "Okay... this, Brother Solomon, do you have any wine?" Anda Khan asked. Solomon nodded slightly: "Yes!"

"Haha, great, I haven't smelled the scent of wine for a long time, this horrible place!" Anda Khan said in ecstasy. He said that as soon as he moved a stone table and two chairs appeared outside.

Solomon smiled slightly and instantly two large jars of wine appeared outside. "Good wine, good wine!" Anda Khan said in excitement while pouring himself wine, he took a deep breath, "This wine has not been smelled for a long time!"

"Anda Khan, with your cultivation base, go out to get some things and practice some wine. There is no problem, right?" Solomon chuckled.

Anda Khan shook his head and said, "It's not that easy! This universe is going to extinction, and many things have changed. Some things that used to make wine are no longer good. I'm not too good at it. I practiced it myself. Would you like to taste the wine I refined?"

"Look at it." Solomon said.

Anda Khan thought, a bowl of turbid yellow water appeared on the tabletop, and the yellow water also exuded a little bit of wine.

"Ah, I still don't want to taste it." Solomon said, just this dirty water, can it be called wine.

"Oh!" Anda Khan sighed and collected the bowl. "Aren't you asking why the world has become like this? Because this universe is constantly heading for destruction!"

"Your alien space is probably broken because the universe has become like this. It is a very good alien space that can persist until now!" Anda Khan said, "Many saints have left, they are looking for new ones. The universe, you and me, belong to the abandoned!"

"Brother Solomon, you can ask whatever you want, as long as I know I will answer you, but this" Anda Khan pointed to the wine.

"Wine, right? I still have a lot, and I will give you a lot of Brother Andahan at that time!" Solomon said.

Anda Khan nodded with satisfaction: "Brother Solomon, come, have a bowl, I am happier today for so many years!"

Solomon picked up the bowl and drank a big bowl with Anda Khan alone. "It's cool, good wine!" Anda Khan laughed and said, "Boss, they don't drink, they really don't know how to enjoy it! Brother Solomon, ask!"

"Anda Khan, then I asked, I have a lot of questions, don't mind." Solomon smiled, "Is this the only city with people? I came and passed through many places, only in People were discovered on this side! Why didn't those corpses and beasts invade this city? If they fly, they should be able to come in, why don't they fly?"

"I faintly sensed an extremely powerful aura before. The master of that aura is much more powerful than me. It is probably not a living person. If it comes, it should easily destroy this city."

Anda Khan smiled and said: "Brother Solomon, I will answer your questions first. If you ask too many questions at a time, I can't remember, haha! This one should only be our Rocky City and these few living people. Uh, no, no, since Brother Solomon is still alive, there may be others alive!"

"Why didn't they attack, because they don't have that kind of strength! Don't think that this city is not big. Its previous owner was an immortal troll-level powerhouse, a powerful flying demon!"

"The powerful aura you feel should be the aura of that senior. He has no immortal strength now, but he also has the strength of a top troll! He also has a skull dragon with the strength of a high-level troll!"

"This city was built by that predecessor. Although he died and now becomes a corpse, he will not destroy the city he built. The city built by the immortal strong man, you should know that it is not so easy to be destroyed. The living corpse can't fly, because there is a powerful forbidden air ability here, and now that powerful forbidden air ability is only for the living corpse so you can't feel Brother Solomon." Anda Khan said.

Solomon nodded slightly: "That's it! Anda Khan, this universe is about to collapse, is there any way to leave this universe?"

"Yes, but it's very difficult. Those people who used to have left from the Balrog World. If they get to the side of the Balrog World, they may be able to get to another universe! But, I heard that the Danagas City side is now There are countless living corpses gathered, and there are many high-level living corpses on the other side! Only the portal of Danagas city can get to the Balrog World!" Anda Khan said.

In the holy prison space, Chu Feng frowned slightly, and as expected, a large number of living corpses gathered on the side of Danagas City!

"Anda Khan, there may be a portal in another place," Solomon said.

