Holy Prison

Chapter 1723: Floor

There was a little smile on Chu Feng's face. This abduction was very successful. If he was still alive at that time, he believed that the holy prison must have reached a very high level.

Now Chu Feng is not sure whether Master Qingmu will become his entourage by then, but if the holy prison is upgraded to a very high level, his master should be able to let people in the domain tower who are not his followers go outside!

At that time, if Master Aoki goes outside and finds that things like Innate Treasures are also scary and scary, it is estimated that he will be quite depressed.

Master Qingmu is depressed in the future, but Chu Feng doesn't care. If Master Qingmu didn't attack him, then he would be more polite and would not abduct him like this!

But Master Aoki shot him, so there was no discussion about abducting him.

"Qingmu, since you will do things for me in the next tens of billions of years, then your name is Chu Xiaoyou, this is not good, you call me the boss!" Chu Feng said quietly.

Master Aoki hesitated and nodded slightly: "Okay, the boss is the boss. Boss, what can you tell me?"

"The first thing, I want some one-time sacrificial artifacts that can be used with a lower cultivation base." Chu Feng said. "Boss, you have two years of precious treasures, do you want such a holy artifact?" Qing Mu Shang said.

Chu Feng said helplessly: "You think, how much power can my current cultivation level be able to produce the most precious treasures? They are often not as good as the one-time treasures! With your strength, you can get some It shouldn’t be difficult for something like that, is there a problem?"

"No." Master Aoki shook his head slightly. Indeed, it is no problem to get a batch of such things with his strength. Such things are of no use to him. They are now in his treasure space. There are many such things, and he has personally obtained a lot of them in countless billions of years, and others have respected them a lot!

Master Aoki said that a spatial ring appeared in his hand: "There are some disposable treasures in it. You can see if it is okay. Some of them are relatively large even for immortal experts. Threat, but for the immortal strong, there is no threat!"

"Is there a big threat to the immortal strong?"

Chu Feng's eyes lit up and took the space ring. Divine Sense instantly penetrated into it. There are dozens of various treasures in the space ring, for attack, defense, escape, and all kinds!

"Qingmu, only these?" Chu Feng said, "I need such things, the more the better!"

If only he had Feng Bingning and the others, it wouldn’t be much use, but he still has ninety-one sky guards (one of which was transformed into a living corpse), which can be used by the sky guards, and he is the first city of God Lord, there will surely be many people in the Holy Realm in Shenchu ​​City.

If the heavenly guards fuse together a powerful one-time treasure, then he is completely fearless even in the face of immortal powerhouses!

A Sky Guard can't kill with a one-time treasure, so there are only two, three, ten and twenty! In battle, Chu Feng always believes in victory. As for the method, as long as it is not too evil, he does not care so much. Chu Feng likes things like group fights.

"More?" Aoki frowned slightly.

Chu Feng said: "Qingmu, the outside world is more dangerous. If you die, you don't know when you will get to the outside world! You don't need such a thing anyway, you have all you have, give me all Well, try to collect some more at that time!"

"You're really welcome." Qing Mu lightly snorted and threw another spatial ring, and Chu Feng's divine consciousness penetrated into it. There were more treasures in this spatial ring, but it was only about two hundred, and The dozens of pieces before add up to about 260 pieces of various treasures!

"Nothing?" Chu Feng said.

Aoki shook his head slightly: "This kind of thing is of no use to me, so I have given away many people over the years, and these are not bad things left!"

Chu Feng counted them. There are a total of 263 items, of which 27 are treasures that can deal with immortal powerhouses. Among them, the attacking treasures are the most, the escape treasures are the second, and the defense treasures are the least. One is an elixir of detoxification, and the other is a bottle of poison!

Apart from the twenty-seven things, the rest is much worse, dozens of them can deal with high-ranking saints, and some can only deal with high-ranking saints.

"Qingmu, try to collect it again when that time comes!" Chu Feng said, "You wait here first, I will come to you later!"

Chu Feng instantly disappeared in front of Qingmu and appeared in the holy prison space.


Chu Feng laughed loudly. This time he entered the domain tower and gained a lot. He successfully abducted a strong man like Master Qingmu and easily obtained so many treasures!

"Xian'er, if Bing Ning and the others become holy, will they not be able to integrate these too tyrannical?" Chu Feng said, he said that the twenty-seven best things appeared in front of him.

Miao Xian'er smiled and nodded: "I just became holy, it shouldn't work. The one-time use of treasures also has certain requirements for the owner!"

"Sister Bing Ning and the others will be fine when they are inferior. After the integration is successful, they can also deal with the upper saints, which is very good!"

"You guy, you really get a lot of treasures. Any of these things is enough to make some stronger families as heirlooms!"

"Your husband, me, good moral character, haha!" Chu Feng laughed and had a little bit of worry in his heart, all of this is really just good character?

He has suffered a lot of setbacks for a long time, but in general, good luck still accounts for the majority. Chu Feng feels that many things are the result of his own struggle, but in the dark, does he also have providence? ? This providence, of course, is not the will of God, but the will of some powerful people at higher levels!

"Chu Feng, what do you think?" Miao Xianer said. Chu Feng shook his head and shook his head slightly: "Nothing..." "Obviously there is something, say." Miao Xian'er gave Chu Feng a blank glance.

"I'm thinking, isn't my luck better?" Chu Feng said softly. Miao Xian'er frowned and said: "Are you suspicious, someone is in control of your destiny?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "It's not in control, I just doubt whether someone is influencing my destiny... We can't see or touch the destiny thing, but for higher-level powerhouses, or they can Affect a person's fate!" "Your luck is good, is this not good?" Miao Xianer said.