"Brother Solomon, are you talking about Yinming Mountain? The Lord of Yinming and Ming is dead, and Yinming Mountain is sealed by thousands of locks, and you can't enter at all. Everyone knows that there is a portal in Yinming Mountain. There may be treasures in it. What's the use of not being able to enter? In addition, there are also advanced living corpses on the side of Yinming Mountain, but the number is heard to be much smaller than that on the side of Danagas City!" An Da Khan said.

Solomon said: "Is the city of Danagas destroyed now? There are still living people there?"

"There are living people, but the whole city is surrounded, outsiders can't enter, and people inside can't get out!" Anta Khan said, "There are a lot of people gathered there, but I want to get to Nagas City, but it's a journey. Far away, the chance of death is too high!"

"The people on the other side of Danagas City didn't leave Danagas City to get to the Balrog World?"

An Da Khan shook his head and said, "No, the portal on the other side is broken. I heard that it was under repair before, but it has not been repaired for many years. It is estimated that it has not been repaired! Now the universe is in chaos, and the space power is not so easy to grasp. And some people with higher spatial talents have already left this apocalyptic universe!"

"The remaining people have high spatial talents and high cultivation bases. There are not many strong people with high spatial talents. After those people left in ancient times, some spatial geniuses have grown up, but a lot of knowledge has been lost. They have the possibility of repairing the portal. Not high! Even if it can be repaired, I don’t know how long it is!"

Solomon nodded slightly: "Anta Khan, if you get to that piece, I wonder if you can enter Danagas City?"

"I don’t know this. Some of the news we know was sent by some other friends. The distance is too far. It takes a long time for the transmission to reach us, and we need good things as the carrier of transmission. It's been a bad year that I haven't received a subpoena!" An Dahan said.

It's almost time to ask, Solomon and the others chatted, and Chu Feng thought about it in the holy prison space.

"Danagarth City, it seems that it is necessary to go there. If you can enter the city and repair the portal in that city, then there is no need to go to Yinming Mountain!" Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er said with a smile: "I just said, Danagas City is going to go over."

"Xian'er, let me appear outside." Chu Feng said. "No, what are you doing outside?" Miao Xian'er said quickly.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Don't worry, do you think the people in Rocky City can kill me in seconds? If it's dangerous, a lot of heaven guards can appear outside and kill them all in an instant!"

"I appeared outside, of course I went to look at the portal. What do you think I am doing? Although there are sky guards who master space abilities, their abilities in space are still weaker than mine! If they come, give them one. Years may not be able to repair a portal, we don't have much time delay!"

Feng Bingning smiled and said: "Xian'er, don't worry, in this Rocky City, there is no danger. If the peak will die here, then we shouldn't think about returning to our universe!"

"Bing Ning, you go to practice first. I am afraid that it is not easy to repair the portal. There may be a lot of time. You don't need to waste time here. Sky Eye can also save a little energy!" Chu Feng said.

"Well, be careful!"

Feng Bingning said, Chu Feng appeared beside Solomon outside in an instant. "Who are you?" Anda Khan exclaimed, and he retreated quite a bit with a chair!

The cold snort of the tulou rang, a sharp claw appeared in front of Chu Feng and quickly grabbed it towards Chu Feng's front door!

Chu Feng's thoughts moved and the power of the law of space appeared, trapping the tower. The strength of the tower was not weak and broke through the small world of the law formed by the power of the law of space on the first floor.

However, after the breakthrough, the attacking power of Tulou was not much, and Chu Feng made Tulou back a lot with a light palm.

"Tulou, An Da Khan, don't be excited, I am not your enemy." Chu Feng said indifferently, "Solomon, he is one of my servants. I am glad to meet you!"

"Master!" Solomon said respectfully at this time, Chu Feng nodded slightly and waved Solomon before disappearing.


Tulou and An Dahan were shocked, a saint servant, then Chu Feng's identity was not simple, and Tulou had just tried it, and his strength was not simple. Tulou did not have the confidence to win Chu Feng!

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