"If someone really dominates the strong and affects my destiny, do you think that people dominate the strong, and it hurts to be idle?" Chu Feng sighed softly, "Fortune and misfortune depend on each other. There will be trouble waiting for me, but I am not qualified to know what kind of trouble it is now!"

Miao Xian'er said: "Maybe you think too much... there is no powerhouse at all to affect your destiny!"

"Perhaps, if this is the case, I have to wonder if God is a woman, and then I have a leg with me in my previous life, haha!" Chu Feng laughed honestly.

"Bah!" Miao Xian'er rolled her eyes, "What do you do with these things?"

Chu Feng thought about it, and after a while, Chu Feng said: "I will fuse one of the best ones. When the time comes, Qianqian will fuse one. It is estimated that the sky guards will not be able to fuse for the time being. The second-class ones, the Sky Guards are suitable for fusion, let them all fuse, if they can kill high-level saints, it is also very good!"

"The third-class ones, when Bing Ning and the others merge, if there are other suitable people, they will be given according to the situation at that time!"

Miao Xian'er nodded slightly: "Okay!"

Chu Feng's eyes swept over the twenty-seven treasures. He didn't need something better to defend against the treasure. What he needed was something offensive.

"That's it."

Chu Feng waved his hand, and instantly a willow leaf knife appeared in his hand. The knife looked like a child's toy, but if such a thing is fused, it will be able to kill the general immortal class. The strong, absolutely belong to a super weapon!

"Xian'er, inform Qianqian and ask her to come out and choose one." Chu Feng said, Yin Qianqian is not in the **** realm at this moment, but in the domain tower.

"Already notified." Miao Xian'er said, her voice fell, and Yin Qianqian appeared in front of them in an instant. "Chu Feng, Xian'er." Yin Qianqian smiled when they saw Chu Feng.

"Qianqian, choose one of these things. So Feiying took it when she was sleepy before. You can choose a good one of these things." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Kuo Tiansuo, that thing has already been allocated, Chu Feng previously identified two candidates, Yin Qianqian and Miao Feiying. As a result, Kuo Tiansuo and Miao Feiying are closer, and if you have Kuo Tiansuo, At that time, Miao Feiying's chances of successfully crossing the catastrophe will be a little higher, so the sleepy Tiansuo will be returned to Miao Feiying!

"Where did you get such a treasure? Master Hong didn't give it to you?" Yin Qianqian said in surprise. Chu Feng shook his head: "No... wherever there are so many things like Master Hong, they fought endlessly back then, even if he and Master Pan had such things, they would have already consumed them!"

"It's true, then this thing should be obtained from the domain tower." Yin Qianqian guessed. "Not bad!" Chu Feng said briefly to Yin Qianqian.

After listening, Yin Qianqian smiled and said: "You liar, Aoki was fooled by you... You actually took out two treasures of the last days to tempt him, but you can figure it out! He thought the outside world is like this. There are also a lot of treasures. If they come out, they will die of depression."

"If he is depressed, let me be depressed. It caused me to lose a lot of merits. He deserves it." Chu Feng said that the willow leaf knife in his hand has been integrated into the body, slowly fusing, and after reaching a certain level, he can play it out. Strong strength, if you want to fully display your strength, it will take a lot more time!

"Qianqian, choose one, you have now recovered to the strength of a high-ranking saint, there should be no problem, I suggest you choose aggressive!" Chu Feng said.

Yin Qianqian's eyes swept over those aggressive treasures several times before beckoning a little jade clock to fly into her hand. This jade clock has no domineering name, but as long as it rings, even an immortal-level powerhouse might strike. kill!

Unlike the small willow-leaf flying knife that Chu Feng chose, this jade clock can also perform range attacks, but if you perform range attacks, the attacks are scattered, and you can't kill the immortal strong!

"That's it, this one is more cute." Yin Qianqian smiled, "Chu Feng, is there anything else? If nothing happens, I will enter the domain tower first!"

"If something happens, come, let me kiss my husband!" Chu Feng smiled. "Think beautiful." Yin Qianqian disappeared in front of Chu Feng and Miao Xian'er in an instant.


"I flash!"

Miao Xian'er also disappeared, Chu Feng sighed helplessly, entered the domain tower and appeared in front of Master Qingmu.

"Qingmu, you first get some things I need in this world, and then enter the upper world." Chu Feng said.

Master Qingmu nodded slightly, he had sold himself for 10 billion years, and he would naturally not object to Chu Feng's order!

As for the Boundary Breaking Stones, there must be a lot of Boundary Breaking Stones in a strong person like Master Qingmu. This is known from the fact that he has been to the 56th floor of this domain tower.

After saying a word, Chu Feng instantly disappeared into the world where Master Qingmu was in, and appeared in the world above. Now it is most important to find the pagoda gate in the world.

Twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two.

There is a Seventh-level Immortal-level powerhouse to help, and many things are too easy to do. In some places where he is inconvenient, it is easier to be accompanied by Master Qingmu!

Under the protection of the Seventh-level Immortal-level powerhouse, many forbidden lands are not dangerous, and some of the important sects or private estates that he cannot easily enter, he can easily enter!

In just seven or eight years, Chu Feng directly reached the thirty-fifth floor of the domain tower where Master Qingmu was present, so that one day, as long as the remaining seven domain towers reach the 30-story holy prison, this upgrade condition will be achieved!

"Aoki, you will move freely in the next few years, but I will let you collect more treasures, don't neglect it!" Chu Feng said quietly on the 35th floor of Domain Tower One.

The domain tower where Qingmu is located is the No. 1 domain tower. The master of this domain tower is Miao Xian'er. Miao Xian'er is now in the domain tower, but most of these years have not been together with Chu Feng but I practiced myself.

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